The Deer And The Cauldron 43


The Deer And The Cauldron 43
第四十三回 身作红云长傍日 心随碧草又迎风



The Truth will Out

Trinket accompanied Kang Xi back to the Hall of Nurturing the Mind. He waited at the entrance for some time. Then he saw Colonel Ajige, the commandant of the Vanguard Regiment, come out-an obvious sign that Kang Xi was redeploying units of the Vanguards, to catch the assassins. A eunuch summoned Trinket into the Emperor’s presence. Kang Xi dismissed his guards and eunuchs, and told Trinket to close the doors behind him. Kang Xi paced up and down the room, frowning to himself. There was obviously something weighty on his mind. He seemed to be struggling with himself, trying to come to a decision. Trinket watched him anxiously. With every day the Emperor was growing more and more a figure of authority, someone to be feared. Each time he saw him, he felt their old friendship slipping away. Gone were the days when they used to spar and tumble together without a care in the world.

Finally Kang Xi spoke. ‘Laurie, there’s something on my mind, and I really don’t know how to deal with it for the best.’ ‘But Majesty, you yourself have the wisdom of Zhuge Liang!’ Trinket assumed that this was some important affair of state, or a military decision. As usual, he could think of no one more flattering for the occasion than the great strategist of the Three Kingdoms. ‘Even he would be stuck with this one. It concerns you. I can’t decide what to do. You’ve done three things for me, you’ve performed three highly meritorious services to the Throne. First, you’ve captured Mao Dongzhu, the woman you always liked to call the Old Whore; second, you have brought Prince Galdan and Lama Sangge round to my side in this conflict; and third, you have saved the life of the Empress Dowager, and helped to fight off the would’be assassins. You’ve done all of this! And how am I to reward you’ You are already an Earl-I can hardly make you a Prince!’ Kang Xi burst out laughing.





He then went on to engage Trinket in a roundabout conversation about the dearth of honest ministers at Court, and the abundance of sycophants. Finally he brought up the subject of the Fake’Empress Dowager. ‘Who was that lover of hers?’ ‘He was always called Thin Dhuta’ replied Trinket. ‘I’ve never known his real name.’ ‘But he was so fat! He was as round as a meatball! Why Thin Dhuta?’ Trinket told him the story. ‘In the first place, how did you know he was in the First Consort’s palanquin, with the Fake’Empress Dowager?’ asked Kang Xi. ‘And then, why did you tell the guards to attack the chair and kill them both?’ It was now clear to Trinket that Kang Xi knew nothing about the Gui Trio and their part in this killing. He decided it was time to tell him-but without going into names or details (which might prove very awkward to explain away). He described how he had met the three would’be assassins in the garden, just after he had left the Old Whore with the Empress Dowager. Two of them were dressed as eunuchs, one of them as a guard. One of them grabbed me and squeezed my fingers so hard I thought they’d snap off!’ He held up the fingers of his left hand. They were still bruised and swollen. ‘They ‘wanted me to lead them to you, Majesty.’ ‘What did they want with me?’

‘They wanted to kill you! They were sent by Satrap Wu. In the end, I was able to trick them into killing the Old Whore and her fat lover. Afterwards they got away. For all I know, the three of them are still at large in the Palace.’ ‘Wait a minute!’ exclaimed Kang Xi. ‘One thing at a time! If I understand you correctly, what happened was this. You decided CHAPTER 25 347 that rather than lead them to me, you would let them murder whoever was in my Consort’s chair’ Is that right?’ ‘Yes, Majesty.’ ‘For that decision alone, I should have your head off.’ Trinket was already on the ground, performing one kowtow after another. Kang Xi smiled. ‘Tamardy, man! Get up!’ Trinket was in a muck sweat, out of sheer terror. He kowtowed once more, and stood up. ‘As a matter of fact,’ said the still smiling Kang Xi, ‘you’ve helped me solve my dilemma. Your reward for your three meritorious acts is this’ I will forgive you for this one heinous crime!’ Kang Xi now reconstructed for Trinket’s benefit the course of events as he understood it’

