Send As a Gift to the Daoist Scholar Can Liao
赠 道 士 参 寥
蜀 琴 旧 不 弄
玉 匣 细 尘 生。
丝 脆 弦 将 断
金 徽 色 尚 荣。
知 音 徒 自 惜
聋 俗 本 相 轻。
不 遇 钟 期 听
谁 知 娈 凤 声。
Zeng Dao Shi Can Liao
Shu qin jiu bu nong
Yu xia xi chen sheng.
Si cui xian jiang duan
Jin hui se shang rong.
Zhi yin tu zi xi
Long su ben xiang qing.
Bu yu zhong qi ting
Shei zhi luan feng sheng.
Send As a Gift to the Daoist Scholar Can Liao
For a long time have not played my Sichuan musical instrument
Its’ exquisitely beautiful small box grows dusty.
The silk strings fragile, ready to snap
Gold insignia still shiny and full of glory.
To understand the feelings of sublime music is valuable in and of itself
Those who are secular and ordinary are many, those of true colors few.
With no time or opportunity to await and listen
Everyone knows of husband and wife voices.