The Deer And The Cauldron 18


The Deer And The Cauldron 18
第十八回 金刚宝杵卫帝释 雕篆石碣敲头陀

The Hermitage

With a sudden flash of light, a golden cudgel-like object came swinging out through the hermitage doorway—bong-bong—and dealt each of the two lamas a devastating blow on the head. They fell silently to the ground, and the contents of their brains spilled out from their broken heads. Stunned by this turn of events, Brother Bayen began cursing and swearing. Three more lamas went into the attack, this time drawing their swords to protect their heads. The one in front had no sooner reached the doorway than out came that golden cudgel again, smashing past his sword and onto his head. The second lama went bravely on, sword raised, but he too had his brains spilled like soft noodles. The third dropped his sword to the ground in terror and fled. Bayen ranted and raved, but was certainly not planning to step into the breach himself.

‘Onto the roof!’ cried Huangfu. Take off the tiles and throw them inside!’ Four of his men obeyed these instructions, while others gathered stones and began hurling them through the open doorway.

Most of the stones were batted back out again by the wielder of the golden cudgel. But the tiles seemed to have more success, and several of them landed inside. Sooner or later the occupants of the hermitage would surely be forced out. Suddenly, with a great bull-like bellowing, a massive monk came striding out of the doorway, his left arm clutching the form of another monk, while his right hand brandished the golden cudgel that had just wrought such havoc. This man must have been a good head taller than the average stature, and presented a terrifying spectacle. He was somewhat like a temple door-god come to life, with his great livid face, his bristling beard and moustaches, his huge hands and feet. Through his tattered monk’s robe a glimpse could be caught of his muscular torso, his broad arms, and his knotted midriff. Bayen and Huangfu found themselves instinctively retreating before this giant.

‘He . . . only one man!’ shrieked Bayen. ‘He . . . only one big fat! Why frightened? Everyone … go fight!’ ‘Take care!’ cried Huangfu in some alarm. ‘Don’t harm the other one—the one he’s carrying!’ Trinket studied this second monk more closely. He was a tallish, lightly-built man in his mid thirties, with fine features and a general air of distinction. Throughout the confrontation he held his eyes averted, cast firmly towards the ground.

Trinket’s heart missed a beat. That’s him!’ he thought to himself. That’s the Emperor’s dad! He’s even better looking dian Misty! Funny, somehow I expected him to be a lot older.’ Meanwhile, a dozen lamas had launched a concerted attack on the giant. He swung his golden cudgel, and—bong-bong-bong— one by one the lamas bit the dust. Huangfu now extracted a whip from his sash, while Bayen seized a pair of short-handled metal fighting-mallets from one of his followers. The two of them closed in on the big monk. Huangfu flicked his whip and watched its barbed tip curl around the monk’s throat. The monk gave a great yell and aimed his cudgel squarely at the Tibetan. Bayen parried firmly with bom mallets but, as he felt the cudgel’s impact, both his arms went numb and the two mallets fell from his hands.

Meanwhile, another lama was launching an attack on the middle-aged monk. ‘Quick!’ whispered Trinket to Doublet. ‘Now!’ Doublet darted into action, immobilizing the lama with one well-aimed finger. Then she turned to deal with Huangfu, who ducked to one side to avoid her. She homed in instead on Bayen, landing a neat finger dead in the centre of his chest. The Tibetan howled with pain and fell flat on his back. Doublet continued, striking out left and right, and in a matter of minutes she had a dozen or so of their men on the ground. ‘Oh . . . please . . . dear son …” twittered Father Crystal. ‘Oh . . . please . . . dear father!’ laughed Doublet, poking a quick finger in his ribs.

Huangfu now whirled his whip around him, and Doublet danced round the outside of the circle it formed. Faster and faster moved the whip, faster and faster danced Doublet. Then Huangfu cried out ‘Clever little fellow!’, and in the same moment straightened the whip out and flicked it at Doublet. She shot forward under it and reached one deadly finger into Huangfu’s midriff. He parried with his left palm, while his right hand gave the whip a little nudge that brought the tip curling round into the small of Doublet’s back. Doublet scrambled away, but things were beginning to look dangerous. ‘No you don’t!’ yelled Trinket, searching the ground for particles of sand or grit or anything he could lay his hands on, to throw in Huangfu’s eyes. Unfortunately the ground had been swept immaculately clean.

Meanwhile, the giant advanced on Huangfu. Trinket reached into his inside pocket, frantically grabbing the first thing he could find and throwing it in Huangfu’s face. Pieces of paper went fluttering through the air. And in that one split second when Huangfu was brushing them away, the giant brought down his golden cudgel. Huangfu tumbled out of range, but as he did so Doublet kicked out with her left foot and connected with his Great Solar point. He gave a cry of pain and rolled helplessly backwards. There was a great crash and flying sparks as the giant’s golden cudgel struck the ground inches from his head.

‘Excellent kungfu!’ cried Trinket. Drawing his dagger, he rushed up and held the point of it to Huangfu’s left eye. ‘Order all of your men out of here! Now!’ Huangfu was incapable of moving and in no position to negotiate. He gave the order. The big monk glared at him. Then he gazed at Doublet for a moment, before giving a grunt of approval. ‘Hm, cute kid!’

Swinging his golden cudgel in his left hand, and still clutching the middle-aged monk under his right arm, he retreated back into the hermitage, and was gone before Trinket was able to speak with the monk he was carrying. Doublet was meanwhile releasing Father Aureole’s points. When she had finished, she gathered up the pieces of paper and handed them back to her master. Trinket laughed when he saw what they were: wads of banknotes! Slice, No Slice

Huangfu was obliged to order his men (the several hundred of them still surrounding the monastery) to withdraw and wait for him at the foot of the hill. Father Aureole could finally breathe in peace. He made as if to release Father Crystal’s points, but before he could do so, Trinket stopped him and led him away into one of the monastery’s side chapels. ‘Father,’ he said, ‘do you believe their story? Do you think those men really came here looking for one of their own lost disciples?’ Father Aureole did not reply.

Trinket whispered in his ear: ‘I know why they came. They were looking for His Majesty. His Majesty the Monk …’ Father Aureole gave a start. Then he slowly nodded his head. ‘So you know about that, my son.’ That’s why I came here,’ said Trinket. To protect him. The rest was all pretence.’ ‘I myself wondered, I must confess.’ ‘I think it would be very dangerous to set those two free,’ Trinket continued. There must be no thought of killing them,’ replied the Abbot. Today has seen enough blood spilled in this holy place! Amida Buddha!’ ‘I agree. Simply tie them up, and question them. We must find out why they were looking for His Majesty.’

‘But we are simple monks,’ protested Father Aureole. ‘Somehow it doesn’t seem right to treat them in this way.’ ‘And is what they did right? If we don’t do something about them, they’ll come back and burn your monastery down.’ Father Aureole pondered for a while, then nodded his agreement. He clapped his hands, and a monk came in answer to his summons. ‘Bring Mr Huangfu here. I wish to speak to him.’ ‘No!’ objected Trinket. ‘He’s too crafty. Question the lama first.’ ‘Yes, of course.’

Two monks dragged Bayen in and threw him roughly on the ground. ‘Show some respect to our distinguished guest!’ protested Father Aureole. ‘Yes, master!’ chorused the two monks as they withdrew. Trinket meanwhile had picked up a chair and with his dagger began sharpening the chair legs. He peeled off layer after layer, and the blade sliced through the wood as effortlessly as if he had been peeling the skin off a pear. Father Aureole watched him mystified.

Then Trinket went up to Bayen, patted his head with his left hand, and with the dagger in his right hand began making a movement— just like the peeling he had just completed. ‘No!’ shouted Bayen. ‘On no account!’ concurred Father Aureole. ‘What do you mean?’ protested Trinket angrily. ‘I know these Tibetan lamas. They all practise Steel Head kungfu! Nothing can get into their brain-boxes! I tried it on one of them once in Peking. I peeled away for hours, and he never so much as budged an inch. Tell me, Brother Bayen, are you the real thing? Or are you a fake? There’s only one way to be sure, and that’s to test you out!’ ‘No slice!’ stammered Bayen. ‘No slice! Bayen . . . tell truth!’ Trinket fingered his scalp. ‘But how will I know?’ ‘If Bayen lie, then slice!’ suggested the lama hopefully.

Trinket pondered this option a moment. ‘Very well. My first question is: who sent you here?’ ‘Great Lama Tsereng-bLo-do of Manjusri Monastery . . . sent here.’ ‘Holy name!’ cried Father Aureole. That’s right here on Wutai. Since when have the Lamaists of Wutai fought against us? Why did the Great Lama send you to make trouble here?’ ‘I no make trouble!’ protested Bayen. ‘Brother Tsereng . . . send me find monk. Monk . . . steal precious Sutra from Lhasa, belong Dalai Lama! He hide in Pure Coolness, so we come . . . take him away.’ ‘Holy name!’ cried the Abbot again. ‘I never heard of such carryings-on!’ ‘One lie, and I slice!’ threatened Trinket, brushing Bayen’s scalp with the blade of his dagger. ‘No lie!’ blurted out Bayen. ‘No lie! Ask Brother Tsereng! We pretend look for young lama . . . really look for… older monk. Mr Huangfu, he know monk, he come with us. Brother Tsereng say . . . this monk steal precious Lama Sutra, Mahaparamarthasatya Sutra! I find monk . . . number one good thing . . . return Lhasa . . . Dalai Lama give big reward!’

