Tao Yuanming: Reflections of Early History: Nine Chapters: No. 5


Reflections On Early History: Nine Chapters
Chapter No. 5

读 史 述 九 章
恂 恂 舞 雩, 莫 曰 匪 贤。
俱 映 日 月, 共 餐 至 言。
恸 由 才 难, 感 为 情 牵。
回 也 早 夭, 赐 独 长 年。
Du Shi Shu Jiu Zhang


Xun xun wu yu, mo yue fei xian.
Ju ying ri yue, gong can zhi yan .
Tong you cai nan, gan wei qing qian.
Hui ye zao yao, ci du chang nian.


Reflections on Early History: Nine Chapters: Chapter No. 5

These seventy-two students followed prayer incantations to the letter, everyone of them with special virtue and abilities.
Like reflections of the sun and moon, together they have digested Kongzi’s words.

Deep sorrow because many of the younger students died before their time,
Konzi felt the same pull of emotions as them.
His best students also died young, only one of them lived a long life.



Kongzi: Chinese name for the famous Confucius.

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