‘That fat man must have succeeded in smuggling himself into the Empress Dowager’s apartment – I suppose he must have known his way around well enough, after all those earlier assignations of his with the Old Whore! Then he forced the Empress Dowager to help him escape with the Old Whore. It was just his bad luck that he ran into you and those three assassins.’ Trinket was thinking to himself’ ‘So that’s what was going on! He was already hiding in there when I took the Old Whore over. No wonder the New Whore gave me such a black look, as if I owed her a million taels or something! Old Meatball was probably in her bed, he was probably right there inside the curtains behind her! I wonder how long he’d been there’ Days, probably. I wonder if he got up to any hanky’panky with the New Whore’ Or perhaps he was just looking for one of the Sutras. Who knows!’ In the midst of these musings, Trinket suddenly became aware of Kang Xi speaking again. Tell me, that Old Gui, the Matchless Knight, is he really as great a fighter as they make him out to be?’ Trinket felt as if a thunderbolt had struck him right in the midriff. His legs melted under him, and he started wobbling dizzily from side to side. What didn’t the Emperor know’ Kang Xi was not through. ‘By Heaven my father and Earth my mother, I will overthrow the Qing and restore the Ming! Lodge Master Wei I think you owe me an explanation!’

Trinket’s first reaction was to reach for his dagger. But what was the point’ He would never succeed in killing Kang Xi. And besides, he didn’t want to. Instead, he fell to his knees and said abjectly’ ‘Misty! Laurel surrenders! He begs you to forgive him! You are the Great Sage Onion . . . .’ ‘I want a full confession from you,’ replied Kang Xi. The very mention of the old names Misty and Laurel had brought memories of their happy sparring days flooding back. And the old Sage Onion joke-Kang Xi could not help smiling. But at the same time he could not possibly allow Trinket to get away with it as easily as that. ‘Confess everything. One lie, and I’ll have you chopped up and fed to the dogs!’ ‘Yes, Majesty! Yes, Majesty!’ From where he was on the floor, Trinket could only hear Kang Xi’s severe tone of voice. He could not see the hint of a smile on his face. ‘Majesty, yes, I was with the Triads; but I never did anything against you. I swear! You seem to know everything anyway, so I had better tell you the whole story.’

And he did, starting with the day he had been kidnapped by the Triads from Prince Kang’s, after killing Oboi; how he’d become the Helmsman’s disciple, and then a Triad Lodge Master; and all the rest, ending with his recent encounter with the Gui Trio. He told Kang Xi how he’d rolled the dice, how Invalid Gui had won, how he’d drawn the ‘coded’ picture message, how he’d been dragged aside in the Empress Dowager’s garden by the old lady, and how he’d set them on the Consort’s palanquin in the hope of alerting the Emperor to the danger threatening him. The only thing he left out was the business of the eight copies of the Sutra in Forty’Two Sections. With that one important exception, he made a clean breast of it. It was probably the most truthful moment in Trinket’s long and confused career as the young Manchu Emperor’s friend. Kang Xi kept asking questions about the Triads. Trinket answered them all truthfully. Then the Emperor, to Trinket’s amazement, began reciting by heart lines that formed part of the Triad catechism’ The Five Fathers divided a verse of poetry; No one knew that the heroes had it on their person.

Trinket knew the response’ It was handed down among the Brothers, And when they meet, they know each other by this sign. Rang Xi: On entering the Triad Gate of Brotherhood, From that day forth, we swear to speak the Truth. Trinket: Pine and Fir stand to left and right of the Door; In the Centre, the Red Flower Pavilion of Brotherhood. Kang Xi: The Brothers stand before the Lodge of Loyalty; The Generals and Troops wait within the City. Trinket: Let us swear an oath by our Founding Fathers, To overthrow the Qing and restore the Ming. According to Triad ritual, this exchange established mutual trust and security, and led to a further exchange of identification’ personal name, Lodge affiliation, and position in the Triad hierarchy. Kang Xi merely smiled. ‘Why, Majesty!’ said a dazed Trinket. ‘I would never have guessed that you were a Triad Brother yourself! Which Lodge do you belong to?’ He suddenly realized what an idiot he was being. Of course the Emperor could not possibly belong to an organization whose principal goal was to overthrow the Emperor! ‘Stupid Trinket!’ he cried, giving himself a good slap in the face.

