The Deer And The Cauldron 37


The Deer And The Cauldron 37
第三十七回 辕门谁上平蛮策 朝议先颁谕蜀文

Chapter 23 In which Trinket advises the Emperor on Affairs of State; and is sent on an Important Mission to Yangzhou

Trinket in Peking-A Command Performance-Council of State-An Unusual Friendship-A Small Favour-You Monster!-For Old Time’s Sake-The Hunting of the Little Traitor-En route for Yangzhou’ the Wang Wu Clan-Obsequies on the Mountain


Trinket in Peking


Finally, after many months, Trinket and his Russian escort arrived in Peking. Prince Kang, Songgotu, and Trinket’s various other friends among the ranks of the Manchu nobility were delighted (and not a little astonished) to see him back. Since his departure from Peking on his naval mission nearly two years earlier, nothing had been heard of him. Several expeditions had been dispatched to ascertain his whereabouts, but no trace whatsoever was found. It had been assumed that he and his entire fleet had been swallowed up into the ocean. Even the Emperor had resigned himself sadly to the thought that his young friend had perished. When news of his arrival in Peking reached the Palace, Kang Xi immediately sent for him.

He was visibly delighted to see Trinket safe and sound. He was also greatly comforted to see him in the company of a friendly Russian ambassador. The thought of the Russians forming an alliance against him, in league with Wu Sangui, had been among his principal preoccupations for some time. Trinket gave a highly entertaining account of his Russian adventure, and Kang Xi congratulated him on his precocious diplomatic skills in ‘oiling the works’, and enabling the Princess Sophia to become Regent.

The following day Kang Xi summoned the Russian ambassador to Court. During the audience, the only person who could claim any competence as an interpreter was Trinket. His own command of the Russian language, however, was extremely limited, and as the Russian diplomat became more and more voluble, and embarked on what sounded (from his rhetorical manner) like an excited Slavic eulogy of his Tartar host, Trinket had to delve deep into his bag of Trinketian tricks. He still remembered the lengthy Turtle Stele inscription that he and Doctor Lu had between them concocted on Snake Island, and managed to produce a mishmash of expressions from the inscription, cleverly adapting them so that they were appropriate to this new occasion. So the Russian ambassador ended up showering the Manchu Emperor with flowery (and rather Mystic Dragon’like) words of praise, wishing him endless ‘Long Life and Blessings’ and extolling more than once the ‘awe with which His Majesty held sway over His subjects, and the magical power that He wielded over his realm . . .’ From time to time Trinket glanced nervously at Kang Xi, but was pleased to see that the Imperial Countenance was receiving all this with apparent pleasure (little knowing that these words had originally been intended for the Great Leader of the Mystic Dragon Sect), and that the great Ministers of State were also nodding their heads wisely. What the Russian was actually saying, no one present had the faintest notion.

The ambassador then presented Kang Xi with a selection of superb Siberian sabre pelts, whose quality (and superiority to their own sable) was immediately appreciated by the assembled Manchu nobility. Trinket was entrusted by Kang Xi with the task of officially receiving these gifts, and of presenting the ambassador with suitable Chinese gifts in return. When the audience was concluded, Kang Xi summoned Fathers Schall and Verbiest, and instructed them to converse with the ambassador. Verbiest, being Belgian, was able to communicate with the Russian in French, and made a point of impressing upon him what an enlightened ruler Kang Xi was. The next day, Kang Xi gave orders for Schall and Verbiest to stage a cannon’firing display in the grounds of the Imperial Park to the south of Peking, and invited the Russian ambassador to attend the firing. The Russian was secretly impressed by the quality of workmanship, and by the accuracy with which the guns hit their targets. He asked Verbiest to communicate to the Chinese Emperor the earnest desire of the Princess Regent Sophia to enjoy cordial relations with China.

Once the Russian ambassador had taken his leave, and set off on his long return journey to Moscow, the Emperor reflected that in view of the important and highly statesmanlike contribution that Trinket had made to the establishment of the new Sino’Russian Entente, he deserved to be raised to a higher rank of the nobility. This was duly promulgated, and Viscount Wei became Earl Wei, First Class, with the right to wear the double’eyed peacock feather, an event that called for celebrations all round. Trinket thought to himself that most probably Shi Lang and the others had not dared to report back, terrified of the consequences if they were found responsible for the disappearance of one of His Majesty’s great favourites. They were most probably holed up somewhere on Potluck Island or one of the other nearby islands. He sent a couple of men to try and determine their whereabouts, and if possible to instruct them that all was well and they could return to Peking.

A Command Performance

One day, Kang Xi summoned Trinket to the Upper Library, and showed him three folded sheets of paper-Memorials to the Throne-that were lying on his desk.’Who do you think these are from?’ he asked. ‘Guess . . .’Trinket of course had no idea. Kang Xi made three chopping movements with his right hand’ three unmistakable executions. Trinket gave a little laugh.’I know! It must be Big Traitor Wu and his two sidekicks, Shang Kexi and Geng Jingzhong. The Three Big Baddies! They sent them, didn’t they.”Very clever guess. And what do you suppose they wanted to say?’That’s a tough one! Did they all arrive at the same time?”More or less.”Well, in that case, I should guess that they’re all more or less up to the same mischief-”You wouldn’t be far wrong.’

