Su Dongpo: Xumen Rocky Deep Pool: Five Poems: No. 4


Xumen’s Rocky Deep Pool: Five Poems: No. 4



徐 门 石 潭: 五 首
簌 簌 衣 巾 落 枣 花
村 南 村 北 响 缲 车
牛 衣 古 柳 卖 黄 瓜。
酒 困 路 长 惟 欲 睡
日 高 人 渴 漫 思 茶
敲 门 试 问 野 人 家。


Xu Men Shi Tan: Wu Shou

Su su yi jin luo zao hua
Cun nan cun bei xiang sao che
Niu yi gu liu mai hunag gua.
Jiu kun lu chang wei you shui
Ri gao ren ke man si cha
Qiao men shi wen ye ren jia.


Xumen’s Rocky Deep Pool: Five Poems: No. 4

Shake out clothes and towels from fallen jujube flowers
From all over the village, the sounds of silk wheels turning
Old man, with his simple clothes, under the willow tree selling his melons and cucumbers.
Tired from drinking wine, all I want to do is take a nap
Sun high in the sky, this scholar thirsty for some tea
Knock on the door of a peasant’s house to ask if they can serve me some.

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