Kang Xi rose from this throne, and began pacing up and down the room again. ‘I should have you chopped into little pieces. All this time you’ve been wanting to overthrow me and all the Manchus, and restore the Ming!’ ‘Majesty! I owe everything to you! I owe you my life! It’s all thanks to you that I’ve not been chopped into little pieces! I’ll quit the Triads. From now on I’ll overthrow the Ming and restore the Manchus instead!’ ‘Silly fool! We rule the country! We don’t need to be restored! And as for the Ming, they don’t need to be overthrown-they already have been!’ ‘Well, I’ll do whatever you tell me to do, I’ll overthrow anyone’ Kang Xi nodded. This time, when he went on to speak, he spoke very quietly, pronouncing each syllable with great care. ‘Good. Then I’ll tell you who I want you to overthrow. The Triads.’ ‘Yes! Yes!’ cried Trinket. But one look at his tortured face was enough for Kang Xi to see how much he recoiled from the idea. ‘You’d say anything!’ muttered Kang Xi. ‘It’s all lies-‘

‘No, it’s the truth!’ cried Trinket. ‘The whole truth, nothing but the truth!’ There’s only one way to find out. Actions speak louder than words. I want those Triads destroyed, root and branch. I want them dead, every one of them. And I want you to do it. That’s how you can earn my forgiveness. That’s how you can make up for having lied to me all these years. And if I find you are still lying and playing tricks on me, I shall have no hesitation in killing you, Lodge Master Weil’ Trinket was in a cold sweat. ‘Surely you’d never kill me, Majesty’ I may have kept one or two things from you, but I’ve always been your devoted friend and loyal subject!’ ‘Devoted friend’ Loyal subject?’ Kang Xi smiled. ‘Wicked villain, more like!’ ‘Never wicked. Never, Majesty. Nor villain. I never meant you any harm.’ ‘Well, then, let’s settle for clown or fool, if you prefer. But don’t think you can talk me out of this. I have set my mind on it. The Triads must be broken. You can have as many soldiers as you like. I want you to bring them all in-the Triads, the Mu Family, the Guis- the lot of them! For every one of them that’s missing, I’ll cut off one of your hands. If four are missing, I’ll cut off both your hands and both your feet. Five missing and I’ll-what can I cut off then?’ ‘You’ll have to cut off my dingdong. I’ll just have to be a hot popping eunuch!’ Kang Xi could not help laughing out loud. ‘Tamardy! You think you’re so smart don’t you!’ Trinket was secretly thinking to himself’ ‘He knows everything^. He even knows about the Mu Family! He’s got spies everywhere!’

Kang Xi produced a sheet of paper from inside his Dragon Robe. ‘I have here a list of forty’three names.’ He proceeded to read them all out’ Chen Jinnan, Helmsman of the Triad Secret Society; Trinket Wei, Lodge Master of the Green Wood Lodge; Brothers Li Lishi and Xu Tianchuan, Father Obscurus, Butcher Qian, Gao Yanchao, Feng Jizhong; and many more Triad names to follow. Then he came to the Mu Family’ Mu Jiansheng, known as the Young Count; Liu Dahong, known as the Iron Dragon; Wu Lishen, known as the Shaker Lion. The list ended with the names of the three Guis. ‘If we remove your name from the list, that makes it forty’two. I want them all.’ Trinket fell to his knees. Several kowtows later, he spoke’ ‘Majesty, I know those men have sworn to overthrow you and your Manchus. But they haven’t succeeded. Just let me talk to them. I’ll tell them what a good Emperor you are, how wise and everything. I’ll persuade them to give up the struggle. Only don’t kill them.’

Kang Xi brought his hand down heavily on the desk in front of him. ‘Are you refusing to do what I have asked you to do?’ Trinket’s mind was in absolute turmoil. ‘How can I possibly betray my friends?’ he was thinking to himself. The Emperor will kill them for sure. Somehow I’ve got to get word to the Helmsman, and give them a chance to escape.’ (The previous evening he had been worrying how to save his Manchu friend from the Triads and their allies; now he was desperately thinking of a way to save his Triad friends from the Manchus. Was there no end to it’) Kang Xi was beginning to get angry. ‘What are you waiting for’ Don’t you see that this is your only chance to redeem yourself?’ ‘Yes, but don’t you see, Majesty, that I’m only trying to be loyal to all of my friends’ You’re my friend. I tried to be loyal to you, I tried to stop them from killing you. But they’re my friends too. Can’t you see, you are putting me in a very difficult position.’ (Actually, as they both knew only too well, it was Trinket, and Trinket alone, who had put himself in his present untenable position, by going along with a series of mutually contradictory fictions, out of little more than a well’developed sense of self’preservation.) ‘How can you talk about being loyal’ said Kang Xi, ‘when you spend your life thinking of ways to act against your Emperor?’ Trinket had never seen Kang Xi as angry as this. ‘Oh dear!’ he mused to himself. ‘Looks like the loyalty argument won’t work. Better try a different tack.’

