The Deer And The Cauldron 17


The Deer And The Cauldron 17
第十七回 法门猛叩无方便 疑网重开有譬如

Chapter 13-In which Trinket acquires a Devoted Companioni deals with a Succession of Lamas and Bonzesi and makes his Wav with Several Adventures to the Wutai Mountains and Back

Doublet-Widow Zhuang-Secrets Exchanged-lamas
Trinket the Benefactor-Lamas on the Hill-The Hermitage-Slice, No Slice-Beyond the Dusty World-A Strong Bond-Dangerous Thoughts breed Danger-Fat Dhuta and the Eighteen Lohans of Shaolin- Turtle Stele



Suddenly a glow of light appeared some way off across the room. It seemed to be coming slowly closer. ‘Ghost fire!’ thought the panic-stricken Trinket. ‘Spooks!’ But as the light came closer still, he was able to distinguish it more clearly as a lantern. And carrying the lantern was a woman— another ghost, no doubt—dressed in white from head to foot. Trinket instantly closed his eyes. Light footsteps pattered towards him, and came to a halt right in front of him.

He was trembling with fear. Any moment he would choke. ‘Why are you closing your eyes?’ It was a girl’s voice. The sound was gentle, almost touching. ‘Don’t try scaring me!’ gasped Trinket. ‘I don’t dare look at you.’ The ghost gave a little laugh. ‘I suppose you think I’ve got blood oozing out of my eyes and ears, and my tongue is sticking out of my head. Go on, why not take one little look at me?’ ‘I’m not falling for that,’ stammered Trinket. ‘You’re just a horrible spook with tangled hair and blood all over your face, I know you are!’ The ghost laughed again, louder this time, and blew gently on Trinket’s face.

Her breath was gentle and warm, and carried with it a delicate fragrance. Trinket opened his left eye a crack. He thought he could make out a pale face, curving eyebrows, a small delicate mouth, dimpled cheeks. Then he opened both eyes properly. He found himself looking into the face of a remarkably pretty girl, fourteen or fifteen years old, her tresses neatly plaited at both temples. She was gazing at him with a beaming smile. Greatly reassured by what he saw, Trinket asked her: ‘Are you sure you’re not a ghost?’ The girl smiled. ‘I am a ghost. The ghost of someone who died by hanging.’

Trinket started. She laughed. ‘You were brave enough when it came to killing that great big brute Oboi. How come you’re so scared of a hanged ghost?’ Trinket drew in a sharp breath. ‘Living people don’t scare me. Only ghosts.’ The girl gave another little laugh. ‘Which of your Vital Points have been closed?’ ‘How should I know?’ She put the lantern down on the table and started rubbing his shoulders, and pummelling his back. Gradually the movement returned to his hands and he waved his arms a couple of times above his head. ‘Brilliant!’

‘I’ve only just learned how to do it,’ she said. That was my first try.’ More rubbing and pummelling under his armpits and round his waist, and Trinket was soon wanting to walk. ‘Stop!’ he cried. That’s enough! I’m very ticklish!’ No sooner was he mobile again than he was on the offensive. ‘Now I’ll give you some of your own medicine!’ He took a step towards her, reaching out his hands to tickle her. She instantly stuck out her tongue and pulled a ghoulish face. But try as she might to scare him, there was still something very endearing about her. It was not in the least frightening. Trinket tried to pinch her tongue, but she ducked out of the way, with a peal of laughter. ‘Aren’t you afraid of hanged ghosts any more?’ ‘I can see your shadow,’ replied Trinket. ‘And you’re warm. You’re alive! You’re not a ghost at all!’ She fixed him with both eyes. ‘You’re quite right,’ she declared solemnly. ‘I’m not a ghost. I’m a corpse.!’

Trinket started for a second. But by the light of the lantern he could see the colour in her face. ‘No you’re not! Corpses are stiff, and they don’t talk!’ ‘Then I’m a fox-spirit!’ ‘I’m not scared of them]’ returned Trinket, secretly wondering if she really could be one. If so, perhaps she would seduce him and suck the life out of him. He walked round behind her and looked her up and down. ‘I’m a thousand-year-old fox!’ she said. ‘My magical powers are highly advanced. That’s why I no longer have a tail.’ ‘I wouldn’t mind being bewitched by a pretty little fox like you!’ The girl blushed. She stretched out a hand and scratched him playfully on the face. ‘You should be ashamed of yourself! Just now you were scared to death, and now here you are taking advantage of a poor defenceless girl.’

The fact of the matter was, on Trinket’s list of things to be feared, corpses came first, ghosts second, and fox-spirits didn’t feature at all. Besides, this girl seemed such a darling! She was even more adorable than Fang Yi and the Little Countess. And she had one very important thing in her favour: she spoke with a decidedly southern accent. It was so much softer on the ear than the outlandish Yunnanese spoken by the other two girls. Tell me, miss, what’s your name?’ He was starting to sound almost polite. ‘My name’s Doublet,’ was her reply. She went on: ‘Laurel Goong-goong, you’re soaked to the skin! Why don’t you go next door and change into something dry? But I’m afraid you’ll find that all the clothes here are women’s.’ Trinket’s heart missed a beat. ‘Yes,’ he thought to himself, ‘I know. That’s because all the ghosts here are women!’ ‘Follow me,’ said the girl called Doublet, picking up her lantern from the table. Trinket hesitated. She walked to the doorway, and turned back expectantly. ‘I know,’ she said with a smile. ‘You’re probably afraid that wearing women’s clothes will bring you bad luck. Why not get straight into bed and give me your wet things? I’ll iron them dry for you.’

It was impossible to say no to this girl. She was so sweet, so kind and thoughtful. Trinket followed her meekly out of the room. ‘Where have all my companions gone?’ he asked. ‘My Lady says I’m not to say anything about that.’ Doublet had fallen in by his side. ‘You’re to eat something first, and then My Lady will come and explain things to you herself.’

Trinket was extremely hungry, and the mere mention of food cheered him up no end. Doublet led the way down a pitch-black corridor, until they came to a room, where a candle burned on a table. The only other piece of furniture was a bed, simply made up with a padded quilt. Doublet drew back the quilt and let down the bed-curtains. ‘Laurel Goong-goong,’ she said, ‘why don’t you get into bed now, and pass out your wet things to me?’ Trinket climbed obediently into bed, stripped himself naked behind the curtains, and burrowed under the quilt, throwing the clothes out to Doublet. ‘I’ll fetch you some nice hot dumplings,’ she called from the doorway. ‘Do you fancy something sweet or savoury?’ ‘I’m so hungry I’d eat a dumpling stuffed with sand!’ was Trinket’s muffled reply from beneath the bedclothes.

