Meng Haoran: Late Spring at Monk Yuan’s Southern Pavilion


Late Spring At Monk Yuan’s Southern Pavilion

晚 春 远 尚 入 南 亭
给 园 枝 遁 隐
虚 寂 养 仙 和。
春 晚 群 木 秀
关 关 黄 鸟 歌。
林 其 居 士 竹
池 养 右 军 鹅。
花 月 北 窗 下
青 风 期 再 过。
Wan Chun Yuan Shang Ren Nan Ting

Ji yuan zhi dun yin
Xu ji yang xian he.
Chun wan qun mu xiu
Guan guan huang niao ge.

Lin qi ju shi zhu
Chi yang you jun e.
Hua yue bei chuang xia
Qing feng qi zai guo.


Late Spring At Monk Yuan’s Southern Pavilion

Your garden provides the branches to hide and conceal
Its’ emptiness and quiet gives leisure and harmony.
Spring evening, a large stand of blossoming trees
Yellow birds sing in closed mountain passes.

Those living in the forests can bend or break, but not twist
Also like the pond goose, you were once a powerful military officer.
Flowers and moon under the northern window
Hope and await for the cool breeze to blow away the spent-blossom odors.

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