‘Majesty, remember’ you are my Shifu! How can a Shifu kill his own disciple?’ Kang Xi was just wondering how to reply to this preposterous plea (as a matter of fact, he reflected, he had only ever joked about being Trinket’s Shifu-the whole idea was ridiculous!), when he heard a confused hubbub of voices outside, and the sound of weapons clashing. Trinket leapt to his feet. ‘That may be the assassins now! Shifu, don’t move! Stay where you are! I will protect you!’ ‘You are never to call me Shifu again!’ muttered KangXi. ‘From this moment I disown you!’ But secretly he was thinking to himself that Trinket was probably as loyal to him as any disciple to his Shifu, and most likely would lay down his life for him. They heard footsteps. It sounded as if a large number of people had come running as far as the entrance of the hall, and were now waiting outside. Trinket ran to the door and quickly bolted it from the inside. ‘Who’s there?’ he called out.

‘Inform His Majesty that three intruders have been sighted in the Palace grounds!’ It was the loud voice of a soldier. ‘The Guard have them surrounded, and we expect to capture them any minute!’ to himselt. ‘His Majesty has been informed!’ he called back, ‘i another hundred guards, and post them in front of the Hall of Nurturing the Mind, and behind it. And post twenty or thirty men up on the roof.’ The guard went at once to execute these commands. So far as he was concerned, Lord Wei was still a senior officer in the Palace Guard, and his orders were to be obeyed. Minutes later they heard the sound of men taking up their positions on the roof directly above them, and large numbers of additional guards arriving outside. Kang Xi looked on, reflecting on how carefully Trinket was taking everything in hand, how devotedly and effectively he was seeing to his Emperor’s personal safety-just as he had on Mount Wutai, when the White Nun had leapt down through the roof. For the time being he was safe from the assassins. He took another sheet of paper from inside his gown and handed it to Trinket’ ‘Look at this. What do you think it is?’

Trinket looked. It was a picture of a large building, with two stone lions in front of it, and a flagpole. It looked rather like his house. There were also a dozen cannon in the picture at various sites all around the building, all clearly aimed directly at it. As he studied it a little more carefully, there was no doubt left in his mind. It was definitely his house. ‘Well?’ ‘It looks a bit like my place.’ ‘You’re absolutely right.’ Trinket shivered. Cannon all round his house could only mean one thing. He’d watched the two foreigners firing their cannon. He’d heard the terrible noise they made, he’d seen the smoke and the flames, the bits of stone and mortar sent flying everywhere into the air. Even with a hundred magic waistcoats he wouldn’t stand a chance. He’d be blown into pieces, made into minced meat, and so would all his friends. He started trembling violently at the very thought of it.

‘I know all about tonight’s meeting,’ said Kang Xi. ‘The Triads, the Mu Family, the Guis of the Mount Hua School, even Situ He from the Wang Wu Clan-they’ll all be there, won’t they, in your house’ These twelve cannon of mine are all carefully positioned in various buildings around yours. They’re all primed and ready to fire. All my men need to do is open a few windows, poke the muzzles out, and light the fuses. And bang! None of your friends will come out alive. And if one of them did, I’ve got men stationed all round the place. I think you ran into Colonel Ajige just now. He’s in charge of the whole operation. It’s the Vanguard men-and they don’t get on too well with your Valiants, so don’t imagine you can talk them into doing you any favours!’

Trinket was frantically trying to think of a way of getting word to the Helmsman and his friends, to warn them not to go there this evening, when a voice called from outside’ ‘Majesty, we’ve caught them!’ Kang Xi looked delighted and told Trinket to let them in. ‘Certainly, Majesty,’ Trinket answered, and went to unbolt the door. The Gui Trio were brought in under armed escort. There must have been twenty or thirty guards surrounding them. ‘Kowtow to His Majesty! On your knees!’ shouted one of the guards. All the guards immediately fell to their knees. The Guis were badly wounded, and spattered with blood from head to foot. But they stood defiantly upright. They were all three tightly bound, and each was being led on a tether by two armed guards. ‘On your knees! You too!’ bawled the captain of the guard. The Guis took not the slightest notice. Blood was dripping from them, as it was from the guards wounded in the struggle. Old Lady Gui was glaring at Trinket. ‘Little traitor!’ she hissed.