Doublet laughed and went on her way. When she returned a few minutes later, Trinket caught a whiff of something delicious! She parted the bed-curtains and Trinket saw that she was carrying a tray. And on the tray were four large steamed dumplings of the sort called zongzi, made with sticky rice wrapped in bamboo leaves. She had already unwrapped them. Trinket was famished. He would have devoured whatever had been put in front of him, even dumplings stuffed with slugs and snails and caterpillars. … He picked up the chopsticks and tucked in. The first dumpling he attacked tasted indescribably delicious. ‘Doublet,’ he managed to say between mouthfuls, ‘this tastes wonderful! Just like a real Huzhou zongzil’

Huzhou, in the southern province of Zhejiang, in addition to the silk and writing-brushes for which it was justly renowned, was famous for its sticky rice dumplings, spiced with all sorts of delicious flavours. There was even a Huzhou dumpling shop in Yangzhou, and the customers at Vernal Delights had been in the habit of constantly sending little Trinket off to fetch some. Then, the bamboo-leaf wrappers had made it hard for him to nibble any of the actual filling, but he’d always managed to squeeze a little bit out through one of the corners. This was the first time he had tasted one since journeying north. ‘How clever of you to know what they are!’ exclaimed Doublet, with a smile of admiration.

Trinket smacked his lips. ‘Yum!’ he purred. ‘How on earth did you get hold of real Huzhou zongzi in a godforsaken place like this?’ ‘We didn’t get hold of them. We . . . conjured them up by fox magic!’ She giggled. ‘Excellent magic! Excellent kungfu!’ exclaimed Trinket. Suddenly remembering his recent brush with the old man and the Mystic Dragons, he added for good measure: ‘Long Life and Great Blessings to the Fox Leader!’

Doublet laughed. ‘You eat up! I’m going to iron your clothes now.’ She began to walk to the door, then halted: ‘Are you still afraid?’ Trinket’s fears had mostly evaporated by now, but none the less he begged her to return as quickly as possible. A few minutes later she was back with an iron filled with glowing embers. She proceeded to spread Trinket’s wet things on the table and iron them, thereby keeping him company at the same time. Trinket finished three of the four dumplings. They really are delicious. Did you make them yourself?’

‘My Lady mixed the ingredients together. I helped her to wrap them.’ That lilting southern accent was music to Trinket’s ears. ‘Are you all from Huzhou, then?’ he asked. Doublet did not reply. ‘Your clothes will soon be dry. When you see My Lady, she’ll answer your questions for you.’ She chose her words carefully. She seemed such a gentle, thoughtful girl. Trinket wrapped himself in the quilt and sat up, lifting the bed-curtain, and peeping mischievously out at her as she finished the ironing. She looked up at him and smiled. ‘Careful you don’t catch cold. You’ve got nothing on.’ Trinket bared his chest. ‘I think I’ll get out and jump around a bit. That’ll keep me warm . . .’ Doublet gave a start. But instead of jumping out of bed, Trinket burrowed back under the covers until not even his head was visible. A muffled chuckling could be heard from the depths of the bed.

A quarter of an hour or so later, Doublet passed the now neatly ironed and dry clothes through the bed-curtains. When Trinket had dressed himself, he climbed down from the bed. Doublet helped him do up his buttons, and, producing a little wooden comb, tithed his hair for him and plaited his pigtail. Trinket breathed in the subtle scent that emanated from her young body. He was in ecstasy. ‘I never knew fox-spirits were such nice people!’ Doublet pulled a face. ‘Stop all that horrid nonsense! Of course I’m not a fox-Spirit!’ ‘Oh, I know,’ quipped Trinket, ‘you’re a fairy!’ Doublet laughed. ‘No I’m not! I’m just an ordinary maidservant.’ ‘Well, I’m just an ordinary eunuch, so that makes two of us. We both wait on other people, so we are two of a kind!’ ‘But you wait on the Emperor,’ said Doublet. That makes you as far above me as the sky is above the ground!’

She finished plaiting his pigtail. He tossed it over his shoulder and admired her handiwork. ‘My Lady says that if you like, you can go and see her now.’ ‘And where’s your master?’ inquired Trinket. ‘Isn’t he at home?’ ‘He’s dead!’ whispered Doublet. Trinket shuddered as he remembered that he was in a haunted house, full of strange shrines to the dead. He followed Doublet through the back quarters of the house until they came to a little reception room. There he sat down, and she fetched him a cup of hot tea. He was feeling very nervous, and had lost his appetite for chattering and joking. Widow Zhuang

Several minutes later he heard the sound of light footsteps, and from behind a wooden partition wall there emerged a young lady dressed in the plain white of mourning. ‘You must have had an exhausting journey, Laurel Goong-goong.’ She spoke very politely. Trinket hastened to rise to his feet and return her courtesies.
He judged her to be a woman in her late twenties. Her pale face bore no trace of make-up or rouge, and her eyes were red, evidently from recent weeping. The lantern cast its light on her, and he could see that she had an unmistakable shadow. There was certainly something eerie about her appearance, but she was no more of a ghost than Doublet had been—much to Trinket’s relief. She told him to be seated and he perched on the edge of his chair. Thank you very much, ma’am, for the delicious Huzhou zongzi!’

‘My late husband’s name was Zhuang,’ replied the woman. ‘You can just call me Widow Zhuang. Tell me, Laurel Goong-goong, how many years have you been in service in the Palace?’ She went on to ask Trinket for an account of how the ‘villain’ Oboi had met with his death. Realizing to his enormous relief that his luck was in and that he was in the hands of Oboi’s enemies (which accounted no doubt for the delicious dumplings), Trinket proceeded to give her a blow-by-blow account of the death of Oboi, from the very beginning to the very end, including how he had used the ashes to blind him, then smashed him on the head with the brazier, and trussed him up. He did not give Kang Xi any credit for the stabbing.

The Widow Zhuang listened to all of this recital in complete silence. At the climax (ashes and brazier) she heaved a deep sigh. Trinket was a seasoned storyteller. He knew exactly when to pause for effect, and when to let himself get carried away. And in this case, it was something he had lived through himself, so it was easy to make his story even more dramatic than the real thing. ‘So that’s how it happened!’ exclaimed Widow Zhuang. ‘It’squite different from what I thought. The way people always tell it, they make you out to be a great kungfu master!’

‘I’m afraid not. In a straight fight, one of him would have beaten a hundred of me!’ said Trinket, with unusual honesty. He decided to go on and tell her the rest of the story as truthfully as possible, including the final killing of Oboi in his cell, and his own subsequent encounter with the Triads. ‘The Triads were Oboi’s deadly enemies. So of course they hailed me like a hero. They said I’d avenged them.’ The lady nodded. ‘And that is how you came to be the Helmsman’s disciple, and Master of the Green Wood Lodge.’

‘Wow!’ Trinket muttered silently to himself. ‘She knows the whole lot! I wonder why she even bothers asking questions!’ ‘I’m not a real Lodge Master,’ he protested, deciding to hedge his bets. He had no way of knowing if this lady was for or against the Triads. ‘I’m afraid I’m just a fake.’ She pondered this for a moment. ‘Can you show me how you finally killed Oboi in his cell? What kungfu moves did you use?’
There was a strange gleam in her eye as she said this. Trinket decided it might be dangerous to fool around with her. Best stick to the truth. He stood up. ‘Kungfu moves, my arse!’ He waved his hands around in the air. ‘I was scared shitless! I just thrashed around like this, and—’ Widow Zhuang nodded. ‘Please be seated, Laurel Goong-goong.’ She now rose to her feet. ‘Doublet, bring some of our laurel-flavoured candy for Laurel Goong-goong.’ She bowed deeply to Trinket, and retired to one of the inner apartments.