Kang Xi tapped the memorial lying closest to him on the table. ‘This one here’s from old Shang. He pleads that he’s getting on in years, and wants to retire to his family home in the northeast. When he retires (if I let him), he would like to leave his son Shang Zhixin in charge of Guangdong. Do you know what I wrote in the margin’ “If Shang wishes to leave Guangdong, well and good. But that does not necessarily mean that his son is to take over from him.” In other words, you call my bluff, I’ll call yours. The other two, Satrap Wu and Geng, have both sent in memorials to the same effect. Suddenly everyone wants to retire.’

Kang Xi picked the two other folded sheets of paper from his desk. ‘Here’s old Wu’s, and here’s Geng’s. Obviously they’re trying me out. Putting out feelers, to see how I’ll react. Both of them claim that they want to “retire”. But really they’re just seeing if I’ve got the guts to stand up to them. They’re trying to intimidate me. They’re in this together. You can tell from the wording.’ Kang Xi tossed the two memorials back onto his desk. He was clearly very angry. ‘Why, it’s disgraceful!’ exclaimed Trinket. ‘Anyone can see those aren’t proper memorials. They don’t really want to retire at all! They’re declaring war. We should raise an army, capture all three of those traitors, and have their entire families-whoops, I mean, have all the men in their families executed! The womenfolk we’ll give as slaves to your worthiest ministers.’ In his enthusiasm, Trinket had for an instant forgotten that the ‘family’ of the greatest traitor of the three, Satrap Wu, included the beautiful Peerless Consort, Chen Yuanyuan, and her adorable daughter Green.

‘No’ replied Kang Xi, ‘if we attacked them openly, that would create a bad impression. My subjects would accuse me of being ungrateful to my great ministers. “He casts aside the bow once it has shot the bird,” they would say. “He cooks the dog once it has caught the hare.” I think I’ll allow them to retire. See if they do go quietly into retirement. If they don’t, then I can raise an army and crush them, with good cause.’ ‘Your Majesty’s wisdom knows no bounds!’ cried Trinket. An opportunity for showing off his histrionic talents had just presented itself’ ‘It’s just like a scene from an opera. Centre stage, and sings’ “Pray, which of my subjects Wu (painted face, big beard, costume bristling with lots of peacock feathers) sings back’ “Your humble servant Wu Saaaaaan’guuuuuuuiiiiii!” Lots of warbling and vibrato here . . . “Why, look up man!” cries the Emperor. “Why so downcast'”

“My liege, I have committed an offence! I must needs confess!” “What offence, man’ Speak up!” The Emperor begins to grow angry. The Satrap’ “I never truly wished to retire! All I really wanted to do was to rebell” The orchestra starts to wind itself up. “Why you shameless rascal!” cries the Emperor. “Where is my Trusty General, Earl Trinket Wei'” That’s where I come shuffling forward and kneel before the throne. “Your humble general at your service, Majesty!” The Emperor hands me the tally’ “Go forth, General Wei, lead an army of a hundred thousand men and crush the wicked traitor and rebel, Wu Saaaaaaan’guuuuuuuiiiiii!” More warbling. I take the tally and sing’ “My Emperor’s word is my command!” And then I swing my leg through the air and give Wu Sangui a boot right up the bum, and he is so badly winded he ends up pooing all over the stage and howling, “Oh woe is me! Oh lack a day!”‘ Trinket had Kang Xi in stitches. The Emperor hadn’t laughed so much in a very long time.

Council of State

The next day Kang Xi held a dawn audience in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, to discuss this whole matter of the Three Feudatories with his Ministers of State and Princes of the Realm. Trinket, although only a junior official, was asked to attend the audience by special Imperial Dispensation. Kang Xi took his seat on the Dragon Throne, and before him stood assembled the Princes of the Blood, the Princes of the Second, Third, and Fourth Order (Beilehs and Beizis), the Grand Chancellors and Ministers of the various Boards- and, last and youngest of all (but by no means least), Trinket.Kang Xi handed the three memorials to the Grand Chancellor of the Hall of Middle Harmony, an elderly Manchu statesman by the name of Lord Batai, who simultaneously held the important post of Minister of the Board of Bites. He was ordered to show them to all present, that they might tender their views on the best way to proceed.

It was Trinket’s friend Giyesu, Prince Kang, who spoke first’ ‘Majesty, these “requests to retire” are clearly not meant in earnest.’ Tray explain,’ replied the Emperor. Prince Kang drew attention to obvious inconsistencies, which all pointed to the likelihood that these so’called memorials were in fact ‘feelers’, designed to test the young Emperor’s mettle. Kang Xi nodded. Another of his senior ministers, Wei Zhouzhe, the Grand Chancellor of the Hall for Protecting Harmony, an elder with white hair and a flowing white beard, spoke next, urging the utmost caution on the Emperor’s part. ‘I strongly advise that Your Majesty should in no way countenance these false pleas for retirement. To do so would merely goad them into unleashing the forces of chaos in our land. We would have a full’scale rebellion on our hands.’ He followed this up with several learned references to the Taoist classic The Way and Its Power, in which the ancient sage Laozi denounces all acts of military aggression as contrary to the peaceful motion of the Tao. Kang Xi nodded.

Another of the Grand Chancellors, the Manchu Duikena, also pointed out that by accepting the resignation of the Three Feudatories, Kang Xi might be creating a dangerous power vacuum in the South and South’West, where for years Wu and his cronies (for all their faults) had kept the native tribes under control. Several others among Kang Xi’s elder statesmen spoke to the same effect. The consensus was that to accept the ‘resignation’ of the Three Feudatory Warlords of the South would be a rash move, likely to lead to civil war.

