The Deer And The Cauldron 31


The Deer And The Cauldron 31
第三十一回 罗甸一军深壁垒 滇池千顷沸波涛


Chapter 20-In which Princess Ning castrates her Groom and ‘commits Suicide’, and Viscount Trinket rescues the Wrong Girl; he meets the Peerless Consort and hears her sing; a Confrontation takes place between General Bash’em, the Satrap, the. White Nun, and the Peerless Consort; and Trinket secures Safe Passage back to Peking for himself and his Entourage

Fire Alarm in the Gardens of the Princess-A Strange Mutilation, and an Attempted Suicide-An Attempt on the Satrap’s Life-At the Satrap’s Palace-The Assassin’-Story behind a Story-At His Wits’ End-The Peerless-The Ballad of the Peerless Consort-Revelations-An Extraordinary Gathering-Memories-Doing a Deal-Departure from Kunming


Fire Alarm in the Qardens of the Princess

Later that evening, having partaken of his dinner, Trinket strolled over to the Princess’ apartment in the An Fu Gardens. She was overjoyed to see him again. ‘Where on earth have you been all this time!’ she cried impatiently. Trinket made up some cock-and-bull story about the Satrap having detained him with slanderous accusations about the Emperor. The Princess was only being married off to the Satrap’s son, so the old man had insinuated, because the Emperor hated her so much.

‘The filthy fat turtle!’ she exclaimed. ‘I’ll pull his beard out!’ ‘We all know it’s not true’ Trinket reassured her. ‘Of course the Emperor loves you. And there are lots of good-looking men just itching to marry you. That old turtle-head the Satrap doesn’t know how lucky he is to have you marrying into his family! I almost thought of telling him I’d-‘ . ‘You’d what?’ ‘I’d like to marry you myself!’

‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’ cried the Princess, beaming happily. ‘Let’s do it! Let’s go back to Peking straight away, and I’ll tell my brother I won’t marry anyone but you!’ She threw her arms around him and gave Trinket a big kiss, which he was only too happy to return. The old turtle got quite scared when he thought I might tell on him. He even gave me a couple of Russian pistols.’

He took out the pistols, primed them, and invited the Princess to fire them off into the garden. She took aim, and there was a terrific explosion. She shot a branch clean off a tree. ‘Fantastic!’ she cried, her tongue popping out of her mouth. ‘Let’s keep one each,’ suggested Trinket generously. ‘No no!’ cried the Princess. ‘It would be such a shame to separate them! They look so cosy, cuddled up together in that lovely case. They’d be lonely apart!’ These thoughts of conjugal togetherness and bliss only made her realize the more forcefully that marrying Trinket was out of the question. It was pure fantasy’ the Emperor would never change his mind. Her lot was cast. Trinket put his arms around her and did his best to comfort her, whispering all sorts of naughty nothings in her ear. She blushed fiercely, and burst out spluttering with laughter. He untied her sash and loosened her gown, then threw an embroidered cover over her naked body. ‘I wonder why the Traitor’s men are taking so long?’ he thought to himself. They still haven’t set the place on fire! If they burst in now, they’ll find her naked. That should be fun to watch!’

He sat on the edge of the bed, gently stroking her face, listening out for the slightest sound from outside. The Princess’ breathing grew slower and heavier. ‘I think I’m going to … fall asleep. . . . You can . . .’ Trinket could hear the watchman sounding the night watch in the grounds. He was beginning to grow impatient, when suddenly there was a great crashing of gongs, and several voices began yelling at once”Fire! Fire!’The Princess sat up with a jolt and clutched Trinket round theneck.’What’s happening?’Tamardy turtle’head!’ cried Trinket. ‘He wants to set us on fire! He wants us both dead! So we won’t betray his secret.”What are we going to do?”Don’t you worry. You know you can count on your faithful Trink. Leave this one to me.’Trinket extricated himself from her embrace and went to the doorway, to secure the best escape route when the men came bursting in.’Fire! Fire! Quick, save the Princess!’

He heard voices echoing through the grounds, and could make out a dozen or so figures racing across the garden. They must be the Satrap’s men, who had hidden themselves inside the grounds ahead of time.’It’s nothing serious, Princess,’ he called out. The old turtle was probably just hoping to catch us together in bed!’The Princess shuddered.’You stay under the covers, and don’t move,’ ordered Trinket. ‘I’ll stand guard outside the door. If there’s a real fire, I’ll carry you out.”Darling Trinket! You’re so good to me!’Trinket stood in the doorway and shouted into the garden”Is there anyone out there’ Quick, save the Princess!’He was answered at once by one of the Satrap’s guards”Lord Wei, a fire has just broken out, and our master has sent the Young Prince to protect Her Royal Highness.’

The next instant Trinket saw men with lanterns in every comer of the garden. Coming towards him he identified the figure of Wu Yingxiong, the Little Traitor himself. He had clearly been put in charge of the search for Hatiemo, the missing Mongol envoy.’So they’ve sent him to find Hatty-it must be a very important assignment. That proves they really are plotting with the Mongols and the Russians.”Is all safe in Her Highness’ apartment?’ He could hear Young Wu’s voice. ‘Lord Wei is there,’ answered one of the guards. ‘I am most obliged to you, Lord Wei,’ said Wu. ‘What for?’ mumbled Trinket silently to himself. ‘For having a quick cuddle with your princess’ The pleasure’s all mine!’ His own Imperial Guards could now be seen rushing into the garden, roused from their beds, some of them only in their shirtsleeves. Trinket stationed them around the building. Zhang Kangnian tugged him by the sleeve. There’s something funny going on here, my Colonel’ he muttered. ‘What do you mean?’ asked Trinket.

‘Well, the minute the fire alarm was sounded, the Satrap’s men came swarming over the walls and began searching the entire garden. They were obviously out there ready, lying in wait. Some of our people put up a bit of resistance, but there’s simply no stopping them.’ The Satrap must think we’re onto him,’ said Trinket. This makes it all the more obvious that he’s planning a rebellion.’ Zhang Kangnian registered an appropriate level of shock. ‘Anyway,’ continued Trinket, ‘tell your men not to interfere with their search. Let them get on with it.’ Zhang gave the necessary orders. Trinket went up to the Little Traitor. ‘I must congratulate you, sir’ he commented. ‘You’re even smarter than the great strategist Sleeping Dragon, from the time of the Three Kingdoms!’ ‘You’re making fun of me,’ returned a somewhat puzzled Wu. ‘Not at all’ protested Trinket. ‘Your timing is quite brilliant! By some stroke of genius you seem to have worked out exactly when the fire was going to break out, so you had your men all dressed and ready to save the Princess in the nick of time.’

