The Deer And The Cauldron 35


The Deer And The Cauldron 35
第三十五回 曾随东西南北路 独结冰霜雨雪缘

Chapter 22-In which Trinket falls once more into Mystic Dragon Hands; travels North with Doublet, and crosses the Ice to Albazin; meets a Beautiful Princess and travels to Moscow; and finally Returns

Unfamiliar Valiants-An Artful Customer-Through Ice and Snow-Deer-Mountains and Rivers-Cossacks, and the Fort-The Secret Passage-Princess Sophia-High Diplomacy, High Stakes-To Moscow-Russian Affairs of State-Trinket gives Counsel-Mutiny-Trinket has another Cunning Plan-Trinket Returns


Unfamiliar Valiants

An hour or so later one of his guards reported that five boatloads of prisoners had been sighted making their way towards Potluck Island. Trinket jumped up excitedly and rushed down to the shore. Though they were barely within hailing distance, he told the guard to find out what kind of prisoners the boats were carrying and, from the exchange of shouts that followed, learned that this batch were all female prisoners; the males were coming up behind. ‘Good for Shi Lang!’ he thought. ‘He’s been as good as his word.’ Already he saw himself reunited with the lovely Fang Yi. It would be nice if the Old Whore was among the prisoners as well. And the seductive Madame Hong’ he wouldn’t mind having her on board as his captive, just to look at her from time to time.

But when finally the boats were pulled ashore, all of the two hundred or so dejected young women who disembarked, many of them wounded or with their clothing in tatters, were members of the Red Dragon Branch; and though he scrutinized the face of each girl as she stepped ashore, none of them turned out to be Fang Yi. Both disappointed and anxious, he asked an officer if there were more female prisoners to follow.The officer answered that probably there were’ the present batch were the survivors of a futile attempt to board the warships made by thousands of young fanatics who had rowed out in little boats after the first bombardment of the island. Most of them had been blown out of the water, drowning with a war cry on their lips’ ‘Victory to the Leader!’ or something of the sort.

‘Victory to Our Great Leader!’ Trinket corrected him. The officer looked at him in surprise. His young commander appeared to be remarkably well informed.’ Just so. After that’ he went on, ‘the rest of them made a dash for the west side of the island. We put three companies ashore to flush them out, but it was a very slow business, because of the snakes.’

Trinket looked at the prisoners again. He saw the sorry state they were in and wondered if Fang Yi had survived the bombardment. Looking at them this second time, it suddenly struck him that one of them had a face he had seen before. Then he remembered: it was the Red Dragon girl who had pinched his cheek and teasingly inquired if he was the ‘love child’ of Fat Dhuta that time nearly two years ago when he was himself a captive on Snake Island waiting to be taken to the Leader.

He now got some of his own back by subjecting her to a gruelling interrogation, from which it emerged that Fang Yi, now a platoon leader in the White Dragon Branch, had been seen on Snake Island alive and well after the bombardment. Trinket was about to conclude the interrogation with a kick when the approach of another batch of prisoners was announced and he dashed off again down to the shore.

This time, a small war-junk was sailing towards the island. Presently he could make out three or four young women standing in the bows, one of whom he felt sure was Fang Yi. From another shouted exchange, he learned that this was a mixed batch of male and female prisoners. As the junk sailed closer, there was no longer any doubt’ the figure in the bows really was Fang Yi. She suddenly recognized him and called out’Trinket, Trinket! Is that you?”Fang Yi! My darling!’ he shouted back rapturously. ‘Yes, I’m here!’Just then one of the sailors on board cried out that they were running aground, and the junk began slowly turning about.Trinket, save me!’ Fang Yi called out piteously, as the junk began to pull out to sea again. ‘Don’t worry!’ Trinket shouted back. ‘You’ll be all right, my darling. I’m coming to you.’

He jumped into one of the skiffs that was waiting at the water’s edge and told the four sailors manning it to row as fast as they could towards the junk. As the men started to row, Doublet came running, seemingly out of nowhere, and jumped in after him. By the time the junk had turned fully about, the four sailors, by rowing with all their might, had brought the skiff alongside and Trinket called to the soldiers on board the junk to release Fang Yi from her bonds. Standing in the stern of the skiff, he waited for it to be manoeuvred round until only a few feet of water separated him from where Fang Yi was standing; then, he took an almighty leap and landed in her arms.

Last time he had been on board a ship with Fang Yi, Trinket had still, in physical terms, been a mere boy. He had experienced much since then, and now, pressed against her soft body and inhaling its delicious perfume, he clung to her with an adult passion. The long, blissful moment of that embrace was interrupted for Trinket, first by a choking sensation as someone gripped his collar from behind, and then by a sharp pain in the middle of his back.

Simultaneously a saccharine voice was cooing in his ear: ‘White Dragon Marshal, how nice of you to come! And how clever of you to have brought all those people with you to destroy our island!’ Trinket recognized the voice of Madame Hong. ‘Damn!’ he thought. ‘Idiot! Idiot! That little whore Fang Yi has tricked me once again!’ Fang Yi let go of him then and stepped aside. As she did so, his legs gave way beneath him and he found himself sitting on the deck. She had closed his points. He called for help, but none was forthcoming. Above him he could see that the sailors were running up another sail. The skiff with its oarsmen was already thirty yards behind. As the junk sailed briskly northwards, the voices on the shore were gradually growing fainter. Soon they would be on the open sea where none of the main fleet, who did not yet know that he was missing, would be able to overtake them.