Trinket felt sorry for them, the terrible state they were in. He said nothing. Kang Xi nodded. ‘So this wretched old creature is Gui the Matchless Knight! How many of our men did he kill?’ ‘Majesty!’ answered the captain. ‘They fought fiercely! Thirty of our men met their deaths, and forty more were wounded!’ Kang Xi was astounded. He reflected silently to himself that they must be extraordinary fighters, these three. He waved them away, and the captain began to escort them outside. At that very instant, Old Gui summoned up a desperate surge of Inner Force, and swung his right shoulder sharply into the side of one of the guards beside him. The guard gave a cry of pain, and went shooting through the air. His head smacked into the wall and he fell dead to the ground. Old Gui then grabbed hold of the rope binding his son, worked it loose, and gave it a forceful tug. It broke in two. He held his son in his arms for a second, and cried’ ‘Go boy! Escape now! Your mother and I will follow later!’ He literally threw his son out through the door. And in that same instant, he and Old Lady Gui staggered forwards, bound as they were, in an attempt to pounce on Kang Xi. It all happened in a matter of seconds.

Trinket was absolutely flabbergasted by this sudden turn of events. He dashed forward, threw his arms around Kang Xi, and bundled him under the desk, at the same time protecting him with his own body. From beneath the desk they heard a series of heavy thuds. Seconds later, Trinket poked his head out, and saw the Old Guis lying in a pool of blood, seven or eight swords driven deep into their backs. They looked extremely dead. It had been a desperate attempt, partly to create a diversion during which their son would have some chance of escape, partly to use their last remaining drop of energy in an assault on the Emperor’s life. But the day’s fighting had already taken its toll on their strength, and besides, they were bound hand and foot. All they could do was stagger forward and then collapse on the ground spitting blood. They were easy work for the guards. Kang Xi stood up and took a deep breath. ‘Carry them out!’ he said. The guards were about to lift the bodies from the ground, when a figure flashed in through the door, darting forward with lightning speed and throwing itself on the old couple. ‘Mum! Dad!’

It was Invalid Gui. The guards hacked at him where he lay, and he seemed quite incapable of evading their blows. Each sword found its way deep into his flesh. ‘Mum!’ he gasped. ‘I can’t manage on my own! I don’t know where to go!’ All his life Invalid Gui had depended on his parents for everything. He had managed to escape from the Hall for Nurturing the Mind, only to realize that he simply could not manage without them. He had come back to find them and be with them. He coughed twice, then his head slumped forward. He was dead. Dolong, Commander of the Guard, came hurrying through the doorway of the hall and fell to his knees before Kang Xi. ‘Majesty, the intruders have all been-‘ He suddenly stopped, as he looked up and caught sight of the carnage all around him. Kang Xi, who had himself only just emerged from under the desk, reflected that once again he owed his life to Trinket-however unorthodox and lacking in dignity his methods of protection may have been. ‘Colonel Dolong, I want you personally to look after Lord Wei. He may be in great danger. Tomorrow morning, I will issue fresh instructions.’ ‘Yes, Majesty.’

Trinket realized that this measure was not so much for his own protection, as to prevent him from interfering with Kang Xi’s plans to bombard Trinket’s palace that very evening. Kang Xi walked over to Dolong. ‘Lord Wei is to be kept under close guard. He is in need of protection. He is to be allowed to speak to no one, he must not be allowed to send anything out of the Palace. You must understand, the situation is extremely dangerous at present. In short, Lord Wei should be treated as if he were a prisoner.’ Kang Xi had no illusions about Dolong’s abilities. He was a good soldier, but no match for Trinket’s cunning. ‘Yes, Majesty,’ replied the trusty Dolong. ‘You can count on me in this matter.’ Trinket went through the motions of thanking Kang Xi for his deep concern, though in his own mind he knew that this was all for show. Kang Xi knew that he might have some use for Trinket again one day, and was therefore saving him some ‘face’. In reality there was no question about it. He was under arrest.

Escape Plans A, B, & C

One thing Trinket knew for sure. He could not simply sit back and let his friends be blown to smithereens. That would be to abandon any claim whatsoever to the River and Lake code of honour. That would be to sink to the very depths of turtle behaviour. One thing was puzzling. How had Kang Xi suddenly become so well informed’ He seemed to know everything all of a sudden. And yet earlier in the day, when they had been talking about the war, he had seemed to know nothing about Trinket’s various secrets. Who could it have been that had betrayed him’ Dolong could see that his young charge was deep in thought and (being the thick soldier that he was) jumped immediately to the wrong conclusion. He slapped Trinket on the back. ‘Set your mind at rest, my friend! No one could be better protected than you are! See how His Majesty cares for you! We’ll make sure no one can get anywhere near you, don’t you worry!’

