The Deer And The Cauldron 49


The Deer And The Cauldron 49
第四十九回 好官气色车裘壮 独客心情故旧疑

Chapter 28-In which Trinket returns yet again to Peking, and 501 is obliged to supervise the Execution of his Old Friend Whiskers Mao; he meets Four Gentlemen of the Resistance; and finally decides to call it a Day and retire from Public Life Altogether

An Old, Bewhiskered Friend-Making Choices-Trinket the Debt’Collector-A Small Favour-Necessity, the Mother of Trinketian Invention-Aftermath of an Execution- Safe House-Who’d ever choose to be Emperor’-The Urchin Academician-A Puddle tells All-The Way of the Prince – Not Today, not Tomorrow, not Ever!-A Man can only be Who He Is-The Murdering of Trinket-Just like Yours! Epilogue-The Never’Ending Quest


An Old, Bewhiskered Friend

An Old, Bewhiskered Friend Trinket returned from Nerchinsk to Peking in total triumph. All the chief ministers of state came out to the city gates to greet his carriage. He went immediately to see the Emperor, together with all the other mandarins who had accompanied him on his mission, including’ Songgotu, Pengcun, Sabsu, and Lin Xingzhu. Kang Xi expressed his enormous pleasure at the success of the negotiations, and elevated Trinket (yet again!) to Duke of Luding First Class. There was nowhere higher for him to rise now, other than to a Princedom of the Realm. The others were also rewarded with appropriate promotions. In a private audience, Trinket gave a truthful enough account of the taking of Fort Albazin and the final settling of the border treaty. Kang Xi, to express his pleasure, gave presents for Trinket’s wives and children, and threw a grand banquet for him that very evening. After the banquet, Trinket was carried home in great state, with a number of official criers clearing the way for him and others following in the rear. Suddenly, from the depths of his palanquin, he heard a very familiar voice, shouting from the roadside: There goes Trinket Wei-I know him! I’d know that little guttersnipe anywhere, the filthy, rotten knave, the dirty, ungrateful scoundrel!’

Trinket looked out through the curtains and in the dark he saw a great burly figure of a man come out from under the eaves, running towards him, gesticulating wildly, and swearing nineteen to the dozen’ ‘Trinket Wei! You shameless rogue! You’ve sold out to the Manchu Tartars! You’ve killed your own Shifu, and your own Brothers, brave men and true! So the Emperor made you a Duke for it, did he! Well bully for you! Because I’m going to run this sword of mine right through you, Duke Puke!’ As the man came closer, Trinket could see that he was completely naked down to the waist. He was a fierce’looking character, with a very hairy chest, bushy eyebrows, and big, deepset eyes. And then suddenly Trinket knew who it was. It was none other than his old friend, the very man who had brought him to Peking in the first place-the outlaw Whiskers Mao, his Would’be Master! Mao pulled out the short’sword he was carrying concealed in his leggings and dashed towards Trinket; but before he knew what was happening, a dozen guards had pounced on him, beaten him up, and bound him tight. None of this deterred Mao from continuing his tirade’ ‘You dirty little son of a whore! And to think it was I who brought you here in the first place! And you-with all that fancy talk about Honour and Brotherhood- ended up selling out to the Tartars and betraying your own friends! You’ve got the Helmsman’s blood on your foul turtle hands!’

The guards began to punch him on the mouth, but even that failed to stop him cursing and swearing. Trinket ordered them not to treat the man so roughly. Finally they stuffed a handkerchief in his mouth in a last effort to silence him, and now all he could utter was a series of muffled (but still outraged) grunts and groans. Take this man to my palace,’ ordered Trinket. ‘Don’t be too hard on him. Give him food and drink. I shall question him myself later.’ As soon as he reached home, Trinket had a meal set out for two in his study, and invited Whiskers to join him. As a precaution, he secretly told Su Quan and Doublet to stand by, disguised as menservants. Mao was brought in, and Trinket gave orders that his gag and shackles were to be removed, and that the two of them were to be left alone. He gave Whiskers a smiling welcome. ‘Brother Mao! How have you been keeping?’ ‘Me’ Keeping?’ blustered the still unrepentant Whiskers. ‘I’ve been keeping extremely poorly, I’d have you know, ever since the day I met you!’ ‘Please sit down, Brother Mao,’ said Trinket. ‘Have a drink or two, and relax. Then we can talk about whatever it is you think I’ve done to offend you.’ ‘I’ll kill you first!’ cried Whiskers, and advanced on Trinket, brandishing his great fists.