Trinket was a little uneasy. What was going on? This lady might not be quite what she seemed. Or perhaps his bad language had offended her? Doublet came in with a blue-and-white plate piled high with candy of various kinds. ‘Help yourself, Laurel Goong-goong,’ she said, depositing the plate on the table and then taking her leave.
Trinket sat there, crunching candy and waiting for the dawn. After what seemed like an age, he heard the rustling of silk, and became aware of many pairs of eyes peeping at him from all sides. He had the feeling they were women’s eyes, but whether they were the eyes of living beings or of ghosts, he could not tell. His heart trembled.

An elderly woman’s voice finally spoke through the window. ‘Laurel Goong-goong, by killing that wicked villain Oboi, you have avenged a great wrong for us! How can we ever repay the great debt of gratitude that we owe you!’ Through the longest of the windows in the reception room, Trinket could now make out the figures of some twenty or thirty women, all dressed in white, and all bowing deeply towards him. Taken aback, he bowed to them in response. Then all of a sudden the window closed, and a sound of loud ululation began. The wailing sent a shiver down Trinket’s spine. Gradually the sound died away, and he could hear the throng of women dispersing. He wondered if he had been dreaming, or seeing things. Were these women alive, or were they ghosts?

After another pause, Widow Zhuang emerged again from an inner room. ‘Laurel Goong-goong, please set your mind at ease. These are all of them women whose menfolk, husbands or fathers, died at the hands of Oboi. They all feel a deep gratitude to you for having taken vengeance for them.’ ‘Was your husband one of the men killed by Oboi?’ asked Trinket. She lowered her head. ‘He was. I too am deeply in your debt’ ‘Please,’ insisted Trinket, with uncharacteristic modesty. ‘It was nothing. I just got lucky. But I would like to know one thing. Where have all my companions gone?’

Widow Zhuang pondered this question for a moment. ‘Since they were your friends, we have done our utmost to protect them from harm. You will see them again soon.’ Trinket could tell there was nothing to be gained by pressing her any further. He glanced out of the window. ‘Why is it still so dark?’ he wondered to himself.

Widow Zhuang seemed to read his thoughts. ‘Where are you planning to set off to when it’s light?’ she asked. Trinket could see it was futile to try hoodwinking this all-knowing lady. She had probably overheard everything anyway. ‘I’m travelling to the Wutai Mountains.’ ‘That’s a long way from here,’ replied Widow Zhuang. ‘The journey could be a hard one. We should like to give you something to take with you. I hope you will accept it.’ ‘I never refuse presents,’ quipped Trinket.

The present we have in mind is my maidservant Doublet,’ continued Widow Zhuang. ‘She has served me for several years, and is a thoroughly trustworthy girl. We would like her to wait on you.’

Trinket was both surprised and delighted by this generous offer. Doublet certainly seemed a helpful and resourceful girl, and she was extraordinarily pretty into the bargain. It would be fun having her by his side. But then again, the journey might prove dangerous, and require some speedy responses. She might cramp his style. ‘It’s very kind of you, Widow Zhuang,’ he began, ‘but I wonder if. . .’ Then he had second thoughts. It seemed churlish to refuse such a gift. And Doublet was so sweet. . . . There she was, her head lowered, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. When his glance met hers, she turned coyly away, and a flush stole across her face. ‘I’m just afraid that this trip of mine to Wutai may be a bit dangerous for a girl.’

‘You needn’t worry on her behalf. She is a very capable girl. I don’t think she will be a burden on you.’ Trinket glanced again at Doublet. There was such entreaty written on her face, such a pleading look darting from her jet-black eyes. Well Doublet,’ he said, ‘what about you? Do you want to go with me?’ She bowed her head. ‘If My Lady says so,’ she replied. ‘I’ll do whatever My Lady says.’ ‘That’s not what I asked,’ said Trinket. ‘What about you? Do you want to go? It may be dangerous.’ ‘I’m not afraid.’ ‘You still haven’t answered my first question. Do you want to go?’ ‘My Lady has always been good to me. You are My Lady’s benefactor. If My Lady wants to give me to you, that is my fate! For better or for worse!’ Trinket gave a little laugh.
‘I promise it’ll be for better!’ The faintest shadow of a smile crossed Doublet’s face.

‘There, that’s settled then!’ said Widow Zhuang. ‘You’re Laurel Goong-goong’s now!’ Doublet’s eyes reddened and she fell sobbing to the ground and knelt before Widow Zhuang, who stroked her head. ‘Laurel Goong-goong is a brave young hero,’ she said gently. ‘Serve him well, and he will be sure to treat you kindly.’ ‘Yes, ma’am.’ Doublet turned and bowed to her new master. Trinket rummaged in his bag and brought out a string of pearls. Take these,’ he said. They’re yours. Our First Meeting present.’ These pearls cost me three or four thousand taels of silver!’ he mused to himself. ‘Enough to buy twenty or thirty maids! But none as sweet as you!’ ‘Thank you very much,’ said Doublet, taking the necklace and putting it round her neck. The pearls added a charming touch to her pretty face.

Widow Zhuang warned Trinket of the dangers that might lie ahead on the Wutai Mountains, and of the strange characters he might encounter lurking in some of the temples dotted around on the various slopes. She strictly enjoined Doublet to serve her new master well, and then took her leave. At last the dawn came, and light glimmered through the window. Doublet went in to fetch her own bag, and threw it together with Trinket’s over her shoulder. ‘Let’s go then!’ said Trinket. ‘Yes, let’s go!’

Doublet took one last lingering look behind her. Her eyes were red. She had been crying again. Secrets Exchanged

When Trinket and Doublet stepped out of the house, the torrential rain had stopped, but the hillside was still awash with water. They walked twenty or thirty yards, and Trinket turned and looked back. The haunted house was already swathed in mist. Another thirty yards and there was nothing to be seen but a white expanse.

‘Last night all seems like a dream,’ said Trinket with a sigh. He turned to Doublet. ‘Can you tell me what happened to my friends?’ Doublet began: ‘We saved them, and we captured the others. But then some more fierce Mystic Dragon people arrived, and made off with them all. My Lady said we were not to put up a fight, so we let them go.’ Trinket nodded. He was most concerned, needless to say, about Fang Yi and the Little Countess. ‘My Lady made the leader of the Mystic Dragons promise not to harm your friends.’ ‘Not that their promise is worth a donkey’s fart,’ commented Trinket with a sigh. Tell me, is your mistress a good fighter?’ The best!’ replied Doublet proudly.