Trinket could only follow a limited amount of the high’flown language being used at the audience, but it was enough for him to understand which way the debate was tending. It was not at all the way he and Kang Xi had hoped. He caught his friend Songgotu’s eye, and gave a barely perceptible shake of the head-meaning, ‘I’m counting on you to speak out against all these people and their policy of appeasement.’

Unfortunately, Songgotu completely misunderstood Trinket’s gesture. He assumed that Trinket was privy to the young Emperor’s intentions, and that Kang Xi was reluctant to confront the Satrap, or to provoke him by willingly accepting his resignation. He therefore interpreted Trinket’s shake of the head to mean, ‘I want you to speak out against accepting the resignation.’ Which is exactly what he proceeded to do.’Satrap Wu and his associates are experienced and skilful generals,’ Songgotu began. ‘Supposing Your Majesty were to accept their resignations, and by so doing offend them. Suppose they were to raise the standard of rebellion in the five southern provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Fujian. Suppose other provinces were to join them. We would have an extremely difficult situation on our hands. My advice is this. Wu and Shang are already advanced in years. Let them die, and with them the rest of the older generation of their generals. Then, with them out of the way, we can make a move to retrieve control of the South.’

Kang Xi gave a wry smile.’Just the sort of cautious line I would have expected you to take.’Songgotu chose to take this as a compliment.The Grand Chancellor Tuhai offered his words of counsel next, among which was the observation that if the Emperor were to allow Wu and his associates to ‘retire’ and move to the North, together with their substantial body of troops, he would then be obliged to station fresh troops of his own down in the barbarous regions of the South; and in view of the fact that the dialects spoken by the common people of Fujian and Guangdong were totally outlandish and incomprehensible to the Manchu ear, these new troops would undoubtedly have great trouble communicating, which would lead to serious misunderstanding between the Emperor and the subjects he loved so dearly-etcetera, etcetera.Trinket was beginning to panic. He knew (from their previous conversation in the Library) that Kang Xi had set his mind on accepting the ‘resignations’ and on calling Wu’s bluff; but his counsellors were too cowardly, not one of them was willing to support such a bold and decisive course of action. And he himself was much too junior and inexperienced to dare to speak out.

Kang Xi turned next to the Manchu nobleman Mingju, Minister of the Board of War, and one of the up’and’coming statesmen of the time.’What do you think, Mingju’ This falls under your department.’ ‘Majesty, I hold your wisdom in these matters in the deepest respect’ replied Mingju. ‘I have myself given a great deal of thought to this question of whether or not to accept the so’called resignation of the Three Feudatory Warlords of the South. I can see both sides. It is an extraordinarily hard decision-‘ Trinket held his breath. ‘For several nights’ continued Mingju, ‘I have been unable to sleep. Then last night, I suddenly realized something fundamental, something that finally set my mind at rest, and enabled me to have a good night’s sleep at last.’ ‘Well go on’ Trinket muttered silently to himself. ‘Let’s hear it!’ ‘What I realized’ continued the unruffled Mingju, ‘was this. Your Majesty, in His great wisdom, has considered every aspect of this affair with penetrating vision. Nothing that we, Your humble ministers, may think or say can possibly compare with Your Majesty’s far’seeing judgement in this matter. All we have to do is to obey, all we have to do is to serve, to put at the disposal of Your Majesty’s plans-whatever they may be-our last drop of life’s blood, our last ounce of courage, and victory will be assured, all will indeed be for the best in the best of all possible worlds . . .’

‘Phew!’ thought Trinket to himself. ‘At last someone in this pathetic gaggle of old geezers has actually got things right! And boy, does this dude know how to lick the Emperor’s dragon’arse! I could do with a few lessons from him myself. He’ll go a long way, this one! Excellent kungfu!’

Kang Xi, meanwhile, was smiling at Mingju’s little speech. ‘I asked for your opinion, Lord Mingju; I asked for a plan, not a hero party.’ Mingju kowtowed. ‘Majesty, my words were no exaggerated praise. They were a true statement of fact. At the Board of War, my colleagues and I have been aware for some time now of rumblings in the South. I have personally been racking my brains to come up with a plan of action that would enable Your Majesty to deal with the problem smoothly and swiftly. But now I realize that I have been thinking incorrectly. My most basic assumptions have been wrong. You are the one who understands. You are the Son of Heaven, you are the earthly embodiment of the Star of Wisdom. Your orders are for us to obey. This is a most simple truth that has finally dawned on me with blinding clarity, Your Majesty!’

The other statesmen were secretly spitting at Mingju for a shameless sycophant, but none dared to contradict him.Kang Xi turned to Trinket.’Lord Wei, you have been down to Yunnan in person. Tell us what you think. How should we deal with this problem?’

‘Your Majesty’ replied Trinket, ‘there is one thing I remember very clearly from my trip to Yunnan. I remember the Satrap saying to me’ “If anything should happen, don’t you worry, you can only rise higher …” I asked him at the time what he meant by anything happening, and he just said that I would know soon enough when the time arrived. Your Majesty, if there’s one thing I know for dead certain, it’s that the Satrap is planning to rise up against you. There’s no question about it. That’s the thing that’s going to happen, I know it is. It’s only a matter of time. He’s probably got his own Dragon Robe all ready and hanging on a peg, waiting to put on when he sits on the throne. He sees himself as the Savage Tiger, and you as the Helpless Little Bird. I know he does. He more or less said so.’