Su Quan rushed forward, seized Whiskers’ wrist in her left hand, and gave it a sharp twist, while at the same time striking him twice on the shoulder with her right hand. Whiskers went numb immediately, and slumped into a chair, still cursing and swearing, still struggling to jump up and fight, and muttering, ‘Little guttersnipe!’ Su Quan was by now astride his shoulders, and had both hands pressing his twin shoulder points. He sank helplessly back into the chair. He was easily twice her size, but no match for her. It soon transpired that Whiskers’ misunderstanding stemmed from the fact that Kang Xi, in his Edict elevating Trinket to the Dukedom First Class of Luding, had deliberately listed as one of his ‘great achievements’ the killing of the ‘notorious Triad ringleader’ Chen Jinnan. Trinket was greatly perplexed at this, and deeply upset at the thought that anyone should think him capable of doing something as base as taking the life of his own Shifu. He assured Whiskers in forceful terms that it was not he, but Zheng Keshuang, who had done this terrible deed. Why, Zheng was even now living in Peking, and they could go and confront him with it.

Just then, the arrival was announced of Colonel Dolong, bearing an Imperial Edict. Trinket fell to his knees and kowtowed. ‘His Majesty commands that the man who abused you in the street should be taken straight to the Palace for questioning.’ Trinket shuddered when he heard this, for his old friend’s sake. He knew only too well what ‘questioning’ meant. ‘But why?’ he protested to Dolong. ‘It was nothing! In fact, I’ve already “questioned” the man myself, and he meant no harm, he’s simply a bit mad! He was shouting all sorts of nonsense, raving about the Jade Emperor in Heaven! It was all quite harmless. Anyway, I’ve already agreed to release him.’ Whiskers was not prepared to go along with this. He staggered forward and brought both his fists crashing down on the table, sending cups and bowls flying everywhere. ‘Bit mad, am I’ Oh no I’m not! I know what I was saying. I know a filthy Tartar when I see one, and I know a Tartar’lover too, and I’m not afraid of any Tartar Emperor either!’ ‘Drat!’ muttered Trinket silently to himself. Trust old Whiskers to miss the point! I was only trying to pull the wool over Dolong’s eyes so I could set him free! Now he’s in real trouble!’ ‘Come along!’ ordered Dolong, and his men dragged Whiskers from the room. The last thing he did was to take aim and send a great gob of phlegm flying directly at Trinket. It hit him right between the eyes.

Trinket feared the worst for Whiskers. He would probably be tortured, summarily questioned, and then executed. He must think fast, and find a way to rescue his old friend. Making Choices Trinket followed Dolong to the Palace, and went straight in to see Kang Xi, who was in the Upper Library. ‘That man shouting at you in the street-he was your friend, wasn’t he’ A Triad, was he?’ ‘He was my friend, Majesty, yes, but he’s never strictly speaking been a Triad. He knew my Shifu, Chen Jinnan, and got CHAPTER 28 505 very upset when he heard, from your Edict, that I was supposed to have killed him.’ Kang Xi smiled. ‘I thought you were supposed to have broken all ties with the Triads’ Wasn’t that our agreement?’ ‘I have, Majesty. On this last mission, to deal with the Russians, none of the Triads came with me.’ ‘And if they should ever try to get in touch with you?’ Then I’ll refuse to see them.’ Kang Xi nodded. ‘You can’t go on for ever serving two masters, Laurie. You have to make a choice. If you’re with them, then you must be against me.’ Trinket looked horrified by this remark. He fell to his knees and knocked his head on the ground.

‘Never! I could never be against you! I’ve learnt my lesson, Majesty. I’ve turned over a new leaf. Really I have.’ ‘Excellent!’ Kang Xi nodded and smiled again. Then I want you personally to supervise this man’s execution-tomorrow morning!’ Trinket kowtowed again. ‘But Majesty, it’s thanks to him that I came to Peking in the first place. It’s thanks to him that I met you. Please, I beg you, spare his life! What has he done, anyway’ You can cancel all the titles you gave me for my Russian mission and demote me back to plain Marquis if you like.’ Kang Xi’s face was stern and expressionless. ‘Don’t think you can bargain with me! You’ve got a nerve!’ Trinket kowtowed frantically. ‘I don’t mind how far down I go! I’ll go all the way back to being Earl of Potluck if that’ll help. Anything!’

