The Deer And The Cauldron 42


The Deer And The Cauldron 42
第四十二回 九重城阙微茫外 一气风云吐纳间

And so the following day, Trinket took his leave or(缺) and set off for the Capital with the Helmsman and the rest of his entourage. They presently met up with his deputy commander, Zhang Yong, who had the Fake’Empress Dowager in custody.As soon as they arrived at Bronze Hat Lane, Trinket’s first thought was for Kang Xi’s safety. He could not bear the thought of his old friend Misty being assassinated by these weird fanatics, the Gui Trio, however much he owed it to his Shifu the Helmsman to be loyal to the Triad cause. He could not very well openly warn the Manchu Emperor of this new threat to his person. But perhaps he could have a word with one or two of his own friends among the Palace Guards, and persuade them to tighten security.He was just about to set off for the Palace, when the Helmsman appeared, with the other Lodge Masters, and he was obliged to stay at home and entertain them. Soon they were joined by other Triad brethren, and by the Young Count, Mu ]iansheng, and the principal retainers of the Mu Family’ Liu Dahong, the Iron Dragon, and his brother’in’arms, Wu Lishen, the Shaker Lion; and Su Gang, the Magic Hand. They had already been in Peking for some time. It was a while after dinner before the Gui Trio arrived. Trinket offered to feed them, but was informed that they had already eaten. Invalid looked around him with an appreciative gaze.’Hey kid, this place is almost as grand as one of the Prince’s palaces! You must be his nephew after all!’



They adjourned to the eastern wing of Trinket’s palace, to drink tea and begin the more serious part of their discussion. The servants were dismissed, and the Helmsman posted Trinket’s guards outside and up on the rooftop. Then they bolted the door fast, and got down to business. The Helmsman made the necessary formal introductions, and the old veterans Shaker Wu and Iron Dragon Liu expressed their deep respect for the old Gui parents, of whom they were lifetime admirers. No mention was made of the unfortunate killing of Beggar Wu.As soon as the discussion got under way, a basic difference of opinion became apparent. The Guis considered the assassination of the Manchu Emperor to be the number one priority. Satrap Wu could be dealt with afterwards. The Mu Family, on the other hand, insisted that the Satrap should be dealt with first. Killing the Emperor would in fact (according to their view) be tantamount to giving the Satrap a helping hand. Old Gui produced one of the Satrap’s proclamations, in which he made claims to be restoring the Chinese Throne to the Han (that is, Chinese) people. Wu Sangui had also produced as his figurehead a three’year-old boy purporting to be the new Ming Pretender. This received short shrift from the Mu Family.


‘In the first place’ protested Iron Dragon Liu indignantly, ‘if he wants us to believe he is restoring the Ming, why does he plan to call the new dynasty Zhou’ It’s obviously all a lie. He wants the Throne for himself. We all know that! This three’year-old princeling, if he really exists, is just a puppet! The whole thing is outrageous!’ They looked to the Helmsman to provide some wisdom and resolve their differences. Chen Jinnan advocated a course of action not very different from that proposed by the Guis’ to kill the Emperor first, and to deal with the Satrap later. He also pointed out that they could count on the support of the Zheng Family and their forces in Taiwan. (These were the descendants of Coxinga, to whom the Helmsman had vowed undying loyalty, and whom the Triads still considered to be the core of the Resistance.) In the aftermath of the Emperor’s assassination, the Zhengs could invade the central coastal provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang, and together with the Triads and the Mu Family, they could get the upper hand over the Satrap.

Magic Hand Su Gang was not that impressed. ‘You speak highly of the Zheng Family, Helmsman; and none of us questions your own loyalty to the cause, or that of Prince Zheng himself. But among the lesser ranks of the Zheng Family, there are some highly unreliable individuals!’ ‘Yes!’ piped up Trinket. That Young Sir Zheng, for example, and his teacher Feng Xifan, the Bloodless Sword, are a couple of rogues for a start!’ The Helmsman noted with some surprise that his young disciple had some somewhat heretical views on the Taiwan situation. Suddenly Invalid Gui saw fit to say something. ‘Wu Sangui’s all right. He gave me his tiger skin. Look!’ And he proceeded to open his gown and exhibit his pride and joy. His mother called out’ ‘Not here, child! What will you think of next!’

But it was too late. Su Gang was not going to allow this little exhibition of Satrap’worship to go without comment.’So, I suppose your pretty little fur-lining is more important than our country^’Take it off!’ cried the mother, sensing serious trouble. ‘Why?’ wailed her son.What happened next left everyone gasping. Old Gui, without any warning, reached out and took hold of his son’s sword. Then in a breathtakingly swift series of moves he began slicing at his son-front, back, shoulders, and arms. Everyone thought the boy was as good as dead. But such was the precision of the old man’s swordsmanship that his son was untouched, while the priceless tiger’skin’lined gown now lay on the floor in seventeen or eighteen neatly sliced pieces. Invalid Gui stood there in nothing but his silkfloss’padded under’jacket and trousers.

When all assembled were able to see what had happened, they burst out in a spontaneous round of applause-all except for Invalid Gui himself, who was so terrified he started coughing violently and nearly burst into tears.His father removed his own padded gown and threw it round his son’s shoulders. The old lady picked up the pieces of tiger skin and tossed them into the brazier.’What a shame!’ muttered Trinket.Old Gui took his son by the hand and led him out of the room, calling to the old lady”Come! Let us be about our own business!’ Trinket’s heart sank. They were on their way to murder Kang Xi. He still had not had a chance to forewarn his friend. He racked his brains for some form of delaying tactic.’Wait a minute!’ he called out. ‘How will you know where to find the Emperor’ There are thousands of rooms in the Palace. Do you know which one to look in?’ Old Gui paused for a moment. ‘Do you?’

