The Deer And The Cauldron 30


The Deer And The Cauldron 30
第三十回 镇将南朝偏跋扈 部兵西楚最轻剽

The Satrap

They crossed the border of Guizhou Province and were entering the Satrap’s territory. A detachment from the garrison at Luodian was waiting for them there and escorted them all the way to the Yunnan frontier. There they were met by Wu Yingxiong, who, since protocol forbade him to see or even address his future bride, addressed himself solely to Trinket, thanking him effusively for his services as Marriage Envoy and thenceforth riding with him when they were on the march. Wu Yingxiong’s arrival was the occasion of the first quarrel between Trinket and the Princess since they had become lovers. She sulked and stormed and threatened to accuse him to the Satrap of having raped her if he didn’t soon think of some way of procuring her betrothed’s premature demise. In the end Trinket lost patience with her and dealt her a resounding slap on the face. This produced nothing more than a giggle, but at least had the effect of restoring her good humour.


On the outskirts of Kunming, the Satrap’s capital, they were greeted with the sound of trumpets while an officer rode up to them and announced that ‘the Emperor’s humble servant, Wu Sangui, Satrap of the West,’ was approaching to ‘pay his respects to her Royal Highness the Princess Ning’. Troop upon troop of cavalry in shining armour and glittering accoutrements now rode up, dismounted from their horses, which were of a tall, Western breed, and formed themselves into two facing ranks at some considerable distance apart. Through this human avenue, while the sound of trumpets was replaced by the gentler music of pipes and strings, two or three hundred boys made their way, dressed all in red and carrying silken banners, after whom, with slow, ponderous steps, strode a general who, Trinket at once guessed, must be the notorious Wu Sangui. He was a big, heavy man with a somewhat purplish complexion. In spite of his grey hairs, he still held himself very upright and looked about him with a proud, imperious air.

Trinket deliberately allowed him to kneel and make his kowtow before pronouncing, on behalf of the invisible Princess, the formula that absolved a person of his age and rank from making an obeisance. Rising to his feet again, the Satrap appeared to have been in no way put out by this incivility. ‘So this is the famous Lord Wei who arrested Oboi!’ he said, laughing jovially. ‘My son and I are both very much beholden to you. We hope you will make yourself at home here. We’d like you to behave as if you were one of the family.’

Trinket was struck by the strong Yangzhou accent in which these words were spoken. He exaggerated his own accent in replying. ‘Your Highness is very kind.’ ‘So you’re from Yangzhou” said Wu Sangui. ‘I’m from Yangzhou too, you know. I spent much of my life in Liaodong, north of the Wall, but I was born and bred in Yangzhou-the Gaoyou district of Yangzhou. Even more reason for you to feel one of the family!’ ‘So you’re a Gaoyou pickled egg, are you” thought Trinket. ‘Rotten luck for Yangzhou, producing a turtle-head traitor like you!’

They rode side by side into the city, where excited crowds lined the streets to watch the Imperial Princess go by. Everywhere there were flags and lanterns and decorated arches. The deafening sound of drums and cymbals was punctuated by the crackle of exploding firecrackers. It was not in the city, however, that the Princess and her escort were to be lodged, but in a complex of buildings in the An Fu Gardens a little to the west of it. Before the Manchu conquest this had been the residence of the ducal Mu Family to which the Little Countess belonged. Wu Sangui’s own residence, where he conducted Trinket after installing the Princess in the An Fu Gardens, was also outside the city. The buildings, set amidst acres of garden on the slopes of Mount Wu Hua, had been the Imperial seat of the unfortunate Yong Li, the Ming Prince who, with the support of the Mu Family had set himself up as Emperor after the suicide of the last Ming Emperor in Peking. They were of great magnificence, having been constantly improved and augmented by Wu Sangui since the beginning of his satrapy.

A banquet had been prepared in Trinket’s honour to which almost all the persons of consequence in Kunming, both soldiers and civilians, had been invited. Trinket, of course, sat next to Wu Sangui in the place of honour. After the third round of drinks, Trinket turned beamingly to his host and addressed him in a voice which must have been audible to a great many of the guests. ‘You know, Highness, when I was in Peking people were always saying that you were planning to rebel-‘ The Satrap choked and his face underwent several changes of colour. The generals and high-ranking mandarins to left and right of him turned pale. ‘-But I can see now that it was all nonsense,’ Trinket continued. The Satrap regained a little of his composure. ‘Your lordship is too intelligent to believe all the lies that envious people tell about me,’ he said. ‘No, I don’t believe them,’ said Trinket. ‘I say to myself’ What would the Satrap want to rebel for’ The only reason he could possibly have for rebelling would be if he wanted to become Emperor. But why should you want to become Emperor when you’re so much better off here’ Everything here, the buildings, the gardens, the furniture, the way people dress, the food-I know about that because I used to be in charge of the Palace catering’is better than in Peking. Why should you want to change it for something worse?’