From the look on Bayen’s face during this lengthy recital, Trinket reckoned that this time he probably was telling the truth— the truth, that is, as far as Bayen himself was aware of it. The old lama had evidently been fed this story because the others did not want him to know about the Old Emperor. Trinket now produced the letter that they had taken from the three lamas on the road earlier, and thrust it in front of Bayen’s eyes. ‘Read this for me!’

As he said this, he pressed the edge of the dagger-blade against the lama’s scalp. ‘Yes! Yes!’ Bayen began uttering a long string of outlandish Tibetan syllables. Trinket nodded. ‘That’s right. Very good. Now do you mind saying all that in Chinese for the Father? He doesn’t happen to understand Tibetan.’ ‘Letter say . . .’ began Bayen. ‘Letter say … great person . . . at Pure Coolness Monastery. Latest news . . . Mystic Dragons . . . come get him. . . . Must get there first.’

Trinket nodded. ‘Anything else?’ ‘Letter say . . . Peking Great Lama Dahar … he send more men in case Mystic Dragons arrive. … If Great Lama Sangge already in Peking … he top fighter in whole world, can help. . . . Others no hand stance in Hell!’ Trinket burst out laughing. Tamardy! Hand what stance, you stupid lump of lama pudding!’ It was not often that Trinket had a chance to correct other people’s idioms.
‘Yes … no … yes . . .’ jabbered Bayen. ‘No … no … no … no handstand in Hell. . .’ ‘You mean he wouldn’t stand a chance in Hell, you big baboon! What else?’ ‘No else!’

‘And Mr Huangfu? Who’s he when he’s at home?’ The lama looked puzzled at the question. ‘Brother Tsereng … He not at home . . . Send for him. He come yesterday.’ Trinket nodded. He turned to Father Aureole. ‘I should like to question that Father Crystal, the fat monk from the Buddha Light Monastery. If you’d rather not be present, you can listen from outside.’ Father Aureole hastened to take his leave, and repaired to his cell.

Father Crystal was all smiles as he came in. What superb kungfu, my young friend!’ he twittered. ‘Up your mother’s!’ snapped Trinket. Who asked you to lick my arse?’ He gave him a boot up the pants. It hurt, but Father Crystal kept on smiling. ‘Of course, no true hero likes to be praised! But I meant it, truly—’ ‘Shut up and answer this question. Who sent you here to put on this stupid little performance?’

‘My son, I would never dream of lying to you. It was Brother Tsereng-bLo-do, the Great Lama of the Manjusri Monastery, who presented me with two hundred taels to accompany his fellow lama Bayen here. They were looking for someone, I believe. But I just did it to earn a little money.’ Trinket gave him another boot. ‘Bullshit! Think you can pull that one on me? Now, give me the truth!’ ‘Yes, yes, my son. . . . Actually, it was three hundred taels.’ ‘You mean a thousand.’ ‘Five hundred, to tell the absolute truth.’ ‘And what about Huangfu?’ ‘A nasty piece of work. Brother Bayen brought him along. As soon as you let me go, I’ll take him to Wutai County and have the magistrate there punish him properly. I think we can pin all the deaths on him—’ ‘Why not on you?’

Next it was Huangfu’s turn. He was a tough customer and refused to say a word. Trinket tried the dagger trick, but it had no effect. He sent for Doublet and told her to close his Celestial Gully point. Huangfu groaned with pain. But still he refused to answer Trinket’s questions. ‘Go on, kill me! But stop the torturing! That’s no way for a real man to behave!’ Trinket had a grudging respect for that kind of talk. He told Doublet to open the point. Having dismissed Huangfu, he sent for Father Aureole again. ‘We’ll have to discuss all of this with a certain Very Important Person,’ he declared. ‘Then we’ll know what to do.’

Father Aureole shook his head. ‘He absolutely refuses to set eyes on any outsider.’ Trinket started getting angry. ‘Don’t give me that! He’s just set eyes on a whole mob of people! And if we hadn’t stepped in, he’d have been carried off altogether. Listen, a few days from now we’ll have a whole new batch of lamas from Peking coming here, and this Great Fighting Lama whatever-his-name-is, and the Mystic Dragons, and the Spastic Turtles—and then our Very Important Person really will be up the creek!’ ‘I suppose you’re right.’ ‘Of course I’m right. You go and have a word with him. Tell him it’s a matter of life and death.’ Father Aureole shook his head. ‘I have already given him my word that none of us—not even I myself—will speak to him.’ ‘All right then. I’ll go. I’m not one of you.’ ‘No no! If you go in there, his friend, the big monk, Brother Headlong we call him—he’ll kill you with one blow!’ ‘Not me he won’t!’

Father Aureole glanced at Doublet. ‘Even if your serving-boy manages to deal with Brother Headlong, Brother Wayward still won’t speak to you.’ ‘Brother Wayward? Is that his new name? Is that what you monks call him?’ ‘Yes, it is. I thought you knew.’
Trinket sighed pointedly. ‘I see. Very well then. There seems to be nothing I can do. Since you can’t come up with anything either, not even a “handstand in hell”—we’ll just have to stand back and watch your monastery being destroyed.’ Father Aureole frowned, and rubbed his hands together in great perplexity. An idea suddenly occurred to him. ‘I’ll go and speak to Venerable Yulin. Perhaps he can think of something.’ ‘And who’s he?’ ‘He is Brother Wayward’s Shifu.’ ‘Excellent. Let’s go and see him together.’Beyond the Dusty World

And so Father Aureole led Trinket and Doublet out through the back entrance of the monastery and onto the hillside behind. About half a mile further up they came to a little tumbledown temple, without a name-board above its entrance. Father Aureole walked in and through to the meditation chamber at the rear, and there found an elderly, white-haired monk sitting on his prayer-mat, his eyes closed in deep meditation. He seemed totally unaware of the three of them as they came in. Father Aureole sat down respectfully on a prayer-mat at the side, lowering his gaze and bringing his hands together in a gesture of prayer. Trinket did likewise (privately chuckling to himself at his newly acquired monkish ways). Doublet stood behind him. It was deathly silent in the little temple, which was apparently uninhabited except for this one old monk.

An age seemed to go by, and still Venerable Yulin did not so much as move a muscle. Father Aureole sat motionless too. Trinket was beginning to get pins and needles, and kept restlessly jumping up and sitting down again, inwardly cursing the old bonze and his ancestors. Another age went by, and the old man finally took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes. He did not register any surprise at the fact that he was not alone, but merely nodded. ‘My Revered Brother in the Dharma,’ began Father Aureole, ‘it seems that Brother Wayward’s worldly karma is not yet extinguished. Trouble is at hand.’ He proceeded to tell the old bonze the whole story. Yulin listened in total silence, then closed his eyes, and seemed to drift back into a meditative trance.

Trinket’s impatience finally got the better of him, and he jumped to his feet. ‘Cut the karma!’ he cried angrily. ‘Time’s running out!’ His imprecations were, however, cut short by Father Aureole, who gesticulated to him urgently, and indicated that he should be quiet and sit down. Half an hour of further meditation passed (on the part of Yulin). With every minute Trinket’s opinion of the bonze sank lower and lower. Finally the old man opened his eyes again and spoke. ‘Mr Wei, my son, have you come from Peking?’ ‘I have.’ ‘Have you been waiting upon His Majesty?’ Trinket started. ‘How did you . . . know that?’

‘I was just guessing.’ ‘What a weird old boy!’ thought Trinket to himself, and silently resolved to show him a little more respect. ‘So what has His Majesty asked you to come and talk to Brother Wayward about?’ ‘He seems to know everything!’ Trinket thought to himself. ‘No use trying to pull the wool over his eyes!’ ‘When His Majesty learned that his father was still alive, he was both happy and sad. He sent me here to kowtow and to bring a devoted son’s heartfelt greetings. His Majesty would be overjoyed if… if His Old Majesty were willing to return to the Palace.’ He made no mention of Kang Xi’s intention to pay a visit to Wutai himself, if the news that his father was there proved to be true. He was keeping that back for the time being. Yulin asked to see something in writing from the Emperor, and Trinket produced Kang Xi’s handwritten letter and presented it to him respectfully with both hands. Yulin read it and handed it back to Trinket. ‘So you are Lieutenant-Colonel Wei of the Palace Guards? My humblest respects!’

Trinket’s sense of satisfaction was somewhat marred by the expression on the old bonze’s face as he said this, which mingled disdain with detachment, and seemed devoid of any actual respect, let alone humility. ‘So tell me, my son, what do you plan to do now?’ ‘I should like to kneel before the Old Emperor, and hear his instructions.’ ‘He used once to be ruler of all that he surveyed,’ commented Yulin. ‘But since he entered the Gate of the Dharma, he has left the red dust of the world behind him. You must never utter the words “His Old Majesty” or “Old Emperor” again. Someone might hear, and his tranquillity would be for ever disrupted.’ Trinket fell silent.