He looked about him in bewilderment. Several officers of the Valiants stood round him grinning, but he was feeling dizzy and it took some effort to bring their faces into focus. Finally he could make them out’ the round, chinless face of Thin Dhuta, the cadaverous, horse’like face of Fat Dhuta, and the ascetic, lean face of Doctor Lu. He saw that Madame Hong, too, was dressed as an officer of the Valiants.’Well, little man,’ she said, ‘quite a dangerous fellow aren’t you, for one so young!’Trinket was totally confused. Thin Dhuta must have been released by the other two, but what were they doing here’ They were supposed to be waiting for him in Peking. What on earth could he do to save himself now”Long Life to the Leader and His Wife!’ he said weakly. ‘Blessings be on Them!’

洪夫人笑道:“妥当得很啊,没甚么不妥。教主他老人家大大的称赞你哪,说你带领清兵,炮轰神龙岛,轰得岛上的树木房屋,尽成灰烬。他老人家向来料事如神,这一次却料错了,他佩服你得很呢。”韦小宝到此地步,料知命悬人手,哀求也是无用,眼前只有胡诌,再随机应变,笑道:“教主他老人家福体安康,我真想念他得紧。属下这些日子来,时时想起夫人,日日祷祝你越来越年轻美貌,好让教主他老人家伴着你时,仙福永享!”洪夫人格格而笑,说道:“你这小猴子,到这时候还是不知死活,仍在跟我油嘴滑舌。你说我是不是越来越年轻美丽呢?”韦小宝叹了口气,说道:“夫人,你骗得我好苦。”洪夫人笑问:“我甚么事骗你了?”韦小宝道:“刚才清兵捉来了一批岛上的姊妹,都是赤龙门的年轻姑娘,后来说又有一船姊妹到来。我站在海边张望,见到了夫人,一时认不出来,心中只说:‘啊哟,赤龙门中几时新来了一个这样年轻貌美的小姑娘哪?是教主夫人的小妹子罢?这样的美人儿,可得快些过去瞧瞧。’夫人,我心慌意乱,抢上船来瞧瞧这美貌小妞儿,哪知道竟便是夫人你自己。” 洪夫人听得直笑,身子乱颤。她虽穿着骁骑营军官的服色,仍掩不住身段的风流婀娜。瘦头陀不耐烦了,喝道:“你这好色的小鬼,在夫人之前也胆敢这么胡说八道,瞧我不抽你的筋,剥你的皮!”
Desperately, for he could think of nothing else, he fell back on flattery. After inquiring solicitously about the Leader’s health, he congratulated Madame Hong on looking younger than ever; and he proceeded to enlarge on this with even grosser flatteries, eliciting a complacent giggle from Madame Hong but so enraging Thin Dhuta that in the end he burst out angrily’ ‘How dare this impudent little lecher utter such impertinencies in the presence of the Leader’s wife?’

Trinket told him that he was too stupid to be worth replying to; to which Thin Dhuta retorted that he was not so stupid as Trinket, who had failed to see that his imitation of a floating corpse was an effect achieved by kungfu, and that the story of civil war on the island was a fabrication. Both had been part of a plot which the Leader himself had devised to ensnare Trinket and into which Trinket had blindly walked, like the gullible ninny he was.

Again Trinket cursed himself for his own idiocy in not having seen through Thin Dhuta’s corpse act. He had, after all, witnessed in the past some of the bizarre kungfu feats Meatball was capable of.


But Trinket was never very long at a loss for words and, after insisting that it was by no means stupid to fall in with the plans of the all’wise, all’seeing Leader, he returned to the safer subject of the miraculous youthfulness of Madame Hong. This developed into a wrangle with the two Dhutas, in the midst of which there was the distant sound of cannon. Doctor Lu, noticing a sudden gleam of hope in Trinket’s eyes, put a stop to the discussion by suggesting that they should forthwith throw him into the sea.’No’ said Madame Hong. The Leader has something to say to him.’

To be forced to see the Leader would be worse than drowning. Trinket looked round him wildly, catching sight as he did so of Fang Yi’s face, stony and unmoved. ‘Congratulations!’ he said bitterly. ‘The Leader really ought to promote you for this!’ ‘Come!’ said Madame Hong, and Doctor Lu grabbed hold of Trinket from behind and carried him, head down and feet in the air, towards the entrance of the cabin, the others following.

An Artful Customer

Inside the cabin the Leader was sitting in state with the Red, Yellow, Blue, and Black Dragon Marshals standing stiffly on either side of him. Still suspended, Trinket began singing out, almost as soon as his head “was in the doorway, ‘Long Life to the Leader and His Wife! Blessings be on Them!’ Doctor Lu dropped him on the floor and he and the two Dhutas intoned the same words, though without the bit about ‘His Wife’. The Leader gazed through the cabin window at the sea, giving no indication that he had heard. Trinket’s mind was moving rapidly. Attack is the best form of defence’ begin with an attack-The Art of War again. He turned to Thin Dhuta with a convincing show of anger and surprise’ ‘What a liar you are! I thought you said that the Marshals had started a rebellion. You told me that the Leader and his wife were in terrible danger. That’s why I threw up everything else, hoping I’d be in time to save them. But now it turns out that nothing you told me was true.’