A total silence had descended on the hall. Conversation, eating and drinking had all ceased. The diners sat staring, open-mouthed, wondering what this appalling boy, who had somehow become the Emperor’s favourite, would say next. The Satrap interpreted the words he had just spoken as an implied criticism of his extravagance. ‘I know the importance His Majesty attaches to thrift,’ he said, ‘and I greatly admire him for it. But you must understand that we do not always live as luxuriously as this. It is in honour of the Princess that we have put on this show. Once the wedding is over, we shall be making big economies.’ ‘Oh, I don’t think you should,’ said Trinket. ‘What’s the use of being a Satrap if you can’t lash out a bit? If you’ve got too much money, I could always help you spend it!’

The assembled diners heaved a great sigh of relief. So that’s what all this was about! He wanted to be bribed! The tension resolved itself in smiles, the buzz of conversation rose again, eating and drinking continued, and when the banquet ended, the guests went off in great good humour, calculating how much they should After the banquet it was the Satrap’s son, Wu Yingxiong, who saw Trinket back to the An Fu Gardens. Before taking leave of Trinket, he handed him a brocade-covered box. This is a little money to be getting on with if you have any minor expenses while you are here. Before you leave my father will, of course, think of a more fitting way of thanking you for your trouble.’

Trinket opened the box as soon as he had gone. It contained ten wads of forty five-hundred-tael banknotes each ‘ two hundred thousand taels in all. ‘If this is just for pocket money,’ he thought, ‘I wonder what I could screw them for if I needed a lot. Two million?’

Next day there was a military review at which Trinket stood side by side with the Satrap on the reviewing stand while regiment after regiment paraded in front of them and executed various manoeuvres. Trinket knew next to nothing about military matters but took it on himself to remark that the picked troops of the Emperor’s own regiment, the Valiants, of which he himself was Colonel, were no match for these. At that moment a cannon was fired and he disgraced himself by turning pale and falling back into a chair. The Satrap was beginning to view this Imperial Envoy- and consequently the Imperial Master he represented-with contempt.

When the reviewing was over, Trinket produced the Edict he had brought with him from Kang Xi. The Satrap found that he had to read it himself, since Trinket was unable to. He did so in a fine parade-ground voice while the soldiers knelt to hear it. The Edict praised the Satrap in flowery language and concluded by awarding promotion to all the officers and men of his army. After facing northwards to kowtow, he led the troops in giving three cheers for the Emperor. The disciplined roar that went up from the ranks below nearly caused Trinket to disgrace himself again. This time, fortunately, he managed to stay on his feet. From the parade-ground they went to the Satrap’s palace to discuss the date of the wedding. The Satrap suggested the fourth of the following month as an auspicious day, but Trinket objected that it was too soon. Though the Satrap thought he was fishing for more bribes, his real reason for objecting was that once the Princess was married, his nights as Prince Laurie would be over. After some discussion, they settled for the sixteenth.

News from the Black Hole

Back at the An Fu Gardens a small crowd of Yunnanese officers and mandarins were waiting for Trinket with their ‘presents’. Having thanked them somewhat perfunctorily and seen them off, he began to wonder why so far he had seen nothing of the one person in Yunnan he had been looking forward to meeting’ his old friend Yang Yizhi. Since Trinket and Yang Yizhi had first got to know each other when Yang was a member of the bodyguard that accompanied Wu Yingxiong to Peking, it was to Wu Yingxiong that Trinket now sent, requesting him to arrange for Yang to pay him a visit. Instead of Yang Yizhi, however, it was Wu himself who turned up. ‘Unfortunately,’ he said, ‘Yang was away on business. ‘

When pressed for details, he answered evasively. ‘When had Yang left?’ ‘Recently. ‘ ‘When would he be back?’ ‘Not for a long time. ‘ ‘Where had he gone to? ‘ ‘Er, er, to Tibet.’ ‘What important business had taken him to Tibet?’ ‘Oh, nothing special.’ Trinket felt sure that the Satrap and his son knew of his friendship with Yang. It seemed extraordinary that they should have sent him away just before he was due to arrive. Sensing something fishy, he summoned his officer friends, Zhao Qixian and Zhang Kangnian, as soon as Wu had gone and asked them to find out what they could about Yang Yizhi by fraternizing with their counterparts in the Satrap’s bodyguard.

That night, when Zhao and Zhang came back to report their findings, he was playing dice with some of their fellow-officers, having walked out on the Princess after another quarrel. (Its cause was her discovery that the wedding-date had been fixed.) Excusing himself, he retired with them to another room, where they told him that, while drinking and gambling with the Satrap’s officers, they had learned that Yang had not in fact gone to Tibet but had been arrested and thrown into prison for some offence. One of the officers had volunteered that he was being held in the Black Hole, a notorious prison some two miles south-west of the Satrap’s palace, but the others had said no, that was nonsense, the man was drunk. At that point they had thought it best to ask no more questions for fear of exciting suspicion. Trinket thanked them, and, leaving them to take his place at the gaming-table, went off to confer with the Triads.

