The Deer And The Cauldron 41


The Deer And The Cauldron 41
第四十一回 渔阳鼓动天方醉 督亢图穷悔已迟


Chapter 25

In which the Strange Gui Trio, and Iron Hand the Lady Warrior, are introduced; and an Assassination Attempt has Vnpredicted Results

News of the War-Strange Companions-Spinning Tops and Playing Tag-Kungfu Pedigrees-Evil is its own Reward- Living Legends-Dead Man’s Head-Of Murder and Assassination-Capital Deliberations-Trinket the Calligrapher-Serious Consequences of a Light Poke-Kang Xi confronts the Old Whore-What Fun!-The Truth will Out-I don’t know where to go!-Escape Plans A, B, & , C-Plan C in Action


News of the War



The following day, Trinket set off for Peking, with Prefect Wu and the Old Whore and an escort of guards. They made haste on their journey, eager to obey the Emperor’s urgent summons.En route they had the latest news of the Satrap’s rebellion. The Military Commander of Yunnan Province, Zhang Guogui, and the Governor of Guizhou, Cao Shenji, along with his military counterpart, General Li Benshen, had all of them surrendered to the Satrap’s advancing forces. The Governor of Yunnan had committed suicide, as had the Viceroy of the Twin Provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou, Gan Wenkun. Things looked very bleak for the Imperial cause.Trinket reached the province of Shandong, and there the local officials read out to him the Emperor’s most recent proclamation, which had been published in the Peking Gazette. In it Kang Xi denounced the Satrap’s treason and his base ingratitude to an Imperial Throne that had done nothing but shower him with honours all his life. He urged all his true subjects to remain loyal to the Throne. If anyone could capture the Satrap, that man himself would be granted the Satrap’s full title, Prince of the West. This idea appealed greatly to Trinket. His Triad friends, while having no desire to strike a blow for the Manchu cause by capturing Satrap Wu, reflected that if their Lodge Master were to be made Prince of the West, they would themselves be in a stronger position to launch a rebellion of their own from the South-West.

Trinket gave orders for his party to proceed with all haste to the Capital. The sooner they reached Peking, the sooner he could take part in the growing conflict, and the less chance there was that someone else would earn this reward and become Prince of the West.

Strange Companions

They had reached the town of Xianghe, some fifty miles southeast of Peking, when Trinket handed over command of the expeditionary force to his deputy, Colonel Zhang Yong, with orders to proceed straight to Peking and to await him there, taking special care to keep the Fake’Empress Dowager closely confined. He himself led a small contingent, consisting of Doublet and the Triads, with the still heavily bound Prefect Wu, and went off in a south’westerly direction, towards the ‘haunted house’ in which the widows of the Zhuang Family lived. He intended to fulfil his promise to Doublet, and to hand over Prefect Wu to Widow Zhuang herself.

That evening they all put up at an inn, some ten miles short of the Zhuang mansion. They had all by this time changed out of their military clothes, to avoid attracting undue attention. They had also (for the same reason) untied Prefect Wu, virtually immobilizing him instead, and rendering him incapable of speech, by a deft manipulation of the relevant Vital Points. They sat down to dinner at two tables. Doublet sat at a separate table with Wu (who was shunned by the others), keeping a close watch over him. As they were eating their food, a squad or a dozen or so Imperial troops arrived, and started noisily demanding food and drink. The innkeeper hurried to clear tables, slaughter fowl, and wait on them.

No sooner had these soldiers sat down to their meal than the sound of horses and rumbling carriage wheels was heard, and another group of travellers entered the inn. The first two were sturdy young men. They were followed by a strange, consumptive’looking man of middle years, short and skinny, with sunken cheeks and prominent cheek’bones, and a sallow, completely bloodless complexion. There was something strange, almost sinister about his manner. Every few steps he took he halted and coughed. Behind him there entered an elderly couple. They must have been well into their eighties. The old man was also of slight build, but hale and hearty, with a long flowing white beard and a ruddy face. The old woman by his side was somewhat taller than he was, an upright figure with lively, piercing eyes. Last of all came two women in their twenties. Of the group of seven, it was the consumptive who was by far the most lavishly dressed, quite the well’to’do gentleman. The two young men and women were clearly servants of some sort. As for the elderly couple, they were dressed in plain, nondescript black clothing, and it was hard to place them. It was the old lady who spoke first.

‘Nurse Ma, pour the Young Master a bowl of hot water, so he can take his medicine.’One of the women’servants produced a porcelain bowl from a basket she was carrying, and filled it with hot water from a kettle provided by the inn. She warmed the bowl, then poured out half the water and placed the half’full bowl in front of the ‘Young Master’ (who was not really so very young). The old lady took out a little porcelain bottle from inside her gown, removed the stopper, and extracted a small red pill. She went over and placed the pill on the Young Master’s tongue, at the same time pouring the hot water gently into his mouth. When he had swallowed the pill, he took several short breaths, and was seized with a coughing fit. The old couple watched him anxiously. They heaved a sigh of relief when his breathing steadied and he stopped coughing.

He seemed irritated, and frowned. ‘Mum, dad, stop looking at me like that! I’m not dead yet.’ The old man humphed and looked away. The old lady smiled’ ‘Of course not, dear. I’m sure you have a long and happy life ahead of you.’ Trinket was watching this little drama with considerable interest. ‘A long life my foot!’ he observed silently. ‘That little runt will be lucky to survive the next couple of days-he’s a goner, if ever I saw one! They can feed him the Jade Emperor’s Most Miraculous Elixir ten times a day, it won’t make a bit of difference! So the two old ones are his mum and dad. … I’d say they’d spoilt him rotten since the day he was born.’ ‘Nurse Zhang! Nurse Ma!’ It was the old woman’s voice again. ‘Go and heat up the Young Master’s ginseng broth, and bring him his food.’

The two serving’women went off to the kitchen to do her bidding, each carrying a basket. Meanwhile, the corporal in deputy command of the squad of Imperial soldiers was busy chatting to the innkeeper, and enquiring how far it was to Peking. ‘Another ten miles march or so,’ said the innkeeper obligingly. ‘You’ll come to a small town, with a reasonable tavern. You could lodge the night there, and then you should be in Peking by the following afternoon-‘ ‘We won’t be lodging in a tavern!’ exclaimed the corporal. ‘We’re on urgent military business. We’ll be marching right through the night, most probably. We’ve to carry an important military dispatch to the Capital. The news is that Satrap Wu has already fought his way through to Hunan Province! I tell you, this war is going to be a long haul-four or five years most likely. You should be pleased, though-it’ll be good for your line of business!’

