The symbol of The Changes of the Zhou


The Yijing, as it is received, consists of two parts, the classic Zhouli and a series of comments. The classic (the actual Yijing) was originally a divination book with a divination method by which 64 signs or symbols (gua 卦) are generated and interpreted. The 64 so-called hexagrams are each composed of two trigrams.


The Eight Trigrams (Bagua 八卦)
Qian 乾 (the Creative; Heaven)
Kun 坤 (the Receptive; Earth)
Kan 坎 (the Perilous Pit; Water)
Li 離 (the Clinging; Fire)
Zhen 震 (Exciting Power; Thunder)
Gen 艮 (Arresting Movement; Mountain)
Xun 巽 (Gentle Penetration; Wind)
Dui 兌 (Joy and Pleasure; Swamp)


The combined trigrams
Numbers indicate the resulting hexagrams
Upper Trigram
Lower Trigram qian kun kan li zhen gen xun dui
qian 1 11 5 14 34 26 9 43
kun 12 2 8 35 16 23 20 45
kan 6 7 29 64 40 4 59 47
li 13 36 63 30 55 22 37 49
zhen 25 24 3 21 51 27 42 17
gen 33 15 39 56 62 52 53 31
xun 44 46 48 50 32 18 57 28
dui 10 19 60 38 54 41 61 58


The 64 Hexagrams
First series 上經
1 乾 Qian The Creative
2 坤 Kun The Receptive,Resting in Firmness
3 屯 Tun Initial Difficulty
4 蒙 Meng Youthful Folly, Obscurity
5 需 Xu Waiting, Nourishment
6 訟 Song Conflict
7 師 Shi The Army, Group Action
8 比 Bi Holding Together, Union
9 小畜 Xiaoxu The Taming Force, Small Restraint
10 履  Treading Carefully
11 泰 Tai Peace
12 否 Pi Stagnation
13 同人 Tongren Union of Men
14 大有 Dayou Great Possession, Abundance
15 謙 Qian Modesty
16 豫 Yu Harmony, Joy, Enthusiasm
17 隨 Sui Following
18 蠱 Gu Arresting Decay
19 臨 Lin Approach, Advance
20 觀 Guan Contemplation
21 噬嗑 Shihe Biting Through
22 賁 Bi Adornment
23 剝 Bo Falling Apart
24 複 Fu Returning
25 無妄 Wuwang Correctness, Innocence
26 大畜 Daxu The Great Taming Force
27 頤 Yi Correctness, Innocence
28 大過 Daguo Excess
29 坎 Kan The Perilous Pit
30 離 Li The Clinging; Brightness
Second series 下經
31 咸 Xian Influence
32 恆 Heng Preseverance, Duration
33 遯 Dun Retreat
34 大壯 Dazhuang The Power of the Great
35 晉 Jin Progress
36 明夷 Mingyi Darkening of the Light; Intelligence Wounded
37 家人 Jiaren The Family
38 睽 Kui Disunion, Mutual Alienation
39 蹇 Jian Arresting Movement
40 解 Jie Removing Obstacles
41 損 Sun Decrease
42 益 Yi Increase
43 夬 Guai Removing Obstruction, Breaking Through
44 姤 Gou Encountring
45 萃 Cui Gathering Together
46 升 Sheng Ascending
47 困 Kun Oppression
48 井 Jing A Well
49 革 Ge Revolution
50 鼎 Ding The Cauldron
51 震 Zhen Thunder, Exciting Power
52 艮 Gen Mountain, Arresting Movement
53 漸 Jian Gradual Progress, Growth
54 歸妹 Guimei The Marrying Maiden; Propriety
55 豐 Feng Abundance, Prosperity
56 旅  Traveling Stranger
57 巽 Xun Gentle Penetration
58 兌 Dui Joy, Pleasure
59 渙 Huan Dispersion
60 節 Jie Regulation, Restraining
61 中孚 Zhongfu Inmost Sincerity
62 小過 Xiaoguo Small Excesses
63 既濟 Jiji Completion
64 未濟 Weiji Before Completion
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