The Triads welcomed what they saw as an opportunity for some action. ‘Leave it to us, Master!’ said Brother Li. ‘We’ll rescue your friend Yang for you! Even if we don’t succeed, the Old Traitor will think we are acting on the Emperor’s wishes, and either he’ll be too scared to do anything or he’ll rebel, which is what we want him to do.’ Trinket didn’t see how they could get back to Peking alive if the two provinces they had first to get through on their way back were in rebellion; however, he thought it best to say nothing, leaving that problem to be faced when it arose. After discussion it was decided that they would set off first thing next morning for the Black Hole, wearing uniforms of the Satrap’s own guards as disguise, while the Master entertained the Little Traitor, both to keep him occupied and so that he could be held as a hostage in the event of things going wrong.

Trinket waited until noon next day before inviting Wu Yingxiong. The invitation was ostensibly to discuss the wedding, but when Wu arrived with his bodyguard at the An Fu Gardens, a splendid reception was waiting for him. Instead of discussing business, he and Trinket sat feasting and watching plays, while Trinket’s soldiers kept an eye on his bodyguard. At one point, when they were watching a noisy ‘military’ piece and the frenzy of action on the stage had reached its height, Trinket felt someone plucking at his sleeve. When he turned to look, it was Brother Gao, dressed as one of the Satrap’s guards. As if in response to Trinket’s unspoken question, he nodded and then quietly slipped away. Trinket rose to his feet. ‘Just go on watching, Your Grace,’ he said. ‘I’ve got to go outside a minute to have a piss.’

Take your time, my lord, I shall be all right on my own,’ said Wu Yingxiong; but what he was thinking as he smiled politely was’ ‘Crude little guttersnipe!’ Trinket hurried to a room behind the hall where the Triads were waiting for him. ‘Excellent!’ he said. ‘I hope no one got hurt. Did you manage to rescue him?’ The men remained grimly silent. He looked round at their faces. Something must be wrong. That Wu Sangui is a savage!’ said Brother Gao passionately.

He and Brother Xu went out and presently returned carrying a bloodstained carpet between them in which lay a man. They set him down gently on the floor and opened out the carpet. The body was covered, leaving only the head exposed. It was Yang Yizhi. His face was completely drained of colour and his eyes were tightly closed. Trinket approached and bent over him. ‘Yang, my friend! Brother!’ he said. ‘You’ll be all right now. We’ve rescued you.’ The head moved, almost imperceptibly. It was impossible to tell whether or not he had heard. Very gently Brother Xu drew back the cover. What Trinket then saw made him recoil in horror. If Butcher Qian hadn’t caught him, he would have fallen to the floor. Yang’s hands had been severed at the wrist and his legs cut off at the knee. They cut out his tongue, too,’ said Brother Xu, ‘and put out both his eyes.’

Trinket began crying. Suddenly his grief turned to anger. He took out his dagger. ‘Monster!’ he cried. ‘Cruel <****>ing monster! I’ll cut him up into pieces!’ He would have rushed back into the hall if Brother Feng had not restrained him. ‘Easy now!’ said that man of few words. ‘Think before you act!’

Trinket calmed down a little, though still crying bitterly. Why did he do this to him?’ he said. ‘It can’t just be because he and I are friends.’ We’ve brought someone along with us who might know the answer to that,’ said Brother Xu. He went out and came back a few moments later, dragging a pale, fat man dressed in the robes of a seventh-grade mandarin and dumped him down on the floor, where he remained, cowering abjectly on all fours. This, Master, is someone you’ve heard of but not met. This is Lu Yifeng.’ ‘Ah, Mr Lu,’ said Trinket, ‘I heard about the fuss you made in Peking and how your master the Satrap’s Heir rewarded you by breaking both your legs. What on earth are you doing here?’

He kicked him in the mouth by way of encouragement, dislodging three of his teeth. ‘He’s Governor of the Black Hole prison now,’ said Brother Xu. ‘Just fancy! Making things a bit difficult for us he was. Said he wanted to see something in writing before he would hand over his prisoner. We thought it would be easiest to bring him along with us.’ ‘I’ve got to go back now, or the Little Traitor will get suspicious,’ said Trinket. ‘See if you can make him talk. If he gives you any trouble, just cut his hands and feet off!’ I’ll talk, I’ll talk,’ said the wretched man, spitting out blood and teeth.

Trinket dried his eyes and tried to compose himself a bit before going back to the hall. To his surprise he found it in total silence, the actors he had last seen performing acrobatics standing motionless and mute upon the stage. Wu Yingxiong had made them wait for Lord Wei’s return. ‘Sorry I was so long,’ said Trinket. The Princess called me in to see her. She’d heard that I was entertaining you and she wanted to hear all about you-your taste in clothes, what you like to eat, that type of stuff. It was quite hard to get away from her.’ Young Wu was delighted. ‘Oh, that’s all right,’ he said. ‘It was worth the wait!’

When the interrupted play had ended he took his leave. As soon as he had gone, Trinket hurried back to rejoin the Triads, but they were nowhere to be seen. It was not till late that night that they turned up again, this time with another prisoner. Brother Xu explained. During the working-over they had subjected him to, Lu Yifeng had indeed revealed the reason why Yang had fallen foul of the Satrap. For some time now the Satrap had been in frequent contact with the Mongol Prince Galdan. Messages and gifts were constantly being exchanged between them and recently a Mongol envoy by the name of Hatiemo had arrived in Kunming and had talks with the Satrap lasting several days. Lu genuinely seemed not to know what they were about, but Yang evidently did and had infuriated the Satrap by remonstrating with him. The Satrap had no doubt been afraid that Yang, through his friendship with Trinket, might leak the information to the Emperor and had punished him in this ghastly way as a warning to his fellow-officers.