Kang Xi frowned.’What do you mean?’Trinket promptly performed a series of kowtows.’Majesty, Satrap Wu said a lot of unrepeatable things-”Come, come.. . There’s no harm in repeating them. After all, it wasn’t you that said them.”Very well, Majesty. The Satrap has what he calls his Three Treasures. He told me all about them. And he said to me, that however much he loves his Three Treasures, there’s something about them that makes him unhappy.’Kang Xi looked utterly bewildered by this. Trinket continued”The first of his Treasures is a huge ruby the size of a pigeon’s egg. It’s deep red, a true chicken’s blood colour. He’s got it mounted on the very top of his favourite hat. He said to me, “This is a fine ruby, isn’t it’ Pity the hat isn’t something bigger. . .”‘Kang Xi gave an audible ‘humph’. The assembled statesmen glanced nervously around. It was clear to them all that by something bigger Satrap Wu meant ‘an Imperial crown’.

Trinket continued.’The second of his Treasures is a white tiger skin with black stripes. In all my time here in the Palace, Majesty, I’ve never seen anything like it. The Satrap told me that this kind of tiger is very, very rare. So rare that it may only be seen once in a hundred years. The Founding Emperors of the Song and Ming dynasties each saw one; the Emperors Cao Cao and Liu Bei each saw one, in the time of the Three Kingdoms. The Satrap had this tiger skin spread on his big chair, and he said to me’ “Splendid skin, isn’t it’ Pity the chair isn’t something bigger. . .”‘ Kang Xi nodded. He was secretly chuckling to himself, and deriving a great deal of amusement from this fanfaronade of Trinket’s, which he knew perfectly well had been made up for the occasion, purely to show Satrap Wu in an unfavourable light. It was a typical piece of Trinketry, he thought to himself, to have made the mistake of calling Cao Cao an emperor. Anyone who had actually read the book of The Three Kingdoms (as opposed to gleaning bits here and there from storytellers and operas, as Trinket had) would have known that the famous General Cao Cao died well before he could found his own dynasty. It was his son who was the first to sit on the Wei Throne. This was precisely the sort of Trinketian carelessness that betrayed the whole performance.

Meanwhile Trinket was still in full swing’ ‘The third of his Treasures is a screen made of mottled marble from Dali in Yunnan. The natural pattern of the stone looks just like a landscape, and in the foreground you can see a cute little bird, an oriole, perched on the branch of a tree, with a great tiger crouching beneath it. The Satrap said to me with a sigh’ “This screen is a true treasure, isn’t it’ But I always feel there’s something not quite right about it. The Bird is perched above the Tiger, and not the other way round . . .”‘

Kang Xi registered a mild protest, and reminded Trinket that all of this was no more than a figure of speech. It proved nothing. At no point had the Satrap actually mentioned rebellion. ‘Your Majesty is too generous. I only wish the Satrap was the sort of man to appreciate Your Majesty’s kindness. I wish he was capable of showing himself worthy of it in any way. I’m afraid all he is capable of doing is bribing everyone to say flattering things about him. He’s done it with every nobleman in Peking. He even tried doing it with me. See . . .’ This was the moment for Trinket to produce his trump card. He took an embroidered bag from inside his gown, and held it high in the air so that the characters embroidered on it in red silk were clearly legible-they read ‘Satrap of the West’. Then he emptied its contents on the floor for everyone to see’ pearls, priceless gems of every kind, jewelry inlaid with turquoise, pieces of jade-a dazzling heap of every imaginable kind of precious stone. Some of them had in fact been given to him by the Satrap; others were bribes given him by a number of different individuals. In the circumstances, no one there could possibly distinguish the one category from the other.

Kang Xi smiled.’Quite a little haul you picked up in Kunming!”I should like to present all of this to Your Majesty, for you to distribute as you see fit.’Kang Xi chuckled.’Come! These things are yours, they were given to you by the Satrap in person. How could I possibly give them away to anybody else.”He gave them to me because he wanted me to lie to Your Majesty, to say all sorts of good things about him, so that you would play his game and refuse to accept his offer of resignation. But I am Your Majesty’s loyal subject, I can only speak the truth. I could never tell you a lie, not for a thousand bags of jewels as big as that one! Keep it all. Anything that belongs to the Satrap belongs by rights to Your Majesty.’

Kang Xi laughed.’Well, my loyal and trusty subject, I agree to redistribute these precious trinkets on your behalf! I hereby give them-to you!’As he said this Kang Xi reached inside his gown and produced a little solid gold timepiece with a Western spring mechanism- the sort of gadget he had always been fond of collecting from his Jesuit advisers.’And here’s a little Western “trinket” of mine to add to your collection.’Trinket promptly kowtowed, took a few steps forward, and accepted the gold watch.

This protracted exchange between the Emperor and his favourite was enough to make Kang Xi’s real wishes abundantly clear to his assembled counsellors (which had, of course, been Trinket’s plan all along). They were no fools. All of them had (over the years) received substantial bribes from the Satrap, and many of those bribes had reached them via Trinket himself. If this information were to be placed before the Emperor now, the best they could hope for would be deportation; the worst they could fear was decapitation. As for Trinket’s performance (the ‘ThreeTreasures’, and all that stuff about ‘anything happening’), they saw through that at once as the fabrication of a child. Supposing the Satrap had been planning an immediate uprising against the Manchu Throne, he would hardly have chosen to give hints of his plans to the Emperor’s juvenile envoy. But that wasn’t the main point. Now that Trinket had said all this, no one would dream of contradicting him. They would be extremely foolish to even think of doing so.

