World Affairs Are One Gathering Place of Big Illusions: (Western River Moon)
世 事 一 场 大 梦: (西 江 月)
世 事 一 场 大 梦
人 生 几 度 新 凉?
夜 来 风 叶 已 鸣 廊
看 取 眉 头 鬓 上。
酒 贱 常 愁 客 少
月 明 多 被 云 妨。
中 秋 谁 与 共 孤 光
把 盏 凄 然 北 望。
Shi Shi Yi Chang Da Meng: (Xi Jiang Yue)
Shi shi yi chang da meng
Ren sheng ji du xin liang?
Ye lai feng ye yi ming lang
Kan qu mei tou bin shang.
Jiu jian chang chou ke shao
Yue ming duo bei yun fang.
Zhong qiu shei yu gong gu guang
Ba zhan qi ran bi wang.
World Affairs Are One Gathering Place of Big Illusions:
(Western River Moon)
World affairs are one gathering place of big illusions
How much is the human condition like the recently cooled?
Evening arrives, on the porch wind and bird sounds cease
Watch my eyebrows and hair turn more white.
Often have cheap wine, do not worry about the few visitors
Moonlight concealed by a blanket of clouds.
Mid-autumn, who can share with me this one light on a solitary landscape
Hold one small cup, with sorrow gaze north into the distance.