The Leader shifted his gaze languidly from the horizon. ‘You were saying something?’ he inquired icily. ‘I faithfully carried out your orders,’ said Trinket. ‘I infiltrated the Palace; and I managed to get hold of five of the Eight Sutras you wanted.’ ‘Five?’ The Leader’s slightly raised eyebrows seemed to indicate a measure of curiosity. The two that I’ve already sent you, which you praised me for getting, and three more that I brought back from Satrap Wu’s place in Yunnan. I’ve hidden those in a very safe place in Peking. I had a pretty good idea how I could lay my hands on the remaining three, so I thought I would go off and get them first and then let you have all six of them together. I told Fat Dhuta and Doctor Lu to guard them safely while I was away. I told them they were under no circumstances to leave the place where I had hidden them!’ ‘You never said a word about guarding sutras,’ the two men protested indignantly.

‘Don’t lie’ said Trinket. ‘You saw me hide them inside the wall.”We did not.!’How can you trust these men?’ said Trinket, turning from them contemptuously and addressing the Leader. ‘Every day, first thing when I got up in the morning and last thing before I went to bed at night, I would pray for your good health. “Long Life to Our Leader” was always on my lips. I never once heard these men say those words, all the time we were away. They don’t know the meaning of loyalty.”He’s just lying to save his skin,’ Doctor Lu protested. ‘He’s responsible for the deaths of hundreds of our young Comrades and for wrecking the work that it took our Leader decades to achieve. How can such a criminal be believed?”We are to obey the Leader whether he tells us to live or die’ said Trinket. ‘It’s not for us to question his plans. How do you know that this wasn’t all part of a much greater plan than anythingyou can imagine?’

The Leader stroked his beard contemplatively. The idea of the young Marshal praying for his health night and morning in faraway Peking had been a pleasing one; but he made no reference to Trinket’s remark and addressed himself rather coldly to Doctor Lu. ‘What exactly were your grounds for saying that an attack on our Sect was, from the start, the object of the White Dragon Marshal’s commission?’ From Doctor Lu’s reply Trinket learned what he ought long ago to have guessed that the Doctor and Fat Dhuta had received instructions to spy on his every movement and report on them to the Leader. They had noted his meetings with Shi Lang, the ex’admiral from Taiwan, and had eavesdropped on some of their conversations. When Trinket set off with Shi Lang and insisted that the Doctor and Fat Dhuta should stay behind, they had examined the contents of his waste’paper basket and found tom’up scraps of paper with Chinese and Manchu writing on them. They pieced the scraps together and made out the names of several places in Liaodong. Snake Island was off the coast of the Liaodong peninsula. When they heard that the ships were carrying cannon on board, it seemed obvious that the purpose of the naval expedition must be an attack on the Mystic Dragon Sect. ‘Madame Hong has spoken of the White Dragon Marshal’s loyalty’ Doctor Lu said in conclusion, ‘but I’m afraid his loyalty is a sham. He is a black-hearted villain, a traitor who intends nothing but harm to our Sect.’

‘You think you are wiser than the Leader and Madame Hong’ said Trinket. ‘They both know that I am loyal, but you think you know better. As a matter of fact, the official purpose of the expedition was to sacrifice to the sacred mountain of the Manchus in Liaodong, but the real purpose was a secret which the Emperor said I was to keep strictly to myself.’ ‘And what was that?’ asked the Leader. ‘Up to this moment I haven’t breathed a word of this to anyone’ said Trinket, racking his brains to think of something plausible to say, ‘but the Leader is a hundred times more important than the Emperor. If the Leader asks me to unseal my lips, my lips are unsealed.’ The Leader nodded and stroked his beard. Trinket’s flattery did not strike him as excessive.

‘The Emperor has two red-haired foreigners at his Court. One of them, Father Tang’ (Trinket was referring to the Jesuit priest Adam Schall) ‘has an important post on the Board of Astronomy. ‘I have heard of this Tang Ruowang’ said the Leader. ‘He is a man of many sciences, a great astrologer.’ The Leader knows everything!’ Trinket made tutting noises expressive of amazement. ‘Well, Father Tang discovered from his calculations that a great country to the north of Liaodong called “Losha” is likely to do great damage to our Empire.’ Trinket noticed, with great satisfaction, that the Leader seemed to prick his ears up at the mention of ‘Losha’ (which was how Russia was known in Chinese at that time). The Mongol Hatiemo whom they kidnapped in Yunnan had spoken of an alliance between the Satrap, the Mystic Dragon Sect, and Russia. He was beginning to feel that he was almost home and dry. The Emperor was very worried. When he asked Father Tang what he could do to prevent this, Tang did a lot more calculations and told the Emperor that he had worked out that the Dragon Line controlling Losha’s fate ended in Liaodong itself, between a mountain called Ham’and’Eggs and a river called Armoury, or something like that. I can’t pronounce them, but the Emperor wrote them down for me afterwards in Manchu and Chinese writing.’


The Leader and Madame Hong knew the geography of the area and exchanged amused smiles to hear Trinket’s distortion of familiar names.’Father Tang said that if the Emperor sent ships with cannon on board to bombard the dragon with at a certain time and in a certain way when it came down to the sea to drink, they could prevent Losha from doing us any harm for the next two hundred years. He couldn’t promise any more than that.’ Trinket’s ideas about fengshui were extremely vague and what he was saying would have made little sense to a Chinese expert; but the Leader reflected that Western fengshui must be quite different from the Chinese science; and the bit about two hundred years sounded very plausible, because it was common knowledge that Tang Ruowang had narrowly escaped Death by a Thousand Cuts (Lingering Death) because his reformed calendar had only been designed for the next two hundred years, whereas everyone knew that Great Qing was due to last for ten thousand. The cannon and warships were made ready.’