Mingju was the first to respond. ‘Young Colonel Wei has demonstrated for us all his extraordinary strategic and diplomatic acumen, and I think we are all indebted to him for having insinuated himself so effectively into the Satrap’s inner sanctum, and for having extracted such vital information, information which is indeed of the first import in our present deliberations today.’ He was at it again. Trinket stifled a yawn as Mingju continued’ ‘We must congratulate Your Majesty on the great insight You exhibited, in selecting Colonel Wei to undertake his mission to Yunnan. Now we know what wicked intentions truly lie concealed within the Satrap’s breast!’ Mingju had skilfuEy re’positioned himself on the winning (that is to say, the Emperor’s) side of the debate, and simultaneously provided most of his colleagues with a way out, while reiterating the Satrap’s criminal intent. There was an almost audible ripple of relief in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Songgotu and Prince Kang (long’time friends of Trinket’s) lost no time in giving their support to this new consensus, and before long everyone in the assembly was speaking emphatically in favour of accepting the Satrap’s ‘resignation’ (where minutes before they had been unanimous in opposing it). There was now even talk of confiscating the Satrap’s property, and the faces of one or two present lit up at the thought of the spoils that might come their way if they were put in charge of that particular assignment. But their premature excitement cooled considerably when they remembered who it was they would be dealing with. The Satrap was still (by the reckoning of some) the most powerful man in China. You might well find that before you actually succeeded in confiscating a stick of his, he had taken steps to confiscate, sequestrate, and separate your head from your shoulders.

Kang Xi let them talk for a while amongst themselves, and then he spoke: ‘Very well. We are (此词不清) evil course of action. But as yet we have no tangible proof. We must be cautious. What we have said here today must go no further than these walls. We must give him a chance to see the error of his ways.’Kang Xi produced a scroll of yellow paper and handed it to Lord Batai.This is my Edict concerning this matter. Pray read it out loud.’This Batai did, interjecting at appropriate intervals exclamations of wonder at the elegance and force of the Emperor’s prose, which emulated that of the great prose masters of the Tang and Song dynasties. He went on to invoke the names of several of these masters’ Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Ouyang Xiu, and Su Dongpo. The drift of the Edict was simple’ His Majesty was pleased to accord to his loyal subject Wu Sangui the right to retire to the North in his old age and enjoy the fruits of a lifetime’s loyal service.The assembly was fulsome in its praise of the Edict, Tuhai drawing attention to the Emperor’s generosity in offering to provide the Satrap with a residence in the Capital, thereby relieving him of the bother and expense of building himself a mansion of his own.

Kang Xi commented”It is my sincere hope that Wu will accept this offer of mine, and that my people will be spared the consequences of a conflict. I shall select two senior ministers to convey this Edict to him personally in Yunnan. They must be men capable of being very persuasive.’All eyes turned automatically to Trinket. He felt extremely uncomfortable. After all, he reasoned with himself, his previous visit to Yunnan had nearly ended in catastrophe. If he were to try his luck again, and this time as the bearer of an Edict, which for all its elegance was quite clearly a challenge, why, he would be asking to have his head chopped off. But then again, if he went, he might have a chance to see Green. . . But then again, on reflection, even the prospect of that pleasure did not cancel out the undesirability of losing his head. . .

Mingju observed that Trinket’s face had turned somewhat pale, and correctly deduced that he was not an enthusiastic candidate for this assignment.’Your Majesty,’ he declared, ‘undoubtedly the person in many ways most qualified for such an important task would be ColonelWei. Unfortunately, his deep’seated hostility towards Satrap Wu disqualifies him in this instance. He might find himself, out of loyalty to Your Majesty, incapable of mollifying this villain’s evil intentions. Instead I propose that Your Majesty send Jerken, Chief Secretary at the Board of Rites, and Senior Academician Darli. Both are men of great culture and refinement, and would I am sure acquit themselves admirably in this task.’ Kang Xi was only too pleased to go along with this proposal. Now that the whole thing was settled, the ministers felt a sense of great futility about their earlier reluctance to take a firmer stand against Satrap Wu. Clearly, appeasement had never been the Emperor’s intention; his mind had been made up from the very beginning. He had even come to the meeting with an Edict already prepared. Most of them managed to get in a few concluding remarks about the Satrap’s unforgivable treason, before they were all dismissed and the audience was declared closed. Kang Xi’s parting remarks were: ‘Do not be too hasty in your condemnation of the Satrap. We must judge by facts, and by facts alone.’ As the members of his Council of State withdrew, he gestured to Trinket to follow him into the inner apartments located behind the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

An Unusual Friendship

When they reached the Imperial Garden, Kang Xi turned to Trinket with a smile’ Thank heavens for you! If you hadn’t tipped all those jewels on the floor, the old buffers would still be in there saying nice things about Satrap Wu!’ The truth is, Your Majesty, that all you needed to do was come out and say that you thought it best to accept the resignations, and they would all have fallen into line. They were none of them prepared to stick their necks out.’ Kang Xi nodded. They’re not bad. Just terribly cautious. Sometimes one has to act. If we let the Satrap make all the moves, we don’t stand a chance. We need to call his bluff, throw him off course a little.’ ‘I couldn’t agree more,’ chipped in Trinket. ‘It’s like gambling. You can’t let the Satrap be banker all the time!’ ‘Exactly! Well, the die is cast now, my friend! Let’s just hope it all turns out for the best. Old Wu could be a formidable opponent. And if a large number of Chinese decide to rally to his side, and take a stand against me, the going could get really rough!’

