Wang Wei: Weep For Yin Yao


Weep For Yin Yao



苦 殷 遥
人 生 能 线 何
量 竟 歸 舞 形。
念 君 等 爲 死
萬 事 傷 人 情。
慈 母 未 及 葬
一 女 绕 十 龄。
泱 漭 寒 郊 外
萧 條 闻 苦 声。
浮 云 爲 蒼 茫、
飞 鸟 不 能 鸣。
行 人 何 寂 寞
白 日 自 凄 清。
忆 昔 君 在 时
问 我 学 舞 生。
劝 君 苦 不 早
令 君 舞 所 成。
故 人 名 有 赠
又 不 及 生 平。
负 尔 非 一 途
痛 苦 返 柴 荆。
Ku Yin Yao

Ren sheng neng xian he
Liang jing gui wu xing.
Nian jun deng wei si
Wan shi shang ren qing.

Ci mu wei ji zang
Yi nu rao shi ling.
Yang mang han jiao wai
Xiao tiao wen ku sheng.

Fu yun wei cang mang
Fei niao bu neng ming.
Xing ren he ji mo
Bai ri zi qi qing.

Yi xi jun zai shi
Wen wo xue wu sheng.
Quan jun ku bu zao
Ling jun wu suo cheng.

Gu ren ming you zeng
You bu ji sheng ping.
Fu er fei yi tu
Tong ku fan chai jing.


Weep For Yin Yao

Wonder which human experiences may be at the boundary
Its measure to eventually go back to existence without form and expression.
Thinking of you awaiting death
Ten thousand worldly things wound human nature.

A loving mother not yet reached the grave
Only daughter a slow and circuital ten year old.
Vast and boundless in the cold outskirts of the city
Desolate and bleak, hear crying sounds.

Floating clouds become the vast sky
Flying birds unable to chirp or sing.
Perhaps why travelers so quiet and solitary
Daytime naturally chilly and clear.

Recall in the past, you belonged to this season
You asked me to teach you of No Birth.
I suffer from not helping you earlier
This caused you to be in a place without achievement.

In death old friend, have fame given as a gift
However, did not reach it during all of your life.
Failed you for not finding a single path
Weep bitterly, return to the scrawny bushes and barren trees.



“At the boundary, and “Existence without form or expression”:  Refer the description of jiao () and wu () in the Dao De Jing by Laozi, Chapter One.  This passage can be found on this website under the category of “Artistic and Philosophical Foundations”.

No Birth: Buddhist belief that upon achieving a certain level of enlightenment, reincarnation is no longer required.



An emotionally moving tribute by Wang Wei to a good friend.  Wang also includes the spiritual references to Laozi’s philosophy.

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