Trinket continued, ‘the Emperor appointed a defector from Taiwan called Shi Lang who was experienced in the use of cannon at sea to share the command with me, Father Tang chose a lucky day, and we set sail from Tianjin with instructions to take a roundabout route and slip up to the coast of Liaodong unseen. We were still on our way when we ran into a lot of floating corpses. Well, not all of them turned out to be corpses’ one of them was this fat fellow here. I had him picked up out of the kindness of my heart, but in return he told me a pack of the most dreadful lies. He said he was from the Mystic Dragon Sect on Snake Island which was now in a complete shambles. He said the Leader had had the Blue Dragon Marshal killed-‘

‘I didn’t’ said Thin Dhuta. ‘Don’t interrupt when someone is speaking to the Leader’,’ said Madame Hong.’Did you or didn’t you say that the Blue Dragon Marshal had been killed?’ said Trinket.’Yes, the Leader told me to.”I suppose the Leader might have said something like that as a joke’ said Trinket, ‘but the Leader is kind’hearted and always fair. He would never do some of the things you told me. For instance, you told me that he’d had the Blue Dragon Marshal and the Red Dragon Marshal killed out of sheer spite, to get his own back.’ ‘Lies’ said Thin Dhuta. That the Leader is kind’hearted and always fair?’ ‘Lies, lies, lies,’ said Thin Dhuta mechanically. ‘And would do nothing out of spite?’ ‘Lies, lies.’

As well as being more hot-tempered than his two companions, Meatball was also much less intelligent. Doctor Lu feared that his repeated interruptions would provoke the Leader’s wrath and quietly did his best to restrain him. There was a brief silence during which Thin Dhuta’s heavy breathing was distinctly audible.

‘Well’ said the Leader, ‘and what else did he say?’ ‘He said that you deliberately stirred up trouble between the Red Dragon and Blue Dragon Branches and set them fighting each other.’ ‘I didn’t.’ ‘Will you shut your <****>ing mouth’ said the Leader. ‘If you interrupt once more I shall slice you in two.’ No one present had ever heard him use such language before, or even betray that he was angry. There was a terrified silence and Thin Dhuta’s face became purple from the effort of keeping quiet.

Trinket was now free to embroider as much as he liked. Thin Dhuta had told him that He Sheng, the disciple of Father Rootless the Taoist, the Red Dragon Marshal, had been named as the assassin of Xu Xueting, the Blue Dragon Marshal. Calculating that, as the Taoist’s favourite disciple, he must be young and probably quite good’looking, he added that Thin Dhuta had told him that prior to the assassination He Sheng had for some years been the secret lover of Madame Hong. Shocking. Trinket said he understood Madame Hong’s outrage at hearing this’ he had himself been unable to resist several times striking the mouth that could utter such obscenities. As Thin Dhuta wasn’t at liberty to speak, Trinket generously suggested that he should nod or shake his head. Had he or hadn’t he said these things’ The unfortunate Meatball didn’t know whether to nod or shake.



This ploy could be made use of indefinitely. For example, Thin Dhuta had said that the Leader had engineered dissension among the different Branches so that all of them, Blue, Red, Yellow, Black, and White, had ended up fighting each other; but he had not said that in the course of this civil strife the Leader’s beard had been torn out and that he had been suspended upside-down from a tree, or that Madame Hong had been stripped of all her clothes and publicly humiliated. Trinket described these horrors in vivid detail. It was on account of the horrors, he explained, that he had ordered the flotilla to sail towards the island and bombard it, hoping against hope that the beloved Leader and his wife could yet be rescued alive. It was an inexpressible relief to arrive and find that they were perfectly safe and well and that the whole story had been a pack of lies.The Leader appeared to be turning this over in his mind. Trinket wondered if he hadn’t perhaps overdone it a bit.’I was so upset at the time and so worried that I could only think of rushing to support the Leader and Madame as quickly as possible. Looking back, I realize now that I ought to have known that the Leader, with his great wisdom and foresight, would never have allowed such a state of affairs to develop in the first place; and even if some people had been foolish enough to rebel, he would have crushed them like ants.’

The Leader nodded pensively.’You are very ready with your explanations’ he said, ‘and what you say sounds plausible enough. But what I don’t understand is, if you were so concerned about my and Madame Hong’s safety, why instead of leading an assault on the island yourself did you send your ships to blast it indiscriminately with their cannon while you were lurking safely in the background?’This seemingly unanswerable question was the one that Trinket had been dreading. The whole ingenious edifice he had been labouring to construct, part truth part falsehood, now showed signs of collapsing; and if it did collapse he was as good as dead. For a short while he seemed at a loss for words, then a tearful expression appeared on his face.’I deserve to die,’ he said. ‘I’m not really loyal at all. The fact is, I was just frightened. When I listened to Thin Dhuta describing all those horrible things they were doing to people on the island, I remembered how some of them had threatened me after I sabotaged that plot against the Leader and Madame Hong two years ago. If they ever got the chance, they said, they’d tear me apart with their bare hands. I was just scared, that’s why I had the island bombarded and sent others in to rescue you while ‘ stayed out of harm’s way in the rear. I’m so sorry, so sorry. I really deserve to die.’

The Leader and Madame Hong exchanged a long glance and nodded to each other. The boy was probably telling the truth if he admitted to being a coward. ‘I’m not sure whether you’re telling the truth or not,’ the Leader said finally. ‘We shall have to investigate. You know what will happen to you if we find out that you aren’t.’ ‘Oh yes’ said Trinket. ‘Oh yes. I’d deserve anything you decided to do to me if that were the case. But in the meantime, don’t, I beg of you, put Thin Dhuta or Fat Dhuta or Doctor Lu in charge of me. They hate me. It was through their trickery that I bombarded the island. And I know that Doctor Lu has grand ideas of his own. He wants to be Leader himself. He was joking about it when we were in Yunnan.’ Speechless with fury, Doctor Lu was only prevented from striking Trinket by Rootless the Red Dragon Marshal, who parried the blow and sent him staggering backwards. ‘Not in the Leader’s presence, Doctor!’ Doctor Lu’s face was deathly pale. ‘Forgive me, Leader, for being so lacking in respect,’ he said in a shaking voice, ‘but this boy’s lies are really more than I can bear.’