Wu flushed. ‘It was pure luck actually! We had no idea this, . . . er, fire thing was going to happen. As a matter of fact we were on our way back from a bit of a banquet being held by my brother’in’law, Xia Guoxiang, when we saw the flames.’ Trinket nodded. ‘Of course. That proves I was right. You are smart. You’re even smarter than Sleeping Dragon. Fancy going to “a bit of” a banquet at your brother’in’law’s with a fully equipped fire brigade in tow . . .’ Wu flushed again. His alibi had been totally transparent.The fire danger is extreme at the moment’, he mumbled rather lamely. ‘I thought it best to be on the safe side.”I see. Next time you’re at a party, why not take a few regiments of builders, bricklayers, plasterers, and joiners with you as well. You never know. They might come in handy if you ever get called out to do a spot of impromptu construction work.’Wu laughed ruefully, and turned to his aide’de’camp.’Go and tell the commander of the fire brigade that Lord Wei is not too pleased with his work. He’d better do things right, or I’ll break his legs.”But what would you do with him then?’ quipped Trinket.’What do you mean?’

‘Well, where would you employ an officer with broken legs’ Unless of course you’re planning to open another prison that specializes in broken legs and amputations. . . .’This obvious reference to the fate of Trinket’s unfortunate friend Yang Yizhi brought a nasty scowl to Young Wu’s face. So Trinket knew all about Lu Yifeng and the unpleasant things that went on in the Black Hole. . . .Presently the Satrap’s guards reported that the fire had been successfully brought under control. Trinket watched them carefully, but could not work out what secret code they were using (if any). All he could tell was that Young Wu was displeased with the way the operation was proceeding-presumably because they had failed to locate Hatty. Then suddenly a guard came rushing up to say that the fire had broken out again, and was spreading towards the very courtyard they were standing in. The Young Prince was advised to leave at once. Trinket noticed that the guard, as he spoke to Wu, crooked the thumb and index finger of his right hand and held them against his knee’ that was clearly the sign that the search for Hatty was about to be called off.’Lord Wei’ said Wu, ‘since the fire seems to be spreading this way, I’m afraid we must advise Her Highness to leave.’

Trinket understood. The only premises left to search were the Princess’ own private quarters. Something about their sneaky way of carrying on provoked Trinket to one of his reckless fits of bravado. He proceeded to crook the thumb and first finger of his right hand and wave them in front of Young Wu’s face. Wu started, as did his guards. ‘Lord Wei. . .’ stammered Wu. ‘What are you trying to-‘ ‘Don’t you understand the signal?’ laughed Trinket. ‘Signal?’ Wu tried to remain calm. ‘What signal’ ‘Oh, of course, you mean money’ Her Highness wants money if she is to agree to move?’

‘You crafty little turtle’head of a traitor!’ thought Trinket to himself. He sniggered, but said nothing. The money can be easily settled between us,’ went on Wu. ‘After all, we’re brothers.’ ‘Very generous of you, my Prince,’ returned Trinket. ‘Would you be so good as to go in there now and settle this little financial matter with Her Highness yourself’ After all, you’re virtually husband and wife already.’ He was thinking to himself’ ‘That way you can see for yourself that the Big Mongol isn’t in there.’ Wu hesitated a moment, and then nodded. He pushed open the door and walked on into the Princess’ outer room. From the door leading into the inner apartment he called out’ ‘It is your subject Wu Yingxiong. I have come with some of my guards to save Your Highness. The fire seems to be spreading this way. We must advise you to leave.’ A ladylike little cough of protest could be heard from within. ‘I may not be her husband yet,’ thought Wu to himself, ‘but we are after all betrothed, and in circumstances like these I can surely be forgiven for entering her room. No one else would dare go in, and we must complete the search!’ He pushed open the inner door and strode on in.

A Strange Mutilation, and an Attempted Suicide

Trinket and the various guards waited outside. Minutes went by, and all was silent. Still more minutes went by. The guards began to exchange little looks and knowing smiles, all thinking one and the same thought’ the loving couple’s first face’to’face encounter, the hugs, the kisses . . . Trinket himself began to feel more than a touch of jealousy. He was certain that Young Wu’s intentions were far from romantic; but with someone as insatiable and unpredictable as the Princess you could never tell. Suddenly there was an ear’piercing scream. It was the Princess.’Vile monster! No I won’t let you have your way with me! Never! Out of my sight!’More looks and stifled giggles from the guards. So their master had not been able to wait! ‘Leave my clothes alone! You … you … Get out! Help! Rape! Rape! Help!’

Giggles turned into laughter. Wu really was rather an oaf, they were all thinking, not to be able to wait until his wedding day. The Imperial Guards watched Trinket carefully, waiting for a sign to intervene on the Princess’ behalf (though if the truth be known they thought this was a matter best left to the young couple to sort out between themselves). Trinket for his part was becoming quite agitated. What if the rascal had actually tried to use violence on the Princess”Come on out of there, sir!’ he cried. ‘Don’t offend Her Highness.”Help’Another scream from the Princess, even louder and more urgent this time.

Trinket got quite a fright. Beckoning to his men, and crying To the rescue!’, he burst into the outer room. He was followed by a few of his own guards and some of the Satrap’s. The inner door into the Princess’ bedroom was wide open, and they could see her lying on the bed, her pale legs poking out at the bottom of the bed from under her snow’white quilt, her bare arms protruding at either side. Under the bedclothes she was obviously stark naked. Young Wu was naked too. But he was not on the bed. He was lying face down and motionless on the floor, and smears of blood were clearly visible on his lower body. He had a dagger gripped in his hand. The scene was enough to strike terror into the heart of Trinket and the guards. The Satrap’s men hurried over to ascertain whether the Young Prince was still alive, and were relieved to find him breathing, though unconscious.’He was trying to . . .’ blurted out the Princess. ‘He’s a foul creature! Disgusting! Who is he anyway’ Lord Wei, have this vile beast arrested and killed at once!’

