Han Yu Poem: Late Spring – 韩愈《晚春》









[1] 晚春:题一作“游城南晚春”。

[2] 草树:又作“草木”。

[3] 榆荚:榆钱,老呈白色,随风飘落。

[4] 唯解:只知道。

Late Spring

Han Yu

The trees and grass know that soon spring will go away;

Of red blooms and green leaves they make gorgeous display.

But willow catkins and elm pods are so unwise,

They wish to be flying snow darkening the skies.

Spring snow is compared to flying flowers in this quatrain.\\


Late Spring” is a poem written by Han Yu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. This poem is about the scenery of late spring as seen by the eyes during a field trip. The poet uses the rhetorical technique of personification to describe that the flowers and trees, knowing that spring will soon return, want to keep it, so they exert all their efforts to vie for fragrance, forming a scene of thousands of purple and red flowers, and even the lack of color and fragrance of the poplar flowers and elm pods are not willing to be lonely and come to join in the fun. At the same time, it also implies that the poet should seize the opportunity to take advantage of the time to create a better future. The language of the poem is vivid, both solemn and harmonious, and rich in philosophy.

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