‘Good for my line of business my arse!’ thought the innkeeper bitterly to himself. ‘With the likes of you for customers I’ll be broke in less than a year. I know you lot! You eat and drink me out of house and home, then go marching off and toss me a few coppers to keep me happy! Good for business, hah!’ Trinket and his Triad friends were shocked to hear that the Satrap had made such swift inroads into central China, and was already as far north as Hunan. Butcher Qian went over to the corporal to try and find out more. ‘Excuse me, sir, but I thought I heard you talking just now about Satrap Wu’s army having advanced into Hunan. I’m a Changsha man myself, and I’ve still got family there. I was wondering if you had any more detailed news?’

The corporal was flattered to be addressed as sir and proceeded to give Qian a fuller account of the state of the rebellion”I don’t know much about Changsha. All I know is, one of the Satrap’s generals by the name of Ma Bao has moved his troops into Hunan from Guizhou; and the town of Yuanzhou, in southern Hunan, has fallen to the rebel forces. Three of the Satrap’s other generals are leading a three’pronged attack from Yunnan eastwards, while another of his top commanders, Wang Pingfan, is attacking from Sichuan. The Satrap’s forces are carrying everything before them. People are fleeing left, right, and centre.’Qian’s face looked serious.

That sounds pretty bad, sir! But the Emperor’s troops are sure to defeat Wu in the long run, wouldn’t you say?’That’s what everyone thought. But Yuanzhou fell after a single skirmish. The Satrap is going to be a tough one to beat, that’s what I’d say.’Qian brought his hands together in a polite gesture of thanks, and went back to sit with his friends. The Triads had very mixed feelings about this news. Some of them could imagine nothing worse than a victory for the Satrap, such was their hatred for him as the arch traitor to the Ming cause. But some almost wanted him to do well, to fight his way up to Peking and have a showdown with the Manchu forces. According to these people it would help their own cause to see both sides-the Satrap’s and the Emperor’s- weakened by such a conflict.The soldiers gobbled down their food and rose to leave.Thanks for the meal, my friend!’ the corporal called out to the innkeeper as they were going. ‘Fair exchange for the good news we brought you, don’t you think! Excellent for business this war will be!’The innkeeper smiled bleakly.’Indeed! Of course, gentlemen, everything’s on the house ….’

The soldiers made their way to the door. As the corporal passed by the table where the consumptive was sitting with his elderly parents, he suddenly felt a hand at his throat.’Hey, you! What’s this dispatch’ Show me.’The corporal was a strongly built fellow, but he found himself literally crumpling up in the consumptive’s grip.’What the hell! Tamardy! Let go of me will you-‘ He struggled till he was bright red in the face, but was totally overpowered by the Invalid, who had used his right hand to rip open the corporal’s jacket and help himself to the document concealed within it. Then with his left hand he pushed him effortlessly away. The soldier went hurtling past two tables, sending large amounts of crockery crashing to the ground. The other members of his squad rushed to their officer’s aid, but were themselves soon overpowered by the Invalid and his two retainers, who laid them low with deadly use of fist and foot. The Invalid then proceeded to tear open the document and read it. The corporal’s face was white with horror at this breach of security. ‘You . .. you can’t do that! That’s for the Emperor’s eyes only! This is treason!’

The Invalid continued to read, and then said’ ‘Interesting. The Governor of Hunan wants reinforcements against the Prince of the West. Huh! Fat lot of use that will be! A million men won’t stand a chance against him.’ Here he started coughing again. The Prince will simply wipe them out!’ He crumpled the document into a ball and squeezed it in the palm of his hand. When he opened the palm, a hundred tiny scraps of paper flew swirling around the room. The Triads were amazed at this effortless display of Inner Force by a man who looked as if he was at death’s door. When the corporal finally managed to drag himself to his feet and advanced on the Invalid, he was knocked to the floor again with a simple sweep of the man’s hand, and found himself lying there helpless and barely able to breathe. The other soldiers were now in no mood or state to come to his aid. The Invalid just sat there, as if nothing had happened. One of the two nurses now brought him his hot ginseng broth, and his old mother blew on it and fed him with great care, as if she was feeding a child.

‘Weird!’ muttered Apothecary Xu, echoing exactly the sentiments of the other Triads. ‘I think we ought to be going.’ They settled their bill, and went on their way. Spinning Tops and Playing Tag As they went they discussed the strange Invalid. The way he ripped open that soldier’s shirt’ commented Xu. The sheer force! Most unusual!’ ‘And the way he pushed him away afterwards,’ went on Father Obscurus. ‘So casual, but lethal!’They all agreed that the best way of dealing with this strange character was to keep as far as possible out of his way. They had been able to deduce (from the way he had used the title ‘Prince of the West’) that he was on the side of the Satrap, and therefore an enemy. But none of them had the stomach to pick a fight with the strange family Trio. This was a sobering (and somewhat shaming) realization for the Triads, and they continued on their way in silence for a while.

The silence was suddenly broken by the sound of clattering hooves. There were two horses galloping up behind them. The road they were on was a small country lane leading to the Zhuang Family manor, and it was too narrow for two horses to pass. Feng Jizhong and Doublet pulled their horses off the road, but the others just stayed where they were.When they turned, they saw that the riders were the Invalid’s two retainers. So much for keeping out of his way.’Halt there!’ one of them cried. ‘Our master would like to speak with you!’The way he said this was not exactly rude. But it implied clearly that the only important person in the world was their master. The Brothers were none too happy about this.That won’t be possible,’ replied Father Obscurus gruffly. ‘We have an important engagement, and cannot wait. Besides, we have never even met this master of yours.’Those were my master’s orders,’ replied the retainer. ‘I think it would be extremely advisable for you to wait for him here.’

This was sounding more and more like a threat.’Isn’t your master one of Satrap Wu’s men?’ asked Butcher Qian.’My master is nobody’s man!’ replied the retainer haughtily.At that moment they heard the rumbling of wheels, and a large carriage came into view. The retainer turned his horse around and went up to greet his master. The Triads waited where they were, conscious that a swift departure would now be interpreted as cowardice.One of the nurses was inside the carriage. She opened the curtain, and they could see the Invalid seated within. His aged parents were riding on the rear of the carriage. Invalid gave Trinket and his entourage a piercing look.’What have you done to that man?’ He was pointing at Prefect Wu. ‘Who are you, anyway?’ he continued. ‘And where are you going?’ He spoke briefly and sharply, and in the tone of a man who was not used to being trifled with.