Trinket shook his head.’Nobody does. The Emperor changes rooms every night, for that very reason, so any would’be assassin won’t know where to find him. Sometimes he sleeps in the Palace of Eternal Spring, sometimes he’s in the Palace of the Southern View, or the Palace of Complete Happiness, or the Palace of Prolonged Happiness, or thePorch of Beautiful View, or the Rain Flower Pavilion, or the Palace for Congratulations.’ As Trinket rattled them off, Old Gui frowned. Trinket continued’ ‘Even his personal eunuchs and guards wouldn’t know where to find him.’ Of course Trinket had made this all up (though the names of the Palaces were all authentic). But the Guis were not to know. ‘Another thing,’ added Trinket. ‘Have you any idea how many wives and concubines the Emperor’s got?’ Old Gui humphed and glowered at him. Trinket was not discouraged. ‘Well, let’s not exaggerate like the storytellers do. Let’s tell the plain truth. He’s probably got eight or nine hundred. Every night’s a wedding night for him. He just keeps on doing the rounds. Tonight he may be with Number 351, tomorrow it’s 634. None of the lucky ladies knows where he’s going to sleep on any given evening. Sometimes they have to wait three or four years before they get to see him in bed!’ ‘You must know the Palace well by now’ put in the Helmsman. ‘You must know how to find him, surely?’

‘Not at night’time,’ replied Trinket. ‘In the daytime, yes.’ ‘Well then, we’ll do it tomorrow, in broad daylight! We’ll go in disguise. You’ll help us get in. I know Butcher Qian and Shaker Wu have been in before.’ ‘Brother Qian has been as far as the kitchen,’ Trinket corrected him. ‘And as for Shaker Wu, when he got into the Palace, he was discovered by the guards and didn’t get anywhere near the Emperor. Isn’t that right?’ Qian and Wu nodded. They knew only too well how hard it was to find the Emperor in the labyrinthine maze of the Forbidden City. ‘I know what,’ said Trinket. ‘I’ve thought of a plan. Tomorrow I’ll go and see the Emperor myself. I know he’ll want to talk about the Satrap’s rebellion. What I’ll do is, I’ll persuade him to go out for one of his cannon inspections. You can get him then! Once he’s out of the Palace, he’s a much less difficult target. And it will be much easier for us to get away if anything happens to go wrong.’ ‘I see,’ retorted Old Gui sarcastically. ‘So we’re supposed to believe that the Emperor will do whatever you tell him to do! That’s no plan! You’re just inventing excuses because you’re too scared to come in with us! You’re a coward!’ The Young Count stood up for Trinket and told Old Gui the story of how Trinket had once saved the lives of several Mu Family men on their own failed attempt to assassinate the Emperor.


‘Yes,’ confirmed Shaker Wu, ‘I owe my life to Lodge Master Wei.’ ‘I see!’ returned Old Gui. ‘And just because you lot failed, that means that we will too!’ ‘Oh, I don’t think our Gui friends have anything to fear,’ said Trinket, ‘even from the eight thousand Palace Guards they will face. They have a Secret Weapon, after all. They have their Master of Coughing Kungfu! One or two coughs from him and the guards will simply die of fright, every one of them!’ Invalid Gui laughed out loud. ‘Really! What fun! You mean if I just do this-‘ He started coughing. His mother was furious. She and the old man each took one of their son’s arms, and began to walk out. ‘Sir Gui!’ called the Helmsman. ‘Just one moment! I have a plan!’ Shaker Wu and Iron Dragon Liu leapt forward to block the way, still considering the Guis to be following an inadvisable course of action that would merely favour the Satrap. But despite their considerable prowess in the Martial Arts, they were no match for Old Gui and his son, who soon had them at their mercy. It was the Helmsman who intervened. ‘Come-we are all friends here, and united in one cause! Let us not resort to physical force!’

Trinket the Calligrapher

In the end it was Trinket, not the Helmsman, who hit upon a way of resolving their dilemma. It was a characteristically Trinket’style resolution of the problem’ he challenged the Guis to roll the dice with him. If the Guis won, they could proceed with their assassination plan; if they lost, they would have to go along with the will of those who were in favour of uniting against the Satrap first. Somehow everyone agreed that this method would reveal the Will of Heaven, and that come what may they should all abide by the outcome. Invalid Gui simply thought that throwing the dice sounded like great fun. The immediate problem was that nobody present had any dice (or was prepared to say so, at least). Trinket was obliged to make a great show of going outside to ‘borrow some dice from one of the guards’. In point of fact, he had his ‘old buddies’ in his pocket all along, but did not wish to increase the Guis’ suspicions by saying so.