Trinket remembered Galdan from his visit to the Shaolin Monastery in the company of the sinister Grand Lama Sangge and the Blue Girl in her ridiculous disguise. He went to take a peep at this prisoner who was Galdan’s envoy–a crafty-looking man with shifty eyes and a brownish beard.

‘Take him to have a look at my friend Yang,’ he said. Two of them led him off between them. When they brought him back a couple of minutes later, he was pale and shaking. ‘I don’t like lies,’ said Trinket. That man you’ve just seen told too many lies. I had to punish him, every time he lied. How many lies do you think he told? How many bits and pieces is he missing?’ ‘Seven,’ said the man huskily after a little silence. The Satrap doesn’t like lies either,’ said Trinket. ‘He always says that the best way to find out if a person has been lying is to wait a while and then ask him to repeat what he told you. If it’s different the second time round, you know he’s lying. He’s got this idea that Mongols are fibbers, so he’s asked me to try the test on you.’ Hatiemo’s face assumed an expression of injured pride. The sons of Genghiz Khan are honest men,’ he said angrily. ‘We tell no lies.’

‘I’m glad to hear it,’ said Trinket. ‘Now, do you know who I am?’ The crafty expression returned. Hatiemo looked about him. He was in a sort of palace. The Triads, who appeared to be in Trinket’s service, were dressed in the Satrap’s uniforms. Trinket himself was wearing the hat with a ruby button and a peacock’s feather in it that distinguished an officer of the First Grade, and the yellow jacket normally only awarded to persons in high standing at Court. Such high rank in one so young could only be due to the status of his father. Undoubtedly this must be a younger son of the Satrap. He bowed respectfully.

‘Forgive me, my lord, for not recognizing a son of His Highness.’ ‘Oh, that’s all right,’ said Trinket. ‘It’s clever of you to have guessed. I’m not surprised Prince Galdan chose you for his envoy. How is the Prince, by the way? It’s quite a long time now since I last saw him. The Mongol brightened. ‘You know His Highness, then?’ ‘He’s a very good friend of mine,’ said Trinket.

‘Does he still see much of the Reverend Sangge? And that young lady who always dresses in blue-what’s her name now-Ah Ki?’ ‘You know about them, too?’ Hatiemo was now totally convinced that he was speaking to a younger brother of the Little Traitor., He became quite expansive.



when Trinket insisted on pressing four five-hundred-tael banknotes on him, ‘to have a little fun before you leave Kunming’ as Trinket put it. ‘You mustn’t mind being grilled,’ he told Hatiemo. ‘My father’s a bit peculiar in this way. In any case, this is a very important business and he wants to get everything crystal clear.’ ‘I don’t mind at all,’ said Hatiemo. ‘He is right to be careful.’



It was in this way that Trinket managed, step by step, to extract every detail of Wu Sangui’s plans while pretending that he knew about them already. There was to be a rising of the Three Satraps– Wu Sangui in the West, Geng Jingzhong and Shang Kexi in the East. In return for large territorial concessions, three foreign powers, Mongolia, Tibet, and Russia, would simultaneously invade China in support of the rebels. At sea they would be supported by the Leader of the Mystic Dragon Sect, who (it transpired) was in Russian pay. Hatiemo called the Russians ‘Losha’, the name that the Chinese gave to the man-eating demons of Buddhist mythology. It was calculated that the Manchu bowmen and pikemen would be helpless against the Russians’ firearms. After the Manchus had been defeated, the Living Buddha of Tibet would take over Sichuan; Inner Mongolia, Suiyuan, Chahar, and Jehol would go to the Mongols; everything north of Shanhaiguan (most of Manchuria) would be occupied by the Russians; and the Leader of the Mystic Dragon Sect would get the offshore islands, including Taiwan and Hainan. Wu Sangui would become Emperor of all China except for Sichuan and the above-mentioned outlying parts of the Empire, while the other two Satraps, having served their purpose, would be quietly eliminated.

Trinket’s knowledge of geography was minimal, but he understood enough of what he was being told to feel sorry for the Young Emperor. What worried him most was the thought of the Russian firearms. His heart still quaked when he remembered the man-made thunder of the cannon they had fired at the military review. Though he said ‘Excellent, excellent!’ he must have looked unhappy, for Hatiemo sensed that something about these plans must be worrying him and begged him to say what it was. Did he think too much territory was being conceded? Trinket didn’t know how to answer this, but then he remembered what Father Obscurus had said about the struggle for succession between Zheng Keshuang and his brothers that was going on in Taiwan.