‘But Your Highness, this is your husband’to’be, Young Prince Wu!’ replied Trinket.’He can’t be! Not him! Impossible! The way he behaved! He stripped me naked, then he took off all his clothes and tried to rape me! Kill him, the monster!’ The Palace Guards were filled with angry indignation, that the sister of their Emperor should have been defiled in this way, her chastity violated (little did they know …). The Satrap’s guards for their part stood there looking decidedly sheepish. Some of the smarter ones took the opportunity to have a quick snoop around for Hatty. But there was no sign of him.

Suddenly one of them who had been ministering to Young Wu gave a great cry. ‘His Highness has been . . . his private parts are . . .’ In the heat of the moment the men had at first taken the blood on Wu’s limbs to be evidence of his recent activities with the virgin Princess; but as time went by and the blood continued to flow, they realized that he was himself seriously hurt. Horrified, they hurried to apply balm to the wound.

‘Wu Yingxiong has committed an outrage on Her Highness’ barked Trinket. ‘He is to be detained and questioned, and the matter reported to His Majesty!’ The Palace Guards leapt into action. None of the Satrap’s men resisted, though one of them pleaded somewhat feebly with Trinket to let them take their master back to the Satrap’s palace for medical attention. Trinket was adamant, and ordered everyone out of the Princess’ bedroom. They all trooped out, carrying Young Wu with them, and leaving Trinket alone with the Princess. All of a sudden she gave a crafty smile, and beckoned to Trinket. He went over to her bed. She threw her arms around him and whispered in his ear’ ‘I chopped his dong and balls right off!’

‘You did what!’ cried the horrified Trinket. The Princess breathed into his ear, and went on’ ‘First I pointed that gun thing at him, and made him take all his clothes off. Then I bashed him on the head with the gun’handle, till he passed out. Then I cut off those disgusting things of his. So! Now he’ll never be able to be my husband-just my pathetic little eunuch slave!’ Trinket did not know whether to burst out laughing, or panic completely. ‘You’ve really gone and made a mess of things now!’ ‘What do you mean’ You’re the one I love! Anyway, I made it sound like rape. Didn’t you hear me screaming?’ Trinket nodded. Then we’re in the clear’ she went on. ‘When the Satrap finds out what I’ve done, he’ll be angry, but he’ll be too ashamed of his son to do anything about it.”But you must have a good story, and stick to it very carefully’ said Trinket, his imagination working overtime. ‘Listen, this is the way it happened. He tried to rape you, he took all his clothes off, he had the dagger in his hand, you resisted, he slipped, and he-‘

The Princess buried her head in the quilt and let out a little peal of laughter.’That’s it!’ she murmured. ‘He did it! He chopped off his own dong by mistake!’Trinket communicated this version of events to his guards. There were a few startled laughs, and a lot of muttered comments to the effect that Wu had dealt himself an appropriate punishment for his own barbaric behaviour. Those of the Satrap’s men who had stayed behind listened shamefaced.Other members of the contingent sent by the Satrap meanwhile went through the motions of putting out the ‘fire’, and then returned to report the whole disastrous episode to their master. A doctor was sent for urgently to see to Young Wu’s wounds. The Imperial Guards for their part made sure that a vivid retelling of the story made the rounds of Kunming’s tea’houses and wine’shops.The Satrap lost no time. He hurried over to the Princess’ quarters, and kowtowed outside her door, humbly apologizing for his son’s terrible misdemeanour. Trinket stood beside him, pulling a long face.’I’m afraid he has really gone too far this time.”I know, I know!’ grovelled Wu. ‘I’m absolutely counting on you to put in a good word for me with the Princess.”Of course I’ll do my best’ replied Trinket. ‘But we both know how difficult Her Royal Highness can be.’

He called from the door”Your Highness, Satrap Wu is here. He’s come to apologize for his son’s crime, and to beg for mercy.’A moment of total silence passed. Then there came a sudden thud, something like the sound of a stool hitting the ground. Trinket and the Satrap looked at each other in horror.’No, Your Highness!’ one of the Princess’ maids cried out from within. ‘No! How could you think of doing such a terrible thing!’The thought that the dishonoured Princess might have succeeded in doing away with herself drained the last drop of colour from the Satrap’s face. ‘If she has taken her life’ he was thinking secretly to himself, ‘my hand will be forced! I shall have to declare an open rebellion at once-and I am not ready yet!’ The voices of women sobbing reached them from the inner room. A maid came rushing out’ ‘Lord Wei! Come quickly! Her Highness has hung herself!’

After a moment’s hesitation Trinket went on in, to find seven or eight of the maids weeping dramatically around the bed. The Princess’ eyes were closed, her breathing was faint, and there was a clearly visible red mark round her neck. One end of a cord was hanging from a beam, the other end was strewn on the bed, while a stool lay on its side on the floor. ‘Clever little slut!’ thought Trinket to himself. ‘Nice bit of stage’management! Excellent kungfu!’ He stood by the bedside and gave her a discreet pinch on the upper lip. She let out a barely audible squeal and slowly opened her eyes. Then, listlessly (but audibly) said’ ‘I… I don’t want to go on living. . . .’

‘Your Highness,’ pleaded the loyal Viscount Trinket Wei loudly, ‘your life is so precious, you must try to look beyond this moment of despair. Satrap Wu is outside at this very moment, down on his knees, begging you for forgiveness.’ ‘Just tell him to take that horrible son of his away and kill him!’ Without the maids noticing, Trinket reached under the covers and gave the Princess another pinch. She fought the temptation to laugh and instead dug a fingernail hard into the back of his hand, moaning’ ‘I just want to die! How can I ever look the world in the face again?’ From outside the Satrap indistinctly heard the sound of the Princess’ voice and heaved a huge sigh of relief. At least she was still alive! But what had she got left to live for, he reflected, now that his son’s conjugal equipment had been physically removed! What a young idiot the boy had been! How could he possibly hush the whole thing up now’

Presently Trinket emerged from the inner room, shaking his head gravely. The Satrap hurried forward. ‘How is Her Highness?’ he mumbled.’Alive,’ replied Trinket. ‘But determined to kill herself. And once she’s set her mind on something, we all know what she can be like. I’ve told her maids to keep a close watch on her, and not to let her out of their sight. I’m worried she may try to take poison next, sir.’The Satrap’s face darkened. He nodded.’Yes, yes. We must take the utmost care to stop anything like that from happening.’Secretly he was thinking to himself”Our only hope is that the Princess may still be too young to understand what has happened, too innocent to know the value of what my son has lost, and of what she will be deprived of as a result!’ The poor, deluded Satrap-little did he know. . . .He next broached with Trinket the possibility of keeping the news of his son’s unfortunate mutilation a secret from the Emperor. After all, His Majesty was so busy, he argued, it would be an act of loyalty to spare him (and the Empress Dowager) the gruesome details and the inevitable distress that such news would cause. Trinket indicated that he was quite amenable to this idea. ‘But how’, he asked, ‘were they to silence all the other witnesses? ‘I’ll think of something,’ replied the Satrap.