Trinket knew only too well that there were genuine grounds for these fears of Kang Xi’s. Wherever he’d travelled, he’d heard the Chinese reviling the Manchus. There was little love lost there. And for every Manchu there were hundreds of Chinese. If they were to take Wu Sangui’s side, they would be unstoppable. The only hope for the Manchus lay in the fact that however much the Chinese hated them, they hated Wu even more.’You can set your mind at ease, Majesty. The Chinese will never side with Wu. They hate him too much. The only people he can count one are his own cronies.’

Kang Xi nodded.’I know that what you say is true. After all, it was Wu who brought the Ming Pretender, Prince Gui, back from Burma and put him to death. He may claim to be a Chinese fighting the Manchus; but after what he has done, he can never claim to stand for the restoration of the House of Ming.’After a moment’s thought he added”I’ve got an idea. I shall send a delegation of Princes to the tomb of the last Ming Emperor, Chong Zhen, north of Peking, on the anniversary of his death. I’ll give orders for them to make offerings at his grave. That may help me to win over the hearts of my Chinese subjects, and cause them to hate Satrap Wu all the more.’That is an excellent idea, Your Majesty,’ commented Trinket. The sooner the better in fact, or Wu may have already started his rebellion.’Kang Xi walked up and down the paths of his garden.Trinket, since you came to the Palace, I’ve kept you very busy. I’ve sent you to the Wutai Mountains, I’ve sent you to Yunnan, to Snake Island, to Liaodong Province, and you’ve only just come back from Russia. Well, this time I’ve thought of a much nicer place to send you. It’ll do you good to have a change of scene.”You know that for me the best place of all is when I’m near you, Majesty. I just like to hear the sound of your voice, I like to see you smile. That’s what makes me happy. And I mean it. I’m not trying to flatter you.’

Kang Xi nodded. ‘I believe you. I feel the same way myself. I feel happy when I see you. All that time when you were away and no one knew what had happened to you, and we all thought you were drowned, I felt so wretched. I should never have sent you on such a dangerous mission in the first place. I felt damned bad about it.’ Trinket was genuinely moved by these words of Kang Xi’s. ‘I just… I wish I could stay with you for the rest of my life.’ There was an unmistakable lump in his throat. ‘Very well. I shall rule as Emperor of China for sixty years, and you shall be my Chief Minister of State for sixty years.’ The Emperor rarely talked to one of his subjects in this way. But the friendship between these two young men was most unusual. ‘Laurie,’ said Kang Xi, reverting without thinking to his old name for Trinket, ‘I’ll tell you what I’ve got in mind for this new mission. I’m planning to send you to Yangzhou. To your old home. It can be your splendid home’coming. What do you say?’ Trinket was not quite sure what ‘splendid home’coming’ meant exactly. Kang Xi continued’ ‘Just think, you can show off in front of all your friends and relations. We can even arrange for your family to receive special honours for the occasion’ your mother, your father . ..’ Trinket was looking a little sheepish. ‘What’s the matter’ Don’t you want to go?’ ‘Yes, of course I want to go. It’s just that . . . well, I don’t actually know who my real father is.’

Kang Xi stared at Trinket for a moment. He too had a somewhat strange relationship with his own father, he reflected. After all, the old man, who was officially supposed to be dead, was a hermit living incognito on Mount Wutai. He felt he almost knew how Trinket must feel. He patted him on the shoulder and spoke a few words of consolation. ‘When you get to Yangzhou, you can make a few enquiries. You never know, you might strike lucky. You may end up happily reunited with your father after all. And Laurie, on this trip, your duties will be very light. I want you to go to Yangzhou to build a temple in honour of the Martyrs who died during the Massacre.’ Kang Xi was referring to the terrible Ten Days of Yangzhou’ and the Three Butcherings of Jiading’, in which the occupying Manchu troops had massacred so many inhabitants of Yangzhou and the nearby city of Jiading. Kang Xi himself felt a great sense of remorse for these atrocities (even though they were committed by his forbears well before he was born).’I know all about that,’ said Trinket. ‘Even ten years after the killings, people were still finding skeletons down wells, and in the riverbed. But neither of us were alive then. It wasn’t our doing.”In a way you’re right,’ replied Kang Xi. But the men who did it were my ancestors. So in another way it is to do with me. Have you heard about a man called Shi Kefa?’

‘Who hasn’t!’ replied Trinket. ‘He was the great general who died defending Yangzhou. When I was a boy, the old folk of Yangzhou used to break down in tears if they so much as mentioned his name. There was even a stone tablet in his honour in the courtyard of our . . . our home.”It’s martyrs like him whose memory lives on. People still feel love for them long after their death. Incidentally, tell me, Laurie, whereabouts in Yangzhou exactly was your home?’Trinket flushed.’Majesty, it’s nothing to be proud of, I’m afraid. As a matter of fact, I was brought up in a whore’house. My folks ran one of the best places in Yangzhou, a place called Vernal Delights.’Kang Xi smiled. He was thinking to himself”I’ve always known you were a street’urchin. But I’m touched that you finally felt able to tell me the whole truth.’Actually Trinket’s version was a somewhat inflated version of the truth. His mother didn’t run Vernal Delights. She wasn’t anything as grand as a Madame. She was simply one of the many whores who worked there.