‘What does it matter to me how much land my father has,’ he said bitterly. ‘When the time comes, it will all go to my brother.’ Hatiemo was familiar with succession struggles among the Mongol princes. ‘Don’t be so sure of that, sir,’ he said with a smile. ‘You have Prince Galdan’s friendship, and I promise my own humble support. Who knows what the future may bring?’ ‘One of these days,’ said Trinket, ‘when I’m powerful, I’ll remember to reward you. Look, I’ve got to go now and report all this to my father. Just make yourself comfortable here until I come back.’ He lowered his voice. ‘Don’t, whatever you do, let anyone else know about our talk. If my brother got to hear of it he’d kill me,’

Rejoining the Triads, he told two of them, Brother Feng and Brother Xu, to keep a strict watch on Hatiemo and stop him straying while he went with the rest of them to look at Yang. Yang’s body had moved since they left him. It now lay obliquely, half off the carpet. There were some bloody marks beside it that looked like writing. Brother Gao thought they were the characters for ‘Wu’ and ‘rebel’. When they touched him they found that he was dead? before he died, he must have made this supreme effort to warn his friends by writing the characters in blood with one of his stumps. Although from the Triads’ point of view he was a devoted servant of their most hated enemy, they knew him for a brave man and a trusty friend. Several of them were in tears, and one of them observed bitterly that this was how the Great Traitor rewarded those who were loyal to him. Their feelings against the Satrap became even more embittered when they learned about his grandiose plans. ‘Selling his country to foreigners is getting to be a habit,’ said Father Obscurus. ‘If those Russians with their firearms come here, we are all of us done for.’ ‘Firearms are terrible things,’ agreed Brother Li. ‘We shall have to find a kungfu that will enable us to stand up to them.’ ‘Not possible,’ said Father Obscurus. ‘Here, look at this!’

He bared his torso for them to see. There was a dreadful round, puckered scar the size of a teacup on one side of his chest and a ten-inch-long, seam-like scar over his left shoulder. Then he told Trinket the story of how he had got them.

His family had been frontiersmen who traded in furs-mostly in sables and silver fox. Once when he was a lad he had gone out with his father and uncle and cousins on one of their expeditions to buy furs. Returning with their purchases, they had encountered a party of Russians armed with guns. The Russians had shot them all, including their three-man escort, and taken their furs and money. He alone had escaped, though badly wounded, by feigning dead. Finding himself, when he finally made his way back to civilization, with neither family nor livelihood, he had become a Taoist. Twenty years later he still had nightmares about the Russians.

Trinket’s main concern now was to warn the Emperor, but he could hardly say this to the Triads. In any case, there was the even more pressing problem of the one dead man and two live prisoners who had somehow to be disposed of before the Satrap discovered what had been going on. To the Triads’ astonishment, he proposed to solve two-thirds of the problem by sending Yang’s body and Lu Yifeng back to the prison. Somewhat reluctantly Brother Gao went to fetch Lu Yifeng. Once more the wretched man, now much the worse for wear, was dumped on the floor in front of Trinket.

‘Ah, our old friend Mr Lu!’ said Trinket brightly. ‘I’m afraid we’ve given you rather a bad time!’ ‘No,’ Lu Yifeng mumbled fearfully. ‘Not at all.’ ‘Now, Mr Lu,’ said Trinket, ‘you’ve done us an excellent turn by telling us the Satrap’s secrets, and as one good turn deserves another, I give you my word of honour that we won’t tell him or anyone else that you’ve been so helpful. Of course-ha ha ha!-if you want to tell him yourself, that’s up to you.’ ‘I wouldn’t dare,’ said Lu Yifeng, speaking with difficulty through his broken teeth, ‘I swear I wouldn’t.’ ‘Good. Then see Mr Lu back to the prison, will you?’ said Trinket to the Triads. ‘And take the dead prisoner back too. We don’t want Mr Lu getting into trouble because his prisoner’s missing.’ The Triads were unhappy about this and obeyed him reluctantly. Trinket for his part felt sure that Lu was too scared to report his kidnapping.

The Satrap’s Study

A week later, when they were still nervously expecting a reaction from the Satrap, Trinket told them that, to set their minds at rest, he would go in person to the Satrap and sound him out to see if he knew about it. ‘Suppose he detains you,’ said Brother Xu. ‘What do we do then?’ We’re all in his power here,’ said Trinket. ‘He could lock the lot of us up if he felt like it. It won’t make any difference if I go or not.’ He prepared for a formal visit, selecting members both of the Valiants and of the Palace Guards for his escort. The Satrap, warned of his coming, was waiting for him outside the gate of his palace. He received the young Envoy with jovial affability, taking him by the hand to lead him inside. ‘My dear Lord Wei, you don’t need to call on me,’ he said. ‘Just send for my son if there’s anything you want. Make use of him!’ ‘I can’t possibly do that,’ said Trinket. ‘I’m far too junior.’ ‘Junior?’ said the Satrap, laughing. ‘Why, one of these days you might be my successor.’