The Satrap had indeed already started thinking of a way to resolve this problem. He was plotting to lay an ambush for Trinket and his entire party on their way home-his own men, disguised as robbers, would lie in wait for them in some lonely part of Guangxi Province. That way he could dispose of the lot of them. Dead men tell no tales. The blame for their deaths would fall on the Provincial Governor of Guangxi, who would be taken to task for not having maintained law and order in his domain. That particular governor was a certain Sun Yanling, who had married the daughter of Kong Youde, a former general serving the Manchu cause. The daughter was held in great favour at Court, and had even been granted the status of a minor princess on account of her father’s services. It would fall to her to sort the whole thing out.Needless to say, Trinket was totally unaware of what was going through the Satrap’s mind, and attributed his long silence to a more general concern lest the news of his son’s disgrace should leak out.The two of them now went to consult with the physician who had been examining the extent of Young Wu’s injuries.

‘His life is in no danger’ reported the doctor. ‘But as for his … I fear that. The Satrap nodded and commented’ ‘At least he is still alive!’ He gave orders for his son to be taken home, and continued to occupy Trinket in conversation, fearful that he might try to interrogate Young Wu. Only when his son had left the An Fu Gardens did the Satrap take his leave. Trinket for his part began to reflect on what Young Wu himself might say once he regained consciousness. But in the circumstances it was highly unlikely that his version of events would be believed by anyone-even by his own father.

Returning to his quarters, he learned from his Triad Brothers that the brothel ‘rape’, and the ‘killing’ of the fake Hatty, had all gone according to plan; they could now proceed to Peking with their Mongol witness, who would be made to testify to the Satrap’s mutinous intentions, and to his sinister plan to create an anti’Imperial alliance with the Mongols, the Tibetans, and the Russians. Trinket reflected that in view of recent developments, it would be prudent not to send the party off to Peking there and then. The Satrap might suspect that he was reporting to the Emperor on his son’s misdemeanours. Altogether it had been an extremely hectic night. The Triads were just about to leave Trinket, and go on their way, when a distraught Captain Zhao of the Palace Guards came knocking on Trinket’s door, bearing the most astonishing tidings’ ‘Someone has tried to murder the Satrap!’

An Attempt on the Satrap’s Life

An Attempt on the Satrap’s Life ‘Is he dead?’ cried the startled Trinket through the door. ‘Who did it?’ The last thing he wanted was that Captain Zhao should discover him entertaining Triad visitors in his apartment in the dead of the night, so he went outside to speak to him. ‘He’s still alive,’ replied the captain. ‘He was only slightly wounded. The person has been arrested. It turns out to have been one of the Princess’ maids.’ ‘Which one?’ enquired Trinket. ‘What would one of the Princess’ maids want to kill the Satrap for?’ Zhao said he had no idea, and Trinket sent him off to try and ascertain more details.

Just as Zhao was about to leave, Trinket’s other friend from the Palace Guards, Captain Zhang Kangnian, arrived to report that the maid they had arrested was someone called Ah Kor. Trinket nearly fainted when he heard Green Girl’s name. ‘Why . . . why should she want to do such a thing?’ ‘The Satrap has taken her back to his palace for questioning, to find out who was behind it’ was all Zhang could offer by way of reply. Trinket was utterly devastated at the thought that his darling had been apprehended. Captain Zhao suggested that perhaps this maid had wanted to strike a blow on behalf of her injured mistress the Princess, and Trinket clutched at this straw. ‘Yes! That must be it! We would never have chosen a lovely girl like that to murder the Satrap.’ For a moment, Trinket had forgotten that he was talking to two Captains of the Guard, not to his Triad friends.

The two captains looked at one another in bewilderment. Had their commanding officer taken leave of his senses’ ‘The Satrap will most probably have the maid quietly put to death’ commented Zhang. The last thing he wants at the moment is a lot of fuss.’ ‘No! She mustn’t be killed!’ Trinket’s voice was trembling. ‘If she dies, I die too! I’ll stab that traitor of a turtle myself!’ Zhang and Zhao exchanged another startled glance. Had their Colonel sent the girl himself’ Had he given orders for the Satrap to be killed, in a fit of anger at the Princess’ disgraceful treatment’ Neither of them dared say a word. Trinket seemed to read their thoughts. ‘Don’t worry, this has nothing to do with us. But what are we to do?’

The two captains were hugely relieved to learn that he was not behind the attempted murder of Satrap Wu. Trinket then sent them to call on the Satrap with his visiting’card, and to request that he release the maid (for whose wicked deed he offered no excuses) back into the custody of the Princess, who would herself make sure that she was properly punished. They set off reluctantly on this mission, thinking to themselves that it would have been far better to wash their hands of the whole business and leave the maid to die. Trinket now went to call on the one’armed White Nun (or Sister Tribulation, to use her proper nom de religion). He found her in the midst of her meditations. When she had finished he approached her and said’ ‘Shifu . . . have you heard the news about . . . Green’ Ah Kor?’ ‘What news’ What are you in such a state about?’ ‘Shifu! She. . . she went to kill the Satrap. . . and she’s been caught!’

Trinket saw a steely light flash in Sister Tribulation’s eyes. ‘Did she succeed’ Is he dead?’ ‘No. He’s still alive. And she was captured by the Satrap’s men!’ Tribulation sighed. ‘Useless creature!’ At first Trinket was astonished to see her so unconcerned for the welfare of her own disciple. Then’ ‘I understand!’ he cried. ‘You’ve got a plan to save her, haven’t you?’ Tribulation shook her head. ‘No. I haven’t got anything of the kind.’ She may not care about her, thought Trinket, but I do! I care about her a lot! ‘Don’t you see?’ he cried. The Satrap’s going to kill her! In fact, he’s probably killed her already. And then he plans to find out who sent her!’ ‘It was me,’ said the nun calmly. ‘I sent her. Let him come and find me, if he has the courage!’