The Leader merely grunted and turned to Trinket’ ‘Get below, now! And you,’ he said to Father Rootless, ‘go with him and keep an eye on him. Don’t let anyone hurt him, but don’t let him wander about. And don’t speak to him. You’d better be careful, he’s a very artful customer.’ Through Ice and Snow For several days after this Trinket was incarcerated in a cabin below deck with only Father Rootless for company and nothing to look at but the sun shining through a starboard window in the morning and a port’side one in the evening, from which he deduced that they were sailing steadily northwards. If he asked Rootless where they were heading, Rootless said he didn’t know, and his attempts at starting a conversation were frustrated by Rootless reminding him that he was on orders not to speak. For a day or two he had some hopes that Shi Lang might rescue him, but these hopes soon vanished, and he began to feel very despondent and bored.

Meanwhile the temperature was gradually falling. Father Rootless had cultivated his own Inner Force and seemed not to notice it, but Trinket was soon shivering with cold and his teeth continually chattered in his head. Waking up one night he heard the chink of ice against the ship’s sides and cried out in alarm”What if it freezes solid and we’re stuck in the middle of the sea?”It doesn’t freeze on the open sea’ said Rootless, breaking his silence. ‘We must be near the coast.”Is this Liaodong, then?’ asked Trinket, but got no reply.

First thing next morning he opened the cabin window and looked out. Ice floes covered with a thick layer of snow floated everywhere on the surface of the sea. Beyond he could just make out the line of snow’covered coast. Throughout the day the junk made slow progress. That evening they cast anchor, so it seemed likely that they would be going ashore in the morning. Trinket began wondering what his fate would be when they did. How much of his story had the Leader really believed’ He was still mulling over this question when he fell asleep and dreamed that Fang Yi was sitting beside him and shaking him. He reached out to embrace her, but she pushed him away and told him not to fool about.

‘But I want to fool about.’ he said. The shaking grew more persistent. ‘Master, we’ve no time for this. We must hurry.’ He woke now with a start. It was Doublet. ‘How did you get here?’ ‘I can’t tell you now. We’ve got to go at once. We’ve got to get away.’ ‘Oh, it’s freezing!’ said Trinket. ‘Get inside the covers and warm up a bit.’ ‘Master’ said Doublet in an anguished voice, though she was speaking in whispers, ‘please be serious. We’ve got to escape.’ ‘But where to?’ said Trinket. ‘If we can get through to the stern, we can row off in the ship’s boat. Without the boat they won’t be able to pursue us.’

‘Brilliant’ said Trinket. ‘But what about the Taoist?’ ‘I’ve already closed his points. He can’t move or speak.’ A blast of cold air struck him as she opened the cabin door. He turned back and felt his way to where Rootless was lying. While Doublet waited, he stripped the Taoist habit off the recumbent figure and wrapped it round himself; then, hand in hand, they made their way stealthily to the far end of the junk, where the skiff which served as landing’craft was floating somewhere below, fastened to the stem with a painter. As they were at anchor, everyone on board the junk including the helmsman was sleeping. So far so good, thought Trinket. ‘I’ll go first,’ said Doublet. ‘You must jump in after me, when I’m in the boat.’ She jumped down lightly into the skiff. Looking down fearfully into the blackness he couldn’t see her, but he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and jumped. She was waiting for him with arms outstretched and broke his fall. Suddenly a voice called out in the night’ ‘Who’s there?’ It was the Leader, who had just been woken from his sleep.

Startled, the two of them crouched down in the bottom of the skiff, scarcely daring to breathe. There was the sound of a flint being struck and light streamed from the shutters of a cabin window. He must have got up to investigate. ‘Who’s that?’ he called out again. ‘Whoever it is, don’t move!’

Doublet grabbed at the oars and began to row, but the skiff didn’t move. In her panic she had forgotten to release the painter; but when Trinket stood up and reached for it, his hand touched freezing metal. It was a chain. Sounds of running and shouts could be heard from the junk. Already they had discovered that the White Dragon Marshal was missing. Ah, the dagger! It was still there in his boot. He drew it out and slashed at the chain, which parted with a loud swish. Doublet could begin rowing now to some purpose, but the noise all this made had betrayed them. The Leader stood looking out from the open casement with the two Dhutas and Doctor Lu standing behind. By the faint glow that the lights on board made on the ice and snow he was able to see where they were and took aim at them with a length of batten hastily wrenched from the side of the junk; but the wood was too light and fell just short of the swiftly’retreating skiff. ‘He’s such a slippery little devil. I always said we ought to have finished him off when we had the chance,’ said Thin Dhuta.

This was tantamount to criticism of the Leader, and not to be endured. ‘You go and catch him then!’ the Leader said, seizing him with both hands and hurling him with immense force through the cabin window. He sailed like a human cannon’ball through the air and fell with a great splash into the freezing water only a few feet from the skiff. After bobbing up again he struggled towards it and managed to get hold of the gunwale with his left hand. Doublet raised one of the oars and hit him squarely on the head with it. It must have hurt, but he only grunted and got his right hand too on the gunwale. Panic-stricken, Doublet stood up and, holding the oar with both hands, hit him with it again, this time using all her strength. The oar broke in two, the skiff spun round at a right angle, and the fat man shook his head dizzily from side to side; but still he clung on. Only when Trinket slashed his right hand with the dagger and cut off four of his fingers, did he let go, threshing about in the water and yelling and cursing with pain.

