The Deer And The Cauldron 36


The Deer And The Cauldron 36
第三十六回 犵鸟蛮花天万里 朔云边雪路千盘

The Secret Passage

When they had eaten a little dried venison, they lay under the bank, making themselves as comfortable as they could, and rested; then, at about nine o’clock, they got up and began stealthily making their way towards the fort. It was a bright moonlit night and, as they drew nearer, they could see the huge stones and massive timbers of which the walls were made. Clearly this was no recent structure and had taken a long time to build. Trinket now felt sure that the Russians who built it could not possibly have known about the map and its closely’guarded secret. He had not been reckoning with the moonlight and suddenly realized that the long shadows they were casting were making them an easy target for anyone on the walls with a firearm. He could see a wooden guardhouse on the south’east corner of the fort with a single window from which, through a chink in the shutters, a little light was gleaming. Pulling Doublet after him, he ran to take cover there and reconnoitre. As they crouched in the shadows beneath the window, they heard a little giggling laugh and looked at each other with the same unspoken question: What was a woman doing there?

Trinket raised his head to peep, but the crack was too narrow for him to see inside. They could hear a murmur of two people talking, a man and a woman, punctuated with more little laughs. It was fairly clear what they were up to. Listening to them provoked amorous feelings in Trinket, who put both his arms round Doublet and tried to give her a kiss; but Doublet feared his untimely fooling might make a racket and pushed him off. This unfortunately had the opposite effect to the one intended, for the spot they were standing on was slippery with compacted snow and the movement caused Trinket to pitch forward, hitting his head with considerable force on the wooden wall and crying out in pain. The talking in the guardhouse ceased instantly, and after a moment or two of expectant silence, a man’s voice called out questioningly. Trinket and Doublet crouched down even lower, hardly daring to breathe. A few moments later there was the sound of a bolt being drawn, the wooden door opened noisily, and a man came out and stood in the doorway, holding up a lantern and peering to left and right. Almost without thinking, Trinket leapt up and plunged his dagger in the man’s chest. His body went limp and he collapsed without a groan and lay still. At once Doublet rushed inside. A moment later Trinket heard her call out in surprise”Where’s the woman gone?’

He dragged the man’s body inside and closed the door. It was a Russian soldier, in his uniform but without the breeches, the lower half of the body being completely naked. He looked around. The room was bare except for a brick kang, a table on which a bear’s’grease lamp was burning, and a wooden chest. The only way out was the door, and there was no one in the rafters overhead. With infinite care and dagger poised at the ready he opened the wooden chest, only to find that there was nothing in it but a heap of furs, though he had been fully expecting a Russian woman with a pistol to leap out and fire at him. However, when he removed the furs, he found that the chest had a large square hole in the bottom. It was the entrance to a secret passage.This is where she’s gone,’ he said. ‘We must try to catch her before she gives the alarm.’Quickly removing his bulky fur’lined gown and still cautiously holding the dagger in his right hand, he let himself down through the hole and found himself in a passage which for a while sloped downwards and then levelled out into a fairly narrow tunnel, too low for anything but crawling to be possible. After advancing a few yards in the darkness, he heard a slight noise ahead and increased the speed of his crawling. The noise was much closer now. He reached out a hand and touched a smooth bare leg. It was the woman, for when he took hold of it, she let out a little cry.

Trinket couldn’t bring himself to stab her, so he slipped the dagger back in his boot. A hero isn’t supposed to hurt women, and in any case he was curious to know what she would be like. He had seen quite a few Russian men by now, but never a Russian woman. This one must have been very strong, for when she found that turning in the narrow tunnel was impossible, she struggled on forwards, pulling Trinket after her. He managed to stop himself by bracing his feet against the tunnel’s walls, but as he did so she slipped from his grasp and swiftly crawled on ahead. However, being small, Trinket could crawl even faster, and was soon almost on top of her and holding her round the waist with both his arms. She gave a little laugh, wriggled round, and tried to kiss him, but in the darkness only succeeded in kissing the tip of his nose.

Princess Sophia

They had reached, without knowing it, the other end of the tunnel, for simultaneously they both became aware that they could raise their heads without bumping them. Trinket also became aware that the woman he was holding hadn’t got a stitch on. He could smell the perfume on her body as she rose to her knees to embrace him. When Doublet, still crawling towards them in the tunnel, called out ‘Master, are you all right?’, the woman stifled any response by kissing him passionately on the mouth. He could easily have succumbed to temptation, but just at that moment a voice somewhere above them quenched any amorous thoughts he might have had, like a bucket of icy water poured over his head.

‘We hurried to meet you here as soon as we heard that Your Excellency was coming to Albazin’ said the familiar voice. It was the Leader. Trinket’s first impulse was to escape, but the woman only held him tighter, murmured incomprehensibly into his ear, and pinched his cheek. Overhead a man’s voice could be heard speaking in what was presumably Russian. This was followed by another voice speaking Chinese, clearly an interpreter’ ‘His Excellency the Governor greatly welcomes the visit of the august Mystic Dragon Leader and expresses his apologies for not having arrived sooner to meet him. He looks forward with very much pleasure to our fruitful collaboration in this great enterprise.’ Then the Leader made some complimentary remarks about the Russian ’emperor’ and about His Excellency the Governor, which were followed by a lot more Russian in the other voice. It began to seem that the civilities in Chinese and Russian would drone on interminably. Desperate to escape, Trinket pleaded with the woman, speaking in a low voice in her ear’ ‘Look, it’s dangerous here. We’ve got to get away.’ He was forgetting that she was unlikely to understand Chinese; but surprisingly enough she did. ‘Not move! Not move!’ she said. ‘Moving, can hear!’