‘I must ask you,’ Yulin continued, ‘to report back to His Majesty, that Brother Wayward wishes to see no one, neither you nor any other intruder from the dusty world.’ ‘But my Master the Emperor is his son!’ exclaimed Trinket. ‘He’s not an intruder!’ ‘For one who has entered within the portals of the Lord Buddha,’ pronounced Yulin, ‘family is no longer family. From that time forth, wife and children are all of them intruders.’ Trinket found this very hard to accept. He went on to offer his services as a simple guard in attendance on the Old Emperor, but Yulin politely brushed the idea aside, brought the palms of his hands together, closed his eyes, and drifted off again.

Father Aureole rose to his feet, retreated to the door, and bowed to Yulin. Trinket pulled a face, stuck his tongue out and, putting the thumb of his right hand to his nose, twiddled his four fingers at the old bonze as if to say, ‘Here’s to you, you old fart!’ Yulin’s eyes were closed, and he saw none of this. When the three of them were outside again, Father Aureole spoke to Trinket: The Venerable Yulin is an extremely distinguished and enlightened member of our order. Now I must go and tell Father Crystal and the others they can leave. It has been a great privilege to meet you, my son. I must be on my way.’ He brought his palms together and bowed deeply. Clearly he had no intention of welcoming Trinket and his friends back to the monastery.

‘Very well then,’ replied Trinket, greatly mortified. ‘Since you’ve obviously got a cunning plan up your sleeve, I’ll just leave you to it!’ He sent Doublet to fetch Wurtle and their bearers, and they all set off back down the hill to the Holy Precinct Monastery. A Strong Bond

Back in his room in the monastery, Trinket sat, chin on hand, lost in thought. ‘So: I’ve seen His Old Majesty, and he’s not a bit old—but he’s in serious danger! What with the lamas and the Mystic Dragons all after him, and that old fart of a bald turtle Yulin, who’s a pretentious idiot, and Father Aureole, who’s no use to man or beast… I give the Old Emperor a few days at the most. What am I going to tell Misty? I mustn’t let him down! What am I going to do?’ He looked up at Doublet, and saw that her face was locked in a frown. ‘What’s the trouble?’ he asked her. ‘Oh, nothing.’ ‘Come on, I can see there’s something troubling you. Tell me what it is.’ ‘No, really, it’s nothing.’ ‘I know what it is: you’re cross with me for not telling you that I actually worked for the Emperor in the Palace?’ ‘How could you?’ burst out Doublet, her face flushing. ‘How could you do such a thing? The Tartars are wicked, wicked people! And to think that you’re one of them!’ Tears were running down both her cheeks.

Trinket stared at her a moment. ‘Silly girl! There’s no need to cry!’ ‘My Lady gave me to you,’ sobbed Doublet, ‘to serve and obey. But how can I? My father and mother, my two brothers, were all of them killed by the very people you work for …” She started wailing out loud.

For an instant Trinket seemed at a loss what to say. Then suddenly he made up his mind. ‘All right then. I’d better tell you the truth. All of that Palace stuff is just a front. Really I’m working for the Triads. I’m Lodge Master of the Green Wood Lodge, and I’m working on a top-secret mission in the Palace, collecting information … If the Tartars ever get to know, my life will be in danger.’ Doublet held her hand to his lips and whispered: ‘Shush! I’m sorry. I should never have made you tell me.’ A smile of joy lit up her tear-streaked face. ‘So you are a good person after all! I knew you had to be! How stupid I’ve been . . .’ ‘No, on the contrary, you’re very clever.’

He took her hand, and sat her down next to him on the kang. He told her all about the two Emperors, whispering into her ear, and painted the Old Emperor’s present situation in a desperate light.


Then he talked about the two of them. ‘You and I will never part,’ he said. ‘We’ll always be together.’ Doublet blushed. ‘I’ll never leave you,’ she whispered. ‘Unless, of course, you send me packing . . .’ Trinket raised his hand to his throat and made a sideways chopping motion. ‘If I ever send you packing, may my head be chopped from my body!’ Doublet copied his gesture, and they both burst out laughing. Doublet had always conformed to the role of servant, and hardly ever allowed herself to smile, let alone laugh, in her master’s presence. The open way in which he had just spoken to her made her feel strangely happy. The bond between them grew stronger and more intimate as a result.

Dangerous Thoughts breed Danger

Trinket and Doublet sat there for a long while discussing the Old Emperor’s predicament and the possible ways of saving him from the threat of capture. Finally Trinket hit upon the idea of pre-empting their rivals by kidnapping him first themselves.

With this plan in mind, they set off back to the Pure Coolness Monastery. ‘We’d better wait for dark,’ said Trinket. They hid among some trees and waited for night to fall. ‘Luckily for us,’ whispered Trinket, ‘the Abbot’s the only trained fighter in the monastery, and he’s wounded and certain to be resting in bed. You had better immobilize that big fat monk, Brother Headlong, and I’ll look after His Old Majesty. Just watch out for that golden cudgel of his!’ Doublet nodded.

Under cover of darkness they crept stealthily through the monastery grounds to the little hermitage where Shun Zhi was staying. The wooden double-door was closed, but the damage done to it earlier had still not been repaired and Doublet was easily able to pull open the left leaf. As she did so there was a golden flash and a great bellow, and the golden cudgel came shooting out of the doorway. In that instant, as the cudgel was raised to begin its devastating descent, Doublet dived in underneath it and shot out two fingers, aiming with deadly accuracy at two Vital Points on the giant’s chest. Even as she did so she whispered: ‘Very sorry!’

At the same time she caught hold of the great cudgel with both hands. Brother Headlong sank slowly to the ground. The cudgel must have weighed at least a hundred catties, and it was a good thing Doublet got hold of it, or it would have come falling down and crushed her feet. Trinket meanwhile opened the other half of the door and darted in. In the dark interior he could just make out the figure of a man sitting on a prayer-mat. He fell to his knees and kowtowed. ‘Your humble servant Trinket, Majesty. I’m the one who came to save you earlier today. Don’t be scared.’

Brother Wayward said not a word. ‘Your Majesty,’ continued Trinket, ‘it is of course an excellent thing that you should spend your days in prayer and meditation. The trouble is, there are evil men outside who want to lay hands on you and take you away, so it would be much safer if we could move you somewhere a little more out of their reach.’ Still no response. ‘So, if you don’t mind, I’d like you to come along with me.’

Brother Wayward just sat there, cross-legged and silent. Trinket’s eyes were used to the dark by now, and he could see that Brother Wayward was sitting in exactly the same position as his teacher, the Venerable Yulin, had been. He could not tell if he was in a deep meditative trance and therefore unaware of Trinket’s presence, or just consciously trying to ignore him. ‘Your presence here, Your Majesty, is no longer a secret. Those men have gone for the time being, but others will be back. We must get you to a safe place.’ Silence. Then suddenly Brother Headlong spoke. ‘It was very kind of you young people to come to my Master’s rescue earlier today. My Master is meditating, and when he is meditating, he never speaks to anyone. Where are you wanting to take him?’

His voice, usually a great bellowing roar, had been reduced to a hoarse croak. Trinket rose to his feet. ‘Anywhere away from here. Anywhere your Master would like to go. Anywhere those wicked people can’t get hold of him. Then you can both carry on meditating to your hearts’ content.’

He told Doublet to release Brother Headlong’s points, which she did by pressing him in the small of the back and below his ribs. Brother Headlong now addressed his Master, in a tone of great reverence: ‘Sire, these children want us to take refuge from here.’ Finally Brother Wayward spoke. It was the first time Trinket had heard his voice. It was ringing and clear. ‘My teacher said nothing about leaving this monastery.’ ‘But they are right,’ insisted Brother Headlong. ‘It is very dangerous here.’ ‘All things are born in the mind,’ replied Brother Wayward. ‘Dangerous thoughts breed danger. Peaceful thoughts breed peace. All the killing earlier today has created a great deal of bad karma. We must have no more of such wild behaviour.’

Brother Headlong was silent for a moment, then replied: ‘Your words are true, Master.’ He turned to Trinket. ‘My Master refuses to leave. You have heard him.’ Trinket frowned. Then they’ll take him and slice him up into little pieces! Do you want him to die?’ ‘Death comes to us all sooner or later,’ replied Brother Headlong. ‘What difference does a few years more or less make?’ ‘What difference?’ disagreed Trinket boldly. ‘Are you telling me there’s no difference between being alive and being dead? Or between being a man and being a woman? Or between being a monk and being a putrid turtle?’ ‘Indeed,’ replied Brother Headlong. ‘All living things are equal.’

‘Stone the crows!’ thought Trinket to himself. ‘No wonder they’re called Headlong and Wayward! At this rate I’ll never get them out of here! I can hardly immobilize the Old Emperor and carry him out on a stretcher He ransacked his brains for a plan. Finally, in despair, he blurted out: Well, if all living things are equal, I suppose that means that Lady Donggo and the other Empress were equal too? In which case, why all the fuss in the first place? Why go to all the trouble of leaving the dusty world behind and becoming a.hermit?’ That did it. Brother Wayward leapt to his feet.