It was Trinket to throw versus Invalid Gui. Invalid began by flicking the dice, all six of them, so hard (he couldn’t help it) that they literally embedded themselves in the surface of the table, creating six little holes. His mother gently explained to him that ‘throwing’ dice actually meant ‘rolling’ them softly across the table. They agreed to decide the outcome according to the best of three throws. The first two went one each way, Trinket’s initial defeat having been caused by his dice hitting one of the Invalid’s potholes. The third roll looked sure to go Trinket’s way, and the Mu Family (who were still dead against the Gui assassination plan, but did not dare confront them again after their recent debacle) were already breathing a sigh of relief. But then at the last minute, when Trinket had already thrown five dice, and the sixth was about to settle on the desired (and, needless to say, predetermined) number, suddenly it stopped dead in its tracks, wobbled, and turned in a different direction, to land on a single ‘one’, thereby giving the victory to Invalid Gui. Trinket glanced around him, just in time to detect a suspicious movement from Old Gui. The old man had undoubtedly been blowing, in such a way as to influence the direction of the dice. Trinket was about to leap up and denounce him for cheating, when the old man took hold of the six dice in one hand and effortlessly crushed them. The mercury with which they were ‘loaded’ came oozing out and little beads of it ran onto the table, like so many little silver pearls. ‘Oh look!’ cried Invalid Gui. ‘How pretty! Drops of silver water!’


Trinket had been outwitted. He had no choice but to concede defeat. He was now obliged (according to the terms agreed upon) to provide the Guis with a detailed map, and with an explanation of how to find their way around the Palace. He went ahead to his study, to prepare the paper, ink, and brush for the purpose. It was an extraordinary sight, Trinket the Calligrapher seated in his study. His page’boy carefully ground the priceless ink’stick on the equally priceless ink’stone, laid out the exquisite sheet of calligraphic rice paper, loaded the brush with the thick, sooty mixture, and handed it to his Master.

Trinket’s hand was poised above the paper. Poised for the masterstroke. Slowly a drop of ink gathered at the tip of his brush. Then it fell-plop!-onto the page. Next to this blob, a little to its left, he drew a straight (well, almost straight) line with a little hook at the bottom. And, still further to the left, he ‘plopped’ another litde blob. The three ‘strokes’ constituted one of the very few words in his repertoire, which is to say, one of the very few words he could actually write at all. It meant ‘little’, xiao, and it formed the first of the three Chinese characters that made up the nickname of his Imperial friend’ Misty (Xiao’xuan’zi’ Little Mysterious One). Then he drew an approximation of the rest. For the middle character (which was much too complicated) he simply substituted a circle. The third character he could just about manage. Then he added a roughly drawn sword, aimed at the very heart of the ‘name’. It was a message in Trinket’code for his friend in the Palace. Someone is coming, Misty, someone with a sword, someone who wants to kill you!He quickly folded the sheet of paper, and placed it inside an envelope.Then he sent for his trusted deputy, Colonel Zhang Yong.’I want you to take this at once to His Majesty! Tell him that it is from me personally, and that it is very, very urgent.’

He was in the act of handing this secret message to Zhang, when in came the Gui Trio. Old Gui’s suspicions were immediately aroused. He snatched the envelope from Zhang and examined its contents.’What’s going on here’ Looks very fishy to me. Trying to warn the Palace, were you?’Trinket laughed nervously.’Fishy’ Oh no, not at all actually-but it is for the kitchen. We’ve been having such trouble with the cooks lately. I ordered some special dumplings for this evening, and I wanted to remind them how to make them properly, you know, with the “little” slit on the top-like so!’And with his right hand he made a convincing gesture, pointing with the other hand to the coded ‘picture’ on the page.Trinket’s calligraphy was so unorthodox and clumsy that the message could indeed have lent itself to this new explanation. Old Gui gave one of his characteristic humphs. ‘Anyway’ said his lady, ‘it’s time you kept your side of the bargain and told us all about the Palace.’

This Trinket proceeded to do, blinding them with another (but much longer) series of names of buildings and compounds as he took them on a ‘guided tour’ of the Forbidden City. After all, he couldn’t see how it could really do any harm. He started with the Meridian Gate, directly behind the Gate of Heavenly Peace, then led them over the five’fold Bridge of Golden Water, and on through the three Great Halls-of Supreme Harmony, Middle Harmony, and Harmony Protected-then through the Gate of the Imperial Ancestors, and on to the Imperial Kitchens (in his former identity as Laurel Goong’goong he had been attached to these kitchens); then through the Palace of Heavenly Purity, and into the women’s apartments, the Palace of Female Repose and the Palace of Maternal Tranquillity; thence into the Imperial Gardens, and northwards to , the Hall of Nurturing the Mind; and on, and on. Lady Gui did her utmost to commit all of this to memory. ‘Come on!’ called Old Gui. ‘Let us be on our way!’

Trinket saw them out of his study, and noticed Colonel Zhang setting off from the main gate. Old Gui’s parting gesture was to give one of the stone lions standing beside the terrace steps a little tap on the head. Splinters of shattered marble fell to the ground. Serious Consequences of a Light Poke Trinket returned to his friends in the eastern hall of the palace. They were still drinking and in a thoughtful mood. He informed the Helmsman that he had briefed the Gui Trio on the layout of the Palace, and that they had already left on their mission. The Helmsman nodded and heaved a sigh. ‘If they do manage to reach the Manchu Emperor and kill him, I fear that will be the last we will ever see of them.’ They sat around a while longer, drinking in sombre silence. An hour or so later, there was an urgent message for Trinket. Colonel Zhang wanted to see him.

