Tao Yuanming: Reading “Mountains and Seas Stories”: Thirteen Poems: No. 3


Reading “Mountains and Seas Stories” : Thirteen Poems: No. 3



读 “山 海 经”: 十 三 首
迢 递 槐 江 岭
是 谓 玄 圃 丘。
西 南 望 昆 墟
光 气 难 与 俦。
亭 亭 玕 照
洛 洛 清 瑶 流。
恨 不 及 周 穆
托 乘 一 来 游。
Du “Shan Hai Jing“: Shi San Shou


Tiao di huai jiang ling
Shi wei xuan pu qiu.
Xi nan wang kun xu
Guang qi nan you chou.

Ting ting gan zhao
Luo luo qing yao liu.
Hen bu ji zhou mu
Tuo cheng yi lai you.


Reading “Mountains and Seas Stories” : Thirteen Poems:    No. 3

Far away the Huai River and layers of mountain ranges
Holding onto a profound and mysterious garden area.
Gaze into the distance, southwest is Kun mountain and city embankments
The light and air without an equal.

Very tall and straight gan trees shine
River undulates and flows crystal clear.
Too bad I don’t have the opportunity to go there
To follow the author’s travels and adventure.



Huai River: Major west to east river located in between the two largest rivers in China, the Yellow River and the Changjiang.

Gan trees: Literally means “pearly-white”.

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