He had heard the Jesuits speaking perfect Chinese to the Emperor in Peking, without the slightest trace of an accent. Her accent was atrocious! He was glad that he was there, however, when the Leader began getting round to the purpose of his visit. He had come to advise the Russians that, as the northern approaches to the Capital were well’defended, an attack by the overland route through Liaodong would be much more costly than if they were to take the much longer sea route and make a naval attack on Tianjin.Tamardy! This man is as big a traitor as Satrap Wu!’ thought Trinket. ‘Somehow or other I must get back to the Emperor. If we had cannon lined up and waiting for them in Tianjin, we could blow these Losha foreigners into the sea!’He listened again. This time the Leader appeared to be offering presents.’I’m afraid after our long journey this is all we have to offer Your Excellency’ one hundred orient pearls, one hundred sables, and one hundred catties of ginseng.’At this point Trinket’s attention was distracted by the woman’s groping in a distinctly improper manner at his clothing.’Two can play at that game!’ he thought, and felt one of her breasts, causing her to let out a little shriek of laughter.

The laugh was clearly audible in the room above, but the Leader, supposing it not unusual for a person in the Governor’s position to have a woman concealed on the premises, pretended not to have heard, merely making some excuse for breaking off the discussion with the suggestion that they should continue it next day, after which he politely took his leave, accompanied by the Governor’s Chinese interpreter. Immediately following his departure there was a loud bang as the lid of a large chest immediately over their heads, just like the one from which they had entered the secret passage, was thrown violently open, temporarily blinding them with light.

Chuckling lubriciously and with careless unconcern, the woman stepped nimbly from the chest, picked up a gown, which she seemed to know would be there, and wrapped it round herself. ‘Come out! Come out!’ she called; and with much hesitation Trinket cautiously followed.’One more!’ said the woman; so Doublet, who had been hoping to lie in the tunnel concealed and only rush out if Trinket should need her help, was obliged to climb out too. She had with her Trinket’s fur’lined gown, which he hurriedly wrapped around himself.The young woman had golden hair which came down over her shoulders, lively, greenish’coloured eyes, and a very fair complexion. In fact, she was extremely beautiful but for her nose, which to Trinket’s way of thinking stood out far too prominently from her face. She was half a head taller than him. It was hard to judge her age, because she was the first foreign woman he had ever seen, but he guessed that she “was probably about twenty. ‘You, leettle boy’ she said, looking roguishly at Trinket. ‘Feeling me, naughty Naughty boy!’ She seemed very amused.

The Governor, however, (it was he who had thrown the lid of the chest open) looked like thunder and spoke rapidly to the woman in Russian. She answered him volubly in the same language, whereupon he suddenly became deferential and bowed several times. Then the woman spoke to him again and he went to the door, opened it, and called to the interpreter to come in again. The interpreter first listened to some instructions given him by the Governor in Russian and then addressed Trinket in Chinese’ ‘The Princess and His Excellency want to know who and what you are.’

‘Is she a princess?’ Trinket asked incredulously. ‘This lady is Her Highness the Princess Sophia, elder sister of the Russian emperor. The gentleman is General Golitsyn, the Governor of Albazin. You’d better kneel’ said the interpreter. She seemed a funny sort of princess to Trinket; but then he thought of Kang Xi’s sister, Princess Ning, and concluded that perhaps all emperors had sisters who were a bit crazy. He made her a very deep salutation in the Manchu style, kneeling on one knee and touching the ground with the knuckles of his right hand. ‘Pleased to meet you, Your Highness’ he said, smiling all over his face. ‘You’re as beautiful as an angel. There aren’t any ladies as pretty as you in China.’ The Princess knew enough Chinese to get the general idea of this compliment and was immensely pleased. ‘Chinese boy, very good!’ she said. ‘I give.’

She went across to a bureau and, taking some gold pieces from a drawer, she handed them to Trinket. Ten gold pieces. Trinket thanked her and, because the hand that gave them was so soft and white, he impulsively leaned down and kissed it. The interpreter was deeply shocked, perhaps not having yet learned that kissing a lady’s hand was, to a Russian, the height of good manners. It’s true that Russians kiss the back of the hand, not, as Trinket had done, the palm; but the gesture was appreciated nevertheless and the Princess was quite ravished. ‘You leettle boy’ she asked, ‘doing what?’ ‘I’m a hunter’ said Trinket. High Diplomacy, High Stakes ‘No, he’s not!’ a voice called out loudly from somewhere on the other side of the door. ‘That boy is an important minister at the Chinese Emperor’s Court. Don’t believe a word he says!’ It was the Leader, of course.

This time Trinket was so scared that he lost his wits. Seizing hold of Doublet, he charged towards the door, as if the route to his destruction was the exit to escape. Needless to say, the door opened to reveal the Leader barring their way, who, when Doublet leapt at him and attempted to strike, easily parried a blow that would have put anyone else out of action and disabled her with a swift jab at her waist. As she sank with a little moan to the floor, Trinket automatically started on the usual litany of flattery and praise’ ‘Long Life to Our Leader! Blessings be on Him! And how is Madame’ Has she come too’ . . .’ But the Leader, not deigning to reply, simply picked him up by the collar and marched with him into the room. ‘Your Highness, Your Excellency,’ he said, ‘I beg to inform you that this person is Trinket Wei’ Viscount Wei, a minister in high favour with the Chinese Emperor, Deputy Commander of the Imperial Guard, Vice’Commander of Armies in the Field, and Imperial Plenipotentiary.’ This was haltingly translated by the interpreter. The Princess and the Governor looked incredulous. ‘Leettle boy’ said the Princess laughing, ‘not great minister. Minister, not true.’