‘What. . . what did you say?’ His voice was trembling. Almost before he had spoken, Trinket had regretted his words. He fell to his knees. ‘Your Majesty, I beg you—don’t be angry at my foolishness!’ The past is over and forgotten,’ replied Brother Wayward. ‘It is many a year since I was last addressed as Majesty. Rise, there is something I wish to ask you.’ Trinket rose, thinking to himself, ‘At least I’ve managed to get him talking.’

‘Tell me,’ continued Brother Wayward, ‘when did you learn about the two Empresses?’ ‘I heard the eunuch Hai Dafu talking to the Empress Dowager.’ ‘You know about Hai Dafu? Tell me, how is he?’ The Empress Dowager killed him.’ Brother Wayward drew in a sharp breath. ‘He’s dead?’ ‘Yes. She used Soft Crush karate to kill him.’ ‘But. . . she never knew any Martial Arts.’ The Old Emperor’s voice trembled. ‘How do you know all this?’ They fought in the garden outside the Empress Dowager’s palace. I saw it with my own eyes.’ ‘Who exactly are you?’ ‘My name is Trinket Wei. I’m Deputy Intendant of the Palace Guards.’ He added: ‘I’m here at His Majesty’s express command. I have a letter in His Majesty’s own hand.’ He held out the letter for Brother Wayward, who stared at it a moment before taking it. After a long silence he sighed. ‘Is the Young Emperor well? Is he … happy being Emperor?’

‘As soon as the Young Emperor learned that Your Majesty was alive,’ replied Trinket, ‘he wanted to grow wings and fly here to be with you! But then . . . then he remembered his duties, and knew that he had to stay at Court. So he sent me instead. The moment I’ve reported back, he will come himself.’ There is no need for him to come.’ The Old Emperor’s voice was shaking. ‘He is a good ruler. He puts affairs of state above his own feelings. Not like me . . .’ He sounded as if he might choke at any minute. Trinket could hear that he was weeping.

He decided to make use of this opportunity to communicate what he knew. ‘Old Hai Dafu worked the whole thing out. It was the Empress Dowager who killed them all. First she killed Prince Rong, then the Empress Donggo, then her sister, Lady Zhen. After that she killed the Young Emperor’s own mother, the Empress Kang. As soon as the Empress Dowager realized that the cat was out of the bag (because Old Hai knew all about it), she killed him as well. Then she sent a gang of men here to try and kill Your Majesty! She’ll stop at nothing!’

Shun Zhi had already learned from Old Hai that someone, a kungfu specialist of an especially sinister sort, had been responsible for the deaths of his baby son, his beloved consort, and her sister. After reporting this to his Lord and Master, Old Hai had returned to the Palace to continue his investigations into the iden- tity of the murderer. But the Old Emperor simply could not bring himself to believe that it was his wife, the present Empress Dowager, who had done it. He sighed. ‘But she knows nothing of the Martial Arts. It can’t have been her.’ ‘You wouldn’t say that, Your Majesty, if you’d been there in the garden.’ Trinket then gave him a detailed, word-for-word account of what he had seen and heard pass between the Empress Dowager and Old Hai that night.

Shun Zhi had always been a devoted son and an upright man. His passion for the Empress Donggo (she whom the Old Whore had called the Fox Lady) had quite swept him off his feet. It was after her death that he had totally lost interest in being the Lord-of-all-beneath-the-Heavens, and had instead taken refuge in this hermitage. All these years he had devoted himself to the practice of Zen meditation. But Empress Donggo was still deeply etched in his memory, and Trinket’s words had awoken all his old passion. For the moment, the spirit of transcendent detachment was driven from his mind. As Trinket went over the details of the plot uncovered by Hai Dafu, the Old Emperor’s heart filled with grief and rage. ‘She’ll stop at nothing,’ Trinket repeated. ‘First she’ll kill you, then she’ll kill the Young Emperor. Then she’ll dig up the Empress Donggo’s grave, and have all the copies of her Sayings destroyed. She says they’re full of rubbish and any family found with a copy of it should be put to death!’

This last part was entirely his own fabrication. But it stirred Brother Wayward to even further indignation. ‘Vile woman!’ he cried, angrily slapping his thigh. ‘I should have had her deposed! Look at the havoc she is wreaking!’ When he was Emperor, he had in fact wished to depose her and put his beloved Empress Donggo in her place. But his own mother had prevented him from doing so.

‘So you see, Your Majesty, to save your own son’s life, and to save the grave of the Empress Donggo from being defiled, we must stop her! Even if you think that death and life are one and the same, it’s still important to stop that woman from killing other people.’ Shun Zhi had always been an impulsive sort of person. Having come to the throne at the age of seven, he had been no more than twenty-four years old when he sought refuge in the hermitage on Wutai. He was still now only a year or two over thirty. He believed Trinket implicitly. Thank goodness you told me all of this! You are right! Brother Headlong, we must leave at once. Otherwise a disaster will occur.’ ‘Yes, Master!’ Brother Headlong grasped his golden cudgel in one hand, and with the other pushed open the door of the hermitage.

There, standing in the doorway, he saw the figure of a man. In the darkness, he was unable to make out the man’s face. ‘Who are you?’ He raised his golden cudgel. ‘Where are you going?’ was the man’s response. Recognizing the voice, Brother Headlong gave a start, threw his cudgel to the ground, and brought his hands together in salutation. ‘Shifu!’ he cried. Brother Wayward echoed his cry. It was the Venerable Yulin. ‘I heard everything that was said just now.’ He enunciated his words slowly. ‘Oh dear!’ thought Trinket silently to himself. This could mean trouble.’

Yulin continued, speaking in a sombre tone: The karma of this world allows no such thing as escape. It must be fulfilled. Every action has its ineluctable and immutable consequence. Try to escape it, and it will follow you.’ Brother Wayward was already kneeling at his feet. ‘Yes, Shifu! You speak the truth. Your disciple understands.’ ‘I fear that your understanding is still deficient. If your wife of former times is indeed seeking you out, if she bears an ill will towards you, if she feels hatred for you, if she wishes to take your life; then you must look deep within yourself, you must let her hate, you must let her kill, you must let this karma be fulfilled. Try to escape from her, and the karma will remain; send someone to kill her, and you will create yet more karma.’ ‘Yes, Shifu,’ said Brother Wayward, his voice trembling.

‘Up yours, you fat bald-pated turtle-bonze!’ Trinket muttered quietly to himself. ‘Damn you! Sod you! Blast you to smithereens! Slice your bald pate open and cram your fat smelly head full of your own stinking karma!’

Yulin continued: ‘The Tibetan Lama and his associates, however, are a different story. They and their plotting must be stopped. They want to lay hands on you and then, having done so, they will use you to control the Young Emperor. They will do wicked things and cruelly abuse the common people. They will create evil karma. We cannot simply stand by and let them wreak havoc. So, this place is no longer safe; for the present, you must come with me and move to the small temple up the hill.’

He turned and set off at once, and the two Brothers followed him, with Trinket and Doublet (whose presence the Venerable Shifu continued completely to ignore) trailing behind them. When they came to Yulin’s little hillside retreat, the Shifu sat down again cross-legged on his prayer-mat and recommenced his meditations. Wayward sat on the mat next to his Shifu and followed his example. Headlong took a good look around first, and then did likewise. Yulin and Wayward brought their hands together immediately and closed their eyes, and sat there totally motionless. Headlong kept his eyes wide open at first, and sat staring into space, then finally he too closed his eyes, letting his hands rest in his lap. After a few minutes, one of his hands strayed towards his cudgel, just to make sure it was still there.

Trinket pulled a face at Doublet, and then he too went through a whole performance of sitting on a mat. Doublet sat next to him. Trinket was Restless Monkey Incarnate, and he would rather have died than sit motionless on a prayer-mat for more than a minute or two. But there was no question of running off and abandoning the Old Emperor. He kept wriggling around, and taking hold of Doublet’s hand and tickling her palm. She managed not to laugh, but pointed warningly in the direction of the meditating monks.

After an hour or so of this, Trinket suddenly had one of his brainwaves. The Old Emperor may be a monk, but surely even monks occasionally have to relieve themselves. . . . I’ll wait till he needs a piss, and then I’ll try and trick him into escaping.’ This new plan set his mind considerably at ease. After another period of meditative silence, they suddenly heard the unmistakable sound of tramping boots in the distance. It sounded as if a mighty horde of aggressors was on its way up towards the monastery. Headlong’s face twitched. He instinctively reached for his cudgel, and opened his eyes wide. He saw that his Master and Shifu Yulin were still frozen, and after a moment’s hesitation he let go of the cudgel and closed his eyes again.

Trinket could now quite clearly hear the sound of rampaging going on within the monastery. ‘When they can’t find him there,’ he thought to himself, ‘they’re bound to come up here. And what are you going to do about that, Bald Pate?’ Sure enough, less than an hour later, they heard the mob burst out onto the rear hill and begin making its way through the darkness towards the little temple. There were cries of ‘Search! Search!’