Kang Xi looked at Trinket prostrate on the ground before him, and realized that wealth and glory, rank and title, meant nothing to him. He was still a street urchin at heart. It made him angry. It offended him. But at the same time he could not help being amused by it. Tamardy! Hot poppas and mommas! For goodness’ sake stand up man!’ Another kowtow or two, and Trinket obeyed. Kang Xi’s face was still stern. ‘Very well. I will make a deal with you’ if you really want me to let him keep his head, then I’ll have to cut off yours!’ Trinket pulled the most wretched face he could muster. That’s a bit of a hard deal, isn’t it?’ ‘Very well, I’ll be soft on you. I won’t cut off your head, but you can cut off your balls, and I’ll let you enter my service as a real eunuch!’ ‘That’s still a pretty tough deal, Majesty.’ That’s as far as I’m prepared to go. If you refuse to kill that man, it proves that you’re disloyal to me.’ ‘But I’m not!’ cried Trinket. ‘I’m loyal to you, loyal as anything! But I’m also true to my friends, and to my mother, and to my wives . . .’

Kang Xi laughed out loud. ‘What a perfect human being you are! No, I’m afraid a decision is a decision, and first thing tomorrow morning I want to see a head’ if it’s not his, then it’ll just have to be yours!’ Trinket could see that Kang Xi was adamant. He kowtowed once more and left. Just as he reached the door, Kang Xi called after him’ ‘I hope you’re not thinking of trying to run away again!’ ‘No’ replied Trinket. ‘Not this time. I just need to go home and do some hard thinking. Somehow I have to find a way to please you and at the same time be true to my friends.’ ‘Very well, very well.’ Kang Xi smiled. ‘By the way, the Empress Dowager said she’d like to meet those wives of yours, and your three children. Bring them over for a visit, right away.’ Trinket the Debt’Collector As he made his way out, Trinket thought to himself’ ‘Inviting them here for a “visit” is just another way of putting pressure on me. He’ll hold them here as hostages, and then I’ll never be able to get away!’

He was met by a smiling Dolong. ‘What excellent news! I mean the visit. I imagine Her Majesty has it in mind to present your family with substantial gifts!’ Trinket pumped his hands together somewhat absent’mindedly. ‘Another thing, my friend,’ continued Dolong. ‘I’ve managed to squeeze about three’quarters of the money out of that Zheng fellow. I’ve collected around two million six hundred thousand taels of his debt already. I’ll bring it round in a day or two.’ ‘Well done!’ Trinket smiled. Anything unpleasant happening to Sir Zheng was a cause for celebration. He reflected bitterly on the fact that Whiskers’ present predicament was a direct consequence of Sir Zheng’s cowardly killing of the Helmsman. ‘Come,’ he said to Dolong, ‘let’s go to Sir Zheng’s residence together and see about the part of the debt he still hasn’t paid.’



Dolong was only too pleased to comply. Since his surrender, Zheng Keshuang was, it is true, technically a duke. But his title was a nominal one, bestowed on a surrendering rebel, not a genuine honour earned by meritorious service and accorded to one of the Emperor’s favourites (as had been the case with all of Trinket’s long string of titles over the years). Zheng’s ‘palace’ was correspondingly unprepossessing, when compared with Trinket’s. Trinket and Dolong sauntered in and sat down in the main hall. When Zheng finally appeared he was unrecognizable. It was only a couple of years since Trinket had last seen him. But in those two years he had aged thirty. He was a wreck of a man. He had been obliged to sell off most of his family possessions in order to meet the extortionate demands of Dolong and his men. On the present occasion, he managed to scrape together some cash and a few valuables for Trinket. But he had nothing of any real value left to sell. He was terrified enough already, and when Trinket started taunting him afresh, he almost broke down. When he spoke, he trembled with fear. Trinket felt no pity for him. ‘You should have thought of this the day you killed my Shifu!’

A few moments later, Zheng was joined by the tall figure of his evil mentor and Father-in-law, Feng Xifan, the Bloodless Sword. By contrast, Feng was as proud and fierce as ever. He tried to instil a little pride into Sir Zheng. ‘It was my idea to kill Chen Jinnan,’ he declared, addressing Trinket. ‘So if it’s vengeance you want, you’d better take it on me.’