‘And who would you be?’ replied Father Obscurus. ‘I don’t believe we are acquainted. I’d ask you to mind your own business. “River water never mingles with water from the well?’ as the saying goes.’ Invalid humphed. ‘Answer my question. It’s no business of yours who I am!’ Father Obscurus was starting to get angry. ‘And what business is it of yours who we are or what we do’ As for you, we can tell, from the way you keep referring to that vile traitor Satrap Wu as the Prince, that you are one of his men. Take my advice’ the fragile state you’re in, you’d be best off at home in bed with a nice warm drink. You might catch cold out here and cough yourself to death!’

The other Brothers burst out laughing. But not for long. The next instant there was a loud smacking sound and a flashing movement, and Obscurus had received a stinging blow to his left cheek, followed by a chop to the left of his ribcage, which threw him violently from his horse. It all happened with the speed of lightning, and it was only when Obscurus was already on the ground that his Triad brethren were able to see that the person responsible for the attack was the Invalid’s aged mother. She had struck with the palms of both her hands. She now steadied herself where she stood on the ground, then leapt back onto the carriage with the same lightning speed. Meanwhile Invalid had changed places with one of the nurses who had been sitting on the coachman’s seat, lifting her bodily with his left hand, and placing her inside the carriage.

Butcher Qian launched into the attack, aiming at him with both palms. Invalid punched out with his left fist at the edges of both of Qian’s palms. The impact made no sound, but Qian felt a devastating force surge through his entire frame, and was sent spinning away, totally out of control. Two backward somersaults later he tried to steady himself and stand upright again, only to find himself giving way at the knees. In a desperate attempt not to fall down on his knees directly before his adversary, thereby disgracing himself and his Brothers utterly, Qian managed to flip himself backwards again, and to land facing in the other direction.



Next it was Brother Feng Jizhong’s turn to enter the fray. He was literally repulsed by a single flick of the middle finger of Invalid’s right hand. One by one, the consumptive (who had by now jumped down on to the ground) took them all on, and by dint of flicking, jabbing, and pulling he soon had five Triad brethren whirling around like so many spinning tops. There was nothing they could do. Invalid was from time to time seized with a fit of coughing, but he was invincible. The minute one of his human tops began to slow down, he would set him spinning again, like a child spinning coins on a table. He seemed to be having great fun.Trinket watched aghast. Doublet was standing in front of him, loyally protecting her master.Time for a Number Thirty’Six’ muttered the valiant Trinket (the famous Thirty’Sixth Strategy’ when all else fails, beat a hasty retreat).’We should head straight for the Zhuang manor’ suggested Doublet. Trinket agreed, and they prepared to set off, with the incapacitated Prefect Wu still in tow.

Meanwhile Invalid was still spinning his tops and enjoying himself enormously. His aged parents smiled as they watched their ‘boy’ at play, and the four servants stood to the side, applauding their master.Prefect Wu saw that this might be his last chance to escape from his dire predicament. He struggled free of Doublet and hobbled towards the Invalid. Trinket panicked. What if Wu were to divulge the truth to this weird but formidable adversary’ Quickly grabbing Wu’s jaw with his left hand, he squeezed his mouth open, reached into his boot for his lethal dagger, and sliced off the front half of his tongue. Wu passed out in agony.For a moment Doublet thought that Trinket had actually killed him.’Come, Master, let’s hurry!’ she cried, and the two of them ran off, leaving Wu behind.

They had gone less than half a mile when they heard the sound of horses in hot pursuit behind them. Trinket spied a rocky hillock off to the left, and he and Doublet left the road and ran up the boulder’strewn slope. It was Invalid and one of his retainers who had followed them on horseback. Their horses could not negotiate the boulders, however, and they both halted.’You two children!’ called out the retainer, dismounting. ‘Don’t be afraid! Come down! My master wants to play with you!’ ‘Oh no!’ muttered Trinket. ‘Not the spinning’top game. I don’t think so.’ He scrambled faster than ever up the hill. The retainer came relentlessly after him, but Trinket and Doublet were quick on their feet, and he was unable to catch up with them. ‘What fun!’ cried Invalid. ‘I love Tag!’ He too dismounted and scrambled coughing up the hillside. Trinket meanwhile, thanks to a dodging tactic taught him by the White Nun (one of the Hundred Flights), was managing to elude the retainer. Doublet grabbed the man from behind (he had not reckoned on her having such strength), and succeeded in dislocating his elbow. Invalid was jumping from boulder to boulder, and soon landed in front of Doublet. One sweep of his left hand and Doublet’s hat went flying into the air. Her long hair now blew loose in the wind.

‘Look! It’s a girl!’ cried Invalid, laughing gleefully. He reached out and grabbed her by the hair. She retorted with a double elbow reverse jab, the move known as Double Whirling Dragon. ‘Excellent!’ cried the Invalid. With his left hand, he swept through the air again and, seizing both of her hands, pinned them behind her back. Next he wrapped her long hair around her wrists, and tied them in a tight knot. Then he burst out laughing. ‘What fun!’ Doublet was distraught. ‘Master!’ she cried. ‘Get away while you can!’ Invalid poked her in the small of the back, and closed one of her points. ‘He’ll never get away!’ he laughed, and dropping her to the ground, went in pursuit of Trinket, who was still scrambling around in the rocks. He continued to evade Invalid, using the same tactics taught him by the White Nun. ‘You’re excellent at Tag!’ laughed Invalid. But by now Trinket was out of breath. He knew he could not last much longer. ‘You’ll never catch me!’ he bluffed. Til catch you first!’

And he pounced on Invalid, who laughed, and slipped out of Trinket’s grasp. He began running around haphazardly on the rocky hillside. Trinket had begun to figure him out a little by now. He was, without any doubt, an extraordinarily gifted fighter, but evidently had some kind of mental handicap-though he must have been forty years old at the least, he seemed to have the mental age of a nine’year’old. He was devilishly quick on the stony ground, leaping around from rock to rock, popping up suddenly in places where Trinket least expected him to be. Trinket was both surprised and impressed.’I’ll catch you soon, never you worry!’ he cried. Invalid seemed to find this threat unbearably funny. He burst out in a fit of childish gibberish that left him coughing uncontrollably.’Now I’ll get you!’ cried Trinket, and made to pounce on him. Just at that moment he heard a voice calling in the distance. It was the old mother. She sounded very angry with Trinket.’You horrid boy! Making my son cough like that!’