Trinket shook his head in disbelief. ‘Such a delicate looking lady? If she’s so good at kungfu, how come she wasn’t able to save her own husband from death?’ ‘At that time, none of the Zhuang womenfolk knew anything about the Martial Arts,’ replied Doublet. That came later. The men were arrested on Oboi’s orders and taken to Peking to be executed, and the women were all exiled to the far north, to Ninguta. They would have ended up as slaves working for the soldiers on the frontier—but they were rescued on the way, and settled down here. The person who saved them also taught them Martial Arts.’

By now the sun had risen in a clear blue sky, and was shining down on a verdant landscape, fresh and brilliant after the previous night’s heavy rain. The bright weather helped to disperse Trinket’s doubts and fears, and he felt confident now that the house had indeed been inhabited by widows and bereaved mothers, not haunted by ghosts. ‘So all those shrines were in memory of their dead husbands and sons, killed by Oboi?’

‘Yes. We lived apart from the world. If people ever became curious and poked their noses into our affairs, we would pretend to be ghosts and frighten them away. That’s why everyone thinks the house is haunted. For a year now no one has come near the place. Not till you came along. And since you turned out to be the one who avenged their deaths, we felt bound to tell you the truth.’ ‘And I must do likewise,’ declared Trinket, feeling a fit of honesty coming on. ‘My real name isn’t Laurel Goong-goong at all. It’s Trinket. Trinket Wei.’ ‘You can trust me,’ replied Doublet. ‘I won’t tell a soul.’ She seemed thrilled to have had such an important secret confided in her.

She told Trinket that Widow Zhuang had been watching and listening during the fight with the Mystic Dragons. It was Widow Zhuang’s women who had put out the candles, and caught the Dragons in a fishing-net. ‘Clever move!’ cried Trinket. ‘You see, the Zhuang family used to live near Lake Tai Hu in the old days. They rented out their boats to the local fishermen, and often watched them at work with their nets.’ ‘Oh well, if you’re all from Huzhou, no wonder the zongzi were so delicious! But tell me, why did your master get into such trouble with Oboi in the first place?’





Doublet explained to Trinket how young Master Zhuang had gone blind, and then told him the whole story of the Ming History and the terrible punishment inflicted on the entire Zhuang family. In the ensuing purge, many renowned scholars connected with the Zhuang family (and even innocent booksellers and book-buyers) had lost their lives as well. And it had all been because of a number of disrespectful references in the text to the Manchu rulers.*

* Note to Reader:
For details of the Ming History Inquisition, the reader is directed to the Prologue of the First Book. Lamas

After a few miles they came to a small country town and went into an inn for a meal. Trinket sat down at the table, and Doublet stood attentively at his side. ‘Come on!’ he said. ‘Don’t be so formal! Sit down and let’s have a bite to eat!’ ‘I couldn’t possibly eat with you. That would never do.’ Tamardy!’ cried an exasperated Trinket. ‘If I say it’ll do, then hot-poppin’ momma it’ll do! Think of the amount of time we’ll waste if you have to stand around waiting till I’ve finished every time, before tucking in yourself!’ ‘You just eat, and then we’ll leave,’ insisted Doublet. Til buy some steamed bread and eat it on the way.’ ‘You don’t seem to realize. I’m funny that way. If I eat on my own, I get a bellyache.’ Doublet let out a little peal of laughter and pulled a bench up to the table.

Trinket had hardly eaten more than two or three mouthfuls of noodles, when he saw three Tibetan lamas walk into the inn. They sat down at a table near the door and began yelling, in broken Chinese, for noodles. One of them looked suspiciously at Doublet’s necklace, and nudged his companions. Soon they were all ogling the pearls. Trinket took them for common thieves. He quickly finished his noodles, hired a cart, and set off again at once, ordering the driver to head west and make good speed. They had only progressed a mile or so when they heard the sound of galloping horses behind them. It was the three lamas from the inn. They’re after your pearls!’ Trinket cried to Doublet. ‘Why don’t we just hand them over? I can easily get you some more.’ ‘Of course!’ agreed Doublet. ‘But there’s no need to get me any more.’

‘Stop cart!’ yelled one of the lamas. The driver reined in his mule. The lamas urged their horses forward, and barred the way in front of the cart. ‘Out of cart, baby!’ cried another lama. Doublet untied her string of pearls and made to throw it down on the ground, crying: ‘My master says you can have the pearls!’ One of the lamas, a big fat fellow, reached out—but it was not the pearls he was reaching for, it was Doublet’s wrist. He yanked her down from the cart. ‘Don’t be rough with her!’ cried Trinket. ‘I’ve got plenty more money if that’s what you want.’ Even as he was saying this, he saw a flash of yellow go whizzing past him. It was the fat lama hurtling through the air. ‘Excellent kungfu!’ Trinket muttered to himself.

The lama landed with a sickening thump, his feet pointing upwards, his big head in the soft mud. He sank in right up to his chest, and began thrashing his legs wildly in the air. Trinket found all this most bewildering, and not a little exciting. What weird style of kungfu was this lama into? The other two lamas were now shouting and tugging noisily at their companion’s legs, in an effort to extract him from the ground. When he finally emerged, his face was entirely covered in mud. He looked a dreadful sight. Luckily for him the ground had been greatly softened by the previous night’s rain, and he had not been unduly hurt by the fall. Trinket laughed aloud and ordered the driver to drive on without any further delay. Doublet still had the pearls in her hand. ‘Master, should I give them my necklace or not?’

Before Trinket could reply, the lamas charged towards them with daggers drawn, but quick as a flash Doublet seized the driver’s whip and flicked it at one of them, coiling the tip around his dagger and bringing it spinning back into her left hand. She then repeated the process on a second lama. The third stopped dead in his tracks, muttering to himself in amazement. Doublet flicked the whip again. This time she coiled it round the third man’s neck and hauled him up close to the cart, where she relieved him of his dagger. The whip was still wound tightly around his neck. The whites of his eyes were showing and his tongue had shot out. Every drop of blood seemed to drain from his face. The two other lamas closed in on Doublet from both sides, with a view to rescuing their companion; but Doublet then leapt down and, placing her left foot on the cartwheel, lashed out with her right, kicking the two advancing lamas deftly on the head and closing their Vital Points. They fell to the ground in an instant swoon. She loosened the whip and the third lama collapsed unconscious before her.

Trinket was ecstatic. ‘Doublet!’ he cried. ‘I never dreamt your kungfu was so brilliant! Excellent!’ Doublet smiled. That was nothing. These stupid creatures were useless.’ Trinket gave one of the lamas a good kick and asked him: ‘What were you playing at?’ The lama said nothing. He was still unconscious. Doublet kicked him once in the small of the back, and he came to with a groan. ‘My master asked you a question!’ ‘You . . . fairy?’ groaned the man. ‘Or me … dream?’