Doublet took up the remaining oar and used it as a paddle, and Trinket found a piece of board on the floor of the skiff and paddled with it on the other side. Between them they managed to work up quite a speed and Thin Dhuta’s yells and the cries from the junk faded away on the wind. But it took them the better part of half an hour to reach the shore.


Doublet jumped out of the skiff into the water, which came up to her knees, and pulled it by what remained of the chain on to the beach.There,’ she said, ‘we’ve made it!’Trinket jumped out. ‘Oh, clever Doublet! This deserves-‘He wanted to start kissing and cuddling her to show his gratitude, but she reminded him that, even without the skiff, the Leader would find a way of pursuing them and that they must still make haste to get away. He looked about him and frowned. Everywhere, as far as he could see in the darkness, was the same flat expanse of snow. What god’forsaken country was this”Which way shall we go, Master?’ she asked.He was shivering with cold. Even his brain seemed frozen. All he could do was curse’ ‘Damn Fang Yi! Thanks to her we’ll just freeze to death in this snow.”Well, it doesn’t matter which way we go, let’s just start running,’ said Doublet. ‘It’ll warm us up a bit.’

So, holding hands, running and stumbling, they hurried forward as best they could. It was heavy going, because at each step they took their feet sank deep in the snow. Fear of the Leader kept them going, but each had the same heavy feeling’ that he was sure to find a means of getting ashore and sooner or later would catch up with them As they plodded on through the night, Doublet explained how she had contrived to be present through all those days aboard the junk. Back at Potluck Island, he had been too engrossed with Fang Yi to notice her in the skiff behind him, and the others had been so intent on his capture that she had been able to slip on board unseen and stow away in the stern. Then after a bit she observed that the ship had been one of their own, and that many of those who manned her were dressed in the uniform of the Valiants, which she herself was wearing. After that she had occasionally shown herself, and had managed to get by without being challenged until the junk began to draw near the coast and she realized that the time had come for them to try and make their escape.

By dawn they were already a long way from the sea and turned back to look. Behind them their twin tracks showed up very clearly in the snow, while ahead an infinite waste of snow stretched out on every hand. ‘If we ran for ten days and nights in this, he’d still track us down,’ said Trinket despondently. ‘Look, Master!’ said Doublet, pointing to a distant elevation in the snowy landscape. ‘That could be a wood. If we could get in there, we’d be much harder to find among the trees.’ ‘It doesn’t look much like a wood,’ said Trinket. ‘Still, we could try.’ Walking with what speed they could towards the elevation, it took them more than an hour to reach the foot of it; but long before they arrived they could see that it was not a wood but a low, flat hill. ‘If we walk round to the back of this, we might find some cover on the other side,’ said Trinket. They were already out of breath, but after walking for another half’hour to the back of the hill and finding that beyond was only more of the same endless, snow’covered plain, Trinket collapsed, exhausted, and lay on his back in the snow. ‘Dear Doublet,’ he said. ‘I’m done for. I think I need a kiss to revive me!’ Doublet blushed. She was about to remonstrate, when a strange animal cry was heard from quite near them and a group of seven or eight large deer emerged from a bend in the hill.’I’m starving,’ said Trinket. ‘Do you think you could manage to catch one’ Then we could have venison for lunch. That would be yummy!”I’ll try,’ said Doublet.

She waited a few moments, then darted forwards to seize the nearest of the deer. Almost as she did so the whole group jumped up in the air like a single animal and, turning as they jumped, bounded off at a speed that no human foot could equal.’It’s no good. I could never catch one,’ said Doublet.But these were deer without experience of Man and therefore without fear of humans. They had only been alarmed by her rapid movement. They had halted after running a little distance and now that she was not moving they turned round and looked towards her inquisitively.’If you lie down and we both pretend to be dead, perhaps they’ll come up to us,’ said Trinket.’All right,’ said Doublet, and lay a few feet from his side.’I’m dead and buried and my old wife Doublet is dead and buried too,’ Trinket intoned as he lay on his back in the snow. ‘Our eight sons and nine daughters have come to the graveside to mourn for us.’Doublet giggled and told him not to be ridiculous.

The deer is not a very intelligent animal, but these deer were very curious. A couple of them walked over slowly, bent down over the recumbent couple, and began snuffling at their faces.To horse! To horse!’ cried Trinket jumping up and bestriding the deer that was sniffing him. To prevent himself falling off, he clung to its antlers. Doublet had been quick to follow his example and for a few minutes the two of them hung on for all they were worth while the deer made unsuccessful attempts to throw them off.’Kill it with your dagger!’ said Doublet. ‘No, not yet,’ said Trinket. ‘Let’s stay on their backs as long as we can. That way, we shan’t leave any footprints and the Leader won’t be able to find us.’And so they did. At first they greatly feared that they might become separated and lose each other; but deer are gregarious creatures, and the two who were carrying them stayed with each other and followed the rest of the group. In fact this group was part of another group which they presently joined, so that Trinket and Doublet found themselves riding in a herd of between fifteen and twenty animals. It was dreadfully bumpy riding and they were dizzy with hunger, having had nothing to eat since the day before, but they managed to hold out until the early evening, when the herd entered the outskirts of a forest.