And next thing a pebble came whistling through the air and struck Trinket (who failed to duck out the way in time) right on the ankle.’Seize him!’ cried the old lady, and the other retainer ran forward and took hold of both Trinket and Doublet, dragging them over to where she stood. Invalid was chuckling loudly and clapping his hands.’Silly baby!’ (More coughing.) ‘Baby! Big baboon! Useless baboon!’Trinket was both taken aback and angry at this latest turn of events. His Triad Brothers were all bound by now, and roped together in a line. One of the nurses was leading them along by one end of the rope. Prefect Wu was the last in line. They all walked with their heads hung and eyes closed, almost as if they were unconscious or in some kind of trance.’Tell me,’ asked the old lady, ‘where did this girl, the one dressed up as a man, learn to dislocate elbows like that’ And you, young man, where did you learn the Hundred Flights’ And who are you anyway?’

Trinket reflected for a moment before answering this last question. ‘I’ll never get the better of these weirdos by ordinary means. Perhaps I’d better try something a bit different. Like pretending to be a friend of the Satrap’s. That might just work. That might save my skin. . . .’ As these thoughts were passing through his mind, he caught sight of Prefect Wu, and had an inspiration. ‘If you really want to know, my name is Wu’ he replied at last. ‘I’m from Yangzhou, actually. Hot popping momma! When my uncle’s armies fight their way through to Peking, you’d better watch out, because he’s Prince of the West you know! And if Uncle thinks you’ve been treating me badly-‘ The three of them-Invalid and his old parents-exchanged a startled glance. ‘You’re lying!’ exclaimed Invalid. ‘How could someone like you be the Prince’s nephew?’ ‘I’m most certainly not lying!’ protested Trinket. ‘Go ahead- if you don’t believe me, test me. Ask me anything you like about the Prince. If I get a single answer wrong, cut my head off!’

‘Very well then’ what does the Prince treasure more than anything else in the whole world?’ ‘You mean people, or things?’ replied Trinket. ‘If you mean people, then that’s easy’ the Peerless Consort, Chen Yuanyuan, the most beautiful woman that ever-‘ He was off. ‘Of course not peopled snapped Invalid. ‘His possessions?’ ‘Certainly! I can tell you that,’ replied Trinket confidently. And he proceeded to list the Satrap’s Three Treasures’ his white tiger skin, his big ruby the size of a chicken’s egg, and his marble screen with the tiger’skin markings. The Invalid was not just impressed by this evidence of inside knowledge, he was actually tickled by it and laughed out loud. ‘Well done! You really do know, don’t you! What fun!’ And as he said that, he flung open the lapel of his gown, to reveal a beautiful white tiger’skin lining-with black markings on a white background, to be precise. ‘How . . . how did you manage to steal that?’ gasped Trinket. ‘Steal it’ The Prince gave it to me,’ replied the Invalid.



Gradually Trinket continued to build up a convincing new identity as the Satrap’s nephew. He dropped the names of several of Wu’s generals (names he remembered only too well from his eventful stay in Kunming), and struck home with a carefully chosen anecdote about the curative properties of the tiger skin (most especially effective for coughs and colds). The Peerless Consort, when she caught a chill, had been privileged to borrow it for a mere three days, and had ‘witnessed its miraculous effects. Needless to say, this story appealed particularly to Invalid’s parents, who were delighted to learn that their son was actually wearing such a potent cough remedy.Trinket also displayed intimate knowledge of the Satrap’s son, Wu Yingxiong. (He was especially careful not to use his own favourite name for the man-the Little Traitor.) And he claimed a close acquaintance with Wu’s new wife, the Princess Ning (though how close that acquaintance really was, he chose not to specify). The Trio were by now almost inclined to believe Trinket, and the old man untied the Triad brethren and opened their various points. One of the nurses untied Doublet’s hair. But Trinket still wanted to give the Trio a final, clinching piece of proof. Just as the old couple were beginning to look doubtful again, it came to him. Ofcourse!He was thinking, needless to say, of the fake letter ‘from Satrap Wu’ that his friends and fellow Resistance fighters Gu Yanwu and Zha Yihuang had concocted to incriminate Prefect Wu. It would be perfect for his present needs!’I know’ he said, smiling inwardly. ‘There is one thing I could show you, since after all you’re working for my uncle. I’ve got a letter from him-it’s highly confidential of course, but I think I can trust you.’

It worked. The old man read the letter through from beginning to end. The evening was drawing on, and the light was beginning to fail, but what he read finally convinced him that Trinket was indeed the nephew of the Prince of the West. He made a mental note, as he read, that the Prince was perhaps not as dedicated to the cause of the Ming Restoration as he would like people to believe. This seemed more like the letter of a man ambitious to take the throne for himself, and to found his own dynasty-not to put a Ming Pretender on the throne. Perhaps he deserved his nickname the Satrap after all.He hastened to apologize to Trinket for having treated him so disrespectfully. Trinket dismissed the matter as a mere trifle. After all, at the time the gentleman had not known his true identity.Meanwhile the Triads were one by one regaining full consciousness, and were dumbfounded to hear their Lodge Master claiming the Satrap as his uncle. But then, he’d done stranger things in the past, they remembered. No doubt he had some cunning plan.

Night was now falling in earnest, and a cold wind had arisen. Invalid started coughing again. ‘May I be so bold as to ask your names?’ ventured Trinket. This time the old man answered directly. ‘We are the Gui Family.’ He glanced at his son. ‘It is getting late. We had better find somewhere suitable for him to pass the night.’ Trinket suggested that they should all proceed together, since he knew of a place where they could stay. The old lady mounted the same horse as her son, sitting behind him and wrapping her arms around him. Kungfu Pedigrees It was not long before they arrived at the Zhuang manor. One of them went ahead and knocked at the door. It was quite some time before finally an aged half’deaf crone answered. She seemed extremely vague, and muttered something about there being no gentlemen in the house. Invalid was not in the least deterred by this. There are now!’ he exclaimed. He laughed and strode on into the hall, pushing the old lady aside as he did so. His parents immediately sent off the two nurses to prepare his meal.

Old Gui was still not entirely convinced by Trinket’s tale. He started asking questions about the ‘real’ Prefect Wu, whose face was a sorry sight, blood dribbling from his mouth. Trinket passed Wu off as a Manchu official he had met on the way, whose tongue he had been obliged to cut out, to prevent him betraying any of the Satrap’s-er, the Prince’s-secrets. Wu, still in agony, was incapable of contradicting Trinket’s story. When Old Gui went on to question the origins of Trinket’s kungfu, things looked tricky for a moment. Trinket did not want to risk revealing the identity of any of his Shifus. So he came up with a new one for the occasion, the Tibetan Grand Lama Sangge (he knew Sangge had links with the Satrap, and it was therefore likely that Old Gui would know about him). The Reverend Sangge was good enough to teach me one or two moves. He also instructed my young maid. But I am ashamed to say I never really learned them properly. I was no match for your son. What strength he has! What excellent kungfu!’