‘Permit me to show you proof’ said the Leader, and turning his head, he called to someone in the next room’ ‘Bring in the brat’s clothes!’ Doctor Lu came in carrying a bundle, which he undid to reveal, somewhat the worse for wear, the uniform Trinket had been wearing on campaign, with all his insignia, including the peacock’s feather and the yellow jacket. They were obviously his, because they would only have fitted a person of his size. Heaven knows how the Leader and his agents had got hold of them. ‘Better have him searched’ suggested Doctor Lu. ‘No need’ said Trinket. ‘I’ll do it myself.’ He took out the big wad of banknotes from inside his fur’lined gown. Golitsyn knew about banknotes from his experience on the frontier. He took the notes from Trinket, riffled through them and, having ascertained that they were all of a very high denomination, handed them back to him. He said something to the Princess in Russian, and for a few moments there was a brief exchange between them. They were clearly impressed and believed that the boy must, after all, be a person of some consequence.

‘I must explain to Your Highness’ said the Leader. ‘The Chinese Emperor is very young. He likes to have young people about him. And this boy knows how to suck up to him. That’s how he’s come to hold these important posts.’ The Princess could understand most of this, but ‘suck up’ puzzled her. ‘What is “suck up” please?’ When it was explained to her at some length by the interpreter, she beamed’ ‘I like suck up.’ She turned to Trinket and asked him another question’ ‘How old Chinese Emperor?’ The Chinese Emperor is seventeen’ Trinket told her. ‘My brother, Tsar of Russia, also boy. Twenty’ said the Princess. ‘Not old man.’ ‘You, young person’ said Trinket, pointing to the Princess, ‘he, young person’ (pointing to Golitsyn), ‘I’ he said pointing to himself, ‘Chinese great official, also young person. Very good. He,’ (he pointed to the Leader), ‘Chinese bandit, old man. Very, very bad.’ The Princess found this vastly amusing and broke into peals of laughter. Golitsyn, seeing her amused, joined in the laughter, though he was all of thirty. The Leader looked as if he would like to kill Trinket with a single blow, but dared not.

‘You Chinese boy big official come here, what do?’ asked the Princess. The Chinese Emperor heard that the Russians had appointed a great general as governor in the East.’ Trinket had too much to explain this time to be able to keep up his amusing attempt at pidgin. ‘He knew that the young Russian emperor had a sister who was beautiful as an angel, so he sent me with gifts for the princess and the governor’ two hundred orient pearls and two hundred catties of ginseng. Unfortunately on the way here I was held up by bandits who robbed me of all the gifts . . .’The Leader could contain himself no longer. This was to accuse him not only of stealing the gifts he had just presented, but also of holding back half of what he had stolen. Trinket anticipated his reaction and dodged behind the Princess just as a wooden chair crashed down on the spot where he had been standing. Golitsyn forestalled a second attack by covering him with a pistol. The Leader knew that, against a firearm, all his great strength and skill were of no avail and retreated to the door.This is all nonsense’ he said. ‘Her Highness must not believe the boy.’

Golitsyn put away his pistol and addressed a few words in Russian to the interpreter, who then translated them for the Leader”His Excellency says that the august Leader is not to distress himself. He knows that the boy is lying about the presents. Her Highness’s visit to the East was a secret one which the Chinese Emperor could not possibly have known about. And the Chinese Emperor would be most unlikely to send presents to His Excellency.’The Leader was mollified, and when Golitsyn went on to ask for more information about Trinket, gave a brief sketch of his career, beginning with the assassination of Oboi, taking the opportunity to blacken him as much as possible, and concluding with the suggestion that it would be greatly in Russia’s interest to put him to death. He was the Chinese Emperor’s favourite, and the Emperor’s distress if he was eliminated would greatly assist the Russians in their campaign. All this was translated sentence by sentence into Russian. Unfortunately for the Leader, in neither Golitsyn’s nor Princess Sophia’s case was his narrative having the desired effect. In the Princess’ case, the more she heard of Trinket’s enormities, the more she seemed amused. Golitsyn’s reaction was rather different.

‘Did you say he is the Chinese Emperor’s great favourite?’ he said reflectively.’Oh, yes’ said the Leader. ‘A person so young would otherwise never have been given such responsibilities.’The boy must not be killed’ said Golitsyn decisively. ‘We must write to the Chinese Emperor and demand a large ransom for him.’ The Princess was delighted and planted a big kiss on Golitsyn’s cheek. Trinket thought he would make a start on the ransom himself, dividing his wad of notes into three parts, one part of which he offered ceremoniously to the Princess and one part to Golitsyn. The third part he put back in his inner pocket after extracting a one hundred’tael note from it and handing it to the interpreter. When Golitsyn told the Princess what the notes were worth, she kissed Trinket on both his cheeks and told him it was enough. ‘Tomorrow to Moscow we go back’ she said.

Trinket had no idea where Moscow was, but he told her he would follow a woman as beautiful as she was to the moon. She nodded approvingly, sure that she would find this extraordinary boy an entertaining companion on her journey. But Golitsyn frowned. He was about to object, but then something occurred to him and he smiled and nodded too. ‘Good. We’ll let you go to Moscow then,’ he said affably. He waved a hand dismissively at the Leader, who was obliged to take his leave, glowering as he went at Trinket, who retaliated by pulling a face and sticking his tongue out at him.

To Moscow

Princess Sophia, unlike her younger brother, the Russian Tsar Theodore the Third, a twenty’year’old invalid who seldom left his bed, was an active, ambitious young person. Beautiful and emancipated, she had little use for conventional morality, and had dispensed her favours to most of the better’looking noblemen at the Russian court. Her particular favourite, however, was Golitsyn, and when Golitsyn was sent out east to build the forts of Albazin and Nerchinsk and keep a watchful eye on the frontier, the Princess, partly from a curiosity to see something of the fabled Orient, and partly because she was missing her lover, had recently, on an impulse, made the secret journey to meet him in Albazin. But though Golitsyn was the main object of her affection, she felt in no way inhibited from pursuing any other diversion that might come her way. One such was the unfortunate sentry whom Trinket had killed. While alone in the chamber she shared with Golitsyn, she had found the entrance to the secret passage he’d had made to escape by in case of emergency (a mutiny of the garrison, for example), and had climbed in out of curiosity. Having found this man in the room at the end of the tunnel, she had at once set about seducing him.