Headlong now leapt to his feet with his cudgel in one hand, and stood barring the doorway. Trinket stole across to the window and looked outside. By the light of the moon, all he could make out was a crowd of heads. Back inside, Wayward and his Shifu were still sitting motionless. ‘What should we do?’ whispered Doublet. ‘In a minute,’ Trinket whispered back, ‘when they break in, we’ll escape with the Old Emperor out the back!’ After a brief pause he continued: ‘If we get separated, we’ll meet up again at the Holy Precinct Monastery.’ Doublet nodded.

Brother Headlong guarded the doorway of the little temple single-handed against the yelling saffron-robed mob, his bulky frame all but blocking the entrance. In the ensuing confusion, by some miracle, nine pairs of grey-robed monks appeared as if from nowhere, succeeded in squeezing past him, and sat down cross-legged inside the temple. Trinket found all of this highly intriguing. Another monk in the place, and there wouldn’t be room to move. If the eighteen new arrivals were fighters of the same calibre as Father Aureole, they would be able to hold the building against all comers.

Suddenly, above all the shouting, an old man’s voice could be heard outside, crying: ‘So the Shaolin monks want to take this on their heads, do they?’ Not a word came by way of reply from the eighteen monks within. ‘Very well, then,’ continued the old man’s voice from outside. ‘If the Eighteen Lohans of Shaolin are determined to make a show of this, we’d best be off!’ Just as he had advised, the crowd then disbanded. Trinket studied the new arrivals. Some of them were ancient, wizened bonzes well into their seventies and eighties, some of them were middle-aged monks. There were tall and short, good-looking and ugly; and judging from the protuberances sticking out through their gowns, they were all armed with weapons of some kind. ‘So these are the Eighteen Fighting Lohans of Shaolin! No wonder that old Bald Pate Yulin wasn’t scared! He’d got it fixed up all along! He knew he had this lot to back him up! This is too weird! I’m out of my depth! I’m wasting my time here!’

He went over to Wayward, and knelt on the ground before him. ‘Your Holy Majesty, I don’t think I’m needed any more. I’d best be on my way. Do you have any instructions for me to take back?’ Wayward opened his eyes and gave a little smile. ‘I am obliged to you for your trouble. Please tell His Majesty not to bother coming to Wutai. He would only be disturbing my peace. Even if he were to come, I would not be able to see him. Tell him, if he wishes to keep the Empire at peace, he must remember one thing: never raise taxes. Tell him never to forget that. Then he will have done well by me, and I shall be happy.’ ‘Yes, Sire!’

Wayward reached into the bosom of his gown and produced a little package. ‘I want you to give this little Sutra to your Master. Tell him, in all things, to follow the course of Nature. Never try to force the outcome of events. If we Manchus can bring blessings and prosperity to the Chinese people, well and good. If not, and they want us to leave, then we should go back to the place from which we came.’ He patted the Sutra.

‘I know what this is,’ thought Trinket to himself, remembering Auntie Tao’s tale. ‘It’s another copy of the Sutra in Forty-Two Sectionsl’ He held out his hands to receive it. Wayward was silent a moment, then told Trinket to depart. Trinket made his way to the door, but just before leaving he turned to old Yulin and muttered: ‘Hey, old bonze, with all that sitting you have to do, don’t you ever need to piss?’


When Trinket arrived back at the Holy Precinct Monastery, he opened the little package. Sure enough, it was another copy of the Sutra, this time bound in yellow silk. ‘So should I give it to the Emperor or not?’ wondered Trinket. ‘I’ve got five copies already, and this one makes six. Two more, and I’ll have the whole set. Such a shame to give it away. Luckily, old Wayward said that even if the Emperor docs go to Wutai, he definitely won’t see him, so he’ll never know even if I don’t pass on the Sutra.’ But then he reflected that Kang Xi was his friend, and to pocket something belonging to a friend went against all the values of River and Lake. Perhaps he had better give it to him after all. Fat Dhuta and the Eighteen Lohans of Shaolin

The next morning, Trinket led Doublet, Wurtle, and the rest of the party down the mountain, feeling extremely pleased at the way things had turned out. He had not only succeeded in completing his Wutai mission, by finding and speaking to the Old Emperor, as Kang Xi had wished; he had also acquired a delightful new companion. Doublet was at the same time beautiful, sweet-natured, and a brilliant kungfu fighter.

They had walked about three or four miles, when they came upon what looked like a pilgrim travelling in the opposite direction, going up the mountain. He was very tall, almost as tall as the crazy Brother Headlong. But Headlong was strongly built, whereas this man was quite extraordinarily skinny. His gruesomely cadaverous appearance made the scrawny old abbot, Father Aureole, seem positively fat by comparison. His head was an oblong box of bones, with a pair of cavernous eyes hollowed into it, and long hair dangling down to his shoulders, fastened around the forehead with a copper band. His loose cotton gown flapped around him as he walked, like a robe draped over a clothes-rack.

Somewhat daunted by this strange apparition, Trinket averted his gaze, and moved to the side of the road to let the ascetic pass. But the man stopped right in front of him, and asked: ‘Are you on your way down from Pure Coolness Monastery?’ ‘No,’ replied Trinket. ‘As a matter of fact, we’ve come from the Monastery of the Holy Precinct.’ The Dhuta (for so such ascetics were called) reached out his left hand, and placed it on Trinket’s shoulder. Then he twisted him forcibly around, and looked him in the face. ‘Would you by any chance be Laurel Goong-goong from the Imperial Palace?’ he asked. As he asked the question, he pressed his hand down on Trinket’s shoulder, causing the boy’s entire body to go limp and immobilizing him in an instant. ‘What a ridiculous suggestion!’ he cried. ‘Do I look like a eunuch? I’m Mr Wei from Yangzhou.’

‘Hands off my master!’ shouted Doublet. ‘How dare you treat him like that!’ The Dhuta reached out his right hand, and grasped her by the shoulder too. ‘You sound like a eunuch,’ he said. Doublet lowered her shoulder, and at the same time jabbed her index finger smartly at his Celestial Gully point, hitting the spot with her usual precision. But there was no give in the Dhuta’s body. It felt as hard as an iron plate. Instead, Doublet herself felt an excruciating pain. The impact had all but shattered her finger. She gave a cry, and in that same instant a searing pain shot through her shoulder as the Dhuta’s giant hand swooped down on it.

He chuckled darkly. ‘Not a bad fighter, for a little eunuch! Not at all bad!’ Doublet now delivered a flying kick with her left foot, catching him squarely in the groin. It was like kicking a rock. ‘Aiyo!’ she cried, the tears running down her cheeks. ‘Good move, little eunuch!’ said the Dhuta. ‘Excellent!’ ‘I’m not a eunuch!’ she protested. ‘You’re the one who’s a eunuch!’ ‘Do I look like a eunuch?’ said the Dhuta with a nasty-looking leer. ‘Get your hand off me!’ screamed Doublet, ‘ If you don’t let go, I’ll cry rape!’ Think I’m frightened of you?’ cried the Dhuta, and with Trinket in his left hand and Doublet in his right, he hoisted them both up into the air and set off up the mountain, striding at a great pace. Trinket and Doublet began screaming and shouting, but the Dhuta ignored them both, and began to run uphill at a phenomenal speed, carrying them with as much ease as if they were weightless. Wurtle and the bearers watched, transfixed with amazement.

The Dhuta took a precipitous path up the mountainside, scrambling up it as if it was a flat surface. Trinket heard the wind whistling past his ears as they flew along. This Dhuta’s like a cross between a troll and a mountain goat!’ he muttered to himself. After a while, the Dhuta deposited them on the ground, and pointed to a towering mountain ahead of them, its peak lost in a vista of foggy cloud. ‘If you don’t tell me the truth, I’ll take you up there and drop you from the very top.’ ‘All right, I’ll tell you the truth,’ replied Trinket promptly.

‘Smart lad!’ said the Dhuta. ‘So, who are you actually? And who is this little boy?’ ‘Well… as a matter of fact, Your Reverence, she isn’t a little boy . . . she’s my . . . my Well?’ ‘My . . . my wife!’ Both the Dhuta and Doublet started when they heard the word ‘wife’. Doublet flushed a rosy pink. ‘Your wife?’ asked the Dhuta suspiciously. ‘Yes! And now I really am telling you the truth,’ declared Trinket. ‘You see, I’m not really from Yangzhou: I’m actually from a very rich family in Peking, and I went and fell madly in love with the girl next door. We got secretly engaged in my garden, but her father wouldn’t let us get married, so we had to elope. How could a pretty girl like her be a eunuch? If you don’t believe me, take off her hat and see for yourself.’ This the Dhuta promptly did, uncovering a head of fine long hair. In those days, Chinese men had to shave the front half of their head and grow a pigtail, except for Buddhist monks and Dhutas (who shaved the whole head), and Taoist monks (who let their hair grow long). There was no doubt left in the Dhuta’s mind. Doublet was a member of the female sex.