This veiled threat was enough to spur Dolong into action. In seconds, a dozen of his men had closed in on Feng. Threats were exchanged, but in the end Trinket took his leave of Sir Zheng with a parting shot’ ‘I’ll give you a fortnight to have some more cash sent over from Taiwan. I’ll be back for it!’ The implication, that they were still in contact with the Taiwan Zhengs- something that, according to the terms of their amnesty, they were absolutely forbidden to do, on pain of death-elicited a final defiant protest from Feng.

A Small Favour

Trinket, Dolong, and the guards went on to Trinket’s palace, where a fine feast was spread before them. Dolong sent for the four chests containing everything paid up so far by Sir Zheng, and they counted it out together. ‘I must thank you all,’ said Trinket, ‘for helping me avenge the death of my Shifu, in the only way I can. The Emperor has forbidden me to harm Sir Zheng’s person, so I must hurt him in whatever other way I can. He must be made to suffer! Some of this money will go to Taiwan, to build a memorial shrine for my Shifu. The rest, I want you all to divide amongst yourselves.’ Earnest protestations were forthcoming from Dolong, to which Trinket replied, candidly, that he had himself already accumulated more money than he knew what to do with. In the end Dolong acquiesced in Trinket’s generosity, much to the delight of the soldiers, who celebrated by getting thoroughly drunk and playing cards and dice well into the night.

When everyone was in the highest of spirits, Trinket took Dolong aside and said to him: ‘I’ve got one small favour to ask of you, my friend.’ ‘Anything! Anything at all-‘ But Dolong seemed to remember one thing: ‘-anything, that is, except something connected with that whiskered fellow, the one the Emperor has given me strictest orders to have executed tomorrow, under your supervision. Ask me to interfere with that, and I’m a dead man!’ That was of course the one favour that Trinket had wanted to ask. ‘Drat!’ he thought to himself. ‘Not even a million taels can save my friend’s life now, it seems.’

Trinket thought fast. He would have to approach this by a more devious route. ‘No, no! Of course I wouldn’t dream of going against the Emperor’s orders! No, it’s not him’ it’s that foul turtle earlier today at snivelling Zheng’s place, that tall, nasty’looking creep, Feng Xifan.’ Dolong’s men overheard the name, and were all for going straight to Feng’s house and smashing the place up. Trinket had a more subtle plan. ‘I’d rather no one placed the blame for whatever happens on my friends in the guards. Let Zhang and Zhao go, and pretend to be acting on the orders of Colonel Tai, the commander of the Vanguards. I want them to pay Feng Xifan a little visit, and then when they’ve got him down a side’street, clap him in chains, blindfold him, gag him, and bring him here-but by a very roundabout route. Then we’ll give him a good thumping, strip him bare, and send him over to the bed of Colonel Tai’s new concubine!’ There was great hilarity among the troops at Trinket’s excellent scenario for the rest of the night’s entertainment. And what made it even more amusing was that it would all be blamed on the hated Vanguards! The new Vanguard commander (since the dismissal of the unfortunate Ajige) was a particular pet hate of Dolong’s.

Dolong was absolutely delighted at the plan. ‘Old Tai’s terrified of his wife! He’s never dared bring home a single one of his concubines. He keeps this new one of his, his Number Eight, in a little love’nest in Sweet Water Lane. I can’t wait to see his face when he finds Bloodless Sword Feng naked in bed with her. He’ll have a fit!’ Dolong’s men removed their Palace Guard insignia, and set out on their mission. Necessity, the Mother of Trinketian Invention All went according to plan, and an hour or two later the trusty Captain Zhang Kangnian returned to Trinket’s palace with a shackled, blindfolded, and gagged Feng Xifan. ‘In accordance with Colonel Tai’s orders, I have brought in the criminal Feng Xifan for questioning’ announced Zhang, carefully maintaining the charade that it was the Vanguards who had arrested Feng.