‘Exactly my problem!’ thought Trinket bitterly to himself, managing to force a smile and make a few polite remarks about the Emperor’s infinite consideration. ‘I’ll never get a message through to my friends now, with all these great hulking brutes standing around me all the time! (There must have been between thirty and forty guards visibly monitoring his every move.) I don’t want to be protected! It’s the last thing I want to be! I’d rather Kang Xi booted me up the bum, and screamed at me, and said “Get out! Scram! Get the tamardy out of here, you smelly piece of pickled shit-I never ever want to see you again!”‘ ‘My friend!’ said the ever jovial and well’intentioned Dolong. ‘My instructions are that you are not to wander around the Palace. You’ll have to stay put somewhere. Where’s it going to be’ Your old quarters’ Or in one of the guardrooms’ We could have a round of cards or something?’ He was trying to please.

Meanwhile the embryo of a plan was forming itself in Trinket’s wily little mind. ‘Friend Dolong,’ he said (after all, they had known each other now for a year or two, even if his main gambling and carousing friends in the guards were Dolong’s juniors, Captains Zhang and Zhao), ‘I’ve just remembered that I promised to do something for Her Majesty the Empress Dowager.’ Dolong looked dubious. ‘His Majesty’s instructions were very clear. You’re not to leave the Palace on any account.’ ‘Don’t worry. This doesn’t involve my leaving the Palace.’ Trinket went on to instruct a number of the guards to carry the First Consort’s palanquin to the Palace burning’ground west of the Gate of the Divine Warrior. ‘Her Majesty’s orders are very precise. No one is to look inside the palanquin. Anyone looking inside will be immediately executed.’ Dolong and the guards all knew about the assassins’ attack on the Consort’s palanquin earlier in the day. They also knew that the Empress Dowager had (for whatever reason) cast a thick veil of secrecy over the whole affair. They were only too glad to hear that the palanquin and its contents were to be incinerated. It would be one less murky mystery.

As they carried the palanquin through the Palace grounds, blood continued to ooze from between the wooden panels of the floor. No one even dared to ask whose blood it was. Dolong supervised the cortege, and when they reached the burning’ground, various Palace menials (sula they were known as in Manchu) were deputed to build a pyre, and the palanquin and its unknown contents were committed to the flames. As Trinket watched the mortal remains of Thin Dhuta and the Old Whore turn to ash, he picked a piece of wood from the ground and began casually drawing the shape of a bird on it, using a charred stick. Then he held it in both hands and, gazing at the blazing palanquin, mumbled to himself’ Thin Dhuta, Old Whore, in this life you never had the good fortune to be man and wife. Now, in the Dark World to which you are travelling, you can be together for ever and a day. That Turtle Trio who actually killed you-they’re on their way there too. They’ll only be a few steps behind you. You’ll probably meet up somewhere on the way, on the Bridge of Woe, or in the Temple of Memory.’

Colonel Dolong assumed that his young charge was paying his last respects to the spirit (or spirits) of the departed (whoever he, she, or they might be). He watched Trinket make a little heap of stones, and place the piece of wood with the drawing of the bird in the middle of the heap. A touching act of homage. What Dolong did not know was that this was the old signal agreed between Trinket and his ‘Auntie’, Tao Hongying, the former maid of the Ming Princess Royal (alias the one’armed White Nun). Auntie Tao had been hiding in the Palace all these years, waiting for a chance to avenge the death of the last Ming Emperor. She had saved Trinket on a previous occasion. Perhaps she could help him again now.

When there was nothing remaining of the palanquin but ash, Trinket left the burning’ground and made his way to his old quarters. The eunuchs had given the place a thorough cleaning, and an assortment of wine and snacks had been set out for him. By now evening was beginning to draw in. Trinket began to fret that Auntie Tao might arrive too late, or might not see his ‘signal’ at all. It was imperative that he got a message to his friends, or they would share the palanquin’s fate’ there would be nothing left of them in the morning but ashes. And the trusty Dolong just wouldn’t go away. Trinket needed badly to come up with a cunning (and foolproof) plan.