Trinket looked startled. What, he wondered, was the old fox playing at? ‘I think Your Highness is joking.’ ‘Not at all,’ said the Satrap. ‘The Emperor thinks highly of you. Anything is possible. How old are you now-fifteen? sixteen? Already you are a Colonel in the Palace Guards, an Imperial Envoy, a Viscount. A few years from now you’ll be an Earl, then a Marquess, then a Duke. The next step after that makes you a Highness. You could easily be Satrap here in twenty years- time.’ ‘No, no,’ said Trinket. ‘I know you’re definitely wrong there. You see, before I left Peking the Emperor said, “Trinket, I want to be quite sure of the Satrap’s loyalty. I’m marrying my sister to his son, and if I can be quite certain of their loyalty, I’m thinking of giving the Satrapy to the family in per . . . per . . .”‘ ‘Perpetuity?’ That’s it.’

The Satrap beamed. ‘Did he really say that? So do you think I am loyal to the Emperor?’ ‘If you aren’t, I can’t think who is,’ said Trinket. ‘Come with me,’ said the Satrap. ‘Let me show you my study.’ The ‘study’ was conspicuously devoid of books. It was more like an armoury, its walls hung everywhere with weapons, including a number of firearms-mementoes, presumably, of the Satrap’s numerous campaigns. There was one book, however. On the corner of a table that served the Satrap as a desk Trinket’s sharp eyes discerned a copy of the familiar Sutra in Forty-Two Sections, this one with a plain blue cover. His busy brain at once set to work to think of a plan for getting his hands on it. To play for time while he was thinking, he began asking questions about the furnishings of the room. There was, for example, an armchair covered with a black and white striped fur. It was the skin of a rare white tiger, shot with his own hands by the Satrap in the course of his campaigns north of the Wall. This supplied conversation for several minutes. The carved pictures on a large screen proved an even more fertile topic.






Just as the Satrap, wondering what the purpose of this visit could be, was beginning to grow impatient, Trinket thought of a plan. ‘Your Highness,’ he said, speaking in a low voice and looking very solemn, ‘I have a Secret Instruction for you from the Emperor.’ The Satrap jumped to his feet and stood respectfully to attention. ‘Perhaps I shouldn’t tell you today,’ said Trinket, as if having second thoughts. ‘It’s a very, very important matter. It’s something the Emperor wants you to do, but he said he wasn’t sure he could trust you with it. He said I was to sound you out first and make absolutely certain of your loyalty before I told you what it was. I think I’d better leave it till tomorrow,’ I’ll wait on you at the An Fu Gardens tomorrow, then,’ said the Satrap. ‘No,’ said Trinket, ‘there are too many ears there. It had better be here. I’ll come here tomorrow. At the same time,’ The Satrap despised the youthful Emperor as a hare-brained boy and wondered what the nature of this ‘important’ task could be that he wanted him to perform. He had an even greater contempt for this young Envoy whom he now showed out of the palace with every show of deference. At the same time he felt rather pleased. It was clear that they trusted him.

Outfoxing the Fox

When Trinket arrived at the appointed time next day, the Satrap showed him straight into his study. Trinket came to the point at once. ‘This Secret Instruction thing I’ve got to tell you about,’ he said, ‘. . . it’s so important and so secret, the Emperor says it’s best you don’t mention it even in your most secret documents,’ ‘I understand,’ said the Satrap. ‘It will go no further than this room,’ Trinket leant over and whispered in his ear. ‘Shang Kexi and Geng Jingzhong are planning to rebel,’

The Satrap changed colour. ‘Surely not? Can this be true?’ His voice was shaking. ‘Afraid so,’ said Trinket. ‘At first the Emperor didn’t want to believe it, but the evidence is so strong he’s had no choice. They haven’t actually rebelled yet, so he doesn’t want to begin moving Imperial troops against them in case it puts them on their guard. What he wants you to do is to move your troops towards the Guangxi-Guangdong border-you could do this without their suspecting anything-and then you can strike quickly as soon as there’s any sign of a rising. He says Shang’s an old fool and Geng’s a young idiot. With your experience and the crack troops under your command you could probably capture the two of them and deliver them to the Court in chains without a single Imperial soldier having to be moved,’ The Satrap smiled. This Secret Instruction would enable him to move troops in preparation for the rising he himself was planning without the scatterbrained boy-Emperor suspecting anything. ‘As guardians of the frontier, my armies are as well equipped and well trained as the Imperial forces,’ he said. ‘You can assure His Majesty that we will discharge our duty with unswerving devotion as soon as he gives the word,’ The idea of a Secret Instruction was Trinket’s, but he was incapable of inventing one on his own. He had had to consult the Triads about it the night before. It was Tertius, the most intelligent member of the Green Wood Lodge, who had suggested getting Wu Sangui to move troops against his fellow satraps. The troop movements would be interpreted by the Emperor to mean that Wu Sangui was rebelling. For once the old fox was being outfoxed.

Having dealt with the Secret Instruction, Trinket turned his attention to more important matters. He pointed to one of the firearms on the wall. ‘Highness,’ he said, ‘is that what they call a firearm?’ ‘Yes,’ said the Satrap, ‘it’s a Russian musket-a souvenir of one of my campaigns on the North-East Frontier. A very fine weapon.’ ‘Highness,’ said Trinket, ‘I’ve never fired a firearm. Do you think I could have a go?’ ‘Of course you can,’ said the Satrap, smiling indulgently. ‘But that musket is a field weapon for use in battle-a bit clumsy for you to begin with. Let me find you something a bit more handy.’ He went to a cupboard that stood against the wall, pulled out a drawer in it and took out a redwood case containing a brace of pistols, each about a foot long.