‘Answer my master’s question! Hurry up!’ ‘Lamas . . . Wutai Mountains . . .’ he finally succeeded in saying. ‘Manjusn Monastery, Bodhisattva Peak.’ Doublet frowned. ‘Stop talking jibberish!’ These monks are lamas from Tibet,’ explained Trinket. They don’t speak very good Chinese.’ ‘So you’re a bonze are you!’ This was the common term for a Buddhist monk of any denomination.) Doublet gave him another kick. ‘Why haven’t you shaved your head then?’ ‘Me lama, not shave head ‘Rubbish!’ She kicked him again in the small of the back, this time on the Vital Point known as the Celestial Gully, causing him the most excruciating pain. He let out a piercing scream. The worse the pain grew, the louder he screamed.

The other lamas had by now regained consciousness. They were greatly alarmed to hear their companion squealing like a pig in the slaughterhouse, and exchanged a few quick words in their own language. ‘Yes miss!’ cried the lama. ‘Me bonze, yes miss, please to stop pain!’ ‘It all depends on my master. What do you say, master? What is he?’ Trinket laughed. ‘A nun!’

The poor lama was truly in agony. Trinket and Doublet both burst out laughing. Finally Doublet took pity on him. She tapped her foot lightly on the point known as the Gate of Corporeal Energy, situated just below his neck, and his pain ceased. But he kept on jabbering. ‘Me nun! Nun! Me! Nun! Me!’ Trinket could not stop himself from laughing. ‘If you really are monks,’ he asked, ‘why did you try to rob us?’ ‘Never do again!’ ‘What are you doing down here in the Erst place? Why aren’t you up in your temple chanting your Sutras and saying your prayers?’ ‘Guru . . . send us,’ was their somewhat gloomy response. To steal pearls?’ ‘No … go to Peking.’

At this point one of the lamas (the fattest one) coughed loudly. Trinket saw him give his companion a meaningful look. He had assumed the three to be typical miscreant lamas on the rampage. Lamaist Buddhism enjoyed the patronage of the Manchu Court, and in Peking lamas seemed to think they possessed some kind of diplomatic immunity, and could get away with all manner of misbehaviour as a result. Trinket had intended to enjoy himself a little giving these three a hard time, and then let them go. But there was something in that fat lama’s look that alerted him to some deeper plot afoot. These three are up to no good,’ he muttered to Doublet. ‘Give them each a good kick, and let’s get out of here as quickly as possible.’ Doublet duly landed a foot on the fat one’s Celestial Gully and he too started screaming his head off. Then she went up to her previous victim.

‘Please no kick!’ he begged her pitifully. ‘Me tell. Guru send us Peking, carry letter.’ ‘A letter?’ echoed Trinket. ‘No can see. You see letter. . . Guru . . . kill us!’ ‘You give me the letter,’ said Trinket, ‘or I’ll kick you!’ The lama assumed that whatever the maid could do, the master was bound to do better. He was taking no chances. ‘Me . . . not have . . . letter . . .’ ‘Give it to me!’

The lama stumbled over to his fat companion and the two of them started jibbering in Tibetan. The fat one had some difficulty talking, because he was still squealing with pain like a stuck pig. The resultant combination of noises was especially hideous. Something about the fat lama’s body language made Trinket feel sure that he was trying to prevent his companion from handing over the letter. Trinket walked up to him and booted him savagely in the head. He went out like a light. The other one now promptly extracted a little oilskin package from within his gown, and handed it over with trembling hands. Doublet produced a little knife and cut open the package. Sure enough, it contained a letter. On the envelope were two columns of Tibetan writing. ‘Who is this letter for?’ asked Trinket. He ripped it open with a finger. The two lamas howled in protest. Inside was a sheet of yellow paper, covered in squiggly Tibetan writing. The bottom of the page was stamped with a talis-manic charm in red ink—most peculiar and utterly indecipherable. ‘What does it say?’ asked Trinket.

‘Come on,’ added Doublet. ‘You heard him. My master wants to know what it says. You’d better tell him, or I’ll kick you and close your points and never open them again. Well, not for three days anyway.’ The lama took hold of the letter. ‘Says . . . man . . . cannot. . . be . . .’ The other of the two conscious lamas suddenly started squawking loudly in Tibetan. Doublet landed him a quick kick to the Celestial Gully and his squawks were instantly transformed into pathetic moans. The original lama (the one still holding the letter) paled. He began shaking uncontrollably. ‘Says . . . man . . . cannot be found. Search everywhere. No find. Not on Wutai,’

Trinket studied the man. His eyes were glinting, his face was twitching, he was stammering so badly he could hardly get out two syllables in succession. ‘I may not have been able to understand all that cock-a-doodle-doo jibberish of yours,’ Trinket thought to himself, ‘but I can tell that you’re making it all up. And you’re lousy at it too!’ ‘He’s lying!’ he said out loud to Doublet. ‘Then we’ll have to give him the works!’ She raised her foot in the general direction of the lama’s Gully. ‘Please not!’ he yelped. ‘Please to kill. . . not to kick! Guru say . . . we tell letter . . . we dead. So … please to kill!’

‘Forget him.’ said Trinket. ‘Let’s just go.’ He and Doublet climbed back onto the cart. The driver had watched in silent admiration as the two youngsters put paid to the three fully grown, and extremely aggressive, lamas. ‘When we get to the next town,’ Trinket whispered to Doublet, ‘you’d better change into something different. And put the pearls away somewhere safe.’ ‘Yes, master. How would you like me to dress?’
Trinket smiled. ‘Like a boy.’Trinket the Benefactor

Ten miles further down the road, they came to a large town. There, Trinket dismissed the driver and took lodgings at an inn. He gave Doublet some money to go and spend on clothes. Presently she returned, looking for all the world like a handsome young page-boy.

They now made a much less conspicuous duo. Mr Trinket Wei and his page. They continued on their way, and in a day or two had arrived at the mountainous border between Hebei and Shanxi provinces. Travelling due west from the town of Fuping in Hebei, across the range of hills known as the Long Wall (because it follows an old southern spur of the Great Wall), they came to Dragon Pass, which forms the easternmost approach to the Wutai Mountains. Here they had to negotiate steep mountain paths, winding their way between precipitous peaks, until finally they reached the very first temple on the eastern slopes of Wutai, the Bubbling Spring Temple.

That evening Trinket and Doublet put up at a little village inn near the temple. They had a good meal of lamb stew with dumplings, followed by some preserved fruits. Trinket reflected ruefully on the unhelpful, almost disrespectful, attitude of the monks when the two of them had looked in briefly at the temple. They reminded him strongly of the snobbish bonzes he had encountered in his boyhood in the temples of Yangzhou. One had to be a very important person indeed to get their attention at all. It was going to be tough for a young nobody like himself to find the Old Emperor at the Pure Coolness Monastery. He was going to need all the help he could get. Perhaps it might improve his chances if he flashed his money around a bit.

With this in mind, he decided to go back to Fuping and break down one or two of his five-hundred tael notes. While they were there he and Doublet bought themselves some smarter clothes. But then Trinket reflected that if he was to pose as a wealthy Buddhist benefactor he would need some practice. A quick trip to the local Fuping temple, the Temple of the Goodly Auspices, and a bit of a dress rehearsal, would be just the ticket. In he went and kowtowed before the holy image of Buddha. As the Camerarius was producing the register of would-be benefactors, Trinket handed him a fifty-tael lump of silver. The monk was hugely impressed by this initial act of largesse, and promptly led Trinket off to sample the establishment’s vegetarian fare.