Trinket went out, to find not Zhang, but his three other colonels, Zhao Liangdong, Wang Jinbao, and Sun Sike. They looked grim. Zhang himself was laid out in a side’room, deathly pale, his eyes closed. When Trinket spoke to him, he opened his eyes a slit and promptly lost consciousness again. Trinket felt in Zhang’s breast pocket. His ‘coded’ message was still there, undelivered.Zhang had been found not a hundred paces from the gate of Trinket’s palace. It seemed that he had been set upon by some thug. He was most probably lured by the Guis, Trinket speculated silently. They already had their suspicions, and wanted to ensure that Kang Xi was not forewarned.Zhang came round.’I have . . . failed you . . .’ he gasped hoarsely.’Just take it easy,’ replied Trinket. He entrusted the message to the other three officers, with instructions to deliver it without fail to the Emperor in person.

When Zhang himself had recovered sufficiently to tell the tale, the full truth emerged. As he was leaving the building, Old Gui had caught up with him and dealt him a light poke in the back (even as he recalled it, Zhang groaned with pain). At the time it seemed nothing. But he had hardly walked out into the street, when the excruciating pain began. It was one of those deadly internal blows, not unlike the Old Whore’s Soft Crush karate.Trinket comforted Zhang and told a guard to bring him some hot ginseng broth. At the same time, he sent for a doctor to come and see to his wounds.Trinket returned to his friends, and reported that Colonel Zhang had run into the Guis (he said nothing of the message he was carrying), and had been seriously hurt by Old Gui. Secretly he brooded over the failure of this important mission.’Now I wish I’d never told them so much about the Palace! I should have deliberately mixed everything up, to confuse them!’

The night passed in anxious anticipation. Finally, when first light dawned, Trinket announced that he himself was leaving for the Palace. The Helmsman gave him a short parting lecture, urging him to do everything in his power for the Guis, if by any chance they should fail and fall into Manchu hands. The killing of Beggar Wu, he emphasized, was the result of a misunderstanding.’The Gui Trio’s rude ways must not blind us to the fact that they are our allies. Despite everything they are fighting for the same cause as we are.’ ‘Yes, Shifu,’ answered Trinket. ‘But what if they have succeeded’ What if the Emperor is already dead’ There won’t be anything I can do to save them then.’ He was not particularly concerned for the Guis. He was thinking about the mortal danger his friend Kang Xi was in, and that in all probability he had already been assassinated. Tears came to his eyes. ‘Poor Brother Wu!’ he sobbed, quickly providing a Triad cover for his emotions. The Young Count pointed out that whatever the outcome of the Gui assassination attempt, things were going to be very dangerous in Peking for a while. He must warn his own friends to lie low, or else to escape from the Capital altogether.

The Helmsman agreed. ‘We must do likewise. All Triad Brothers disperse to safe locations. And pass the word around. Be cautious, and don’t provoke the enemy into retaliating. Any sort of showdown could be disastrous. This evening, meet again here to discuss further plans.’ As Trinket walked out of his main gate, he ran straight into Colonel Sun, who reported the successful delivery of the message to one of the Emperor’s personal guards. The other two colonels were still in the Palace, awaiting a reply. ‘Very good,’ said Trinket. ‘You go in, and stay with Colonel Zhang.’ With a heavy heart, Trinket gave the order for his guards to bring the Fake-Empress Dowager, and set off in a sedan chair for the Palace.

Kang Xi confronts the Old Whore

On his arrival at the main gate of the Forbidden City, Trinket observed that all seemed quiet. He was cordially greeted by the Palace Guards, who wanted to know if he had had a pleasant stay in Yangzhou. Trinket nodded. So far so good. This was a good sign, at least. One of the guards then went on to say that the Emperor had been up most of the night, locked in consultation with his chief ministers, discussing the Imperial response to Satrap Wu’s advances. Trinket told the guards that the sedan chair following his own contained an important prisoner, the disgraced former Empress Dowager. They searched the sedan for any concealed weapons. On reaching the Gate of Heavenly Purity, Trinket was informed that the Emperor was still holding an audience in the Hall of Nurturing the Mind. The audience had lasted all night. Trinket was hugely relieved. It was undoubtedly the safest place for him to have spent the night.’Phew! Thank goodness the Satrap is doing so well! Thanks to that, Misty had to hold this emergency audience-and it has certainly saved his life, with those Gui turtles lurking around the place.’For some time now Trinket had been referring to the Guis in his own mind as ‘those Gui turtles’-the play on the word gui, which also meant ‘turtle’, pleased him. For all the Helmsman’s Resistance pep talk, he didn’t like the deadly Trio one bit.

He waited discreetly outside the Hall where the audience was still progressing. An hour or so later, he saw the ministers trooping solemnly out. They included his old Manchu friends Prince Kang (Giyesu) and Songgotu, who pumped hands happily when they caught sight of Trinket, but refrained from entering into conversation. A senior eunuch summoned him urgently into the Emperor’s presence.Entering the Great Hall, Trinket fell to his knees and performed an elaborate kowtow. Then he rose to his feet again, and saw Kang Xi seated on his Dragon Throne, looking in fine fettle.’Majesty!’ exclaimed Trinket, a feeling of genuine happiness momentarily overwhelming him. He had been truly concerned for his friend’s safety. ‘I am so glad to see you!’His eyes were glistening.’Come, come! Why the tears?”I’m just so happy!’

