Meng Haoran: Send Off Imperial Minister Zhang to His New Official Post in the Capital


Send Off Imperial Minister Zhang to His New Official Post in the Capital

送 张 郎 中 迁 京
碧 溪 常 共 赏
朱 邸 忽 迁 荣。
预 有 相 思 意
闻 君 琴 上 声。
Song Zhang Lang Zhong Qian Jing

Bi xi chang gong shang
Zhu di hu qian rong.
Yu you xiang si yi
Wen jun qin shang sheng.


Send Off Imperial Minister Zhang to His New Official Post in the Capital

Together we admire a small, bluish-green stream
Bright red mansions display the prosperity of a new official position.
I have been thinking of you, and having wishes to visit each other
When I hear the higher tones of a qin.



Qin:  Stringed ancient Chinese instrument.

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