Now she had got Trinket to divert her, and taking him at his word when he said that he was eager to follow her, she made arrangements for him and Doublet to accompany her on the journey back to Moscow.They travelled, sometimes by troika, sometimes on horseback, with an escort of two hundred Cossacks. At first the days passed pleasantly enough with the Princess trying to teach Trinket a little Russian while at the same time improving her Chinese, and, as might have been predicted, the two of them were soon lovers. But when they had already been journeying through the monotonous, snow’covered steppe for three weeks or more and Trinket, confident that they were now safely beyond Leader Hong’s reach, asked hopefully if they would soon be in Moscow, he was horrified to be told that it would take another four months to get there.’Four months!’ he said. ‘It must be at the end of the world. By the time we arrive I shall be an old man!”You tired already then of me?’It was clear that the Princess was offended. He had already learned something of her temper and knew that if seriously upset she was quite capable of having him beheaded on the spot. He hastened to assure her that he was blissful in her company but merely frightened by the great distance.’I not allow you to go’ she said petulantly. ‘Reaching Moscow, you stay with me ONE YEAR, then to China go back.’

Trinket groaned inwardly. When he and Doublet were on their own, he had discussed with her the possibility of escaping and both had concluded that escape would be useless, as it would be quite impossible for them to get back to China on their own. On those vast empty steppes they would quickly get lost and perish in the snow. At first he thought much about the Emperor and Satrap Wu’s threatened rebellion, about Ah Kor in Yunnan and Fang Yi and all the others back in China; but then the snow seemed to freeze out his memories and he became resigned and began to be cheerful again, devoting whole days at a time to storytelling and stupid Russian jokes.

Russian Affairs of State

A day finally came when they were approaching the outskirts of Moscow. Already it was May; the weather was getting warmer and the ice and snow had melted. From what he could see so far, Moscow, apart from its great walls and a few churches with onion’shaped domes, appeared to be a primitive, squalid place, not to be compared even with one of China’s small inland cities, let alone Peking or Yangzhou. He marvelled that during the journey the Princess had been constantly harping on its splendours, and began to take a very contemptuous view of both Russia and the Russian people. When they were about a mile from the city, some of the Cossacks galloped on ahead to give notice of the Princess’ arrival. After an interval a bugle sounded and a company of musketeers came riding towards them. The Princess observed that all were wearing black plumes in their hats and had black bands fastened to their muskets-the symbols of national mourning. She rode up to the captain and demanded to know what had happened. The captain dismounted and bowed’ ‘Your Highness, it has pleased Almighty God to summon His Imperial Majesty to heaven.’ The Princess at once began weeping. ‘When did this happen?’ she asked.

‘If Her Highness had arrived four days earlier, she could have taken her leave of him’ the captain replied. The Princess had known that her brother was not destined to live long, but was still grief’stricken to hear of his death, and bowing down over her saddle, she wept for him very bitterly. Trinket, of course, having gathered that the Russian Tsar was dead, rejoiced to think that the chances of a Russian invasion of China were diminishing. When she had sufficiently recovered herself, the Princess and her train followed the company of musketeers into the city with her Cossack escort in the rear. At the entrance to the palace the captain dismounted and barred the way’ ‘The Tsarina has given orders that Her Highness should retire to the Imperial Hunting Lodge outside the city.’ The Princess’ shock was quickly followed by rage. ‘What Tsarina?’ she shouted. ‘Who is this Tsarina to give me orders?’ At a signal from the captain the musketeers levelled their weapons at the Cossacks and made them dismount and lay down their arms. The Princess was furious. ‘Is this mutiny?’ she screamed.

‘The Tsarina feared that when you were back in Moscow you would be unwilling to submit to the orders of the new Tsar, so she has ordered us to take you under our protection,’ said the captain. The Princess was scarlet’faced with anger’ ‘New Tsar’ Who is this new Tsar?’ ‘His Imperial Majesty Peter the First’ said the captain. The Princess threw back her head and laughed’ ‘Peter is a child of ten, how can he possibly be Tsar’ I suppose the Tsarina you are talking about is his mother Natalia.’ ‘Just so’ said the captain. The Princess’ father, Tsar Alexius Mikhailovich, had married twice. Princess Sophia was one of several children he had had by his first wife. His second wife Natalia had only borne him this little boy, Peter. ‘Take me inside and I shall have this out with Natalia’ said the Princess imperiously. ‘My brother Ivan is older than Peter; they should have made him Tsar. What are the boyars at court doing’ Have they all taken leave of their senses?’ ‘Your Highness must forgive me, I am only doing my duty’ said the captain, and taking her horse by the bridle he began turning it round, so that it faced away from the entrance to the palace.

The Princess’ fury knew no bounds. Never in her whole life had she been treated so cavalierly. She raised her riding’whip and began lashing out wildly at his head and shoulders; but he dodged the blows, laughing, and jumped on his horse again. The musketeers closed round the Princess, Trinket, and Doublet, and trotted off behind the captain, keeping the three of them prisoners in their midst. By this stage there was no sign of the Cossacks. When they reached the Imperial Hunting Lodge, in the countryside at some distance from the city, the Princess, Trinket, and Doublet were hustled into an apartment and a heavy guard placed on all the exits. The musketeers showed every sign of staying. The Princess was by now almost demented with rage. She set about smashing up almost everything in the room that could be broken, and when the chef on the lodge’s staff brought in wine and food for her dinner, she threw the lot in his face. She kept up this behaviour for several days; then, when she saw that there was no relaxation in the restraint placed on her freedom, she summoned the captain to her and demanded to know how long she was to be kept a prisoner. The Tsarina’s orders are that Her Highness should reside here until the fiftieth anniversary of the Tsar’s enthronement. She will then be permitted to take part in the celebrations,’ the captain replied. ‘You mean you are going to keep me shut up here for fifty years?’ said the Princess.