A short nap, and he was up again and talking to Dolong. The cunning plan was emerging in his mind. ‘Dolong, old friend, I’m sure I’m safe enough in here, with all you lot looking after me so well. But there’s one thing I can’t help worrying about, with all these nasty Triads and Mu Family people wandering around after me everywhere.’ ‘What would that be?’ enquired the colonel politely. ‘Well, it’s a bit delicate. It’s to do with women, actually. I’m just worried that once they realize they can’t get their hands on me, these people might try something on my womenfolk. There are some very pretty ones down at my place, I can tell you!’ Trinket was relying on the man-to-man factor. And Dolong had no reason to doubt the truth of what he was saying. The young philanderer Lord Wei had long left his earlier identity as the eunuch Laurel behind him, and now had quite a reputation in Palace circles for his amorous conquests. ‘I wonder,’ Trinket continued, ‘if you could possibly send some men over to my place, to keep an eye on them for me?’ ‘Of course, my dear chap! Nothing could be simpler!’

Dolong knew only too well that his men would compete eagerly to go on this particular mission, knowing as they did Lord Wei’s other reputation-for generosity when it came to handing out tips. ‘There are two young ladies I am particularly concerned about,’ Trinket went on. ‘One of them is called Doublet, and the other one is called Zeng Rou. I’d like your men to make a point of telling them that the Triads and the Mu Family people might raid the house tonight.’ The idea was that if such an odd message did get through to them, Doublet and Zeng Rou would be smart enough to put two and two together, and warn the Helmsman and the others that there was something strange going on. But what about the girls themselves, and anyone else unable to get away in time’ Trinket kept seeing this picture of cannon’balls falling and bits of bodies belonging to his friends being thrown into the air. He tried to console himself ‘with the thought that if there were some of Dolong’s Palace Guards in the place, the bombardment might never take place.

But then again (Trinket began to fret, after Dolong’s guards had already left the Palace), suppose the Emperor’s orders were to fire on the house come what may, that would be the end of the girls! Doublet was especially present in his thoughts. He knew he would miss her the most. She had always been so sweet and devoted. He could not bear to lose her. But if he tried to change the plan, and gave orders for the guards to bring the girls out, then there would be no one to pass the message on to the Helmsman. He would then be guilty of an extremely un’River’and’Lake decision, and a very turtle’headed, love’and’sex before honour’and’friendship attitude. It was all very difficult. Why was life presenting him with these insoluble dilemmas’ He paced up and down his room. In the event, the dilemma was resolved for him an hour or so later, when the guards reported back. They had been unable to get anywhere near Lord Wei’s Residence in Bronze Hat Lane. The Vanguard regiment, under Colonel Ajige, was in charge of the whole operation, and had absolutely refused to let them through. Ajige had said that he had the situation completely under control. It was as the Emperor had predicted. There was little love lost between the Vanguards and the Palace Guards.

So much for Plan A. Trinket had to think up yet another cunning plan, and quickly. He probably had enough poisoned darts to put paid to Dolong (dear friend!) and a few of the guards. But not enough for all of them. He’d used up all the opiate at Widow Zhuang’s manor. It would soon be dark. Time was running out. He felt as desperate as an ant trapped in a hot wok. He was pissing in his pants every thirty seconds. And still he could not think of a plan. Slowly but surely darkness was falling. Trinket opened his window and looked outside. Seven or eight Palace Guards were patrolling right beneath his window. Of Auntie Tao there was not the least sign. He heaved a sigh and lay down dejectedly on his bed. Any minute now it would be too late, and his friends would be on their way to the next world. And a noisy departure it would be too! And then he saw it. The big vat of water which stood by the window, the vat that had once belonged to the late (and not much lamented) Eunuch Hai Dafu (he’d used it to cool off during his frequent bouts of fever). It had come in extremely handy on a later occasion, when Colonel Rui Dong (the Invincible Iron Palm) had come to his room under orders from the Old Whore to eliminate Trinket.

Colonel Rui (it will be remembered) had toppled Trinket from this very same window ledge and into the vat, only to find himself seconds later with the deadly dagger in his own innards. It was definitely a vat with a history, thought Trinket to himself. And history was knocking on its capacious rim once more. The vat was giving him ideas. He felt for his dagger. The plan that was forming itself in his mind was as follows. First he would lure Dolong into the room. Then he would kill him’ in the vat, with darts, somehow- that part of the plan could be filled in later. Then he would start a fire, and in the ensuing chaos, he would escape. The thought of killing Dolong was not one he particularly relished (dilemmas again!). They had been friends for some time. But honour decreed it. And besides, Dolong’s death would enable dozens of others to live, including his own Shifu, the Helmsman. His mind was made up. He lit a candle. The curtains would catch fire the quickest, he thought to himself. First he would kill Dolong, then he would set the curtains on fire.