While he had his back turned, Trinket, who was standing at one end of the Satrap’s desk, abstracted a copy of the Sutra in Forty-Two Sections from the capacious inside pocket of his yellow jacket and exchanged it for the copy on the desk. This manoeuvre was executed with such speed and finesse that he had the Satrap’s copy in his pocket and his jacket buttoned up again several seconds before the Satrap turned towards him holding the case of pistols. The copy he had substituted for the one on the Satrap’s desk was the bordered blue one he had taken from the false Empress Dowager’s closet. The night before this visit he had removed the red border from it so that it exactly resembled the Satrap’s plain blue one.

The Satrap took out one of the pistols, rammed some black powder and three little iron bullets down the muzzle with a little ramrod, lit the fuselike match with fire from a tinder box, and handed the weapon to Trinket. Propelling him towards an open window, he instructed him how to aim the pistol and fire. Trinket took aim at a rockery in the garden outside and pulled the trigger. There was a deafening bang and a burst of hot air seemed to sear his face. The jolt to his arm caused him to drop the pistol and stagger backwards, his head enveloped in a cloud of acrid smoke. The Satrap roared with laughter. ‘Powerful things, firearms, aren’t they!’

‘Tamardy!’ said Trinket. These Western things are diabolical!’ ‘Look!’ said the Satrap, pointing to the rockery. A substantial piece had been blown off the corner of it. ‘If it had been a man, it’d be a goner,’ said Trinket, stooping to pick up the pistol and replacing it beside its fellow in the case. Just at that moment one of the Satrap’s guards came running in and had to be reassured that nothing untoward had happened.

The Satrap took up the case of pistols and held it out to Trinket. ‘Here, take these little fellows to amuse yourself with!’ ‘Oh no, I couldn’t,’ said Trinket. ‘You’ll be needing these for your own defence.’ The Satrap pushed the box into his hands. ‘Come on, you’re a friend of the family now. What’s mine is yours.’ ‘But these are valuable foreign things,’ said Trinket. ‘You may not be able to replace them.’ (‘Bet you will though,’ he thought.) ‘I wouldn’t offer them to you if they weren’t hard to get,’ said the Satrap. ‘Go on, take them!’ Trinket thanked him profusely. ‘You may have saved my life,’ he said. ‘In future, if anyone goes for me, I shall shoot him with one of these.’

‘I don’t know about that,’ said the Satrap. ‘These foreign firearms are very powerful things, but they take a long time to fire. A good archer can shoot half a dozen arrows in the time it takes to fire a musket. If the foreign devils could make a firearm that shot as fast as a bowman, that would be another matter.’ Trinket thanked him some more before taking his leave.

Disposing of a Corpse


When he got back to his lodging in the An Fu Gardens, Trinket locked himself in his room, took out the Satrap’s copy of the Sutra and unstitched the cover. He shook out the cut’up pieces of parchment from inside the cover, then fetched the bag containing the cut’up pieces from the seven other copies of the Sutra, and emptied it on top of them. Here now in this little pile was the Tartars’ great secret! It made his head ache to think of the time and effort it would take to piece them all together to make the map; still, just to have them all in one pile at last was a triumph. It would have been even better if there had been someone else there he could share his triumph with and show off a bit to; all the same, he could not help feeling pleased. Leaning back in the chair and cocking a leg over his knee he began singing softly to himself-one of his favourites from those far’off days in the brothel.

A cup of wine I’ve poured you here, Now tell me where you’re from, my dear.
There’s four and twenty bridges there. And on the bridges girls beyond compare.
Tell me . . .

His singing was interrupted by three knocks on the door. This was followed, after a little pause, by two more knocks, then by another three the Triads’ code. Quickly sweeping the parchment pieces into the bag and stowing it away, he went to open the door. Brother Xu and Brother Gao were standing there looking grim. They followed him inside. ‘Is something the matter” he asked. ‘We’ve just been told that the Traitor’s guards are looking everywhere for a Mongol. Obviously it’s Hatiemo. From what we can make out, they suspect us of holding him. What are we to do, Master?’

Tie him up and hide him under my bed,’ said Trinket. ‘They wouldn’t dare to search my room.’ ‘Not when you’re here,’ said Brother Xu. ‘But they might when you’re off somewhere else.’ ‘Not if you tell them they can’t,’ said Trinket. ‘They’re not going to fight you about it.’ Just at that moment Butcher Qian burst in. The Traitor’s going to set this place on fire!’ ‘What?’ cried the other three in unison. ‘I’ve been going round these Gardens lately keeping an eye on things in case the Old Traitor tries any funny business. Today I noticed a lot of movement in that little wood on the west side of the Gardens, and I got suspicious. When I went to look I found they’d been stacking a whole lot of kerosene and saltpetre and sulphur there. Just the sort of things you’d need for starting a big fire.’ Tamardy!’ said Trinket. ‘He’s not planning to burn the Princess, surely?’