‘I’m touched!’ replied the Emperor. ‘Well, that old Satrap turtle has gone and done it! He’s rebelled against me! And so far, he’s doing a little too well for my liking. A little too well for comfort. He thinks he can scare me. Well, I’ve got a few surprises up my sleeve. Tamardy! Yesterday, I had that no’good son of his put to death!’Trinket let out a gasp of amazement. So the Little Traitor was dead!’You’ve killed him?”That’s right! They all told me not to. All the old men. They said I should keep him alive. If the war went badly for us, I could always use him as a bargaining piece. They said killing him would only make things worse for us, it would make the Satrap mad. Lily’livered bunch they are!”I’m sure you were right, Majesty,’ declared Trinket. ‘You had to be decisive and brave.’ ‘There you are! I knew you’d see it my way! If only you’d been here yesterday to talk to those old fogeys! All they care about is hanging on to their jobs. They’d just as soon work for the Satrap, if he was prepared to keep them on!’ Kang Xi descended from the throne, took Trinket by the hand, and led him over to the table, on which was spread a large map.


‘Come and look at this. I’ve sent one lot of troops down to Changde in Hunan, via Jingzhou; another lot down to Yuezhou, via Wuchang. I’ve put Prince Lergiyen in overall command. I’ve appointed Chief Secretary Molo, from the Board of Justice, Commander’in’Chief on the western front, in the two provinces of Shaanxi and Sichuan. So, you can tell the Satrap, I’m ready for him!’ ‘Majesty, I beg you, put me in command of something! Let me have a go at the turtle!’ Kang Xi shook his head. ‘War is no game. Besides I want you here with me. And anyway, you’re not a Manchu. My men might not obey your orders.’ Kang Xi sighed. ‘What I need now are one or two great generals. Leaders of real stature. This is going to be a hard war, especially the first few years. We may have to weather a few setbacks. And we need to be able to keep up our morale. It takes a great general to do that!’ ‘But Majesty, you yourself are the very man you are looking for! You are the Great General of the moment!’ Trinket followed this up with a detailed comparison between the Art of War (in which he was a novice), and the Art of Gambling (in which he was a master). The main point was that one or two losses (whether in battle or at cards) didn’t matter. You had to look on a loss as a loan’ you were simply lending money to your enemy, money which would eventually make its way back a hundredfold into your coffers. Kang Xi laughed. He picked up Trinket’s ‘coded’ message, which was lying on his desk. ‘So, you tried to warn me! You thought there might be someone wanting to kill me!’

‘I knew you’d understand it, Majesty! I couldn’t send an ordinary message-there were people watching my every move. So I made up a little drawing.’ ‘Who were me dbba^mo. -“”’i’>were after me?”They were people sent by the Satrap.’ Trinket’s reply had an element of truth in it. The Guis had originally been sent by the Satrap, even though now they were part of the Triad’led alliance.’Since the beginning of this rebellion, I’ve taken the precaution of tripling the guard in the Palace. And when I got your message, Idoubled the night watch.”This time you’re dealing with very unusual people’ saidTrinket. You must be extremely careful.’An idea suddenly occurred to him.’Majesty, I have a waistcoat that will protect you from anything. Nothing can get through it.’He began to take it off. Kang Xi smiled.’I know all about that thing. You got it from Oboi’s house,didn’t you?’

Trinket had no idea the Emperor knew. He was normally capable of preserving a perfect poker’face. But this took him totally unawares. He flushed deeply, and fell to his knees.’Majesty, it was wrong of me to take it. I deserve to die! Youknow everything!’ Kang Xi smiled.That waistcoat was an Imperial heirloom that used to belong to the Ming Emperors. We found it in the Palace. The late Regent, Prince Dorgon, gave it to Oboi, who had been wounded many times. When I sent you to supervise the confiscation of Oboi’s estate, I noticed afterwards that it was missing from the inventory.’ Trinket smiled sheepishly.’Anyway,’ Kang Xi continued, ‘I want you to keep it. I’m so heavily guarded here in the Palace, I don’t need to worry for my own safety. You are always encountering danger out there. Considerit a gift from me.’Trinket fell to his knees. As he did so he broke out in a cold sweat’ supposing the Emperor knew about him taking the Sutrastoo!You must tell me about your trip to Yangzhou another time.’

Kang Xi yawned. He was clearly exhausted by his all’night audience.There is one thing I wish to report, Majesty. I was able to arrest the Old Whore and bring her to Peking.’This piece of news seemed to wake Kang Xi up. ‘Indeed! Bring her in here at once!’ Trinket gave the order, and four guards dragged the Fake’Empress Dowager into Kang Xi’s presence. She knelt before him. Kang Xi rose to his feet. ‘Look up at me!’ he ordered her. After a moment’s hesitation, Mao Dongzhu raised her head and looked him straight in the eyes. She was so haggard and deathly pale that, despite everything, Kang Xi found himself feeling sorry for her. This woman has done so much evil in her life’ he reflected. ‘She killed my mother, she drove my father to become a monk by killing his beloved consort. That made me virtually an orphan. She kept the true Empress Dowager cooped up in a wardrobe all those years. She’s done the most terrible things. And yet-after she killed my mother, it was she who brought me up as a child. She was actually kind to me, she was almost like a real mother. If I stop and think about it, there have only ever been two people in this place who have shown any feeling for me’ her, and this mischievous little prankster, Laurel!’