In a way this did not surprise Trinket. After all, she was the daughter of the last Emperor of the Ming, and it was Satrap Wu who had betrayed the Empire into the hands of the Manchus. It was only natural that she should hate him to the very core of her being. Had she not already herself tried to kill the Manchu Emperor, on Wutai’ But he was surprised that she should have sent an inexperienced fighter such as Green to carry out this mission. Was she deliberately sending her to her death’ He did not dare voice this doubt. Instead he said’ ‘I know Green would never betray you, Shifu.’ ‘Really?’ The nun closed her eyes. Trinket left her there, and walked back to his own apartment. Dawn was breaking, but it was still too early for captains Zhao and Zhang to have returned. He paced anxiously up and down the hall, from time to time sending one of the guards to find out if there was any news, but to no avail. Finally the suspense was too much for him. He selected a few cavalry guards and set off at their head in the direction of the Satrap’s palace. When he came to the Temple of Dharma Wisdom, a mile or two from the palace, he tethered his own horse and sent the other men ahead post’haste to scout out the situation.

Half an hour or so later he heard the sound of clattering hooves, and Zhang Kangnian came galloping up. ‘Captain Zhao and I conveyed your message to the Satrap. He refused to receive us. Captain Zhao is still there waiting.’ Trinket stamped his foot angrily. That dirty turtle’head has a nerve!’ Zhang tried to point out to his superior that it was nothing out of the ordinary for such an eminent person as the Satrap (the second most powerful person in the land after the Emperor, after all) to refuse to receive a couple of junior officers. ‘I shall call on him myself!’ cried Trinket. ‘Come with me!’ Trinket would not be dissuaded. He vaulted onto a horse, and galloped to the Satrap’s palace. The Satrap’s guards welcomed him and went hurrying on ahead to announce his arrival.

At the Satrap’s Palace

Two of the Satrap’s top officers came out to receive Trinket’ General Xia, and Brigadier Ma Bao. Xia was married to the Satrap’s daughter and was commander’in’chief of the Satrap’s army. He bowed politely to Trinket.’Viscount Wei, I think you must have heard the news of the attempt on Prince Wu’s life. He is seriously wounded, and hopes you will forgive him for being unable to receive you in person.”I thought he had escaped unharmed!’ exclaimed Trinket.’Indeed not. His Highness received a sword wound in the chest,’ replied Xia, speaking in a tone of subdued gravity. The blade entered to a depth of some three or four inches.”But that’s terrible!’ cried Trinket.General Xia frowned.’It is too soon to know whether His Highness will live. We nave not wanted to cause a disturbance, and have withheld the news from the public. Instead we have let it be understood that His Highness escaped unharmed. But since you are his close friend, sir, we considered it imperative to tell you the truth.’ ‘I must go in and call on His Highness,’ said Trinket. ‘I insist.’

Xia and Ma exchanged glances. ‘Follow us! This way, sir!’ The two officers led the way to the Satrap’s private apartment. Xia announced that Viscount Trinket had come to visit and they heard a muffled groan from within the canopied bedstead. General Xia drew aside the curtain and they saw the Satrap frowning and clenching his teeth with pain. His covers were still spattered with blood, and his chest was heavily bandaged. Blood continued to seep through the bandages. Two physicians stood by the bedside, both the picture of gloom.

Trinket had not been prepared to see Wu so badly wounded. In that instant his anger evaporated, and was replaced by a feeling of urgent concern’ not for the Satrap (he did not care a fig whether the fat villain lived or died), but for Green. The Satrap’s death would make it even harder to rescue her. ‘Your Highness, is the pain very bad?’ he mumbled. Wu groaned and stared lifelessly in front of him. ‘I’m . . . done for. … Go and fetch that useless son of mine and . . . kill him! This is all his doing!’ General Xia dared not say anything in reply. He let down the curtain and led Trinket out of the room.

‘That our great Prince should die like this!’ he lamented aloud. ‘After all he has done for his country! After a lifetime’s devotion! It is so unjust!’ ‘Lifetime’s devotion my twat!’ Trinket expostulated silently to himself. ‘He lived like a dog, and he deserves to die like a dog!’ Aloud he said’ ‘General Xia, I think the Prince will certainly live.’ ‘How can you tell, sir?’ ‘Because I can read men’s futures in their faces. His face speaks of a great future. I can tell that one day he will be raised to a height even greater than his present one.’

General Xia’s face darkened when he heard these words, and he hastened to protest that his master had already been raised so high by the great kindness of His Majesty that he could never hope to be raised any higher. Yes, thought Trinket, that’s true enough’ the only way he can get any higher is by rebelling against the Throne, and becoming Emperor himself! Which you and I both know is exactly what he is planning to do. Which is why you reacted the way you did just now. You were scared that I might know too much. Ha, I think I’ll try and give you another little scare!’You too have a face that speaks of great things to come. After all, when he, the Lord and Master, rises, it only makes sense that the man married to his daughter the Princess should have his share of glory.As he said this, Trinket started walking out of the room. Xia was aghast. The palms of his hands went clammy with fear.’Could it be that our confidential plans for the rebellion have leaked out?’ he wondered to himself. ‘Or is this young whippersnapper just talking a load of rubbish?’Outside in the corridor Trinket asked him’Tell me, has the would’be assassin been captured’ What sort of person was it’ Who was behind it’ Some Ming Loyalist’ One of the Mu Family bravos?’

‘It’s a woman,’ replied General Xia. ‘Her name is Ah Kor. Someone said she’s in service with the Princess-but I find that hard to believe. I think you are right, she is most probably one of the Mu Family, pretending to be a maid.’This gave Trinket a visible shock.’I see what they’re up to,’ he thought to himself. ‘By passing it off as the work of the Mu Family, and not connected with the Princess, they think they can get away with killing her. This is looking even worse than I thought.”Has she already been . . .’ Trinket hesitated. ‘Put to death?”We are waiting for His Highness to recover. He will want to look into this personally, and decide who was behind the plot.’Trinket breathed a little more easily. He continued”I should like to visit this young lady myself. I shall be able to tell at once if she is a genuine maid in the Princess’ service.’