The captain smiled. ‘I am already forty, Your Highness. No doubt in ten or fifteen years’ time I shall be retiring and another will take my place.’ The Princess felt a cold shudder pass through her, but forced herself to smile. ‘But you look younger than that, captain. You are a very handsome man,’ she said in her most winning manner. ‘Why be so formal’ Why don’t you come a little closer?’ The captain bowed and retreated several paces. ‘Forgive me, Your Highness, but I have orders not to do so. The Tsarina has said that if any officer lays a finger on Your Highness, he is to be instantly beheaded and his post given to the next in command.’ The Tsarina knew her enemy and had taken every precaution against the Princess’ wiles. When the captain had gone, the Princess threw herself face downwards on the bed and wept into the pillow, raising her head from time to time only to utter maledictions against the detestable Tsarina.

Trinket gives Counsel

The days went by and Trinket was beginning to find their confinement very hard to bear. The Princess’ tantrums continued unabated and the behaviour of the guards towards the two oriental foreigners in their midst was contemptuous and insulting. As there was no point in trying to escape, he whiled away the time by telling Doublet stories he had picked up in the past from watching plays and listening to professional storytellers. One day as he was in the midst of a story about Monkey from The journey to the West, the sounds of weeping and crashing furniture were becoming all too audible from the Princess’ bedroom. ‘I suppose I’d better go and talk to her,’ he said, breaking off. ‘What good does it do, her carrying on like this?’ He put on a smiling face and went in to her. ‘Don’t cry, Princess!’ he said. ‘Let me tell you a funny story.’ ‘Not want funny story,’ she said. ‘Want Tsarina in hell.’

‘What does “Tsarina” mean?’ Trinket asked her. ‘Tsarina, wife of dead Tsar.’ ‘Oh,’ said Trinket. ‘We had one of them in China. I called her “the Old Whore”. I found a way of getting rid of her. The Emperor was very pleased.’ ‘How get rid of Russian Old Whore?’ the Princess asked. ‘I got rid of the Chinese Old Whore with some help from the Emperor,’ said Trinket. The Princess shook her head. ‘Not good,’ she said. ‘Peter very fond of mother.’ At least she’s stopped misbehaving, thought Trinket. The Princess had got up and was pacing up and down on the carpet in her bare feet, frowning and thinking hard. There was once a woman in China who made herself Emperor,’ said Trinket. ‘She was called Wu Zetian. She had lots of good’looking men as her man’wives. I reckon you’ve got a lot in common with her. You ought to make yourself a Lady Tsar.’ The Princess was delighted with the idea. She placed her hands on his shoulders and kissed his left cheek. ‘When I Lady Tsar, I make you man’wife.’

‘Oh no,’ said Trinket in alarm. ‘You couldn’t have a Chinese one. You could make me a great lord.’ ‘Great lord and man’wife,’ said the Princess. ‘Now, how make me Lady Tsar?’


Trinket knew nothing of strategy or statecraft, having always, in situations requiring such knowledge, relied on others, like Kang Xi, Songgotu, or the Helmsman, to tell him what to do. He was totally unqualified to answer the Princess’ question, yet she was waiting impatiently for an answer and showing dangerous signs that a tantrum was on the way. ‘You must give me a bit of time to think,’ he said, and went and stood by the window, gazing out vacantly and seeking for inspiration. All that he knew of Chinese history derived from the highly coloured, fictionalized accounts given in the theatre and the narratives of professional raconteurs. He turned over in his mind what he could remember of stories about the founders of various dynasties. The only thing they seemed to have in common was that each had involved a lot of fighting and bloodshed. He turned to the Princess’ ‘To be an Emperor you have to fight.’ ‘Fight who?’ she asked.

‘The Russian Old Whore, of course.’ At that moment the captain, who must have been spying on them, burst into the room, grabbed hold of Trinket by the front of his jacket, and began jabbering at him in Russian. Then he hustled him from the room and, when they were outside, kicked him really hard in the bottom. He would have given him a second kick, but Trinket, angrier than he had ever been before, thought of one of the tricks that the Leader had taught him’ he somersaulted onto the captain’s shoulders so that he was straddling his neck from behind, at the same time pressing his thumbs against the man’s temples and holding a finger against each of his eyes. He didn’t know how to tell him in Russian that if he moved he would gouge his eyes out, so he just said, ‘Eyes, kill!’ The captain had enought wit to understand what he meant and offered no resistance. ‘Now, walk!’ said Trinket, and using his ears like reins, he steered him back into the room. ‘Shut door, pistol take!’ he shouted to the Princess.

Surprised and pleased, the Princess hastened to close the door, removed the pistol from the captain’s belt, and pointed it at him. Then Trinket jumped nimbly down from his shoulders, tied his hands behind him with his sash, and undid the belt of his breeches to tie his feet with. As he did so, the man’s breeches fell down. Trinket and the Princess both laughed, for he was wearing nothing underneath. The captain’s face turned scarlet and he was almost spitting with anger.

Just at that moment the door was pushed gently open and Doublet peeped in. ‘Are you all right, Master?’ she said. Then catching sight of the captain, she too burst out laughing. But what were they to do now’ The Princess, speaking in her fractured Chinese, pointed out that kidnapping the captain was CHAPTER 22 not going to help them very much. For a moment Trinket was stumped. He had acted in anger without really thinking about the consequences. Suddenly he had an inspiration. ‘Tell him to start a mutiny’ he said. The Princess didn’t understand the Chinese word he used, so he said’ Tell him, kill Tsarina, kill Tsar. You, make Lady Tsar.’ The Princess at first seemed a little startled, but then she looked pleased.