At his meal Trinket was joined by the Abbot, who preached him a little sermon on the untold joys that devotion and generosity would bring him in later life, or indeed in later lives. ‘Holy Father,’ said Trinket (as ever a quick learner when it came to picking up the relevant lingo), ‘I am on my way to Wutai, on a sort of pilgrimage. I wish to pay for a Mass to be said for certain departed souls. I would greatly appreciate your guidance in this matter.’ Predictably the Abbot’s first instinct was to detain this well-heeled pilgrim on his own premises. ‘My son, why travel the mountain trails to Wutai, when you can just as easily show your devotion here? The Lord Buddha is present here too, you know.’

Trinket shook his head vigorously, insisting that he absolutely must proceed to Wutai. Then, producing another fifty taels of silver, he enquired of the Abbot if he could possibly hire the services of a companion. ‘Of course! The easiest thing in the world!’ exclaimed the Abbot. He already had someone in mind, needless to say—his own cousin, who though not in holy orders, had been put in charge of the temple estates and produce. The cousin’s nickname was Wurtle (on account of his similarity to a Turtle, so it was said). He was a plausible if somewhat scabrous sort of fellow, a bit of a scamp, and Trinket recognized him instantly as a kindred spirit of sorts. He sent him off to purchase whatever paraphernalia he considered necessary for the ‘offering’, and to buy himself some decent clothes. The three of them then set off back south on the main track across the hills towards Wutai, followed by eight bearers, each laden with gifts for the Lord Buddha. They crossed Dragon Pass once more, and entered the Wutai Mountains proper for the second time.

They passed by Bubbling Spring Temple again, then walked on past one monastic establishment after another, until finally they arrived at the Monastery of the Holy Precinct. Here they lodged for one night, and set off again the next morning in a northerly direction, reaching the Monastery of the Golden Pavilion, then veering off towards the west. A mile or two further on they came to their destination, Pure Coolness Monastery, which stood on the crest of a mountain of the same name. Despite its reputation, it was no more impressive than the other monasteries; in fact if anything it seemed more dilapidated. Trinket was rather disappointed. ‘Surely the Old Emperor could’ve chosen something a bit grander than this? Perhaps that stupid old Hai Dafu got his facts muddled up and he’s not here at all?’

Wurtle went ahead and spoke with the Camerarius, who, impressed by the evident wealth of the party and their obviously generous intentions, went in at once to report their arrival to the Abbot, Father Aureole. The Abbot came out immediately to welcome the guests. Trinket was even more disappointed by the Abbot’s appearance than he had been by the monastery’s. Father Aureole was a thin, scrawny monk, and had a generally down-at-heel and unprepossessing look about him. ‘Holy Father,’ Trinket began, ‘I have come here to request a seven-day Mass for the salvation of my deceased father’s soul, and for the souls of several of my deceased friends.’

The Abbot politely inquired why his guest had chosen his own humble establishment in preference to the many temples in Peking, or indeed on other parts of Wutai. Trinket had rehearsed his answer to this question on the way there. ‘My mother had a vision in a dream. My late father came to her and requested her to hold the Mass in this very place. No other place would do to save him from the endless torment of Hell!’ In actual fact, Trinket did not have the slightest idea who his own father was, or whether the individual responsible for conceiving him was living or dead. He found the whole idea highly entertaining. ‘Why, dad, you old bugger,’ he was silently joking to himself, ‘whoever you are—you never cared two hoots for old Trink! You never came anywhere near him! You deserve to rot in Hell anyway! You don’t know how lucky you are to have me, old Trink, paying for a Mass for your soul!’ ‘My son,’ came the Abbot’s somewhat fatuous response to Trinket’s brief tale, ‘dreams can be mere illusion!’

‘But Father,’ insisted Trinket, ‘even so, even if it is an illusion, my heart will never find peace until I pay for this Mass. It was my mother’s own wish. She said there was a karmic bond between herself and Your Reverence. ‘Nice one!’ he chuckled silently to himself. ‘Sort of implies that this bald-pated turtle-head of a bonze once sneaked off to Yangzhou and jumped on my mum!’ ‘But my son,’ continued Father Aureole, ‘what you may not have realized is that this monastery of ours is a Zen establishment. We devote ourselves mainly to silent meditation and the quest for wordless enlightenment. Of course, we can and do say Masses. But that is not really our main line. You’d be much better served if you went to one of the Pure Land temples on Wutai, like the Golden Pavilion.’

Trinket was perplexed to get such an unenthusiastic reception from Father Aureole, when the old Abbot at Goodly Auspices had been falling over himself to hang onto him and his money. He repeated his request once more, but the Abbot was adamant and finally rose to his feet, instructing his Camerarius to see them out and show them the way to the Monastery of the Golden Pavilion. Trinket insisted on leaving large quantities of gifts behind, and the Abbot expressed his thanks—rather perfunctorily, given the scale of the donation. There were over three hundred items, Trinket explained, something for everyone, even the lowliest kitchen-boy or garden-hand. That is excessive,’ insisted the Abbot. There are only fifty of us here. I must ask you to take the greater part of your presents with you.’

‘May I in turn ask a final favour of you, Father?’ said Trinket. ‘My mother most particularly asked me to hand over the gifts in person. Would it be possible to assemble all of your monks together? It was my mother’s wish.’ When he heard this a strange look came into the Abbot’s eyes. ‘Buddha is compassionate!’ he intoned. ‘Let it be according to your mother’s wish, my son.’ With these words he walked back into the inner precinct of the monastery.

Trinket watched uneasily as the Abbot’s spare frame disappeared. He picked up his teacup and awkwardly drank a sip. Wurtle, who was standing behind him, muttered a few uncomplimentary remarks, to the effect that ‘with an old fogey like that in charge, it was no wonder the place was falling apart’, and more along the same lines. A bell rang from within, and the Camerarius asked them to proceed to the western hall. There Trinket found all the monks assembled. He gave each of them a present, and as he did so studied their faces one by one. ‘I’ve never set eyes on the Old Emperor,’ he thought to himself, ‘but he’s the Emperor’s father, and there must be some kind of family resemblance. What I’m looking for is an older, bigger version of Misty.’ But not one of the monks answered this description.

Then Trinket reflected that if the Old Emperor were living in this monastery, he would hardly be subject to the same regulations as the other monks. He had doubtless been excluded from the summons. But however hard he pestered the Camerarius with questions (and terrifying threats of having his tongue cut out in Hell if he lied), he was unable to extract any information from him. Lamas on the Hill

Just as Trinket was feeling most despondent, a monk came tearing into the room, crying to the Camerarius: ‘Brother, there are a dozen lamas outside wanting to see the Abbot!’ He added, sotto voce: They’re armed! And looking very unfriendly!’ The Camerarius frowned. We should always welcome fellow believers in the Dharma,’ he said, ‘even if they are followers of a different school. But what do these men want? You go in, and report to the Abbot. I’ll go out and take a closer look.’ He turned to Trinket. ‘Excuse me for a moment.’