His reflections continued’ ‘Besides, if I look at it one way, I owe her my throne and my life. Supposing she hadn’t killed the Donggo Empress and her son Prince Rong, I would probably never have become Emperor. Prince Rong would have been put on the throne, and most probably I would have been got rid of altogether!’ As a boy, Kang Xi had always considered the loss of his parents to have been the greatest sorrow in his life. With the years, his view of life had evolved, and now, after ruling China for several years, he had begun to value his throne and his power more highly than anything-even more than the love of a mother and a father. It was something he could never bring himself to admit to anyone. Even to think it to himself filled him with a sense of guilt. But it was true! The Old Whore observed his thoughtful expression and sighed. ‘You mustn’t let yourself worry too much about this rebellion of the Satrap’s,’ she said, speaking slowly and with great deliberation. ‘You must take good care of yourself. I hope you’re still taking your Bird’s Nest Soup everyday?’ Kang Xi was awoken from his wandering train of thought. ‘Yes, I do. Every day.”I have done so much evil in my life,’ said the Old Whore. ‘I hope you will have the kindness to put me to death yourself.’

Kang Xi shook his head. It wounded him to hear her speak like this. He turned to Trinket.’I want you to take her to the Empress Dowager’s apartment in the Hall of Maternal Tranquillity. I want her to decide what to do.”Yes, Majesty!’ replied Trinket, dropping to one knee.Take her away then!’Before he left, Trinket produced the two Memorials from Galdan and Sangge, and handed them to Kang Xi.’Majesty, I have another piece of excellent news. The Mongols and the Tibetans have decided to break with the Satrap and come over to your side!’This was indeed wonderful, and unexpected, news. The Mongolian and Tibetan soldiers had a fearsome reputation as fighters, and would prove extremely useful against the Satrap. Kang Xi could hardly believe it. He sent the Fake’Empress Dowager out of the room for a moment, and when he was alone again with Trinket, exclaimed’Tamardy, Laurie! How on earth did you manage to do that?’

Trinket knew that whenever the Emperor used the expression ‘tamardy!’ he was really pleased. He chuckled happily, and told Kang Xi how he had become the ‘sworn brother’ of Galdan and Sangge.’And I’ll bet you promised them something in return?’ Trinket confessed that he had indeed, on the Emperor’s behalf, offered them a reward’ in Sangge’s case, elevation to a Living Buddhahood comparable with that of the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama; in Galdan’s case, promotion to something comparable with the title Gengimoto Khan (he still couldn’t get the name right).Kang Xi understood only too well. ‘You mean he wants to be Khan of all the Dzungars. Of course they will both be rewarded. When the time comes, I will issue the Edict, and will send you to deliver it in person. But first, they have to fight and show their true loyalty. You must tell them that.’ ‘Yes, Majesty. You shouldn’t trust them too much. They’re not exactly what I’d call very trustworthy people.’ Trinket wanted to make sure that if they did turn out to be unreliable, he wasn’t going to be held responsible.* What Fun!

Trinket now proceeded with the Old Whore to the Hall of Maternal Tranquillity. The eunuch’in’attendance announced that Her Majesty would receive them both. Trinket was a little surprised at being allowed directly into the Empress’ apartment (no one still believed him to be a eunuch), but he went in as instructed. It was dark inside the Empress’ room, as dark as it had ever been during the days of her sinister impostor, the Old Whore. She was sitting on the edge of her bed. Behind her the bed’curtains were closed. Trinket fell to his knees and kowtowed. She glanced at Mao Dongzhu and nodded. ‘So, you’ve arrested this criminal. Very well, you may go now.’

That was obviously all she intended to say. Trinket kowtowed again and retired from the room, leaving the Old Whore inside. ‘Well, that’s gratitude and a half!’ he thought to himself. ‘After all I’ve done! Just “You may go now”! Well, sod the lot of them! Old Whore, New Whore, they’re all the same as far as I’m concerned!’ He set off, accompanied by the same guards who had escorted him, and feeling thoroughly unappreciated. He was wandering through the garden next to the Empress’ apartment, alongside an extended rockery, when he caught sight of a human shape flitting past in the shadows. Then three figures emerged from behind one of the larger artificial mountains. One of them reached out and seized him by the left hand. ‘Good day!’

It was one of the eunuchs, thought Trinket. And then again, it wasn’t. He looked closer, and recognized the features of Old Lady Gui. The two other figures, dressed as Palace Guards, were Old Gui and the Invalid. Trinket was not inclined to antagonize Old Gui. He remembered only too clearly the splinters of crushed marble to which a light tap of the old man’s extended palm had reduced the Our author notes that in fact both Galdan and Sangge subsequendy rebelled against the Manchu throne, and were defeated by Kang Xi, in the 1690s. CHAPTER 25 head of one of the stone lions outside his study. He did not relish the idea of a similar tap on his own head, which was made of considerably softer stuff.’Good day to you all!’ he replied, racking his brains for anescape plan.Tell your guards to wait here!’ whispered Old Lady Gui. ‘We need to talk to you in private.’

Trinket did as he was told. She dragged him along a few yards, then hissed in his ear’Take us to the Emperor-now”I thought you came here last night?’ said Trinket. ‘Haven’t you managed to find him yet?’The eunuchs and guards all said he was going to be up all night in a special audience. We haven’t been able to do anything yet.”I had planned to go and see him myself’ said Trinket. ‘But they told me he’d already gone to bed.”Well take us there! Surely you know where he’s sleeping?”No, I don’t know! I’d need to ask a eunuch or something. It’s all very dangerous. Take my advice, and get out while you still can. Come back another time if you really want to go ahead with it.”We’re not leaving till we’ve done what we came here to do!’ hissed the old lady. ‘And don’t think you can fool around with me!’She tightened her grip, and Trinket let out a little yelp of pain. He thought his fingers were going to snap.’Or would you like me to-‘It was Old Gui, tapping the top of Trinket’s head very lightly. Trinket was thinking fast”Why don’t I take them to the Empress Dowager’s apartment,and raise the alarm’ At least that will warn the Emperor. So what ifthey do end up killing the New Whore! Why should I care anyway?”I was in there at the Empress Dowager’s just a moment ago’he said. The Emperor is very likely to be there now, paying hisrespects.’