‘I hardly think that is necessary, sir,’ countered the general.’On the contrary’ I am sure His Majesty will want a full report from me when I return to the capital,’ insisted Trinket. This seemed to work at first, and General Xia mumbled’ ‘Of course, of course.’ But he did nothing.’What’s the matter’ Come on. Bring her out here smartish for me to have a look at!’



His anxiety on behalf of his beloved was driving him to forsake all semblance of politeness. After a great deal more bantering exchange, he managed to pressurize Xia into going in and consulting with his master the Prince. Xia returned after a long interval of time, to report that Prince Wu was still asleep, and that rather than wait indefinitely for him to wake up, he had decided to take the initiative himself. ‘So, if you will come this way, sir, I can take you in to see the young woman now.’

The Assassin?

Trinket followed Xia down several walkways until they reached a garden. Between forty and fifty of the Satrap’s crack troops were there, heavily armed, patrolling the place. General Xia presented an official tally and demanded to be let through. The soldiers made way for the two of them, and General Xia led Trinket into a passageway that had been created in the side of an artificial rockery. Presently they came to a large metal door, guarded by two more soldiers. The rockery was, it transpired, masking the entrance to the Satrap’s secret jail. There were three metal doors, one after the other, and as they passed through them they descended deeper and deeper underground. Finally they came to a little room, separated from the rest of the subterranean compound by a heavy metal grill. Through the grill, it was possible to distinguish the form of a woman seated on the ground, holding her head in both hands and quietly sobbing to herself. The only light in the room (and it was a very dim one) came from a couple of oil lamps on the walls. Trinket hurried up to the bars, grasped them in his hands, and gazed intently at the woman.

‘Stand up, you!’ cried General Xia. ‘You have a visitor-an important visitor!’ The woman turned to look, and the lamplight fell on her face. She and Trinket exchanged a quick glance, and each of them let out a gasp of surprise. She rose to her feet, and as she did so the shackles on her hands and feet made a melancholy clanging sound. ‘What are … you doing here?’ she asked. To Trinket’s utter astonishment he saw that the woman before him was not Ah Kor at all. She was not Green Girl-but the Little Countess, Mu Jianping!

Struggling to compose himself, he turned to General Xia.’Why have you got her chained up in here?”Why, are you acquainted with this woman, sir?’ replied the general. ‘Is she one of the Princess’ maids?’He was beginning to sound as bewildered as they were.’Is this the one who tried to kill the Sa. . . I mean, Prince Wu?’ asked Trinket.’That is correct. But what we want to know is, who put her up to it?”So they were all wrong,’ thought Trinket to himself. ‘It was the Little Countess who did it. She had a good motive, after all. The Satrap killed her father.”Tell me,’ he asked the general, ‘did she herself say that her name was Ah Kor, and that she was a maid in service with the Princess?”As a matter of fact, when we captured her she refused to say anything. Somebody else recognized her as the Princess’ maid. What do you say, sir’ Is she or isn’t she?’

Trinket was thinking.The Little Countess is married to me too. I have a duty to rescue her as well! I mustn’t be partial.”Yes,’ he replied. ‘She is one of the maids. In fact, she’s Her Highness’ favourite maid.’As he said this he gave the Little Countess a wink.’What sort of nonsense did you think you were up to, trying to murder His Highness Prince Wu’ Are you crazy’ Do you want to get yourself killed’ Who sent you’ Come on, confess, it’ll be easier for you in the end.’This provoked a spirited response from the Little Countess”That great fat traitor the Satrap is hated by every self’respecting Chinese man and woman in the land! He betrayed our country to the Tartars! Anyone with Chinese blood in their veins would be happy to kill him! My only regret is that I didn’t succeed!’

Trinket put on a little show of anger.’You shameless hussy! Have all your years of service in the Palace taught you nothing’ Aren’t you afraid to die?”And what about you?’ retorted the Little Countess. ‘What about all your years in the service of those Tartars’ Have you no shame?’Trinket advanced towards her and cried’ ‘You must confess! Who sent you here’ Who else is in this plot with you?’ As he advanced, with his back to the general, Trinket was secretly gesticulating and grimacing in such a way as to suggest to the Little Countess that she should somehow implicate General Xia himself in the plot. She tumbled to the idea very quickly. ‘It was him’ she cried, pointing at Xia. ‘He sent me!’

‘Stuff and nonsense!’ shouted Xia angrily. ‘How dare you lie!’ protested the Little Countess. ‘You sent me to kill the Satrap. You said he was an evil man and that everyone wanted him dead. You said that with him out of the way you could . . .’ She was not quite sure of Xia’s rank, and hesitated. ‘Could become even more rich and powerful?’ Trinket suggested helpfully. ‘So no one would ever scold him and beat him again?’ ‘Yes, that’s it!’ cried the Little Countess. ‘You said you’d had enough of being treated like that. But you didn’t dare do the thing yourself.’ The general began shouting angrily at the Little Countess, but she paid him no attention. ‘You’d better be careful,’ said Trinket. ‘Do you have any idea who you’re talking to’ This is the Satrap’s son’in’law, General Xia.’ As he said this Trinket secretly stuck his thumb up, to let her know that she was doing a grand job.

‘That makes sense. He told me that when the Satrap was dead, he would be made Prince of the West. He said he’d make sure I escaped safely, whether I succeeded in killing the Satrap or not. He’d make sure I came to no harm. That’s what he said. And now he’s locked me up in here. General Xia, I’m waiting for you to stick to your side of the bargain.’ ‘Any more of that wicked nonsense and I’ll beat you till you’re all blood and bruises!’ roared General Xia in a rage. ‘I’ll beat you to death!’ He had more or less figured out what the two of them were up to. Somehow he had to put a stop to it, before it got out of hand. He turned to Trinket. ‘You surely cannot believe the story this stupid little maid has made up?’ Trinket shook his head pensively. ‘I don’t know. It seems a great deal for her to have made up on her own. We all know how difficult the Satrap can be. I shall have to wait until he is better and see what he himself has to say about all this.’This really seemed to put the wind up Xia.’I beg you, sir, don’t mention any of this to Prince Wu. You know how highly he regards you.’