‘Holy Father,’ Trinket continued, ‘please don’t land us in trouble! We’ll be put to death. I’ll give you a thousand taels to let us go!’ ‘You’re obviously not a eunuch,’ mused the Dhuta out loud. ‘No eunuch would have the guts to elope with a girl. Hm, you seem quite a brave little fellow . . .’ He let go of him. ‘So what are you doing here on the Wutai Mountains?’ ‘We came to pray to Lord Buddha, and to ask for his blessing: I want to do well in my exams,’ said Trinket, ‘and then she— my wife—can be a proper lady.’ Needless to say, all this stuff about a ‘secret engagement’ and ‘doing well in the exams’ was something Trinket had picked up from the Yangzhou storytellers. The Dhuta pondered this for a moment. Finally he said: ‘I seem to have mistaken you for somebody else. Off you go now, both of you!’ Trinket was delighted. Thank you very much, Holy Father,’ he said. ‘We’ll certainly remember you in our prayers.’ He took Doublet by the hand and they set off down the mountain again.

They had only walked a few steps when the Dhuta cried out after them: ‘Wait a minute! There’s something not quite right here! Come back, both of you! You, little girl, you’re not a bad fighter. You caught me with your finger right on the Celestial Gully, and landed me a very nasty kick in the groin. . . . Not bad.’ He was rubbing his Vital Point while he was saying this. He continued: ‘Who taught you your kungfu? And which School is it?’ Doublet was not accustomed to lying. She flushed and shook her head. ‘It’s a family tradition. Her mother taught her,’ Trinket told him. ‘What’s her mother’s name?’ ‘Well. . . I’m afraid I really can’t tell you that.’ ‘Why not? Go on, tell me her name!’ ‘My family name is Zhuang,’ said Doublet.

‘Zhuang?’ repeated the Dhuta, shaking his head. That’s not right, you’re lying to me! I’ve never heard of a Shifu called Zhuang.’ There are so many Shifus in this world . . .’ put in Trinket. ‘Who asked you? Don’t interrupt!’ said the Dhuta angrily, tapping Trinket on the shoulder.

He had only tapped lightly, for fear of hurting the boy. But the moment his hand made contact with Trinket’s shoulder, he sensed an immediate counter-motion, an almost impalpable shifting of Inner Force. Trinket had used the move known as Grass Bending in the Wind, twisting his shoulder, turning his body around, then raising his left hand to guard his face, while preparing his right for a sudden attack. The Dhuta was taken aback by this well-executed move. He snatched at Trinket’s chest, and Trinket instantly jabbed with his right hand, a move known as Mystic Snake Quits Its Lair. He struck with precision at the Dhuta’s neck, but it was like driving his hand into an unyielding piece of iron. He screamed with the pain.

Doublet now flew into the attack with both hands. The Dhuta succeeded in closing the Vital Points on Trinket’s chest, then turned around to face his new opponent. Doublet crouched low and leapt high into the air, moving and striking with extraordinary speed and dexterity, but the Dhuta was more than a match for her. He ended up seizing hold of both her hands, and closed her points with a corkscrew motion of his left elbow. He turned to Trinket. ‘So—you said you were a rich young man from Peking. How come you know the Catch-Can of the Mystic Dragon School of Liaodong?’

‘Is there a law against it? Are only poor people allowed to practise it?’ answered Trinket, playing for time. But he was thinking to himself: ‘What does he mean by the Mystic Dragon School, I wonder? Ah … yes, the Old Devil once told me about the Old Whore only pretending to use Wudang moves, when actually she was using Snake Island karate. I bet Mystic Dragon Island is just a fancy name for Snake Island. It must be! They call themselves Dragons because Snakes would sound too common. Misty learned some of his stuff from the Old Whore, so he must have passed it on to me. That’s where I got it from.’

‘Well?’ said the Dhuta. ‘Who is your Shifu?’ Trinket’s thoughts ran on: ‘I can’t tell him that the moves were taught me by the Old Whore. If I do that, I’m done for: that’s as good as confessing that I’m a Palace Eunuch.’ So instead he replied: ‘I was taught a bit by one of my uncle’s girlfriends, a fat lady called Liu Yan.’ The Dhuta was visibly thrown by this. ‘Liu Yan? A girlfriend of your uncle’s? What uncle?’ ‘His name’s Wei, Treasure Wei.’ (Trinket to the power of ten!) ‘He’s a very smart Peking gentleman. A very good-looking man, who likes to throw his money around. The fat lady fell for him at first sight, and since then she’s been coming to our house all the time, jumping in and out over the garden wall in the middle of the night. I kept pestering her to teach me kungfu, so she taught me a thing or two.’

The Dhuta was almost inclined to believe him. ‘What about your uncle? Does he know any kungfu?’ ‘My uncle? You must be joking!’ Trinket burst out laughing. ‘Auntie Liu was always grabbing him by the collar, and dragging him all round the house.’ The Dhuta asked a whole series of questions concerning Sister Swallow’s shape and appearance, which Trinket was able to answer with total accuracy, adding that she loved to wear red embroidered shoes. This last detail clinched it. The Dhuta was now convinced of the truth of Trinket’s story. He reached out his hand and tapped him lightly on the midriff, intending to open his Vital Point and send him on his way. But as bad luck would have it, his hand never touched the point. It hit instead upon the very spot where Trinket had secreted the Sutra.

‘What have we here?’ asked the Dhuta. ‘Just a wad of banknotes I stole from home.’ ‘Rubbish! It’s much too thick!’ The Dhuta reached forward, extracted the packet from Trinket’s inner pocket, and unwrapped it. He was stunned by what he saw. The Sutra! The Sutra!’ he shouted, a big grin spreading all over his face. He hurriedly wrapped the Sutra up again, and placed it in the bosom of his own gown. He grasped Trinket by the chest, and lifted him up into the air. ‘Where did you get this?’ he yelled at him.

This was no easy question. ‘Well. . . it’s a … a long story,’ stammered Trinket nervously. Til need some time to explain everything He was playing for time again, trying to figure out a story that would not only convince the Dhuta of the Sutra’s origins (that was easy enough), but also persuade him to relinquish possession of it. ‘Who gave it to you?’ the Dhuta asked loudly.

Trinket from his vantage point in mid-air caught sight of a party of seven or eight monks in grey climbing up the mountainside. He was soon able to identify them as some of the Eighteen Shaolin Lohans whom he had seen in the temple behind the Pure Coolness Monastery. When the Dhuta swivelled him in a new direction, he saw a few more clambering up from the west. He counted. Yes, there were altogether eighteen of them. Trinket cheered silently to himself: ‘Damn you, you putrid Dhuta! You’ll never beat the Eighteen Lohans of Shaolin, not in a month of Zen Sundays!’ ‘Tell me, quickly!’ the Dhuta barked. ‘Where did you get it from?’

He noticed Trinket looking around and, following his line of vision, spotted the monks climbing slowly from the east, north, and west. But he did not seem particularly concerned. ‘What are they doing up here?’ he asked nonchalantly. ‘The fame of your kungfu has probably reached them, and they want to be your disciples!’ Trinket taunted him. ‘I don’t take disciples,’ the Dhuta said, somewhat obtusely, shaking his head. ‘Hey, you bonzes,’ he bellowed. ‘Scram! Go away!’ His mighty voice echoed across the valley.

But the monks continued climbing until finally they reached the spot where the Dhuta was standing. One of them, an old monk with especially long eyebrows, placed his palms together, and said: ‘Reverend Father, are you the renowned Fat Dhuta from Liaodong?’ Trinket, still dangling in mid-air, couldn’t help laughing. The old monk was surely mocking old Bag-of-Bones. To his great surprise the Dhuta replied loudly in the affirmative. ‘Yes, I am the Fat Dhuta. And I don’t take disciples. Who are you?’ ‘I am Brother Cordial of the Shaolin Monastery,’ replied the old monk. ‘I have the honour of presiding over the Dharma Hall. These are my seventeen Brothers, who all hail from the same place.’

The Dhuta put Trinket down. ‘Ah. … So you are the Eighteen Lohans of Shaolin. Well, if it’s a fight you’re after, I’m afraid I can’t oblige. You can hardly expect me to take all of you on single-handed.’ ‘We have no cause to fight. We are all believers in the same faith,’ protested Brother Cordial, still holding his palms together. ‘It is our most excellent karma to meet you today. We have long heard tell of the unmatched kungfu prowess of the Two Dhutas of Liaodong—yourself and your brother-in-arms, the Thin Dhuta. As for ourselves, we are unworthy of the name we bear. The Eighteen Lohans of old were holy men. We were merely given their name as a small mark of esteem by our friends in the Martial Arts fraternity.’ The other seventeen monks brought their palms together and bowed. Fat Dhuta bowed back. ‘What brings you here to Wutai?’ he asked.

‘There is a karmic bond between our Shaolin Monastery and this young gentleman,’ said Brother Cordial, pointing to Trinket. ‘We would like to ask you to show him mercy and release him.’ Fat Dhuta hesitated a moment, reflecting that he was greatly outnumbered. These were formidable fighters whom he could only hope to handle in single combat. ‘Very well. I shall set him free out of respect for Your Holiness!’ He bent down and opened Trinket’s point by rubbing lightly on his midriff. Trinket stood up at once and reached out his right palm. ‘Give me back the Sutra,’ he said to the Dhuta. ‘It was given to me by a friend of these Eighteen Lohans. He asked me to take it … to the Shaolin Monastery and hand it over to the Abbot. So I’d like it back!’