Kang Xi proceeded.’You are to be the official bearer of my Edict in Yangzhou. I intend to honour Shi Kefa as a selfless martyr and a loyal minister. A great man, in short. Our Manchu Imperial House sets great store by the virtues of selflessness and loyalty; we decry treason and rebellion. I wish to raise a memorial to Shi Kefa and all the other loyal ministers who died with him, fighting to protect the city of Yangzhou. And I intend to set aside three hundred thousand taels of silver to succour those in need among Yangzhou’s citizenry, and among the needy of the city of Jiading, which also suffered so terribly. And I shall exempt them from paying taxes for a period of three years.’ Trinket heaved a great sigh. ‘Your compassion and generosity are boundless, Majesty! For this, I must kowtow to you in all sincerity.’ Which he proceeded to do. Kang Xi laughed. ‘You mean, none of your previous kowtows were performed in sincerity?’ Trinket smiled. ‘Sometimes they were, and sometimes they weren’t.’ Kang Xi laughed out loud. He was thinking to himself’ ‘Ninety’nine out of a hundred kowtows are performed without the slightest sincerity of feeling. But Trinket is the only person who’d ever dare to admit to it.’

‘Seriously, Majesty, if you build this temple and lower their taxes, the people of Yangzhou will love you.’ Kang Xi nodded. ‘I know. Another thing-on your way down to Yangzhou, there’s an additional assignment I have for you. Do you remember those bandits you once encountered on Mount Wangwu, in Henan’ The ones who were working for the Satrap?’ It had been a while since Trinket’s encounter with Situ Bolei’s men, and the fair Zeng Rou, but Kang Xi’s words brought the episode back vividly. He especially remembered the Imperial scolding he had received for allowing himself to be distracted on his way to Yunnan with Princess Ning.

‘At the time, I was displeased with you for getting involved with them as you did. You see, the Satrap has spies everywhere’ a showdown with the Wang Wu Clan at that time would have alerted old Wu, and could have precipitated his uprising. At that stage we were simply not prepared for him. We had neither the necessary troops nor the necessary information. As Master Sun says in The Art of War. “Know yourself, know your enemy, and victory will always be yours.”‘ He continued’ ‘But now things are different. I don’t feel comfortable with that little nest of Wang Wu traitors so close to the Capital. So I want you to wipe them out. You can take five thousand men, and a detachment of cavalry. The Wang Wu people are between one and two thousand strong, and that includes a large number of women and children, and old folk. Don’t believe the exaggerated reports of their numbers. I have excellent information on this. You should have no trouble. Think about it and report back to me in a couple of days.’

A Small Favour














Having agreed to Kang Xi’s ‘additional assignment’, Trinket proceeded to make ready for the expedition, and selected a lieutenant’colonel by the name of Zhao Liangdong as second in command of his force.While all the necessary preparations were taking place, Trinket received an invitation from Wu Yingxiong, the Little Traitor, Satrap Wu’s unfortunately mutilated son, whose marriage with the spirited Princess Ning had by now been technically ‘celebrated’. Wu wished to ‘thank’ Lord Wei formally for having served as a go’between in his marriage. The couple were now living in a large princely mansion in the Capital, and Trinket made his way there, unable to resist the thought of the substantial new inflow of gifts that must be in the offing.Young Wu came out to greet him at the main gate, accompanied by several members of his staff. Wu introduced his men to Trinket, and they all sat around in the Prince’s reception hall for a while making perfunctory conversation. One of his serving’men came in to announce that the Princess would be pleased if her husband were to bring Lord Wei in to see her.

Trinket blushed fiercely. He was completely taken aback by this unexpected development, remembering only too clearly the passionate relationship he’d had with Young Wu’s tempestuous bride, and their frequent bouts of torrid love’making on the long journey down to Yunnan. This might prove to be a tricky encounter. But Wu insisted, and excusing himself from the other company, led the way through towards her private quarters.They had not yet reached their destination, and were passing through a side’room, when Wu suddenly closed the door behind him and looked at Trinket with a very serious expression.’Lord Wei,’ he began, ‘I have a very special favour to ask of you.’

Trinket blushed again, thinking to himself’ ‘Sorry mate, just because she sliced your thing off and you can’t perform your duties as a husband, that doesn’t mean to say that yours truly can step into the breach (so to speak)’ there’s really nothing I can do to help you . . .’ What he actually managed to say was’ ‘I’m not sure . . . It’s really rather tricky . . .’ ‘Look’ replied Wu, ‘do this for me, and Father will be indebted to you for ever!’ Trinket looked a trifle nonplussed. ‘What’s your old dad got to do with this?’ he was thinking. ‘Oh, I see, the old boy wants grandchildren, and you can’t oblige. That figures.’ ‘And it will make the Princess so happy!’ Wu blurted out. ‘Hrn’ reflected Trinket. ‘If I know anything about her, I’d say that was more than likely.’ ‘You’re the only person I can turn to!’ Wu’s plea was sounding more and more urgent. ‘I know it’s a dashed difficult thing to ask of anyone-‘ ‘A trifle unusual perhaps,’ was the extent of Trinket’s silent agreement. ‘I wouldn’t say difficult exacdy. I think I know more or less what’s involved.’ Then a major drawback occurred to him’ if he did go ahead with Young Wu’s request and father the Princess’ children, later on, when it came to exterminating the Satrap’s entire family (which was now official Imperial policy), this would have to include Trinket’s own children, the fruit of his own loins (and all that kind of thing). Then again, he could probably persuade the Emperor to make an exception in the case of die Princess, who was in fact part of his Imperial family too. Perhaps die thing was do’able after all. Memories of pleasant hours spent wrestling in bed with the tomboy Princess came drifting back.