Old Lady Gui looked at him.’Any nonsense from you, and we’ll kill you. We’re not expecting to get out of here alive anyway. When you’re dead, you’re welcome to join us on the road to the Underworld. We can go and see King Yama together. For some reason my boy seems to think you’re fun to have around.’ Thanks for the invitation, but no thank you!’ said Trinket, forcing a smile to his face. ‘I’d rather play with him right here in the garden, if it’s all the same with you.’ ‘Stop wasting time!’ snapped the old lady. ‘Which is it to be’ Who are we going to see’ The King of the Underworld’ Or the Manchu Emperor on his Chinese throne?’ The Manchu Emperor most definitely!’ said Trinket. ‘But let’s get one thing clear. Once we’re there, I’m out of it; I’ll have no further part in whatever it is you’re planning to do.’ ‘You!’ sneered the old lady. ‘We don’t need you. Once we’re there, you can go. We’ll finish this off on our own.’

They proceeded through the garden, the four of them, back towards the Empress Dowager’s compound. Invalid was greatly excited by the sight of all the peacocks and doves. Trinket kept chattering away to him, anything to delay the moment. Old Lady Gui was impatient to get there, but at the same time could not bring herself to deny her darling son a few moments of pleasure, knowing that he was so close to certain death. As they approached the main entrance to the Empress Dowager’s compound, they saw a string of people emerge, followed by two palanquins, each carried by eight bearers. Seizing Trinket in one hand and her son in the other, Lady Gui darted behind a bed of large peony bushes. Old Gui followed.

The people and chairs drew nearer and nearer. The person at the very front Trinket recognized as one of the eunuchs from the genuine Empress Dowager’s entourage. The first of the two palanquins belonged to the young Emperor’s First Consort. The second belonged to the Empress Dowager herself. The eunuch bringing up the rear was carrying a large silken umbrella, and was accompanied by twenty or so junior eunuchs and Palace maids, and a dozen members of the Imperial Bodyguard. Normally the Empress Dowager would not have had such a large escort when she moved around within the confines of the Forbidden City. Doubtless this was a new precaution, reflected Trinket, arising out of the present unusual situation, and his own warning to the Emperor. It was then that he had one of his inspirations. ‘Look out!’ he whispered to the Guis. That’s the one! The one in front has got the Emperor inside it. The one behind it belongs to the Empress Dowager.’

This seemed more than plausible to the old couple. They felt a sudden sense of impending climax. Things were drawing to a head. They both glanced at their son with a certain tenderness. ‘Listen to me, boy,’ whispered the old lady. The person in that first chair is the Emperor. We’ll wait for them to pass close by, then I’ll give the word and we’ll all three of us jump on the chair and hack him to pieces!’ ‘Good!’ Invalid grinned. ‘What fun!’ The chair came closer and closer. Trinket felt his own hands go cold and clammy. He could hear the eunuch in front calling out the usual command for everyone to stand aside. The old lady gave the word, and Trinket watched the Turtle Trio leap into action.

They moved like a collective whirlwind. There was a great crashing sound as the three of them struck out with extended palms at the first chair. Next the old couple, anxious to ensure that the Emperor was well and truly killed, drew their swords and thrust four, five times through the curtains and deep within the chair. Each time their blades came out dripping with blood. If there had been ten people inside that chair, they would all have been dead for certain. The guards had by now had time to react, and surged forward swords in hand. But the Guis were too quick for them. With a cry of The deed is done!’, the old lady seized her son by the hand and zoomed off into the bushes. The old man brandished his sword and hacked his way past the guard, who were powerless to hold any of them back. Seconds later they were all three to be seen whirling down a path beside the Palace of Ripe Old Age. The maids and eunuchs in the retinue were screaming hysterically.

Alarm gongs went off, and everywhere in the Palace there was the sound of doors being closed and bolted as the guards doubled security on every passage and gateway. Every unit was put on the highest possible alert’ the Palace Guard, the Valiants, and the regiments of Banner troops stationed just outside the Palace. ‘So, the First Consort is dead! Too bad! Couldn’t be helped!’ thought Trinket to himself. And, in his ever resourceful manner, he chose this moment to leap out from behind the flower’bed (where he had been abandoned by the Guis), crying’ ‘Protect Her Majesty’s chair! They may try to take Her Majesty’s life!’ Somewhat late in the day, the guards were galvanized into action. Trinket seized a sword from one of them, and led them heroically into the fray. They formed a circle around the second chair, the one belonging to the Empress Dowager. Trinket was not content with this. He rallied the eunuchs and maids to a display of valour as well.