Mother Gui was always pleased to hear anyone speak in optimistic terms of her son’s health. At that very moment Invalid was slumped in a chair, looking like death warmed up. She looked at him and smiled. But she was still sceptical about Trinket’s kungfu pedigree.’What you did just now was typical Iron Sword kungfu. I’d know it anywhere. How could the Lama have possibly taught you that?’She obviously knew what she was talking about. The White Nun, who had taught Trinket the Hundred Flights, was indeed a leading exponent of Iron Sword kungfu. Luckily for him, the old man seemed to have worked out another possible lineage’There was an Iron Sword Master called Perfect Jade who once spent a lot of time in Tibet. It was most probably he who passed on the Iron Sword secrets to the Tibetans.”And what about the girl’s kungfu?’ The old lady was still far from satisfied. ‘You’re not going to tell me she learned hers from the Tibetan too’ I hardly think so.’

She and the old man both shook their heads. There was clearly something they had recognized in Doublet’s style of fighting. Their doubts were interrupted by another fit of coughing from Invalid. Mother Gui hurried over to rub his back, and presently the nurses came in with his ginseng broth and with bowls of tea, which they offered round to Apothecary Xu and the others.Old Gui drank his tea, and was about to question Doublet further, when he noticed that she had already slipped out of the room. Suddenly he stood up, and spoke to the two nurses”Where did you get the water from, for the tea?”From the kitchen,’ they hastened to answer. ‘It was quite clean. We both looked carefully.’Even as they said this, there was a thud, and the two Gui retainers passed out and fell to the ground. Old Lady Gui was on her feet now, wobbling unsteadily, and holding her hand to her head.The tea! It’s been drugged!’

The Triads had not tasted their tea, but they too (having exchanged meaningful glances) suddenly slumped to the floor, knocking bowls all over the place. Trinket too uttered a cry, and did likewise, closing both his eyes. Invalid gave a feeble cry. His head tilted to one side, and he lost consciousness. Old Gui had drunk the tea, but he was able, through a series of deep breathing exercises, to control the movement of the drug, so that it did not circulate within his body. ‘Quickly’ he said to the two nurses, who had themselves drunk nothing. ‘Fetch two bowls of cold water.’ They hurried out. There’s something very strange about this house,’ muttered the old lady, as she bent down to take hold of the sword belonging to one of her retainers. She grew dizzy and collapsed on the ground. Old Gui had taken hold of a chair with his left hand, and was standing there, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths, tottering slightly from side to side.

From his prostrate position on the floor, Trinket opened his eyes a slit. He saw Doublet coming into the room, accompanied by a large number of women in white. Old Gui spotted them at the same moment and summoned up a last spurt of energy, propelling himself at one of the women, chopping at her with a flashing movement of his palm, and sending her flying into a chair. This was the cue for the Triads to leap up from the ground (where they were busy pretending to be drugged) and pounce on him. But he was already unconscious. In a matter of seconds, Apothecary Xu closed a few points, and had the three Guis immobilized, to make doubly sure. Trinket now jumped to his feet, and laughed loudly. Then he turned to one of the woman in white, and bowed respectfully, ‘Greetings, Widow Zhuang!’

Evil is its own Reward

The lady in white returned Trinket’s salutation. ‘How can we ever express our gratitude to you for delivering our enemy into our hands like this! For giving us this opportunity for vengeance and justice! Please come with me. I would like you to meet our Shifu.’ She took Trinket by the hand and led him towards a lady dressed in a yellow tunic who was busy massaging the back of the unfortunate woman recently hurled across the room by Old Gui. The woman was still moaning in pain and spitting out mouthfuls of blood. ‘Don’t worry!’ said the woman in the yellow tunic, smiling gently and speaking in a soft, tender voice.

She was no youngster, reflected Trinket as he looked at her. But she had the voice of a young girl. She wore a little band of gold on her head, and was barefoot. Her hair was grey, and her face, although her cheeks were soft and white, was heavily wrinkled around the eyes. It was almost impossible to guess her age. From the hair one would say well over sixty; from the cheeks, about thirty. In any case, thought Trinket, if she’s Widow Zhuang’s Shifu, I should kowtow to her. Which he did.Trinket bows to Elder Sister Madam!’She clearly found this mode of address highly amusing. Trinket hastened to explain.’I called you that because if you are Widow Zhuang’s Shifu, I should call you Madam; but on the other hand, if I’d heard your voice on its own, without seeing you, I’d have thought you were my little sister.’

Yellow Tunic laughed out loud.’What a funny little fellow you are! You certainly have the gift of the gab! No wonder you talked round my own Shifu’s brother’in’arms, Old Gui!’Trinket and his friends looked at her in utter amazement.’You mean . . .’ began Trinket incredulously. ‘You mean that this old gentleman here is your Shifu’s brother’in’arms?’That’s what I said. It’s forty years since I last saw him. At first I did not even recognize him. But the moment I saw him in action, I knew it was him! No one else can do that move the way he does. It’s deadly-Snow on the Mountain Passes of Qin!’

Trinket reflected that whatever Old Gui’s kungfu lineage was, the Gui Trio were going to be impossible to deal with once they came round. He would have to bind them as a precaution.These three are working for the Satrap’ he declared, and gave orders for them to be bound. The Triads were only too glad to oblige, having just recently been so tormented and humiliated. Being a Spinning’Top was not something they wanted to experience again.’Working for the Satrap?’ said Lady Yellow Tunic. The Guis’ I find that hard to believe. How did you run into them anyway?’Trinket told her the story, giving a vivid description of Invalid Gui’s strange (but invincible) kungfu.’It was my own Shifu who saved the boy’s life in the first place’ said Yellow Tunic. ‘He is his parents’ pride and joy.’She looked at the unconscious form of Old Gui. ‘The old man was always so upright, so just. If he really has joined forces with the Satrap, my Shifu would certainly be most disappointed.’ She spoke of her Shifu with a mixture of awe and fear. Meanwhile one of the women in white came up to Widow Zhuang. ‘Ma’am, now that we have the Great Enemy in our hands, let us go into the shrine and make an offering to the souls of the departed.’ ‘Very well,’ replied Widow Zhuang.

They all proceeded deeper into the manor, dragging Prefect Wu with them. When they reached the shrine, they forced him to his knees. Widow Zhuang took a book down from the altar and held it out before Wu. ‘Do you recognize this book?’ If there was one book that Wu Zhirong knew by heart, it was this’ An Epitome of Ming History, by Zhuang Tinglong, the book responsible for his own meteoric rise within the ranks of the mandarinate. He nodded.