She started talking volubly to the captain in Russian, then he answered in Russian and they appeared to be arguing. Trinket couldn’t understand what they were saying, but he saw the captain several times shaking his head. He bent down and took the dagger from his boot. ‘If he won’t obey you, kill him!’ he said, waving the dagger under the captain’s nose; and with a deft stroke he cut off his left moustache. The Princess laughed, but the captain cursed himself for not having searched Trinket more thoroughly. What the captain had been telling the Princess was that his was only one of twenty companies of musketeers, and that even if he did start a mutiny, the other nineteen companies in Moscow, rather than joining in with them, would probably wipe them out. It cost the Princess a great deal of effort to explain all this to Trinket. In her demonstration she had need to use not only all of her fingers but also her toes. In the end she made it clear to him that by killing the captain he would accomplish nothing. Tell him to call in the adjutant’ he said. The Princess couldn’t see the point of this, but decided to do as he said. ‘Call for the adjutant’ she told the captain. ‘And don’t give him any warning, or I shall blow your brains out.’

The captain had no choke but to obey. Since he was tied up hand and foot, he shouted from where he stood that he needed the adjutant inside the room. After a brief interval there was a brisk knock and the door opened. Trinket had arranged for Doublet to be waiting in readiness behind it and, as the adjutant walked inside, she stepped up behind him and immobilized him with a couple of jabs to the spine. ‘Now’ Trinket said to the Princess, ‘tell him to kill the captain and start a mutiny. Tell him that if he won’t, we shall get one of the lieutenants to kill him.’ The Princess got the idea. ‘I want you to kill the captain’ she told him in Russian. ‘You are to take command in his place and after that carry out any other orders I shall give you. If you refuse to do this, I shall call in the senior lieutenant and tell him to kill you both. And I shall give the command to him. Will you do this for me?’ ‘Undo the point for his top half’ Trinket told Doublet, and when she had done so, he unsheathed the sword that the adjutant was wearing at his side and put it into his hand.

The captain began cursing and swearing, though the fear could be heard in his voice. ‘Look’ said the adjutant, who had never got on with the captain and didn’t like the things he was saying, ‘I haven’t much choice but to kill you. If I don’t, it’s both of us, and there’s no point in that.’ He took a swipe with his sword at the captain and succeeded in half’severing his head. The Princess took his hand, having satisfied herself that the captain was dead, and praised his loyalty. ‘Sit down’ she said. ‘I want to discuss things with you.’ The adjutant frowned. ‘I can’t’ he said. The foreign children have bewitched me.’ ‘Please’ said the Princess looking towards Trinket, ‘magic, make going.’

Doublet smilingly obliged. The Princess then told the adjutant that she wanted him to order the junior officers to come in, entering the room one at a time. She wanted to see the foreign child bewitch them, she explained. When all six-three lieutenants and three ensigns-had severally entered the room and been immobilized by Doublet and were standing before her in a row, unable to move hand or foot, she addressed them as follows’ The adjutant wants to make me a Lady Tsar. We want to lead the men into Moscow and kill the Tsarina Natalia. Are you willing to help us?’ The six men had known that something was dreadfully wrong when they entered the room and saw the captain’s body lying on the floor. Now, hearing this proposition from the Princess, they looked at each other with ashen faces, too horrified to speak.


All this talk of killing to make a new emperor had put Trinket in mind of the stories he had so often heard about the Ten Days of Yangzhou-the ten days of rape and arson and pillage perpetrated by the invading Tartars in his native city as a preliminary to the enthronement of a new Manchu emperor in Peking. Tamardy!’ he thought. ‘Why don’t we have a Ten Days of Moscow’ If we want a new kind of Russian emperor, the more rioting we have here the better!”Why don’t you tell the musketeers to go into Moscow and kill and burn and pillage to their heart’s content?’ he advised the Princess. Tell them they can all become lords or generals or something. Tell them they can have all the money they want and all the beautiful women for their wives.’This struck the Princess as an excellent idea. She told the adjutant to assemble the entire company of musketeers in the courtyard so that she could address them. When the men had assembled, she had the six immobilized officers carried out and stood up facing them like a row of statues.

Then she climbed on a mounting-block and began to harangue them in a ringing voice that all of them could hear.It was a piece of rabble-rousing rhetoric that would have done credit to an impoverished revolutionary. There were fat merchants and idle nobles over there in Moscow, living idle lives in their luxurious mansions. They dressed in silks and furs. They monopolized the beautiful women. They ate the choicest food and drank expensive wines. They kept the finest horses in their stables, etcetera. While they, brave men, sweated and bled for their country, were poorly paid, ate wretched food, were subjected to every hardship, every inconvenience, etcetera, etcetera. Was this just? Was it fair?’

As this was all in Russian, there was not a word of it that Trinket understood; but the roar of ‘Nyet Nyetl’ that answered her question he understood only too well, having heard it rather more often than he could have wished.The Princess went on to propose the remedy. They should go into Moscow and persuade their comrades in the other nineteen companies to join in their enterprise; tell them it was the express wish of the Princess Sophia, who was now their Lady Tsar, that they take all the gold, fine clothes, wine, horses, and beautiful women from the rich, idle pigs of the city. ‘Have you the courage for this?’ she asked. ‘Do you dare?’ ‘We do! We do!’ they cried. The Princess knew that the vaults of the Hunting Lodge contained a large stock of the finest old vodka that was reserved for the exclusive use of the Tsars and their favourite boyars. She asked for it to be fetched up and distributed to the men. As bottle after bottle was emptied, the men’s enthusiasm began visibly to increase. ‘Hurrah for the Lady Tsar!’ one of them ventured; and soon all of them were cheering’ ‘Long life to the Lady Tsar! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!’ This was a word that Trinket didn’t know. He tugged at the Princess’ sleeve. ‘Tell them to kill the six officers,’ he said in her ear. ‘If they do that, they’ll know they’ve got to go through with it’ there’ll be no turning back for them then.’