‘Come on, you useless bunch of babies! Stop screaming, and form a second circle! If the assassins strike again, then they can hack you utterly worthless lot to pieces first!’ The eunuchs and maids certainly did not agree that they were utterly worthless. But Trinket was cutting such a heroic figure, they could hardly refuse to obey him, and reluctantly formed an outer circle around the Empress Dowager’s chair. Some of them were so scared they wet their pants. Trinket now put down his sword, and went up to the Empress Dowager’s chair. ‘Your Majesty, your servant Trinket presents his apologies for arriving on the scene so late! 1 am pleased to report, however, that Your Majesty’s person is safe, and that the assassins have been driven away!’ ‘Well done.’

He heard the voice of the Empress Dowager from within. He drew aside the curtain and looked inside the chair. The Empress Dowager sat there, her face deathly pale, but smiling broadly. ‘Well done, Trinket! Very well done! You have saved my life yet again!’ ‘All health to Your Majesty!’ replied Trinket, and closed the curtain again. He next sent word to the Emperor, that the Empress Dowager was alive and well, and that the assassins had been driven away, and that he was to set his Imperial mind at rest. Trinket!’ It was the Empress Dowager’s voice again, this time whispering through the curtains. ‘Yes, Majesty.’ ‘Are the two in the front palanquin both dead?’ Two?’ ‘Yes. Go and have a look. But be extremely careful.’ Trinket was very curious as to why there should be two people in the First Consort’s palanquin. And why should he need to be ‘extremely’ careful’ He went up to the palanquin, and extremely carefully pulled the curtain immediately, (缺)the knees, and all but collapsed on the ground.The interior of the chair was a bloody mess. Yes, there weretwo bodies. Each had been stabbed several times. There was blood everywhere. One of the bodies was immediately recognizable as the Fake’Empress Dowager. The other was that of a short, fat man. He had been battered to a pulp by the first palm attack. But it did not take Trinket more than a second to recognize him as Thin Dhuta. There they were’. Meatball and the Old Whore, dead, and locked ina lovers’ embrace.

Trinket was not overly surprised to discover the Old Whore in the chair. After all, he had only just taken her into the Empress Dowager’s room. But where had Meatball sprung from’ And where were the two of them going, in the First Consort’s palanquin, and accompanied by the Empress Dowager in person’Trinket took a deep breath and approached the EmpressDowager’s chair.’Majesty, the two people you referred to are dead. Very dead indeed. It’s a horrible mess in there.’ He spoke very softly. There was a laugh from inside the chair.’Well done! Shall we go back to my apartment now’ I want the other chair to be carried back as well. Just as it is. No one is to look inside. Understand?’ ‘Yes Majesty!’This was sounding stranger and stranger. But Trinket gave the order at once, and personally assisted the bearers with the Empress Dowager’s chair. Once they reached her compound, he helped her down. She smiled at him again.’Very well done!’It seemed to be her expression of the moment. Trinket returnedthe smile. But he was thinking to himself”What’s so very well done about it’ And how come the New Whore’s looking so seductive all of a sudden?’The Empress Dowager summoned him into her inner room, waving away all the maids and eunuchs. She told Trinket to close the door.

Trinket’s heart was pounding. He was bright red in the face. ‘Yikes!’ he was thinking to himself. This is looking very nasty for old Trink! All those “well dones”-I don’t know, what if she fancies me or something’ The Old Whore got up to some pretty rum stuff, with that bald man she kept dressed up as one of her maids, and then with old Meatball in bed with her. Supposing the New Whore decides she wants me in bed with her?’ And what if she wants me to dress up as a maid too’ Trink in drag’ Hello- I don’t think so!’ The Empress Dowager sat for some time on the edge of her bed. Then she spoke. The whole thing has been most dangerous. I have been absolutely counting on you!’ ‘Majesty, you can always count on me to do anything to save your life!’ It was by no means clear what the ‘whole thing’ was. Or what it was she was counting on him to do. Trinket was trying to narrow down the options. Dressing up in drag could hardly be considered a life’saver.

She nodded. ‘I know. You’re a very loyal young man. It’s very lucky for us all that His Majesty has taken such a fancy to you.’ ‘I’m the lucky one, Majesty!’ Trinket was silently uttering a prayer’ ‘Jade Emperor in Heaven Above! And Our Beloved Lady of Mercy! Look down on me and protect me! Please, oh please don’t let her ask me to dress up as a maid!’ She smiled at him again. The smile made Trinket shiver. Then she spoke’ ‘I want this whole thing kept quiet. I want you to take the two dead bodies, and the chair, and I want you to burn everything. And I don’t want anyone to breathe a word about this. As for the guards and eunuchs and maids who were there at the time . . .’ She was silent for a moment.

‘Majesty, don’t worry, I know a way to seal their lips! They won’t breathe a word, I promise. In fact I’ll seal their bums too, so that they won’t be able to fart a word!’ She frowned at Trinket’s vulgarity. ‘Just see to it! I’ll make sure you are rewarded.’ ‘I shall, Majesty! If anyone says a thing, you can have my head off!’ ‘Off you go then!’ Trinket kowtowed and left the room. As he was leaving, he saw Kang Xi’s Imperial palanquin on its way into the compound, preceded and followed by several hundred guards. Trinket stood to one side to let it pass. From within his great chair Kang Xi caught sight of him. ‘Laurie! Wait for me here!’ ‘Yes Majesty!’ He knew that Kang Xi would want to hurry in and see the Empress Dowager first. He stood there waiting in a daze. There were still so many questions to be answered. What was going on’ What was Meatball doing hiding in the First Consort’s chair’ What did the Emperor want to see Trinket for?

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