The Widow continued’ ‘Now look at these Spirit Tablets. Tell me if you recognize the names.’ Wu looked up at the row of tablets above the altar and all around the candle’lit shrine. There were more than a hundred all told. They were all of them men who had been put to death several years earlier, as a result of the Ming History Inquisition. It was Wu Zhirong who had instigated the witch’hunt. He had been responsible for the death of every one of them’ Zhuang Tinglong, the blind nominal author-(although he had already died by the time of the Inquisition, his corpse had been taken out of its coffin and gibbeted); Zhuang Yuncheng (the author’s father); Li Lingxi (the Vice’President of the Board of Rites, who had written the book’s Preface’ he had been subjected to the Slow Process-death by slicing); Cheng Weifan (the well’meaning Yamen secretary, another case of the Slow Process); Li Huan and Wang Zhaozhen (petty officials in the Prefect of Huzhou’s Yamen); and so on. As Wu began reading the names, he had a horrible sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Blood was still dribbling from the stump of his amputated tongue. He was already two’thirds dead. He felt his whole body begin to tremble beneath him.

The Widow spoke again’ ‘These are all men that you destroyed, for the sake of your own wealth and glory. Some died in prison, after long days and weeks of torture. Some were sliced to death, slowly and painfully, by a thousand cuts. We too would have died, or spent the rest of our days in slavery, if our Shifu had not saved us. Today your turn has come. Today you will die. We will not be as cruel as you were. But justice must be done. It would be too easy for you if one of us were to do the deed. You are to take your life with your own hand.’ And so saying, she released his points, restoring the power of movement necessary for this final act, and tossed him a sword. Wu picked up the sword. He was trembling violently. He lacked the courage to do what he had to do. Suddenly he turned, and made a desperate dash for the door of the shrine. It was a futile gesture. Before he had taken a single step, a dozen white’clad figures had converged to block his path. He uttered a hoarse cry, and stumbled to the ground. There he writhed around for a moment. And then he lay still.

Widow Zhuang went up and felt his body. He was no longer breathing. His face was covered in blood. His eyes were staring wide. He was a terrifying sight. ‘Evil has had its own reward. This wicked man has finally met his death.’ She knelt before the altar. ‘Spirits of the departed! You have been avenged! May your souls know peace!’ All the women threw themselves face down on the ground, and began howling. Trinket and his Triad friends all bowed before the altar. Yellow Tunic stood motionless and silent to one side, a slight frown on her fair brow. After a lengthy spell of lamentation, the women kowtowed before Trinket and thanked him for what he had done. Not only had he killed Oboi, the Manchu who had initiated the investigation leading to their husbands’ deaths. He had also brought them Wu. The women proceeded to dismantle the altar and the shrine, and committed the tablets to the flames.

Living Legends



Lady Yellow Tunic now took Trinket and his friends back out to the hall, where the Gui Trio were still lying unconscious. Havingdiscovered that the old man was the brother’in’arms of Yellow Tunic’s Shifu, Trinket felt somewhat ashamed at having used drugs to lay him low. ‘If I’d known who he was, I’d never have done such a thing!’ he protested. ‘If you’d known who he was’ Why, you obviously still have no idea. This man is a living legend. He is known far and wide as one of the greatest fighters of all time. His full name is Gui Xinshu, and he has always been known as the Matchless Knight. Those paltry drugs you tried on him would have affected him about as much as a sprinkling of pepper in his soup!’

‘What do you mean?’ ‘I mean, do you really think an old veteran like Gui, a living legend of the kungfu world, would have fallen for something like that’ Common or garden whore’house opiate’ That stuff you were using may be all right on young girls. But on Matchless’ To put him out required something a little more serious, I can assure you.’ Trinket knew at once that it was she who had added this ‘something more serious’, a more powerful ingredient to make his amateurish potion so effective. She denied this fiercely. But he knew it was true. He knelt before her and begged her to accept him as her disciple. She laughed, and reaching out she took hold of him by the chin. As she did so, Trinket felt something hard and cold. He looked down, and had the shock of his life. At the end of her right arm was not a hand, but a shining black metal hook. She smiled. ‘Look carefully.’ With her left hand she pulled back the sleeve, to reveal a snow’white right arm, as far as the wrist. And then there was the black hook. ‘If you really want to be my disciple,’ she said, ‘you must do the same thing yourself.’

This ‘Lady Yellow Tunic’ was in fact known as Lady Iron Hand. She was the famed guru of the Five Poisons Sect, who had later herself become the disciple of Yuan Chengzhi, the legendary Master of the Mount Hua School of kungfu. With the downfall of the Ming, she had followed Yuan to his island exile. She had been on a secret mission on the mainland when she had run into the Zhuang widows, on their way into captivity and slavery in Manchuria. She had saved them, and it was also she who had taught them a certain amount of kungfu. On this present occasion she had encountered Doublet in the kitchen, as she was putting some of Trinket’s ‘whorehouse opiate’ in the tea. Enquiring as to the situation, without ascertaining the exact identity of the opponents they were dealing with, she had realized that their kungfu was far too advanced for such a cheap trick, and so had added something much more potent of her own (she had not been a Five Poisons guru for nothing).Trinket was not so sure about the idea of cutting off his right hand.

She laughed.’Don’t you worry. There’s no need for you to be my disciple. And anyway, I don’t have time to teach you; though I do have something I’d like to give you. There’s absolutely no call for you to go knocking your head on the ground and calling me Elder Sister Shifu!”But I like it!’ protested Trinket. ‘Even if you won’t be my Shifu, I’d still like to call you Big Sister! You’re so pretty! Big sis! Big sis!’He was almost as bad as Invalid.She let out a peal of laughter. She belonged to the Miao mountain people of the south’west, and had none of the typical Chinese inhibitions about such things. She just liked being called pretty, and found Trinket’s way of talking entertaining.’Go on, say it again!”Big sis! Big sis!”You’re a cheeky little boy, aren’t you!’

She grabbed his neck from behind with her left hand, lifted him off the ground, and dangled him over to her left side. Suddenly he heard a series of spluttering sounds and three of the candles on the table directly in front of him went out. Then, from the wooden partition wall opposite, he heard a series of puttering sounds, like heavy drops of rain falling rapidly one after the other.’Go and have a look,’ she said, releasing him. He took one of the candles that was still alight, and walked up to the wall. He could see twenty or thirty glistening steel darts embedded in it.’How on earth did you do that’ You didn’t even move!’ he cried in amazement. ‘No one could ever dodge something as fast as that!”The only person who could was my Shifu. We fought each other once-it was before I became his disciple. Luckily I never killed him.’There was a strange note in her voice. Trinket looked at her.’I think you were in love with that Shifu of yours? ‘ he ventured.