‘They’re probably after us,’ mused Trinket, reflecting that with a fighter like Doublet by his side, he would be more than a match for a dozen lamas. The next instant he heard a great tumult outside and the sound of a large crowd of people bursting noisily into the Great Buddha Hall, ‘Let’s go and see what’s happening!’ he cried, and dragged Doublet and Wurtle off with him in the direction of the noise. They arrived to find the unfortunate Camerarius surrounded by a dozen lamas in saffron robes, jabbering wildly at him: ‘Must search! Man . . . here … in Pure Coolness!’ ‘You . . . wicked! Why hide man?’ ‘Give man … or else . . .’

Trinket stood to one side, arms akimbo, thinking to himself: ‘Here’s your man! Here I am! Come and get me!’ But the lamas, although by now they could see Trinket quite plainly, were paying him no attention whatsoever. The Abbot now made a dignified entry. ‘What is all the excitement about?’ he asked. ‘Your Reverence,’ gasped the Camerarius, ‘these men—’ The moment they heard the word Reverence the lamas crowded round Father Aureole. ‘You . . . Abbot? Give man, or … burn monastery!’ ‘Brothers,’ replied the Abbot, ‘would you be so good as to tell me where you have come from? And what brings you here?’

‘Tibet!’ The lama who answered wore a red cassock over his saffron robe. ‘Dalai Lama send us to China,’ he continued. ‘Our lama . . . young one . . . kidnapped . . . hiding here. Abbot give man … or burn monastery!’ This is all very strange,’ replied Father Aureole, ‘and most irregular. This is a Zen cloister. We normally have very little to do with our Lamaist brethren. Should you not be looking instead in the other Lamaist monasteries on Wutai, of which there are quite a number?’ ‘Our man . . . here\ You give . . . we go!’ The Abbot shook his head. ‘I’m afraid we have no such person as you describe here.’ Then please to look!’ ‘This is holy ground!’

The Abbot shook his head again. Two lamas seized hold of him by the collar of his gown. ‘Give … no give? Look … no look?’ ‘Monks . . . hide women! Sex! Bad secrets! Afraid of look-see!’ One of the other lamas was beginning to get carried away. By now a dozen Pure Coolness monks had come into the hall, but were prevented by the lamas from approaching their Abbot. ‘Master,’ whispered Doublet, ‘shall I deal with them?’ ‘Hold on,’ Trinket whispered back. It had finally begun to dawn on him what the lamas were up to. Like himself, they were searching for the Old Emperor.

There was flash of steel, and two lamas drew their swords. One held the tip of his weapon against the Abbot’s chest, the other held his to the small of the Abbot’s back. ‘We kill!’ Father Aureole did not so much as twitch a muscle of his face. ‘Amida Buddha!’ he replied. ‘We are all believers in the same faith. There is surely no need for any of this!’ The two lamas pressed their swords closer towards Father Aureole, but he stepped nimbly to one side and they all but collided with one another. A cry went up, and a motley assortment of thirty or forty more men came bursting in through the main door of the hall, some of them dressed in ordinary Buddhist monks’ habits, some in lama garb. There were even one or two laymen in long gowns. Among them was one elderly, white-haired lama in saffron, who cried indignantly: ‘Abbot killing lamas!’

Father Aureole protested and addressed himself to another monk in his fifties, also one of the newly arrived: ‘Father Crystal, I am indeed honoured that you should have come all this way!’ The man he was addressing, Father Crystal, was the Abbot of Buddha Light Monastery, the oldest foundation on Wutai, dating back to the days of the Northern Wei dynasty in the fifth century. It antedated the very name Wutai Mountains. In fact, the mountains had at Erst been called the Mountains of Pure Coolness (it was beautifully cool up there during the summer months) and had only subsequendy (during the Sui dynasty, or sixth century) been called the Wutai Mountains, from the five (wit) terraces (tai), or terrace-shaped peaks, that formed the range. The Buddha Light foundation was ecclesiastically speaking far senior to the Pure Coolness Monastery, and its Abbot, Father Crystal, was tacidy acknowledged as the highest ranking cleric in the whole of Wutai.

He was, in actual fact, a fat, swartiiy individual, with a twittering way of speaking. With the arrival of all these newcomers, the atmosphere had calmed down sufficiently for conversation to take place. ‘Allow me to introduce two friends,’ began Father Crystal. He pointed to the elderly lama as he went on: This is Brother Bayen, from the great lamasery of Lhasa. He is a Great Lama and one of the Dalai Lama’s most trusted and influential advisers.’ ‘It is my most excellent karma to meet you, Brother Bayen,’ said Father Aureole. Brother Bayen nodded. He definitely looked the proud sort.

‘And this gentleman,’ continued the Abbot of Buddha Light, indicating one of the laymen in long gowns, ‘is His Excellency Mr Huangfu, a civil official from the Western Marches of Sichuan Province.’ Huangfu made some reference to Father Aureole’s great Martial Arts fame, and Father Aureole greeted the layman courteously. Trinket was almost disappointed to see things calming down like this. He had been secredy hoping to watch the encounter escalate into a free-for-all fight, one which might even have offered him a chance of determining the Old Emperor’s whereabouts.

Brother Bayen, the elderly Tibetan lama, now demanded that Father Aureole hand over their ‘little disciple’. When the Abbot politely but firmly insisted that he could not, since he did not have him there in the first place, Bayen rolled his eyes and burst into a torrent of barely intelligible broken Chinese, the general drift of which seemed to be: ‘Hand him over, or you’ll regret it!’.

Father Crystal now offered to mediate. He proposed that the only foolproof way to establish the truth of the matter was for himself and Mr Huangfu to conduct a ‘guided tour’ (in other words, a search) of the monastery. Father Aureole did not look pleased. To hear such an outrageous suggestion from our Tibetan friends did not come as a surprise!’ he protested. ‘But from a distinguished fellow Chinese monk such as yourself? Would we not be better advised to search your monastery first. . .’ Father Crystal gave one of his twittering laughs. ‘Come, come! If we find no one here, I shall of course be more than happy to agree to such a request from our lama brothers . . .’ ‘Man . . . here!’ blurted out Bayen. ‘Someone . . . see him! Or we not dare pesstrass on your troperty . . .’ He was trying hard. ‘And who was it that saw him?’ asked Father Aureole. ‘Mr Huangfu see. Him very big famous person. Him not lie.’

‘Of course not,’ thought Trinket silently to himself. ‘And him obviously happen to be part of your group . . .’ But what he said out loud was: ‘Tell me, how old was this little lost lama of yours?’ Bayen, Father Crystal, and Mr Huangfu had until now paid no attention to the two well-dressed boys standing to one side. Their eyes now focused on Trinket in all his finery, and his smartly attired, and very handsome, page-boy. ‘About the same age as yourself, as a matter of fact!’ twittered Father Crystal. ‘I thought so!’ declared Trinket. That sounds like the one we saw just now—going into the Buddha Light Monastery . . .’