Trinket gave the silent sign-a tightly clenched fist-and the guards went to work’ ‘Colonel Tai’s orders-the criminal Feng is to be tortured.’ Prolonged punching and kicking followed, till Feng (despite his enormous strength) was more dead than alive. Blood was streaming from his nose, and he had sustained massive internal injuries. Trinket began to feel a certain sense of pleasure. His Shifu’s death had been at least partly avenged. He gestured to the men to stop short of actually killing him. Then he ordered his own guards to strip Feng (or what was left of him) naked, and wrap him (unconscious as he was) in a rug. ‘And now, to the house of Colonel Tai’s Eighth Concubine!’ Dolong rubbed his hands in glee. ‘Why not strip the woman too, and tie them up together?’ suggested Zhao Qixian, and the men roared their approval, all entering into the spirit of the thing.


Dolong decided he wanted to be personally present, to witness the spectacle of old Tai’s woman stripped naked. Just as they were about to set off, one of Trinket’s men came hurrying in. He was one of the group sent ahead to Sweet Water Lane (where Colonel Tai’s Eighth lived), to scout out the land. The latest news was that an entire regiment of country women had descended on the lady’s residence, armed with all sorts of rustic implements, and had dragged her out into the street. Old Tai had come rushing over on horseback (one shoe on, one shoe off), to find that this whole event had been stage’managed by his jealous termagant of a wife. Clearly now their original plan for Feng Xifan was going to have to be modified. For the guards’ benefit, Trinket looked disappointed that it would no longer be possible to see the hated Feng humiliated in this comical and scandalous manner. But in actual fact he had already (as was his wont-with Trinket, necessity was often the mother of invention) dreamt up an even better plan. It was now almost dawn, and that very morning Whiskers Mao was due to be executed. To find a way of saving his old friend was still in the forefront of Trinket’s mind and, while racking his brains for an idea, it had occurred to him that many was the opera he had seen in which one person was substituted for another at the last moment, just before the executioner’s blade fell. . . . Trinket issued the necessary orders (and distributed the necessary largesse), and then went in to his personal apartment. It seemed lonely in there, without his wives and children, all of whom were already in the Palace, at the Empress Dowager’s invitation. He stretched himself out fully clothed on his bed, and was soon sound asleep.

First thing in the morning (a mere hour or two later), Trinket was woken up by a messenger bearing an Imperial Summons’ Lord Wei, Duke of Luding, was to supervise the Execution of the Notorious Brigand Whiskers Mao Eighteen. When he went out to his reception hall shortly afterwards, he saw Oolong’s men dragging in Whiskers, bruised and battered, his face caked in blood, after his night of ‘questioning’ in the Palace jail. ‘So!’ cried the indomitable Whiskers. ‘You’re to be my executioner as well as the Helmsman’s! See how the little guttersnipe I hauled all the way from his mother’s whore’house has grown up to be a spineless traitor and licker of Tartar arses!’ Whiskers was transported, still cursing and swearing, to the Execution Ground on the site of the old Vegetable Market, in the southern part of the Inner City. Dolong followed on horseback, Trinket in a large horse’drawn carriage. Whiskers himself stood in an ox’drawn cart, his hands bound, and a wooden signboard tied at his throat, inscribed with his name and the grim words FOR IMMEDIATE EXECUTION. The cart went via the Horse Market, where a large crowd had already gathered. Whiskers stood upright and shouted defiantly as the cart rolled down the street. The crowd cheered and shouted out noisy hurrahs, to the effect that the criminal was indeed a Brave Man and True!

They reached the Execution Ground, which was at the crossroads formed by Horse Market Avenue and Martial Gate Street. Dolong had posted two thousand Palace Guards around the square, forewarned by the Emperor of the likelihood of a Triad attempt to rescue the condemned man. Whiskers stood in the middle of the open space and yelled at the top of his lungs’ ‘One day they’ll die-the filthy Tartars who stole our land!’ Trinket descended from his carriage and took his seat in the covered stand erected for the occasion at one end of the square. He invited Dolong to sit next to him. Dolong looked worried. The sooner we have this man’s head off the better. He’s saying the sort of things that are likely to inflame the crowd.’ Trinket gave the order, and four men dragged Mao before the stand. He refused to kneel. Trinket turned to Dolong’ ‘You are absolutely sure that this is the man?’ ‘Absolutely sure.’ ‘Very well. The criminal has been duly identified. Proceed immediately with the execution!’ With a brush he drew the necessary red circle on the wooden signboard and threw it to the ground. One of the guards picked it up and Mao was dragged away again.