Young Wu was studying Trinket’s face’ he could not decipher what was going on in his mind. He stepped forward nervously and whispered in his ear’ This whole business about His Majesty accepting my fadier’s resignation-and the new Imperial Edict-hasn’t reached Yunnan yet. There’s still time I know you can do it! You’re the only one the Emperor listens to. Speak to him! Make him change his mind, I beg you! Persuade him to send an express messenger and cancel the whole thing-and I promise you, you’ll not regret it! I’ll make it worth your while . . .’ Trinket stared at him in utter astonishment. ‘You mean that’s it!’ was all he could say. ‘Why, yes! It’s the only thing that matters right now! You’re our only hope.’ ‘What a scream!’ Trinket was thinking. ‘I was on completely the wrong track.’ He suddenly burst out laughing.

Wu seemed very put out. ‘Please tell me what the joke is, Lord Wei. Have I said something wrong?’ ‘Oh no, not at all’ returned Trinket casually. ‘I suddenly thought of something funny that had absolutely nothing to do with what you were talking about.’ Wu looked more than a little crestfallen. ‘Go on’ he muttered bitterly to himself, ‘make a fool of me now! Crow for all you’re worth! But when my father gets started and mows down everything between Yunnan and Peking, I’ll have you thrown into chains, you dirty rat, and sliced into little pieces like you deserve!’ ‘Your Highness’ said Trinket, ‘be assured, first thing tomorrow I will raise this matter with His Majesty.’ ‘I should be most obliged’ said Wu, and led the way on.

You Little Monster!

A maid emerged from the Princess’ chamber, and asked Trinket and Young Wu to come forward and wait in a side’room. A few minutes later, there she was, her brash, loud, inimitable self.’So! Where has my little Laurie been all this time’ Come here at once!’Trinket dropped politely to one knee, and greeted her pleasantly.’I missed you so much, Princess. But His Majesty sent me on a long mission, all the way to Russia in fact, and I have only just returned.”Missed me so much, did you’ Pooh!’Her eyes were already red; now they produced a great flood of tears.The Princess looked haggard and drawn. Married life was clearly taking its toll on her. Poor girl, Trinket reflected, stuck with her eunuch of a husband. He suddenly found himself feeling very sorry for her. He rose to his feet. ‘His Majesty misses you a great deal’ he began, rather feebly. ‘In fact, he’s planning to invite you to the Palace in a few days, for a reunion.’ (He made a mental note that he’d better remember to let Kang Xi know of this when he next saw him.)

The Princess brightened up the minute she heard this. She stood up. ‘Laurie, I’ve not seen you for absolutely ages! How you’ve grown! They tell me you had a lover in Russia. Did you?’ Trinket laughed. ‘Of course n-‘ Before he could finish, he felt his cheek stinging. The Princess was back in form, and had given him a sharp slap in the face. He let out a cry and jumped in the air. ‘How dare you lie to me?’ cried the Princess. She was all poised for a second slap. But Trinket succeeded in side’stepping this one. The Princess turned to her husband, who was still there lurking in the background. ‘I want to see Laurie in private. Go on, get out.’

Wu smiled sheepishly and took his leave, only too relieved not to have to witness his wife humiliating the Imperial favourite. As soon as he was out of the room, the Princess took hold of Trinket’s ear and gave it a nasty little tweak. ‘You little monster! You forgot all about me, didn’t you!’ She carried on tweaking, harder and harder. Trinket howled with pain. ‘No! It’s the truth! I’ve come specially to see you-‘ The Princess landed him a vicious kick in the groin. ‘You good’for’nothing!’ she cried. ‘I’ve a good mind to hack you into pieces! You’d never have come to see me if I hadn’t sent for you-not in ten years, and you know it!’ Trinket took a quick look round to make sure there was no one else in the room. Then he wrapped his arms around the Princess, and gave her a quick cuddle. ‘Stop making such a scene!’ he whispered in her ear. ‘Wait till we have a moment together in the Palace. We can “chat” properly then.’

She flushed. ‘Chat about what? About your Russian doll?!’ She gave him a sharp poke on the forehead. Trinket took both her hands in his’ ‘I think I’ll try a move on you,’ he said. Two Dragons Wrestling for the Pearl.’ She spat in his face, and struggled free. ‘If we do anything here,’ said Trinket, ‘I’m afraid your Princely Lord and Master might get suspicious … Seriously, let’s keep it for when we meet in the Palace.’ The Princess blushed fiercely. ‘Do what here’ What is there he could possibly get suspicious about?’ She gave him one of her crafty, irresistible, seductive glances, and then said, half laughing’ ‘Go on! Out of my sight, you little monster!’

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