She flushed very slightly. ‘Nonsense! If his lady were to hear you say that, she’d cut your tongue out!’ There was so much that Trinket did not know. For example, it was not her Shifu, the handsome Yuan Chengzhi, that Lady Iron Hand had really been in love with. It was his lady, the woman warrior who dressed as a man. But that is part of another story.* Lady Iron Hand seemed momentarily flushed by memories of the passion of her youth. She took a pair of finger’sheaths from her pocket and slipped them onto the thumb and first finger of her left hand. Then she carefully removed the darts from the wall, and extracted a small metal casket attached to a metal hoop inside her gown. It had rows of tiny little holes in its lid. She replaced the darts one by one.

Trinket took one look at the casket and clapped his hands. ‘I see how it works! There’s a spring, and all you have to do is release the spring and the darts fly straight out from inside your gown. It’s so clever!’ ‘You must be very careful when you use these’ she said undoing his gown and attaching the hoop. She showed him how to release the spring. She also explained to him how to make the poison with which the darts were tipped, and how to make the antidote. ‘There are enough darts in here for five strikes’ she said. ‘Then you have to replenish the supply, and tip them with fresh poison.’ The poison was not fatal, she explained. It merely rendered the opponent powerless. But he should use them sparingly none the less. Trinket nodded instantly, and knelt once again to express his gratitude.

Dead Man’s Head

‘You can sit the Gui family up now’ said Lady Iron Hand, and herself left the room. Trinket propped up Old Gui on a chair, and went over to Invalid. As he hauled him up from the ground, he felt something large and round, like a big gourd, protruding from under his gown. Opening the gown, he saw a large leather sack. Trinket was curious as to its contents, and he loosened the leather thongs and looked inside.’Aiya!’ he cried in horror. ‘A dead man’s head! And . . . and he’s staring right at me! Yikes! Listen to me, Dead Man’s Head, if I take you out, will you promise not to bite me?’

* The reader can pursue these characters in the author’s earlier novel, The Bloodstained Sword.

The head had once belonged to Beggar Wu, the undercover Triad general from Guangdong. Of that there was no doubt. Trinket began howling. The Triad Brothers heard him, and came hurrying into the room. Their first reaction was to think that Lady Iron Hand had killed him. Then Doublet arrived. Trinket took her by the hand.’Doublet, sweet Doublet, this is your sworn brother, General Wu! He was killed by this creature! I found the head inside his gown!’So saying, he rushed over to the slumped, still unconscious form of Invalid Gui, and gave him a few hefty kicks. Apothecary Xu examined the severed head more closely. The blood had clearly been dry for some time, and the head had been carefully preserved with lime. Doublet stroked it and began wailing pitifully.’Throw some cold water on this vile thing and wake him up!’ demanded Brother Li. ‘We must get to the bottom of this. We must kill him, and avenge our Brother’s death!’Unanimous agreement was expressed by the other Triads.

Doublet went off to fetch some water, which they threw in Invalid Gui’s face. He sneezed a few times, and slowly opened his eyes. He tried to move, only to discover that he had been both bound and immobilized.’Who’s playing tricks!’ he exclaimed angrily.Father Obscurus nudged his face with the point of his sword.’My grandfather has’ he muttered threateningly. ‘What have you got to say about this?’ He pointed at Wu’s head.’I did it!’ declared Invalid. ‘Where are my mum and dad?’He looked around and saw that the old couple were also bound and helpless. He almost burst out crying. Suddenly he seemed very afraid and alone, like a spoilt child in real trouble for the first time. Apothecary Xu gave him a good box on the ears. ‘Why did you kill this man’ Come on, speak up, and tell the truth, or I’ll poke both your eyes out!’ He held the tip of his sword a millimetre from Invalid’s right eyeball. Invalid was terrified and started coughing uncontrollably. ‘I … I … Don’t poke my eyes out! Don’t! Then I won’t be able to see! It was the Prince. He said the Emperor was a bad, bad man. He took away our land. I ought to kill him!’

So far, so good, as far as the Triads were concerned. ‘But why did you have to kill this man?’ asked Brother Li, pointing to Beggar Wu’s severed head. The Prince told me he was a very bad man. He was working for the Emperor, and we had to get rid of him. The Prince gave me medicine for my cough. He gave me the tiger skin. My mum said I was to do it. She said that man was a traitor. He was a good fighter though. It took all three of us to kill him. Now let me loose. And let my mum and dad loose too. We’ve got to go to Peking now and kill the Emperor. It’s particularly important.’ ‘We should kill all three of them!’ cried Trinket. But at that very moment they heard voices crying outside. ‘Come out! We have come to avenge Brother Wu!’ The Brothers within were surprised and delighted. After exchanging a coded password, they ascertained that these men were also Triads. They identified their own Lodge, and were waiting for the new arrivals to identify themselves in like manner, when the door of the hall was thrown open and in strode the tall, dashing figure of the Helmsman, Chen Jinnan. Of Murder and Assassination ‘Shifu!’ Trinket rushed forward and fell to his knees.

‘Greetings!’ replied Chen Jinnan. He was about to say more, when he saw the severed head on the table. He hurried over and stood there holding the edge of the table with both hands. Tears began to surge down his cheeks. His escort included Mao Chaoxing, Lodge Master of the Clan Lodge of Guangxi Province, and Gu Zhizhong, Lodge Master of the Red Fire Lodge of Guizhou Province, and several Brothers from the Obedience Lodge of Guangdong Province (to which Beggar Wu had been affiliated as Red Banner Master). When they saw Invalid Gui sitting there, their hands moved angrily to their sword’hilts. Invalid took one look at them, burst out in a coughing fit, and lost consciousness again.

They soon discovered that there were also in the newly arrived group Triad brethren from Lodges in the provinces of Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, and Anhui. Most of them were still outside mounting guard on the manor. Trinket proposed once more that they should execute the Gui Trio on the spot, but the Helmsman insisted on bringing them round first and questioning them thoroughly. Doublet obliged with another bucket of cold water, and brought round the old couple and their son for the second time.No sooner was she conscious than the old lady started complaining loudly about the ‘lowdown dirty trick’ that had been played on them-putting drugs in their tea. The old man said nothing for the time being. The Helmsman proceeded to grill them. At first the old lady refused to answer his questions. But Trinket held his dagger to Invalid’s throat (producing a little trickle of blood).’Mum’ Trinket wailed, and then started imitating to perfection one of Invalid’s coughing fits. ‘Mum! I’m going to die. Any minute now!’ (cough, cough) ‘I’m going to die of a bad case of the head’chop, mum.’ (cough, cough) ‘A bad dose of the throat’cut, mum.’ (cough, cough) ‘A terrible attack of minced meat, mum.’ (cough, cough) ‘It won’t be any fun at all!’ Trinket had always been a brilliant (and merciless) mimic, and this was one of his best performances. It sent a shiver down Old Lady Gui’s spine. ‘Stop doing that at once!’ she cried.