Trinket turned to Dolong. ‘I’ve something here that might amuse you.’ He produced a wad of folded silken handkerchiefs from his inside pocket, and passed them to Dolong. The top one was decorated with a finely painted and very titillating erotic scene, done in a most lifelike manner. Dolong’s eyes lit up. He examined the next one, which depicted an extremely intriguing sexual posture. ‘Hm . . . most interesting!’ he commented, with a big grin on his face, and carried on leafing through the collection. The pictures became more and more ‘interesting’ the further down the pile he got’ one man with two women, two men with three women. . . . Dolong was becoming unmistakably aroused. ‘Where did you get these from’ Any chance you could buy me a set?’ ‘Keep them,’ replied Trinket. They’re a present.’ Dolong was effusive in his thanks, and folded his new treasure and put it away in his inside pocket. At that very moment there was a loud report as the three guns were fired to signal the commencement of the execution proper. A guard came hurrying up’ ‘It is time, sir.’

Trinket took Dolong by the hand, and walked out from the covered stand. Mao was now kneeling in the middle of the square, his head hung, his old defiant spirit apparently quite crushed. He almost looked unconscious. The drummer beat his drum. The brightly clad executioner raised his arm and down came the great blade. Off fell the head, and with his left foot the executioner kicked it free. The criminal’s body tumbled forwards, as fresh blood pumped from the neck. ‘His Majesty’s orders have been carried out’ said Dolong. ‘I shall report to the Palace.’ Trinket sobbed to Dolong’ That man was very close to me, and I could do nothing to save him!’ He wiped his tears away with his sleeve, but continued sobbing. Dolong did his best to console him’ ‘At least you can try to give him a decent burial.’

The reason Trinket had wiped away his tears with his sleeve was simple’ the sleeve contained a quantity of fresh ginger, and the ginger had the effect of immediately stimulating tears and making his eyes convincingly red. Trinket was in fact silently laughing to himself, rejoicing in the success of his little scheme. He climbed back into his carriage and returned home, leaving some of his guards to wrap the dead body in a length of rush matting, place it in a coffin that had been procured especially, and nail it down securely. When Trinket reached home, he stepped down from his carnage and went inside. The carriage itself carried straight on, making its way out through one of the main city gates and heading south towards the city of Yangzhou.

Aftermath of an Execution





A few days later, Dolong called on Trinket to report the ‘strange disappearance’ of Feng Xifan. Dolong himself suspected that Trinket had probably had him beaten to death, but he was glad enough to lay the blame at the door of Colonel Tai’s Vanguard men. What Dolong did not know was that the extraordinary coincidence of Colonel Tai’s wife suddenly leading her army of women to Sweet Water Lane had in fact been no coincidence at all. Trinket had planned it all, in order to abort their original plan for Feng Xifan, whereby Feng would have ended up in bed with Tai’s Eighth Concubine. He had thought of a far better plan’ he had seen to it that a false compartment was built into the wall of the stand at the Execution Ground, and that the semi’conscious Feng was hidden there. Once Dolong had positively identified the condemned man, at the very moment when Mao was being dragged out to be decapitated, Trinket had distracted Dolong with the pornographic hankies, while his carefully briefed men swapped Feng for Mao. It was Feng’s head that rolled onto the square. And Mao had been smuggled out aboard Trinket’s carriage, gagged (who knows what he might have tried to shout otherwise’). The carriage then made post’haste towards the South, and only once they had crossed the Yellow River did they stop to explain to Mao what had really happened. He was given three thousand taels and set free. He now knew that he owed his life to Trinket, and that Trinket was not a traitor or a bad man after all. He vowed never to abuse him publicly again.

Safe House

Trinket found life extremely tedious as the Emperor’s well’behaved loyal subject, constantly enjoying the good life, but unable to make any contact with his Triad friends for fear of alerting one of the Emperor’s countless spies. One day he could stand it no longer. He disguised himself as a wealthy young man about town, and set off (with Doublet dressed as his valet) towards the Bridge of Heaven district, where soon enough they ran into Apothecary Xu with his medicine chest, sitting in a little local tea’house. Trinket strolled in and sat down next to him. ‘Brother Xu!’

