Tao Yuanming: Drinking Wine: Twenty Poems: No. 14


Drinking Wine: Twenty Poems: No. 14



饮 酒: 二 十 首
故 人 赏 我 趣
挈 壶 相 与 至。
班 荆 坐 松 下
数 斟 已 复 醉。
父 老 杂 乱 言
觞 酌 失 行 次。
不 觉 知 有 我
安 知 物 为 贵。
悠 悠 迷 所 留
酒 中 有 深 味。
Yin Jiu: Er Shi Shou

Gu ren shang wo qu
Qie hu xiang yu zhi.
Ban jing zuo song xia
Shu zhen yi fu zui.

Fu lao za luan yan
Shang zhuo shi xing ci.
Bu chang zhi you wo
An zhi wu wei gui.
You you mi suo liu
Jiu zhong you shen wei


Drinking Wine: Twenty Poems: No. 14

Old friends enjoy my interests and inclinations
Take a bottle of wine, give each other the maximum.
Soft bed of leaves, sit under the pine trees
Pour a few cups, already drunk again.

Mixed group of old villagers, out of sequence conversations
Pouring more wine, proper order etiquette ignored.
Do not remember I have close friends
Without knowledge of my security and valuables.
Feeling leisure, remain in this enchanted place
In the middle of the wine, there are some deep insights.


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