She nodded enthusiastically. With vodka inside them the men were easily suggestible. Who was holding them back from this brave undertaking, she asked them. She pointed to the six officers behind her. These are the ones who say you shouldn’t do it.’ Two of the assembled musketeers-named Vobolsky and Chironov-with more of an eye for the main chance than most, at once shouted enthusiastically ‘Kill the buggers!’, and a dozen of them with drawn sabres scrambled forward and swiftly hacked the unfortunate men to death. ‘Off with you to Moscow, then!’ cried the Princess. ‘Tell the men in the other companies to join you. If any of their officers tries to stop you, kill him! If boyars, or generals, or ministers of state give you trouble, kill them! Their gold and silver, their wives and daughters are yours. Take them, and then set fire to their houses!’ The men dashed off to get ready, then, having mounted their horses, with their muskets slung on their backs, they galloped off, cheering wildly, for the city.

The Princess noticed the adjutant hanging back. ‘You go, too,’ she said. ‘Don’t be shy! See that the men don’t quarrel with the other companies, but act together. Take a group you can trust with you into the Kremlin and arrest Peter and the Tsarina. Any treasure or pretty women you can find there, you have my permission to take.’ The adjutant brightened considerably at this ana, muimung his horse, galloped off to join the others.

Now that they had all gone, the Princess felt drained and sat down, exhausted, on the stone mounting’block. ‘Let me help you inside,’ said Trinket. ‘You ought to lie down and rest.’ ‘No,’ said the Princess. ‘We’ll go up to the watch’tower and see what happens.’ The Imperial Hunting Lodge had a high tower which a former Tsar, fearing that while he was hunting some rival might take advantage of his absence to start an uprising, had built as a lookout point from which to survey the city. The Princess, Trinket, and Doublet now climbed to the top of this tower and looked out towards the west. It was already dark and they could see the lights of Moscow in the distance. It all looked as tranquil and peaceful as on any other night and the Princess soon became impatient. However, after what seemed like several hours of fretful watching, they detected a growing patch of brightness in one part of the city. The fires had started! The Princess threw her arms round Trinket and kissed him. Soon several fires seemed to have broken out in the west half of the city and a dull red pall of smoke covered much of the eastern half. The Princess clapped her hands. ‘Killing now!’ she cried delightedly. ‘You, clever boy with plan!’

But as time went by and the number of fires increased, she began to worry. What would the next step be in the plan for her enthronement, she asked him. Alas! there was nothing in Trinket’s colourful stock of folklore that would provide an answer. ‘I suppose when they’ve pillaged enough, they’ll just stop pillaging,’ he said rather weakly. The Princess frowned. She didn’t feel that this really answered her question; but since, for the time being at any rate, there was nothing else to be done, the three of them descended from the tower and made their way to bed.

Trinket has another Cunning Plan

Next morning the adjutant arrived accompanied by a small group of other horsemen-the two ‘enthusiasts’ Vobolsky and Chironov among them-and announced that all twenty companies of musketeers had responded to the Princess’ orders by engaging in a night of pillage. More importantly, the Tsarina Natalia had been killed. ‘What about Peter?’ she asked. ‘Young Peter has been arrested and imprisoned in the wine cellar of the Kremlin.’ ‘Good! Good!’ she exclaimed delightedly. (The word she actually used was khorosho, which sounds like ‘harra shaw’.)

She became apprehensive when shortly after this another party on horseback could be heard approaching. But the adjutant reassured her. This was a delegation of ministers and other dignitaries, both civil and military, coming to invite her to be Lady Tsar. The Princess was now in raptures. Trinket stood high again in her estimation and she embraced and kissed him, twice this time, once on each cheek. What Prince Bodonich, the leader of the delegation, actually told her, however, was that the council of boyars were entreating her to take over control in order to restore law and order. No mention was made of the imperial title. The Princess, seemingly unaware of this omission, nodded smilingly in acceptance and asked whether or not Natalia, who was undoubtedly responsible for this deplorable uprising, was still alive. ‘Natalia was a threat to the security of our country’ the Prince replied. ‘She usurped the power of the state and was responsible for the death of loyal ministers. By the grace of God and to the great satisfaction of the Russian people she has been justly executed.’ ‘Good’ said the Princess. ‘We shall go at once to the Kremlin.’

A horse was fetched for her and soon she was on her way to Moscow, nobles and musketeers riding in close formation about her, like swarming bees round their queen, leaving Trinket and Doublet all on their own in the deserted lodge. Trinket was indignant. Tamardy!’ he said. Talk about throwing away the plank when you’ve crossed the stream! This Russian princess won’t have much use for us when she’s Lady Tsar.’ ‘Were you hoping she’d invite you to be her Empress?’ Doublet giggled, dodging the threatened thumping. But Trinket’s ill’humour didn’t last very long. It was early summer now and everywhere flowers were blooming and birds were singing. Though it wasn’t much like China, the countryside round the lodge was very pretty. With no one else to bother them, Trinket and Doublet, for the time being at least, were very happy.

Seven or eight days had already passed in agreeable isolation when a small detachment of mounted soldiers arrived from Moscow with orders to invite them to the palace.When they were in the Kremlin and Trinket had been conducted to the room where the Princess was, he found her in the midst of one of her rages. Her hair was flying wildly about her shoulders and she appeared to be attempting to demolish a piece of furniture by kicking it violently with one foot. On catching sight of Trinket her expression immediately changed to one of delight.’Ah, Chinese boy! Must quickly help with plan!’

‘Oh, you’re in trouble, are you?’ he thought. ‘So that’s why you’ve suddenly remembered me! Well, my dear, if you want any help from me this time, you’ll have to pay for it.’ But what he said was”What’s the problem, Your Imperial Highness?”Me Lady Tsar’ she shook her head several times, ‘no, no! They no want.’