Xu looked at him and jumped angrily to his feet, then strode immediately out of the tea’house. Trinket followed him out and trailed him to a lonely side’street. Xu began criss’crossing his way through town, until he finally turned a corner (there was an old gingko tree growing there, Trinket noticed), walked down a narrow alley, and knocked on the door of the fifth house. Who should appear at the door but Fan Gang, the Triad with the big bass voice, whom Trinket remembered from the early days. This was clearly a new Triad safe house. Trinket hurried forward and greeted him. ‘Brother Fan, are you keeping well?’ ‘I should count myself lucky to be still alive, and not to have been killed by you!’

He too stared angrily at Trinket. Then he glanced up and down the alley, and led Trinket and Doublet quickly inside, closing the door firmly behind them. They crossed the courtyard, and entered the main hall. The Triads of die Green Wood Lodge were assembled there’ Li Lishi, Tertius Qi, Father Obscurus, Gao Yanchao, Butcher Qian. Trinket was clearly the very last person they were expecting to see. After all, they held him responsible for the deaths of Helmsman Chen, Brother Feng Jizhong, and now Whiskers Mao (who, though not officially a Triad, was a well’respected member of the River and Lake fraternity). Father Obscurus, never one to restrain his impulses, took hold of Trinket and shook him. Trinket’s first thought was to try and escape. But Apothecary Xu and Fan Gang had already blocked the way. It was Doublet who saved the situation by firing her Russian pistol at the ceiling, causing a lot of noise and a great cloud of smoke. Obscurus (whose fur’trader father had been shot by the Russians) started with fright and let go of Trinket. Doublet grabbed hold of Trinket and pointed the pistol at the Triads: ‘Do you want to know the truth or don’t you?’ she cried.

In the end, they agreed to hear her out. Doublet explained the entire sequence of events, beginning with how Trinket had saved them all from certain death the night of the bombardment of his house; to how the Helmsman had been killed, not by Trinket, but by Feng Xifan and Zheng Keshuang; to the treachery of Feng Jizhong, for which he had merited death; right down to the recent saving of Whiskers Mao from the executioner’s sword. Doublet was no storyteller, but this made her account all the more credible and convincing. Soon the Triads were on their knees and begging their Lodge Master’s forgiveness-foremost among them the impetuous Father Obscurus, who boxed himself on the ears. Next it was Trinket’s turn to give his version of events, which was certainly a lot more entertaining than Doublet’s, but not for that reason any more credible. One way or another, the Triads were by now fully convinced of their Lodge Master’s innocence, indeed of his heroism. A group of them huddled together conspiratorially and after a little while came forward with a request. They wanted to nominate Trinket as Chen Jinnan’s successor, as the new Helmsman. They went on to say that in order to convince the other Lodges of Trinket’s true dedication to the cause, he would now have to perform a great deed. Trinket declined immediately.

But nonetheless, he could not help being curious about the ‘great deed’ they had in mind. ‘Lodge Master Wei,’ (the old title was back), ‘now that Satrap Wu’s rebellion has been put down, now that Taiwan has been taken by the Manchus, and the Mystic Dragons have been crushed, the Manchus are looking more and more entrenched in power.’ ‘I know,’ said Trinket, secretly thinking to himself that with someone like Misty as Emperor, it was hardly surprising! ‘If things go on like this for much longer, the Ming Restoration will be forgotten. The people will accept the Manchus as their rightful sovereigns!’ ‘I know,’ said Trinket again, secretly thinking to himself, ‘So much the better!’, which was a very un’Triad’like thought. ‘You are the only one who can stop this from happening! You must help us to sneak into the Palace and murder the Emperor!’

Trinket shook his head. ‘In the first place, I can’t do it. Look what happened to Old Gui-you know what a fighter he was! In the second place, I won’t do it. The Emperor wanted me to wipe out the Triads and I refused, because I knew it would be wrong to betray my friends. Now you want me to help you kill the Emperor, and I won’t do it, because it would be wrong to betray-‘ He was about to call the Manchu Emperor his friend in front of the Triads, but stopped short. It was a good thing he did, or Father Obscurus would most probably have spontaneously combusted. Take your time,’ said Fan Gang. This is a very big undertaking, and we quite understand if you need a day or two to think it over.’ ‘Yes,’ Trinket hastened to reply. ‘Let me think about it.’ There was an awkward silence. They knew that Trinket’s heart was no longer in his role as Lodge Master, and he knew that they knew. They said their farewells.

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