Brother Bayen and his friends pulled a face. Father Aureole secretly rejoiced. ‘Stuffings and nonsense!’ cried the irrepressible Brother Bayen, and made a lightning pass at Trinket. Father Aureole intercepted him with a flick of his right hand. Seeing that the two men were about to come to blows, Huangfu bellowed: ‘We must talk this through! There’s to be no rough play!’ His words were hardly out when they came echoing back in force from outside. ‘No rough play!’

Judging from the strength of the chorus, there were several hundred men out there. The monastery was evidently surrounded. Father Aureole paused to reflect. ‘Your Reverence . . .’ Huangfu continued, smiling diplomatically. But what he went on to say contained nothing new. ‘If you have nothing to hide, what’s to be lost by permitting a civilized tour of inspection?’ Father Aureole could see that his men were outnumbered. He had once been a Martial Arts Master himself, but of late he had devoted more and more of his energies to Zen meditation, and few of his fellow monks were fighters of any kind. His recent observations warned him that Brother Bayen was a’fighter to be feared. His attempted left-handed Chicken Claw gouging attack on Trinket indicated mastery of an especially ferocious style of fighting. Huangfu was clearly not a man to be trifled with either, judging by the power of his voice! Not to mention the troops massed around the building.

‘It really doesn’t matter if we do find one or two nice-looking wenches on the premises,’ Huangfu put in, seeing Father Aureole pause. ‘What’s a bit of flesh between friends!’ This was definitely adding insult to injury. Father Crystal twittered. ‘Brother Abbot, why not let them in?’ But Bayen was not even waiting for the invitation. He was already leading the way.

Father Aureole was helpless to do anything but follow. Bayen, Father Crystal, and Huangfu whispered among themselves, and dispatched their men to search every room of the monastery. The monks watched them with stony hostility. Trinket and Doublet walked immediately behind Father Aureole. They could tell how angry he was from the way the sleeves of his gown were trembling.

Suddenly they heard voices coming from the western row of cells. ‘Is this him?’ Huangfu hurried over to see two men emerge from a cell, dragging with them an emaciated ascetic of middle years. ‘What do you mean by laying hands on me?’ he was protesting. Huangfu shook his head and the two men apologized and let the man go. Now Trinket knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they had come to find the Old Emperor, and not some ‘little lost lama,’. Why else would they have seized such a man? The same thought had clearly occurred to Father Aureole.

‘Does that brother look like a young lama?’ he asked, with a quizzical smile. Huangfu’s men now produced another middle-aged monk. Their commander looked him up and down, and shook his head again. ‘So he obviously knows what the Old Emperor looks like!’ thought Trinket to himself. ‘Sooner or later they’re bound to find him. I must protect him! After all, he is the Emperor’s father, and the Emperor is my friend!’ But he could think of no way of dealing with this enemy. The search-party of twenty or thirty, led by Bayen and friends, and followed by Father Aureole, had now reached a small compound independently situated in the north-east corner of the monastery grounds. It was firmly locked. ‘Open up!’ they shouted.

‘This is the personal retreat of a very distinguished monk,’ said Father Aureole. ‘He has been in seclusion in this hermitage for seven years. I must ask you not to intrude upon his meditations.’ ‘Come, come!’ twittered Father Crystal. ‘We will only interrupt his thoughts for a few minutes. It is not as if he himself were guilty of some lapse of concentration.’ ‘Break door!’ shouted one of the taller lamas. ‘Man here!’ He began kicking at the door.

In a flash Father Aureole was standing between him and the door, and the lama’s foot made contact not with wood but with the Abbot’s stomach, which was tense as steel. The lama gave a cry of pain as his leg shattered and he was thrown backwards through the air. At the same time, Bayen uttered a series of guttural croaking noises and leapt once more into his classic Chicken Claw position, threatening to pounce on Father Aureole. But the Abbot stood firm before the door, and dealt the elderly lama two hefty blows with left and right.

‘Trajna Hand! Excellent kungfu!’ cried Huangfu, promptly extending the index finger of his left hand and aiming a pinpoint attack at the Abbot’s forehead. Father Aureole darted to the side, and Huangfu’s finger drove forcefully into the heavy wooden panel of the door. Once again Father Aureole had demonstrated his mastery in the art of Prajna Hand karate. Bayen and Huangfu now closed in on their adversary from both sides. Again and again they attacked, cheered on by their men; but each time the Abbot turned them back, using his precise, unostentatious, but deadly karate skill.

Bayen was growing angry and desperate. He threw himself once more into the attack. With a sudden grunt he raised his left hand and leapt through the air, his white hair fluttering in strands around him. All he succeeded in clutching hold of was the Abbot’s moustaches, while he himself received a blow on his right shoulder. The pain seemed nothing at first, but gradually his right arm grew heavier and heavier until he could no longer even lift it up. He staggered off to one side, bellowing savagely. Four of his subordinate lamas drew their swords and rushed into the attack.

Father Aureole now landed a couple of well-placed aerial kicks that put two of his new attackers out of action. A third he despatched with a blow to the chest, which sent the man reeling. The fourth and last was swinging his sword through the air when Aureole flicked his sleeve and caught him by the wrist. Even as he did this he saw Bayen move back into the fray, his hands weaving up and down through the air. Father Aureole ducked to the right, but not quickly enough to escape the massive force of the Tibetan’s assault. He aimed a counter-blow, but felt a strange pain on his right cheek. It was Huangfu’s finger.

Things were taking a nasty turn. Doublet took one look at the blood pouring down the Abbot’s cheek and whispered to Trinket: ‘Shouldn’t I help him now?’ Wait a little longer!’ Trinket’s prime concern was still to locate the Old Emperor. Supposing Doublet succeeded in routing the enemy (which was admittedly unlikely—one girl against a heavily armed army!), then they would have lost their chance of tracing Shun Zhi. Meanwhile, somewhat late in the day, the monks of the monastery had come to their Abbot’s aid, wielding as weapons whatever sticks or broken bits of furniture they could lay their hands on. From the start, they were outclassed, and as the blood began to pour from their wounds their Abbot cried out to them to desist.

‘Kill all!’ bellowed Bayen. The lamas attacked more viciously than ever, and hacked the heads off four of the monks. The remaining monks had now lost their taste for the fight. Bayen and Huangfu closed in again on Father Aureole, and after a final struggle they had the Abbot lying powerless on the ground, his Vital Points closed, his left leg pinned m a ten-pronged Chicken Claw attack by the lama. Bayen now gave a mighty laugh, and kicked at the door with his right foot. There was a great crash as it flew open. ‘In … go!’ cried Bayen. ‘See . . . inside!’ It was pitch-black inside the little hermitage, and silent as the grave. ‘Tie up … and bring out!’ shouted Bayen. ‘Yes, master!’ cried two of the lamas, and went charging in.

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