‘What?’ Fat Dhuta screamed with fury. ‘What’s the Sutra got to do with the Shaolin Monastery?’ ‘Never you mind! You stole it from me!’ Trinket had raised his voice. ‘Hand it over or else!’ ‘Nonsense!’ cried Fat Dhuta, turning around and setting off rapidly down the north face of the mountain. Three of the Shaolin monks instantly leapt to their feet and tried to snatch him by the arms. Fat Dhuta dared not take them on, but eluded them effectively despite his great height by stepping nimbly to one side and dodging their threefold attack. This form of snatch is a branch of kungfu at which Shaolin monks excel. But the monks failed even to touch the hem of his gown. In an instant, four more monks had positioned themselves behind the Dhuta, barring his way with their interwoven open palms. Fat Dhuta drew in a lungful of air and, letting out an ear-piercing scream, he thrust both palms forwards in the powerful move known as the Five Founding Fathers. Taking advantage of its phenomenal force, he spun round and dashed off towards the south.

The four monks behind him opened their palms simultaneously, and attacked from left and right. Meanwhile, Fat Dhuta caught a glimpse of three more snatching attacks coming at him from behind, as well as two karate blows on his left. He instantly leapt to his feet and threw himself kicking into mid-air. But the wide variety of claw-like snatches behind him—the Dragon, the Tiger, the Hawk—struck terror into his heart. He flailed his sleeves like a whirlwind, then landed on his left foot, seizing hold of Trinket with his right hand. ‘Do you want him dead or alive?’ he cried.

The Lohans—all eighteen of them—formed two circles, one inside the other. Fat Dhuta was trapped in the very centre. The Sutra is very important to this young gentleman,’ said Brother Cordial. ‘So please be so kind as to return it to him. If you do this virtuous deed, we will all appreciate your kindness.’ Fat Dhuta dangled Trinket high in the air with his right hand and, placing his left hand on the very crown of the boy’s head, he broke through the double circle and strode off down the south face of the mountain. The gravity of the situation was pretty clear. If the monks tried to stop the Dhuta, he would crush Trinket’s head simply by applying a little extra pressure with his left hand. The monks standing in his path showed a momentary hesitation, but finally withdrew to one side. Fat Dhuta went hurtling onwards to the south with Trinket, running faster and faster.

The Eighteen Lohans glided closely behind him, hovering above the ground and moving at what seemed superhuman speed. At this moment, Doublet, whose points had already been opened by the Shaolin monks, seeing that Trinket had been carried off, hurried in pursuit. She was a formidable fighter for her age, but not equal to the Shaolin monks in terms of her Inner Force. She found herself lagging a long way behind them. She was suddenly overcome by a sense of hopelessness, and burst into tears. Ahead of her she could see Fat Dhuta carrying Trinket with him, easily outrunning every single one of the Shaolin monks. Fat Dhuta was now rushing with Trinket towards a high peak to the south. The Lohans spread out in a line chasing after them. By the time Doublet had reached the foot of the mountain, she was already out of breath. She looked up at the precipitous mountainside, wondering what terrible fate awaited her master.

Suddenly a great rumbling interrupted her thoughts, and she saw a series of big rocks come rolling down the mountain. The Lohans evaded them by jumping to either side. Fat Dhuta was trying to deter his opponents from closing in, but his missiles failed to hit their targets. Doublet took a deep breath before setting off up the peak. The peak they were climbing was the southernmost peak of the Wutai Mountains. There are five main peaks on Wutai, and at the top of each of them is a monastery, each dedicated to a different manifestation of the Bodhisattva Manjusri, patron saint of the whole range. This one, criss-crossed with a maze of winding paths, was known as the Brocade Peak. Once Doublet reached the top, she saw the Shaolin monks positioned outside the monastery called the Monastery of Universal Salvation. Fat Dhuta and Trinket had already entered.

‘Master! Master!’ shouted Doublet, running directly into the monastery grounds, where she found Fat Dhuta standing under the eaves of the Great Buddha Hall, with Trinket still firmly grasped in his right hand. Doublet dashed forwards. ‘Master,’ she cried, ‘did he hurt you?’ ‘He wouldn’t dare,’ said Trinket. That’s what you think?’ bellowed Fat Dhuta furiously. ‘If you dare to remove even one hair of my head,’ said Trinket with a highly provocative smile, ‘the Eighteen Shaolin Lohans will surely catch you, and change you back into the fat little dwarf you once were. Then you’ll be in trouble!’ The colour drained from Fat Dhuta’s face. ‘What are you talking about?’ he asked in a trembling voice. ‘How . . . how … do you know?’

In fact, Trinket knew nothing. He had simply been improvising (in his usual fashion) his own explanation for the strange contradiction between Fat Dhuta’s skinny appearance and his bulky name. He seemed to have stumbled upon the Dhuta’s innermost secret by pure chance, and could sense the fear in the man’s voice. ‘I just know,’ Trinket replied with an icy sneer. ‘But the monks would never do me any harm,’ said Fat Dhuta. Without warning, he aimed a terrific kick with his right leg at a drum-shaped stone block, which flew with a great crash directly into the screen wall facing the gate of the monastery and instantly shattered into pieces, showering shards of stone everywhere. The Dhuta turned to Doublet and bellowed: What are you doing here? Do you want to die?’

‘If he lives I live, if he dies I die!’ came the brave response. ‘If you hurt him the least bit, I’ll fight you till my last breath!’ Tarmady!’ blazed the Dhuta. ‘What’s so special about this little brat? Why do you care so much about what happens to himT Doublet flushed and hesitated before finally replying: ‘My master is a good man, and you are wicked—that’s why!’ ‘Amida Buddha! Amida Buddha!’ The voices of the Eighteen Lohans could be heard chanting outside. ‘Honourable Fat Dhuta, please release the young gentleman, and give him back the Sutra! If you harm a child, you will be reviled on River and Lake!’

‘Stop bothering me with your nonsense!’ growled the Dhuta. ‘Or I’ll really give you something to worry about! I’ll kill the child and destroy the Sutra.’ ‘Your Reverence, what are your terms for releasing the boy and returning the Sutra?’ asked Brother Cordial. ‘I can set him free, but I’m not going to return the Sutra, no matter what happens.’ The Eighteen Lohans outside all fell silent.

Fat Dhuta looked carefully all around the hall, figuring out how to make his escape. But suddenly a series of grey figures flashed before his eyes. The Eighteen Lohans had sneaked into the hall. Five of them were moving along the left-hand wall behind his back, another five along the right-hand wall. Once again he was surrounded. ‘If you have the nerve, I’ll fight you in single-handed combat!’ he bellowed. He raised his left foot and rested it on Trinket’s head, giving a scornful sneer. Turtle Stele

Breathing in the smell of the dirt on the Dhuta’s sole, Trinket was both fearful and angry. Here he was, having his head trodden on by a smelly shoe, confused and unable to figure out what to do— his eyes darted around looking for some eye-catching object in the hall, anything around which he could concoct some drivel to attract Fat Dhuta’s attention. Once he was distracted, then the Lohans could come to the rescue. Unfortunately Trinket’s head was pinned to the ground and his field of vision was limited to what lay out in the courtyard. There he saw a big stone turtle with a large upright stone tablet on its back: an engraved stele with a long inscription.

‘Fat Dhuta,’ he called out, ‘your dad’s out there crawling around the courtyard, with a big boulder on his back! Don’t you think it’s a bit tough on him? Aren’t you going to save him? You’re not much of a son, are you!”What are you blathering on about? What’s all this about my dad crawling in the courtyard?’ replied Fat Dhuta angrily.’ And there are eight Sutras altogether, so what’s the point of getting just one without the other seven?’ continued Trinket.Where are the other seven?’ asked Dhuta anxiously. ‘Do you know?’ ‘Of course!’

‘Where? Tell me! Or I’ll squash your brain under my foot.’ ‘I didn’t know until just a second ago . . .’ ‘A second ago? What are you trying to say?’

Trinket craned his neck to get a proper look at the stele. It was covered in rows and rows of squiggly seal-script characters, not one of which he could decipher (needless to say). This did not deter him in the slightest. There are in all,’ he began to improvise, mimicking to perfection the tone of voice of someone reading from some ancient inscription, ‘eight copies of the Sutra in Forty-Two Sections. Of these, the first copy is hidden in such-and-such Monastery on such-and-such Mountain in Henan Province—I’m afraid there are one or two bits I can’t quite make out there . . .’ He made a great performance of squinting into the courtyard to get a better view of the inscription. The second copy is hidden in such-and-such Nunnery on such-and-such Mountain in Shanxi Province. … Fat Dhuta, I’m afraid I don’t know the characters and they’re rather worn. You’re so clever at everything, I think you should try to have a look yourself.’