It took her rather a long time to give him a clear picture of what the situation was. It seemed that discussions about the succession had been going on in the Kremlin for several days in the course of which two parties had emerged’ Peter’s party, mostly older men who had held high office in the previous reign and who thought that with a young boy as Tsar the real power would be in their hands and they would be able to hold on to what they had got, and Princess Sophia’s party, mostly the discontented and ambitious, who thought there would be rich pickings and a chance of advancement for them under a completely new regime. There was no precedent in Russian history for a woman ruler, so the older, more conservative boyars had been able to make this a reason for opposing the Princess’ enthronement and the debate had raged back and forth without conclusion. What made it difficult and potentially dangerous to conclude was the fact that, although inside Moscow itself the Princess had the support of the musketeers, or stryeltsi as they were called, the opposition was able to call on the support of Cossack regiments outside the city.’You have plan?’ asked the Princess hopefully.’Of course’ said Trinket, though he hadn’t the faintest idea how matters of such great import could be settled; ‘but I need a bit of oil in the works to get me thinking.”Oil?’ said the Princess.

‘I mean … that is … Look, you want plan, right’ You give me things, much, much things, I give you plan.’ ‘Oh, this sort of oil for works. Very good. I marry you. Make man’wife. Like Tsarina.’ Trinket thought of the Princess’ body, covered with a down of minute golden hairs, and was not tempted. ‘No, that wouldn’t do. Very nice for me, I’m sure, but your Russian men would never stand for it.’ ‘If not man’wife, you want what?’ said the Princess. ‘Ask anything, I give.’

Trinket laid out his conditions. One. He must be given some high’ranking Russian office. That was easy, said the Princess. She would make him a count and send him to govern the East Russian Tartars. He had a yellow face and a small, flat nose like theirs, so they would gladly accept him as their governor. Two. She must renounce war with China and write a letter to the Chinese Emperor in Peking promising peace and friendship which Trinket would deliver for her. The Princess had seen in the person of Doublet just how formidable even a young Chinese girl could be. A whole nation of grown men with such powers as these was not to be tampered with. Certainly there should be no war. Moreover she felt a sincere affection for this remarkable Chinese boy, whom she now embraced and gave a big kiss to prove it. ‘Is more oil for works?’ she asked him. ‘Nothing else.’

‘Now, plan’ she said. But of course Trinket had no plan, and when he had ‘ummed’ and ‘ahed’ for quite a while, there were signs of an incipient storm. ‘You cheat me, yes?’ ‘No, no, no,’ he said. ‘I’m just thinking.’ Which was true enough. But then he had an inspiration. Hadn’t he once been told that when Kang Xi’s father Shun Zhi, who was still a boy at the time, was enthroned as the first Emperor of the new Qing dynasty, the real ruler was his uncle Dorgon, who was called the Regent’ ‘If they won’t let you be Lady Tsar’ he said, ‘you could be a Regent.’ ‘What is “Regent”” ‘Well, a Regent is the one who has all the power’ he can have people killed, or beaten, or give them jobs, or money. Everyone’s afraid of a Regent. They do what the Regent says, not what the Tsar says.’

The Princess thought this was very ‘harra shaw’ and put the idea of a regency to the leaders of her party, who in turn floated it at the general council of the boyars. The idea was an innovation, but most of them were willing to accept any sort of fudge that would avoid having a female Tsar, particularly when it was suggested that those who held high office in the past were to keep their jobs and emoluments, and that everyone who acquiesced in the new arrangement, whatever side they had originally taken, would receive promotion and generous awards. After a certain amount of discussion it was finally decided that there should be o, joint Tsars’ the Princess’ halfwitted teenage brother Ivan should be Senior Tsar, her ten’year’old half’brother Peter should be Junior Tsar, and Princess Sophia should be Regent and rule on their behalf.

Trinket Returns

Now that this was all settled, the Princess, or the Regent Sophia as she now was, felt deeply grateful to this little Chinese boy, but for whom, she now reflected, she might have been forced to end her days immured in some dismal nunnery. Trinket’s knowledge of statecraft was nil, but she was beginning to look on him almost as a sage. At first he found this gratifying, but then he began to worry. ‘I hope she doesn’t decide that I’m indis-, indis-, I mean, that she can’t do without me’ he thought. ‘Holy ting’a’lings! She might keep me here in Russia for ever!’ He resolved to tackle her.’My Lady Regent’ he said, ‘play things right, and you’ll probably end up making yourself Lady Tsar anyway. There’s just one thing you’ve got to do, though, to make it work.’ ‘What that thing?’ she said. ‘Quick, tell!’ ‘You must show that your word is your wand.’ (He could never get this right.)’Wand’ What wand?’

‘I mean, if you say you’ll do something, you have to do it. Never, never go back on what you say. Word precious. No break. Then everyone trust you. Everyone obey you.’ ‘Yes, yes, yes. My word very precious. Gold wand; diamond wand. No break.’ ‘Good’ said Trinket. ‘Now do you remember those two things you promised me?’ ‘Yes, yes’ she said. And she was as good as her word. An Edict was promulgated in the name of the two Tsars creating Trinket Count of the Eastern Tartar Region, and a great minister was ordered to compose a letter for him to deliver to the Chinese Emperor. A Russian ambassador was appointed to accompany him. He was to receive a great number of precious gifts and to be reimbursed for the money he had given the Princess and Golitsyn in Albazin. And there were to be two companies of Cossack cavalry to escort him on his journey east. After a fond farewell with the tearful Princess, the cavalcade set off some time in mid-June.

All that summer they were travelling across Russia. The weather was warm and sunny. Riding through the Siberian grasslands, mounted on a splendid horse, at the head of the long train of Cossack cavalry, with his pretty maid Doublet riding on his left hand and the blond’haired, blue’eyed Russian ambassador on his right, Trinket could be forgiven for feeling on top of the world. The ignorant Yangzhou urchin had played a part in history! But you will search in vain for Trinket in the Russian records. You can read about Princess Sophia and the stryeltsi rising; but you could hardly expect a serious historian to believe the strange, rather disreputable facts that we have been recording.


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