‘Time to get down now’ said Trinket, reaching with one hand for his dagger. Still clinging to the antlers with the other, he drew it across the deer’s throat. The deer took a few more steps, stumbled forward, and fell down dead in the snow. Trinket himself collapsed and lay in the snow for a while, too weak with fatigue and hunger to move; then getting up painfully on his hands and knees, he crawled over to where the deer was lying, applied his lips to the gaping wound in its neck and began sucking. As the hot blood reached his stomach, he could feel warmth spreading round inside him, thawing his frozen body and revitalizing his spirits. ‘Doublet, come and drink some too!’ he called. Resourceful Doublet, when she was sufficiently restored by drinking the blood, borrowed Trinket’s dagger and cut a haunch from the dead deer. After skinning it, she hunted around for some sticks and some dry lichen and, using the flint lighter that she always carried with her, she managed after a few attempts to start a fire. Trinket helped her feed it for a while, and when it was hot enough, she set about roasting the haunch. Even if still half’done when they ate it, they were so famished that it seemed delicious; but when they had finished eating, Doublet began grieving for the deer. ‘Poor deer!’ she said. ‘You saved our lives, and all we do in return is to kill and eat you!’

But Trinket took a more robust view. ‘Why don’t we stay here, Doublet?’ he said. ‘We could become hunters and live in the forest as husband and wife.’ Doublet blushed, as she always did when he said such things. ‘I’m your servant,’ she said. ‘Whether you’re a great man in Peking or a huntsman in the forest, it makes no difference.’ That night they curled up beside their fire and in the morning they ate some more of the venison. When they had eaten their fill, Doublet removed the rest of the deer’s skin and, to replace the hat that Trinket had lost the day before in their ride, she made him a crude cap out or two pieces?’edges with the dagger and using thin strips of it to lace them together with. As provisions for the journey that lay ahead, they cut some more flesh from the carcass and attached as much of it as each of them thought they could carry by wrapping it in large pieces of deerskin and tying it to their backs with more thin strips of the skin. The herd they had travelled with the day before had run off when Trinket slaughtered their fellow, but they had not walked very far that morning when they saw another herd of twenty or more deer among the trees ahead, all of them with heads upraised, nibbling at the shoots on the lower branches.

‘Let’s see if we can get a lift again,’ said Trinket, and walking step by step towards them, he slowly reached out his hand and began stroking one gently on the back. The deer, showing no sign at all of fear or surprise, looked round and began licking his face. ‘I think this one fancies me,’ he said. ‘Try getting on it,’ said Doublet, and next moment each of them was astride a deer again, and the whole herd, startled by the sudden movement, began running, including, of course, the two deer they had mounted. In this way, sometimes riding on deer and sometimes walking, stopping towards the end of each day to make a fire and cook some venison, and sucking the pure snow when they felt thirsty, they travelled through what seemed endless forest for more than a fortnight. It was a relief when they heard the sound of water ahead and emerged from the trees to see in front of them a turbulent and swiftly moving river. They resolved to walk northwards, following the flow of the river.

Mountains and Rivers

They had already been walking along the bank for more than an hour when they saw three fur’clad men ahead of them, each carrying one of those long’handled tridents that huntsmen favour. Trinket felt a great happiness to come upon other humans after so many days in the wilderness and hurried forward to greet them. ‘Where are you bound for, brothers?’ he asked them. ‘We go to Peony River. Where you go?’ The one who answered was a man of forty or so and spoke Chinese with a very peculiar accent ‘Oh’ said Trinket. ‘Which way’s that then’ We seem to be lost. Do you mind if we join you gentlemen until we get there?’ The men seemed willing, so Trinket and Doublet travelled in their company. Along the way they conversed in snatches, but it was quite hard to understand what they said. The men belonged to the Tungus people, who were closely related to the Manchus. They were trappers and ginseng’gatherers and made their living by selling their ginseng and pelts at the big market on Peony River, which is where they had picked up their Chinese. ‘Peony River’ (or Mudan’jiang in Chinese) was the name of the river they had been following, but also the name that had been given to the market on its banks where the native Tunguses came to do business with the Chinese settlers.

It turned out, when they got there, to be quite a large settlement, with shops and taverns as well as the very large open market. Trinket still had a big wad of banknotes on him and invited the three Tunguses to a tavern to have a drink. While the five of them were sitting there drinking, Trinket and Doublet both overheard someone at the next table mention a familiar name’ ‘. . . You should have seen the one that a fellow brought back last month from Mount Khumarsk . . .’ Trinket and Doublet exchanged glances’ it was definitely one of the places marked on the map. Glancing over his shoulder he saw that the speaker was one of two old ginseng’gatherers discussing their finds. He called the waiter over, slipped him a piece of silver, and told him to fetch a large plate of sliced cold beef and two pints of baigar spirit and serve it to the gentlemen at the next table with his compliments. The two old men were a little mystified that the young huntsman in the fur cap at the next table should want to treat them, but delighted nevertheless, and in the ensuing civilities, in the course of which they were soon all sitting together, it was easy for Trinket to bring the conversation round to Mount Khumarsk, which the old men hadn’t been to but knew the whereabouts of. It was, they said, many hundreds of miles north of Peony River. And when, at Trinket’s bidding, Doublet mentioned other place’names she had memorized from the map, they knew them all-in some cases had even visited them-and were able to say exactly where they were.