钱老本道:“那倒不是。他们疑心罕帖摩给咱们捉了来,又不敢进园来搜,一起火,大批人马来救火,就可乘机搜查了。”韦小宝点头道:“不错,定是这道鬼计。三位大哥有何高见?”徐天川挥手作个砍头的姿势,道:“杀人灭口,毁尸灭迹!” 韦小宝一听到“毁尸灭迹”四字,便想:“那是我的拿手好戏,再也容易不过,管教这蒙古大胡子片刻之间便化成一滩黄水。只是这家伙熟知大汉奸跟罗刹国勾结的内情,须得送去让小皇帝亲自审问才好。”说道:“大汉奸造反,这蒙古大胡子是最大的证据。咱们只须将他送到北京,大汉奸就算不反,也要反了。这个罕帖什么的,乃是要沐王府听命于我天地会的法宝。”如何抢先逼得吴三桂造反,好令沐王府归属奉令,正是群雄心中念念不忘的大事,三人一听此言,悚然动容,齐声称是。徐天川道:“若不是韦香主提醒,我们险些误了大事。”心中对这个油腔滑调的少年越来越是佩服。
‘I doubt it,’ said Butcher Qian. ‘Much more likely he suspects we’ve got Hatiemo here. He can’t very well ask to search the place or accuse us of kidnapping him, so he’s planning to start a fire. Then he can send a horde of his people in here to put it out. That will give them the excuse to hunt anywhere they like.’ That sounds like the sort of thing the old fox would think of,’ said Trinket. ‘So what shall we do about it” Butcher Qian drew a finger across his throat. ‘Kill the man they’re looking for and get rid of his corpse.’ ‘Hm,’ said Trinket. The trouble is, this Hatty guy is the best proof we have that the Old Traitor is planning to rebel. If we can, we ought to smuggle him back to Peking so that the Young Emperor can question him.’

Well, there are two things, then, that we’ve got to work out,’ said Butcher Qian. The first is, what are we going to do about this fire. The second is, how are we going to get Hatiemo out of the Traitor’s territory, bearing in mind that Yunnan and Guizhou provinces are going to be full of people looking out for him. Even getting him out of Kunming isn’t going to be all that easy.’

‘What about one of your China’root pigs?’ said Trinket, ‘Might do to get him out of Kunming,’ said Butcher Qian, ‘but I doubt you’d get him over the frontier that way. Smuggling him out in a coffin wouldn’t do, either. That old trick’s been played so many times, they’d be sure to catch on.’ ‘All right,’ said Trinket, ‘here’s another way to do it. Shave his beard off, rub a bit of flour or something on his face, and dress him up as a guard. I’ll choose a little detachment of the guards to go back to Peking with a whatyoucallit from the Princess to the Emperor and the Empress Dowager reporting the date of her wedding. We can stick old Hatty in the middle-after you’ve closed his dumb points to stop him using his voice-and make him march with the rest. The Traitor’s men at the border aren’t going to ask members of the Palace Guards to answer a roll’call-they wouldn’t have the nerve.’ This plan met with the admiring approval of the other three. Trinket thought for a bit. There must be whore’houses in Kunming.’ ‘Of course there are,’ said Butcher Qian. ‘Plenty of them.’

‘Do you think we could get Father Obscurus to go to a whore’house’ Butcher Qian shook his head. ‘No way, Taoists aren’t allowed to. I’ll go with you if you fancy a visit.’ ‘I’m sure you would,’ said Trinket, ‘but you don’t look right. Father Obscurus is just about the same shape and height as Hatty.’ ‘I’m sure Father Obscurus would be willing to go if he knew it was in the interests of the Society,’ said Brother Gao. This made them all laugh.

‘Get him to dress up in Hatty’s clothing,’ said Trinket. ‘And he mustn’t forget his bits and pieces-the things in his pockets and so on. The rest of you dress up as officers of the Satrap. Choose a big, smart whore’house to visit and act very drunk and disorderly. Quarrel over the girls. In the rumpus you, Brother Qian, most unfortunately, will stab Father Obscurus to death.’ For a moment Butcher Qian looked startled, then realizing that Trinket was planning to fake Hatiemo’s death, he entered into the spirit of the thing. ‘I wonder if Father Obscurus knows a few words of Mongol. I can do a good imitation Mongol if we’ve got to quarrel. You’ll need a body to put in his place, of course.’

That’s another job for you,’ said Trinket. ‘Somewhere in Kunming you’ve got to find a corpse about the same size as Hatty and have it ready somewhere outside the whorehouse. So when you’ve “killed” Father Obscurus, you chase all the whores out of the whore’house-if they haven’t run out already-and Father Obscurus comes to life again and changes clothes with the corpse.’ ‘Yes,’ said Brother Gao eagerly, ‘and we’ll have to mess up the corpse’s face a bit so that it’s not recognizable. And put Hatiemo’s beard that we’ve cut off under the bed where we leave the corpse, so that when they find it they’ll think that the murderer was trying to make Hatiemo unrecognizable.’ ‘Brilliant!’ said Trinket. ‘Brother Gao always thinks of everything.’ He laughed. This is going to be great fun,’ he said. ‘I wish I could go with you! Excellent kungfu!’

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