Trinket was relentless.’Mum!’ he continued. ‘You must tell them everything, or else-‘ (cough, cough)’-or else I’ll go down with split’open’the tummy syndrome.’ (cough, cough) ‘Or maybe guts’spilled’all’over’the’floor’itis.’As he did this he lifted up Invalid’s shirt, and poked his dagger into his skinny chest. The old lady could hold out no longer.’Very well! I’ll tell you who we are. We belong to the Mount Hua School. Before you were even born, my lord Sir Gui-Gui Xinshu-was renowned throughout the land as the Matchless Knight.’ When he heard these words, the Helmsman seemed deeply impressed. For years there had been no news of the famed Martial Arts adept Gui Xinshu. If this was truly he, there must be a lot to explain. He stepped forward and bowed respectfully to the old man. ‘So you are the Matchless Knight! Chen Jinnan presents his humble respects!’ He loosed Old Gui’s bonds, and opened his points, massaging him gently but firmly in the small of the back. Then he loosed the bonds of the other two.

The old man opened their points, a great deal more quickly and expertly (it must be said) than Chen had done his. He glanced at the crowd around him, and spotted the figure of Doublet. She was the one whose style of kungfu he had recognized earlier as belonging to his own lineage. Doublet’s eyes met his piercing gaze, and she shrank fearfully behind Trinket. ‘Come over here, young girl,’ said the old man. ‘Tell me, do you belong to the Mount Hua School?’


‘What Mount Hua School?’ cried Doublet nervously. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about! I just want to avenge the death of my sworn brother, General Wu!’ The truth about Doublet’s kungfu lineage was as follows’ when Lady Iron Hand had helped Widow Zhuang to escape, she had taught both her and her entourage (including her young maid Doublet) certain kungfu skills. She had never taken them on as true disciples, however, and had certainly never mentioned her own lineage, or her connection with the legendary Mount Hua Master, Yuan Chengzhi. So of course, the old man’s words meant nothing to Doublet. ‘If there are any of Old Master Shen’s disciples present,’ the old man called out, ‘let them come forward now!’ There was total silence. But the name Shen elicited an immediate response from the Helmsman. ‘Sir,’ he commented, respectfully, but pointedly. ‘Old Master Shen is indeed known to me. He is a great fighter, and a leading teacher of the Mount Hua School. What is more, he was chosen at the Hejianfu Congress as the President of our League for the Eradication of Traitors. And the principal goal of that League was Yet you, sir, a fighter of the same lineage as Old Master (缺) Brother-in-arms, apparently claim to be working for the Satrap, and take pride in the fact that you have killed one of our best and bravest warriors, General Wu Liuqi, known among his Triad Brothers as Beggar Wu. There is much here that I do not understand.’

Gradually, as the two men talked, it all became clear. The old Gui couple had been well and truly deceived by the Satrap, who had not only convinced them of the patriotic nature of his own uprising against the Manchus, but had also cast Beggar Wu in the light of a Manchu stooge, thereby justifying his assassination. When they learned of the terrible mistake they had made, that they had in fact put to death a hero, one of the key figures of the Resistance that they themselves held so dear, the old couple were so genuinely devastated that their first reaction was to attempt to take their own lives. It was only an extremely fast move on the part of the Helmsman that saved them. He himself sustained a serious injury in the process (a deadly chop from Old Lady Gui), and begancoughing up blood.The old lady fell to the ground before the severed head ofBeggar Wu.’Since we seem fated still to live, let this be our vow!’ shedeclared fiercely. ‘First we will assassinate the Manchu Emperor in his Palace in Peking, and then we will take the life of that vile monster, that lying traitor, Wu Sangui!’

The Helmsman himself, deeply moved at the tragic outcome of their misunderstanding, shed bitter tears for his departed friend. When his tears were dry, he reapplied himself to the important business of the day. He informed the Guis that he and his confederates were planning a large’scale gathering of all the various factions of the Resistance. The outbreak of Satrap Wu’s rebellion offered them a golden opportunity to advance their cause, and there was a need to discuss and concert strategy. He begged the two veteran warriors to attend the meeting. At first they declined, feeling too shamefaced at their recent terrible blunder. But Trinket managed to talk them round, arguing that now might not be the best moment to dispose of the Emperor anyway. In the present situation, if an older, and smarter, Manchu were to take his place, it would only make matters worse for them. Better to keep this young and inexperienced Emperor on the throne for the time being. (In reality,he was concerned that his friend Misty might not survive an attack by this deadly duo and their weird son.)

The Helmsman announced that they would all be setting off for Peking the next morning, and would meet together that same evening in the safety of Trinket’s Residence, to discuss their tactics. He turned to Trinket. ‘Have you moved house again?’ ‘No,’ replied Trinket. ‘I’m still in Bronze Hat Lane.’ ‘Good. Very well then, sirs.’ The Helmsman addressed the Guis. ‘We shall meet tomorrow evening at Viscount Wei’s palace.’ ‘Excuse me, Shifu, but it’s Earl Wei now!’ ‘Indeed!’ replied Chen Jinnan. ‘My congratulations!’ The three Guis and their retainers made ready to go. As they were leaving, Invalid called out to Trinket’ ‘Hey, kid! Want to play with me?’ The poor man had never really had a playmate in his life, and despite everything, he thought Trinket was rather fun (to use his favourite expression). Trinket simply replied’ ‘You killed my friend. I’m not playing with you.’

Invalid was not having this. In a flash he leapt on to Trinket, grabbed him, and whisked him off as far as the doorway. No one had quick enough reflexes to stop him, not even the Helmsman, who was still weakened from his recent encounter with Old Lady Gui. ‘Come on!’ cackled Invalid. ‘Let’s play another game of Tag!’ Tut him down, boy!’ said Old Gui sternly. Invalid obeyed his father’s order. But he looked as if he would burst into tears at any moment. His mother tried to comfort him’ ‘Don’t you worry, my boy. We’ll get you a couple of pageboys to play with when we get to Peking.’ ‘I don’t want page’boys!’ he wailed. They’re no fun! I like this kid! He’s fun! Get him for me instead!’ Old Gui dragged him off. When the Guis had gone, Trinket wanted to invite Lady Iron Hand to come in and meet everyone. But to his great disappointment, she had already left.

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