When the company had eaten their fill and had considerably more than enough to drink, Trinket took a warm leave of his new friends and went out with Doublet to plan what they should do next. Cossacks, and the FortThe first thing was to get some new clothes. The remnants of military apparel they were wearing were not only conspicuous and quite inadequate for the climate, but in a pitiful state after their journey through the forest. What they needed was fur.While they were looking for a furrier’s, Trinket was trying to think of some way in which he could keep permanently out of the clutches of the evil Leader. The eight little coloured circles on the map which had marked the place where the Manchu treasure was buried were near the meeting of two big rivers and Mount Luding (The Deer and Cauldron Mountain)-one of the names Doublet had remembered which the old men had heard of. It must, like the other places, be hundreds of miles to the north, too far for even the Leader to reach. If they could get there and dig up just a little of that treasure, he and Doublet could live in comfort somewhere in the area and wait for the old wretch to die. He was an old man and couldn’t last for ever, in spite of all the ‘Long Life’ chants and suchlike flattery. He decided that that was what they would do.’We’ll go to that Deer and Cauldron Mountain and dig up some of the treasure,’ he told Doublet. This was the first she had heard of any treasure, but she accepted what he told her without comment.

They found a furrier’s shop and Trinket bought an expensive sable’lined gown for each of them, which they changed into immediately. Then he bought a large wagon and pair of horses and, after more shopping, when their preparations were finally completed, they set off.The journey north was to take them several weeks. When the roads became impossible and finally gave out altogether, they were forced to abandon the wagon and advance on horseback. And finally, when even the horses could carry them no further, they continued on foot. Doublet was able to recall every detail of the map, and by enquiring about the places named in it whenever they met a trapper or a ginseng’gatherer, was able to make sure that they were moving in the right direction.

They were, by their calculations, not very far from their destination and were walking, hand in hand, through a small pine wood, when they heard what was unmistakably the report of a firearm. Trinket’s instant reaction was to think that the Leader or his agents had caught up with him and to dart for cover inside a clump of bushes, dragging Doublet after him. But the shouts and cries they could now hear were not made by Chinese voices, as he could see when he peeped out through the bushes. They came from a group of ten or so Tungus huntsmen who were now running frantically across the clearing as if pursued. Several more shots followed in quick succession, and three of the huntsmen rolled over and lay still, their blood spreading out rapidly beneath them. This was instantly followed by a sound of hooves, and seven or eight foreign horsemen in military uniform, tall, fierce’looking fellows with blue eyes and fair hair, came galloping through the trees, some of them carrying muskets and some wielding sabres, slashing and running down the wretched huntsmen until every one of them was dead. Dismounting with shouts of laughter, they proceeded to gather up the sable and silver’fox pelts and anything else of value that the Tunguses had been carrying, all the time chattering away in some incomprehensible language; and having secured this loot to their saddles, they mounted their horses again and galloped away.

‘Foreign soldiers’ said Trinket. ‘They’re no better than bandits.’ ‘Worse’ said Doublet. ‘Bandits wouldn’t be so cruel. Think of the wives and children of those poor huntsmen, waiting for them to come home.’ But Trinket was thinking about his friend Misty, the Emperor. What would become of him if an army of these thugs armed with invincible weapons joined Satrap Wu when he rebelled’ ‘We must go back to Peking,’ he said. ‘I’ve got to see the Emperor.’ To Doublet this sudden change of plan when they were so near their destination seemed utterly incomprehensible. ‘What about Deer and Cauldron Mountain?’ she said weakly. ‘It must “wait for another time.’ Doublet was obliged to accept this, though she did not understand. ‘We don’t want to run into any more of these foreign bandits’ said Trinket. ‘We’d better find where the river is and look for a boat.’

Emerging from the wood onto the open steppe, they walked in an easterly direction for the rest of the morning and arrived in the afternoon at the bank of a violent, foaming river from which, somewhere in the distance, they could see a fort.’I’ve still got plenty of money’ thought Trinket. ‘If we can get there I should be able to hire horses or a boat.’They hurried on, hoping to reach the fort before nightfall; but after they had gone a couple of miles or so, the turbulent river they were following flowed into a much larger, more slowly moving one which was snaking its way from the north’west across the plain. They could see now that the fort was situated on a slight eminence above this larger river. And just behind it was a much bigger hill. For an hour or so they walked beside the river towards the fort, then suddenly Doublet stopped and cried out excitedly”Master, this is the Meeting of the Waters! These must be the two rivers on the map-the Argun and the Amur. Look’ she pointed to beyond the fort, ‘that must be the Deer and Cauldron Mountain!’

‘Are you sure?’ said Trinket. The map only showed eight little circles. It didn’t have anything about a fort.’Just then they heard distant hoofbeats behind them and saw a troop of thirty or forty foreign cavalry come riding in from the south. Soon they were trotting along the river’bank; they were likely to spot Trinket and Doublet at any moment. In desperation, for this was open country with no cover whatsoever to be seen, they rolled down the river’bank and crouched behind a boulder out of sight. The cavalrymen passed and disappeared eventually into the fort.’Aiyo!’ cried Trinket, jumping up. ‘Damn! Damn! Damn!”What is it?’ asked Doublet. She had never seen him look so distressed.Those foreigners must have found out the secret of the Dragon Lines and the treasure’ said Trinket. ‘But how could they build a fort so quickly’ And how on earth did they get to know about it’ We burned the map soon after you pieced it all together. I must get to the bottom of this. There’s something very weird about this fortress.”We can’t do much about it’ said Doublet. These foreigners are ruthless people and they’ve got those terrible weapons.’Trinket thought of what they had witnessed earlier in the woods and shivered.’We must wait until it’s dark and they can’t see us’ he said.

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