Trinket smiled. Clearly the general was now well and truly rattled. It was tempting to add more fuel to the flames.’On the contrary, I think it’s only right for me to advise the Satrap that the main threat to his person is to be expected from within his own ranks. He is far too heavily guarded and protected for an outsider to get anywhere near him. Of course, if the slightest word of this got out, if you were once suspected, the other high’ranking officers would just love a pretext to bring you down. The safest thing for you to have done would have been to have kitted the girl as soon as she was caught. But it’s a bit late for that now. After all, now 7 know about it too. And killing me might be a little trickier, given that I’ve got a few thousand guards of my own posted outside.’A bit more of this sort of intimidation, and General Xia seemed convinced that his entire life and future lay in Trinket’s hands. Trinket finally came to the point.’So’ there’s only one way out of this. I’ll do you a huge favour by taking on the responsibility myself. Just hand the girl over to me, and I’ll take her back to the Princess. You can say the Princess wants to question her personally about this affair.’Then, sotto voce to the general”I’ll have her killed myself. I’ll put it out that she refused to confess, and died under torture. I think that should take care of things nicely.’General Xia was too intelligent not to realize what Trinket was up to.

‘Damn you, you little rat!’ he was thinking to himself. ‘I know perfectly well that the only thing you want is to get her safely out of here. And you have the nerve to make it look like you’re doing me a favour. I just wonder how you come to know her in the first place?”Are you quite sure she is one of the Princess’ maids?’ he asked out loud. ‘When I questioned her, she seemed to know nothing about the Princess.’LI THEDEtRAND I Ht CAULUKON ‘She did that on purpose’ returned Trinket. ‘She didn’t want to involve her mistress in this.’

‘Very well then’ said Xia. ‘Your plan does seem the best, and I’ll go along with it. But I shall need something official in writing from you.’ ‘Sorry’ said Trinket with a cheeky grin. ‘Don’t know how to. Can’t write a thing. Tell you what, though, I’ll give you this.’ He extracted from his jacket pocket one of the guns that the Satrap had given him. ‘Give your boss this. He’ll know it’s from me. That should be official enough.’ General Xia sent for a couple of jailers to let the Little Countess out of her cell, and to undo her shackles; but he made her keep on the handcuffs. Leading her by a chain attached to the cuffs, he conducted her to the main entrance of the palace, where he handed the chain (and the key for the handcuffs) to Trinket. ‘Be careful now, sir’ he said loudly. ‘You can take her back to the Princess for questioning. But be sure she doesn’t escape.’ Trinket smiled. ‘Don’t you worry! I’ll be back tomorrow to enquire after the Prince’s health.’ The general bowed as Trinket departed.

Story behind a Story

Trinket escorted the Little Countess back to the An Fu Gardens. When they had reached his apartment he closed the door and burst out laughing. ‘So tell me, dear wife, tell your husband what on earth has been going on?’ She blushed a deep crimson. ‘Haven’t you got anything nicer to say to me than that?’ She held out her hands. ‘Get me out of these horrible things first!’ ‘I think I’d better cuddle you first’ retorted Trinket. ‘If I undo those, you’ll never let me.’ So saying, he put his arms round the Little Countess’ deliciously slender waist. ‘You’re bullying me again!’ she cried angrily.

‘Very well, I won’t bully you then. Why don’t you bully me, instead.’ He held his cheek to her face and pressed it gently against her lips. Then he took out the key and unlocked her handcuffs, and they sat down side by side on the bed. He asked her to tell the whole story.’Leader Hong and Madame Hong’ she began, ‘were very grateful for the package you sent them. They gave me some of the Antidote, and I was able to clear the poison out of my body. They sent the Deputy Red Dragon Marshal to bring me to you. They said they knew that you’d be missing me so they wanted me to-‘She hesitated, just long enough for Trinket to put in’To marry me!”No!’ she cried. ‘Not at all! Madame thought that my being so far away might be making your mission harder to accomplish. That’s all.’Trinket could see she was on the verge of tears, and softened his tone.’Very well. I believe you. But what about you’ Did you miss me too?’The Little Countess turned away, and as she did so nodded her head almost imperceptibly.’What about you and the Deputy Red Dragon Marshal’ What were you two up to, trying to kill the Satrap?’

‘We arrived in Kunming three days ago. I ran into my brother and Shifu Iron Dragon Liu outside the town.”Oh, I had no idea they were here!’ exclaimed Trinket.’Yes, they are. And Blue Tiger-Ao Biao-and my brother’inarms Liu Yizhou are here too’ said the Little Countess. ‘Shifu Wu was too ill to travel. They’d made a plan to murder the Princess Ning.”What!’ exclaimed Trinket in some consternation. ‘What would they want to do that for’ What has she ever done to harm the Mu Family?”The idea was to provoke the Emperor into punishing Satrap Wu’ then the Satrap would be forced to come out into the open and declare a revolt against the Throne.’These people are more cunning and ruthless than I thought!’ reflected Trinket. ‘I’ve been thinking all along about how to get at the Satrap, and never spared a thought for the Princess’ safety!”So what did you do?’ he asked.

‘I was to pretend to be one of the Princess’ maids, and get close to her. Once I’d killed her, they would come in and rescue me. But the Deputy Red Dragon Marshal was concerned for your safety, as the Princess’ escort. So I thought I had better consult with you first. When Iron Dragon Liu got to hear of this, he drew a sword on the Deputy Marshal and killed him there and then!’ The Little Countess was shaking with emotion as she recalled these events. Trinket tried to comfort her. ‘Don’t be afraid. It was very sweet of you to think of me.’ She began sobbing, and great tears coursed down her cheeks. ‘But then . . . when you saw me again . . . the first thing you did was to start bullying me. . . .’ Trinket took her hand and administered himself a slap in the face. ‘What a horrible creature I am! Bad boy!’ Slap! Slap! ‘Stop!’ cried the Little Countess, tugging her hand away. ‘Don’t do that!’ He took her hand again, and this time used it to tap himself lightly on the cheek. ‘I am a bad boy, I am! I should have rescued my little wife much sooner from the clutches of the wicked Satrap!’