Fat Dhuta picked Trinket up by the scruff of the neck and edged his way closer to the doorway, from which vantage point he was able to get a clearer view of the stele. He peered at the inscription. It was certainly writing of some sort, but the Dhuta was quite unable to read it. He had never learned seal-script. Trinket meanwhile had begun again: The third copy is on such-and-such Mountain in Sichuan Province—I’m afraid I can’t make that one out at all.’ Fat Dhuta had heard that there were eight copies of the Sutra, and that if (and only if) one could collect all eight of them one might be able to do something rather special (what it was exactly he had no idea). He also had absolutely no clue as to where they were, and no reason to doubt Trinket’s charade. He relaxed his foot and dragged Trinket to his feet. ‘And the fourth copy?’

Trinket squinted, and wagged his head from side to side. ‘I just can’t make it out Fat Dhuta yanked him up, took three large steps forward, and deposited him right in front of the stele. ‘I’ve got a terribly itchy scalp!’ complained Trinket. ‘What?’ There are fleas in this place, and they’re biting me to death! Fatty old friend, give my head a bit of a scratch. I’m itching too much to read the writing!’ Fat Dhuta removed Trinket’s hat and began scratching his scalp with his massive fingers. ‘Is that better?’ ‘No, over to the left! That’s where they’re biting me. You’re too far over to the right!’ Fat Dhuta tried to oblige, but then Trinket protested that one of the fleas had jumped down his neck. The Dhuta gave up, released his wrist, and told him to scratch for himself. The little blighter,’ exclaimed Trinket. ‘It obviously hasn’t had a meal for three or four years, it must be starved of blood. Once upon a time it was a fat, juicy, bouncing little thing, now it’s all skin and bones . . .’

Fat Dhuta tried to ignore Trinket’s taunts. ‘Well, where’s the fourth copy?’ Trinket strained his eyes once more. The fourth copy is on … such-and-such Mountain … in the … Dharma Hall of… the Shaolin Monastery Fat Dhuta started. The Shaolin Monastery?’ Trinket knew he was scared of the Eighteen Lohans. He could see him glancing uneasily out of the corner of his eye. ‘And the fifth?’ Trinket remembered Old Hai and the Old Whore talking about the Wudang and Kongdong Mountains and their respective Schools of kungfu, so he decided to bury the fifth and sixth copies somewhere on their mystic peaks. Fat Dhuta’s face was beginning to take on a scowling expression. The seventh copy, Trinket said, had fallen into the hands of the Mu Family, while the eighth was with some Satrap or other in Yunnan Province. … (If Fatty tried to beard Satrap Wu in his lair, thought Trinket, he’d be in for a bit of a scrap!)

This last invention of Trinket’s suddenly brought a new expression to Fat Dhuta’s face. ‘Did you say the Satrap?’ he growled. Trinket hedged: ‘I couldn’t quite make it out, but I think so . . .’ Fat Dhuta was getting angry. ‘Rubbish! That stone must be at least five hundred years old, and Satrap Wu’s still alive!’

It was true. The stone, and the stone turtle it sat upon, were dark and worn and moss-covered, and must have been several hundred years old at least. ‘Drat!’ thought Trinket, aware that he had put his foot in it rather badly. He improvised again frantically: ‘I told you I couldn’t quite make it out. … It might be some other Satrap, not Satrap Wu at all! There must have been one in the olden days. Satrap Pooh, or Loo, or something! Wait a bit: there’s some more writing underneath . . .’ Fat Dhuta’s curiosity got the better of his anger (and his scepticism). ‘Well, what does it say?’ Time to play the Snake Island card, Trinket calculated. ‘It’s really squiggly. … I can hardly make it out. Let me see now, something about Mystic Dragons. . . . Then there’s something about “Long Life to Our Great Leader Hong”

Fat Dhuta went into a paroxysm of joy. ‘I knew it! A miracle! It was prophesied in ancient times!’ ‘Yes, I think you’re right,’ said Trinket. ‘Look down there, down in the left-hand corner. It says: “These words were spoken by the Great General Xu of the Mighty Tang dynasty, and this stone was erected by the Founder of the dynasty …” So it’s a prophesy, made many years ago: one day, many days in the future, during the conquest of the Qing Tartars, a Great Leader will arise on Snake Island, and Long Life and Blessings will be his!’ Trinket had hit the jackpot. Fat Dhuta was hopping around with uncontrollable joy. ‘I wonder what’s written on the back of the stone,’ said Trinket. Fat Dhuta walked behind the stone tablet to have a look.

This was what Trinket was waiting for. He leapt up and ran for it. Fat Dhuta tried to grab him, but four of the Shaolin monks intercepted him, two on each side. He parried with his bare fists, and four more of the Lohans threw themselves into the fray. By now Trinket was safely out of reach. There were now eight Lohans surrounding Fat Dhuta in a circle, striking out at him in a whirlwind of blows, each taking the other’s place in rotation. It was clearly a formation they had mastered from lifelong practice. Fat Dhuta fought well, but he was hopelessly outnumbered. Eventually he conceded defeat and cried out: ‘Enough! You can have the Sutra!’

At a command from Brother Cordial the eight Lohans moved their circle three feet further away from Fat Dhuta. He held out the Sutra. Brother Cordial, having first circulated his Inner Force and strengthened his Cinnabar Field, braced three fingers of his left hand in preparation for some deadly sudden attack, held out his right hand, and slowly took hold of the Sutra. To the surprise of all watching, Fat Dhuta made no attempt at foul play, but handed the Sutra straight to Brother Cordial with a smile. ‘Brother Cordial, it seems a little cowardly for famous fighters like yourselves to take me on—eighteen against one!’

‘You must excuse us,’ said Brother Cordial, bringing his palms together and bowing, having first placed the Sutra safely in the pocket of his gown. ‘I’m afraid we would none of us have been a match for you in single combat.’ Again he made a gesture with his left hand, signalling the monks to take another step backwards. Some five or six of them were standing to the side guarding Trinket, for fear that Fat Dhuta might once again try to carry him off. ‘Mr Wei,’ said Fat Dhuta, ‘I have a request.’ ‘What is it?’ ‘I would like to invite you to our island as an honoured guest of the Mystic Dragons.’ Trinket was startled at the idea. ‘What? Me go to the Mystic Dragon Island? Not likely.’ ‘Your Sutra is now in Brother Cordial’s keeping, and he will take it to the Abbot of the Shaolin Monastery,’ continued Fat Dhuta. ‘Come to the island, and our Sect members will treat you as one of our most distinguished guests. After you have met our Leader, I promise to bring you back safe and sound.’

Trinket looked very doubtful, and pulled a face. Fat Dhuta turned to Brother Cordial. ‘Brother Cordial, please be my witness. Have I ever broken a promise?’ ‘We all know that you always keep your promise. The problem is Mr Wei. He has very important matters to attend to.’ ‘Yes,’ cried Trinket. ‘I’m terribly busy. Another day, when I have the time, I’ll come and visit you and your Great Leader.’ ‘No, no, no. . . . Please!’ said Fat Dhuta hurriedly. ‘You’ve got it the wrong way round! You must say Leader Hong and his subordinate Fat Dhuta. In that order! No one in the whole world should ever be mentioned before our Great Leader! It would be highly disrespectful!’ ‘Even the Emperor?’ asked Trinket. ‘Even the Emperor,’ replied Fat Dhuta. ‘Another thing: in the Leader’s presence no one else has the right to be called by tides like Dhuta or Lohan or Holy One. He is the one true Holy One in this world.’

Trinket stuck out his tongue. ‘Sounds like I’m better off keeping out of this Leader’s way!’ he muttered inaudibly to himself. ‘Our Leader is full of benevolence and love, his mercy reaches into the farthest corners of the earth. Our Leader is sure to admire a young hero such as yourself. He is certain to shower with you gifts, and, if he is pleased, he may even reward you by teaching you a secret kungfu move or two. Such knowledge would give you power; it would be something to treasure for the rest of your days.’

Fat Dhuta talked like a true fanatic. While he was speaking he was bent double and holding his mouth right next to Trinket’s ear. Trinket did not like the sound of what he heard at all. Then Auntie Tao’s remarks about the Mystic Dragon Sect flashed through his mind, and with them a host of images—the Mystic Dragon riders at the ‘haunted’ Zhuang mansion; the Empress Dowager and her sinister associates (Sister Swallow, and the man-maid), all of whom had some secret connection with the Mystic Dragons. He found himself feeling a sudden sense of revulsion towards the whole lot of them. By comparison, Fat Dhuta seemed positively decent. But Trinket still didn’t trust him. There was something suspicious about his sudden change of attitude, from outright hostility to fawning flattery. This invitation of his might well turn out to be another sinister plot. Once the Lohans were out of the way, he might easily revert to his former behaviour. Trinket shook his head. ‘No, I’m not going!’





Fat Dhuta’s emaciated face darkened. ‘Since you refuse to visit our island,’ he said gloomily, ‘I shall have to bid you farewell.’ Trinket politely said goodbye, trying to urge Fat Dhuta to leave first, so that he could set off in the opposite direction. Fat Dhuta shook his head uncooperatively ‘No, you go ahead. I still have work to do. I’m going to make a rubbing of the inscription.’ Poor Dhuta! He actually believed in the stele—or rather in Trinket’s off-the-cuff, garbled version of it! Trinket couldn’t help chuckling softly to himself as he went on his way.







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