Lu Yu: Winter Evening Read Aloud a Book, Need to Share I With Little Yu


Winter Evening Read Aloud a Book, Need to Share It With Little Yu



冬 夜 读 书 示 子 聿
古 人 学 问 无 遗 力
少 壮 工 夫 老 始 成。
纸 上 得 来 总 觉 浅
绝 知 此 事 要 躬 行。
Dong Ye Du Shu Shi Zi Yu

Gu ren xue wen wu yi li
Shao zhuang gong fu lao shi cheng.
Zhishang de lai zong jue qian
Jue zhi ci shi yao gong xing.


Winter Evening Read Aloud a Book, Need to Share It With Little Yu

Ancient people studied without any let-up of effort
From youthful strength to the free time and wisdom of old age.
Just reading books feels shallow without corresponding experiences
I uniquely know we each have to live out these things ourselves.



Little Yu: Name of Lu Yu’s seventh son.

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