‘But you did rescue me in the end!’ said the still tearful Little Countess. ‘And now we must think of a way of rescuing my brother and Iron Dragon Liu.’ ‘Were they caught too?’ said Trinket in some alarm. ‘The day before yesterday,’ she began, ‘the house where we were staying was surrounded by the Satrap’s men. They were too many for us. Brother Ao was killed. My brother, Iron Dragon Liu, and I were taken prisoner.’ Trinket sighed. ‘It’s very sad that the Blue Tiger is dead. But tell me, if you were taken prisoner, how were you able to get anywhere near the Satrap?’ ‘I wasn’t! I wish I had, but how could I possibly, with all those chains on?’ Trinket was more perplexed than ever. ‘So where have you been since then?’ ‘First I was kept in a darkened room. Then today I was moved to that black hole of a dungeon where you found me.’

Trinket sensed that all was not well. He had clearly fallen for some ruse of General Xia’s. But exactly what was going on he could not fathom. ‘So the Satrap’s wounds were not inflicted by you?’ ‘Of course not. I’ve never set eyes on him. Tell me, do you think he’s going to die?’ Trinket shook his head. ‘I don’t know. Did you tell them who you were?’ ‘No. I didn’t tell them anything. The officer interrogating me got angry, and asked me if I was dumb. Remember, you once said I was dumb?’ Trinket lent over her and kissed her gently. ‘Yes, my little dumb girl, and I still want to carve a turtle on your pretty little face.’ The Little Countess felt a strange sense of pleasure at Trinket’s words, and there was a glow of affection in her eyes. But she did not turn to look at him.

Trinket was still brooding on the significance of what had happened. Why would General Xia have wanted to pretend that the Little Countess was one of the Princess’ maids’ Unless he was testing him out, to see if Trinket knew her. That must be it. And now he had recognized her, and Xia would have every reason to believe that Trinket himself was involved with the Mu Family. He’d fallen right into the trap. For all his instinctive cunning, Trinket was a child by comparison with seasoned plotters and schemers such as the Satrap and General Xia. As he thought about the danger he was in, he broke out in a cold sweat. ‘You stay here for a while,’ he said to the Little Countess. ‘I must go and see what I can do about rescuing your brother and Iron Dragon Liu.’

At His Wits’ End

Trinket made his way to the western wing of the compound, and summoned his Triad friends to a meeting. He briefed them on the latest turn of events. They too suspected some sort of plot on the part of the Satrap.’Perhaps he has seen through the way we “killed” Hatiemo?’ suggested Father Obscurus.’But how did the Satrap know where to find the Mu Family?’ asked Butcher Qian. ‘I bet it’s that weasel Liu Yizhou’ Trinket speculated aloud. ‘He’s one of them, but he’s got a grudge against me, and he’s a sneak and a coward. I bet he told them.’ ‘You’re probably right. But Master, how could the Satrap ever suspect you of being involved with the Mu Family’ So far as he’s concerned, you’re the Emperor’s trusted envoy.’ Butcher Qian frowned and scratched his head as he attempted to puzzle this one out. ‘If you ask me,’ put in Tertius, ‘it’s all a coincidence.’ ‘What do you mean?’ asked Trinket.

‘Someone else really did try to kill the Satrap. It probably was that maid of the Princess’. Why else would everybody be saying so?’ ‘You may be right there,’ said Trinket. ‘Ah Kor has gone missing. She’s probably being held by the Satrap’s men as well.’ ‘So’ continued Tertius, ‘they knew you would come for Ah Kor, and they substituted the Mu girl. That way they could hand her over to you, without giving up the real would’be assassin. They’ve put you in a very tricky situation.’ Trinket slapped his thigh. ‘Yes, I’m sure that’s it. You’re certainly a smart one, Tertius, to figure it all out like that. Popping momma’s! They probably had no idea I even knew the Little Countess! This is going to be very hard to explain to the Satrap.’ ‘You’ll have to brazen it out, Master,’ went on the subtle Tertius. ‘Just tell the Satrap that you’ve been given special orders by the Emperor to do undercover work, which means fraternizing with the Mu Family. . . .’

Trinket burst out laughing. ‘Great idea! But will he fall for it?’ He had been about to say that Tertius’ plan was pretty much what the Emperor had indeed once asked him to do (on the occasion when he had released Shaker Wu), but thought better of divulging to his Triad friends too many of the convolutions of his own complicated existence. ‘Even if he doesn’t believe you,’ said Butcher Qian, ‘he’ll have to go along with it. And once we’re out of his part of the world, who cares what he thinks anyway?’ ‘There’s one thing I find most upsetting in all of this,’ went on Trinket. ‘The Mu Family knew I was escorting the Princess, but they went ahead with a plan to murder her. That doesn’t seem a very honourable thing to do. If Shaker Wu were here today, I hardly think he’d approve of what they did.’The subtlety of Tertius was once more brought into play.’They probably worked it out this way’ since your loyalty to the Emperor and the Tartar cause is only a pretence, therefore you would not take their planned assassination of the Princess amiss. Your real loyalty is to the cause. We all believe in the same cause. We Triads may have had our differences with the Mu Family in the past, but in the end we’re on the same side’ we cannot stand by now and not go to their aid.’

There followed a debate on the possible ways of extricating the Young Count and Iron Dragon Liu from the Satrap’s clutches. Nothing seemed to present itself as a feasible plan.’Let’s wait until I have been to speak with the Satrap,’ said Trinket. ‘Then we’ll see how the land lies.’The Triads dispersed, and Trinket was left on his own to brood on the complex twists and turns of recent events. Perhaps the Green Girl had never tried to kill the Satrap’ Perhaps she had never been captured’ Perhaps it was all empty rumour’ He made his way to the White Nun’s quarters, and asked her where Ah Kor was.’Has Satrap Wu let her go?’ was the Nun’s reply. ‘Does he know the truth?”Know what truth?’ asked Trinket. There was something peculiar about the way the Nun had spoken. Her voice was trembling. She said nothing for a moment or two. Then”How badly was the Traitor wounded?”Badly. I saw him a little while ago. He was still unconscious. He may well not live.’There was the faintest trace of a smile on the Nun’s face. Then she frowned.’He must be told.’

Trinket wanted to ask what it was that Wu Sangui needed to be told, but there was something about the intensely serious expression on the Nun’s face that did not encourage further questions. He left her alone in her room, and went out to enquire if anyone else had seen Ah Kor leave the An Fu Gardens. But no one recollected having seen her. He made his way back to his ownI Mt UtCK’MNIU I ME room, exhausted, and after exchanging a few words with the Little Countess, fell asleep.

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