Su Dongpo: Willow Tree Poem: (Insightful Immortals Song)


Willow Tree Poem: (Insightful Immortals Song)

咏 柳: 洞 仙 歌
江 南 腊 尽,早 梅 花 开 后
分 付 新 春 与 垂 柳。
细 腰 肢, 自 有 人 格 风 流。
仍 更 是, 骨 体 清 英 雅 秀。
永 丰 坊 那 畔
尽 日 无 人
谁 见 金 丝 弄 晴 昼?
断 肠 是 飞 絮 时
绿 叶 成 阴, 无 箇 事
一 成 消 瘦。
又 莫 是,东 风 逐 君 来
便 吹 散 眉 间
一 点 春 皱。
Yong Liu: Dong Xian Ge

Jiang nan la jin, zao mei hua kai hou,
Fen fu xin chun yu chui liu.
Xi yao zhi, zi you ren ge feng liu.
Reng geng shi, gu ti qing ying ya xiu.

Yong feng fang na pan,
Jin ri wu ren,
Shei jian jin si nong qing zhou ?
Duan chang shi fei xu shi

Lu ye cheng yin, wu ge shi
Yi cheng xiao shou.
You mo shi, dong feng zhu jun lai,
Bian chui san mei jian,
Yi dian chun zhou.


Willow Tree Poem: (Insightful Immortals Song)

Twelfth lunar month in Jiangnan, early plum blossoms have opened
Now the time for the early spring weeping willow trees to flower.
Their limbs like thin female waists, naturally have their human characteristics flowing in the wind.
Yet even more, their bony limbs entirely blossomed out are usually elegant.

Long-lasting edges of monumental memorial archways
Most days are without people
Who can see the golden silk playing with the sunlight?
Season for the heartbreak of flying willow cotton seeds.

Green leaves make a lot of shade, without these
One could make them become thinner and thinner.
Yet these blossoms with the eastern winds arrive one by one.
Easily blown and fall apart like separate eyebrows
One head tilted with springtime wrinkles.



[The description at the end of the title identifies the name of the music which these lines are to be sung to.]

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