At that very moment he heard Dolong’s voice outside in the passageway. ‘They’ve brought your dinner, Lord Wei! Would you like to come out and eat it!’ ‘Why don’t we eat together in here?’ ‘Very well!’ Dolong sent in the junior eunuch from the Catering Department with the food and wine. He was a young lad of sixteen or seventeen. As he set out the meal, Trinket, on a sudden impulse (or more accurately, a sudden new development of Plan B), invited him to stay and keep them company. Dolong came in shortly afterwards, and they sat down to their meal. Dolong started talking. ‘Just look at how well the Emperor treats you! Why, it’s ages since you were in service in the Palace, and yet he’s kept your old room for you, just the way it always was!’ ‘Eat up, my friend,’ Trinket urged him. ‘See, they brought some of my old favourites! Clever of them to have remembered in the Catering Department. Try some of this Lion’s Head Meatball with Crab.’ Trinket had strolled behind Dolong even as he was saying this. Dolong did not even have time to raise his chopsticks. He felt something cold enter his heart from behind, and slumped forward onto the table. In the end, Trinket had chosen to use his infallible dagger. It had been carried out with precision and in total silence. The eunuch noticed nothing. Next it was his turn. And once that was done, Trinket quickly bolted the door from the inside and changed clothes with the dead eunuch. He propped Dolong’s body on his chair, and for good measure carved his face up until it looked a real mess.

Even as he was doing this, he was thinking to himself’ ‘I’m really sorry, Dolong, old friend. But I’m sure you’ll understand that I had to do it. I just had to. Try and look on the bright side. Supposing I got away, and you were still alive, and the Emperor decided to punish you. You’d have been executed anyway tomorrow (and most of your family with you). This way, you’ll have died in the performance of your duty (so to speak), and your family will probably get a fat pension. So really, one way of looking at it is that you’re better off as you are now.’ But even he was not greatly convinced by himself. He could not help shedding a few tears for his friend. ‘As for you, my poor young fellow,’ he continued, looking at the eunuch, propped up opposite Dolong, and now wearing his (Trinket’s) clothes. ‘In a way, you’re lucky too, to be wearing my Yellow Jacket, and my hat with the Ruby Button. In real life, you could never have dreamed of such rapid promotion!’ He straightened out his eunuch uniform. Then, loudly’ ‘That’ll be all! You can go now, little fellow! Here’s a few taels for your pains!’ ‘Thank you, sir!’ (muffled, eunuch’like reply) Loudly again: ‘Tell them that Colonel Dolong and I would like to be left on our own for a while. We are not to be disturbed!’

So when the door opened and a junior eunuch emerged into the passageway carrying a food basket the guards, who were having their own dinner, paid him not the slightest attention. ‘Excellent kungfu!’ thought Trinket as he headed for the main door. ‘It’ll be a couple of hours at least before they notice anything. And when they do see the two dead bodies, they’ll think that Lord Wei and Colonel Dolong have both been assassinated! There’s a lot of that going on in the Palace at the moment. They’ll piss themselves!’ Just as Trinket was going out the main door, what should he see but an extremely grand palanquin heading towards him, all decked out with pheasant tail’feathers. The eunuchs clearing the way in front of it cried’ ‘Make way! Make way for Her Highness the Princess Ning!’ ‘What bad timing!’ muttered Trinket. ‘Now I’ll never get away. She’ll insist on going in, and she’ll find me dead! All hell will be let loose!’ He watched the Princess step down from her palanquin. ‘Is Laurel here?’ she asked.

Trinket took a deep breath and walked forward. ‘Your Highness,’ he said to the Princess, sotto voce, ‘I’m afraid Lord Wei is rather drunk. Allow me to accompany you.’ By the dim light of the lanterns, the Princess had not recognized him. She saw all the guards emerging from Trinket’s quarters to greet her, and wondered what on earth was going on. She frowned and waved them away. ‘All of you wait for me here outside!’ And so saying she strode on into the passageway leading to Trinket’s room. Trinket (in his role as the junior eunuch) followed her in. As they entered the passage, he closed the main outer door behind them. The Princess told him to leave and walked on into the inner room. Then she saw the slumped bodies, and gave a strangled cry. She saw the ‘little eunuch’ still standing there by the inner door, and frowned. ‘What are you doing in here?’ Trinket drew closer to her. Take a look.’ The Princess was somewhat taken aback by this cheeky response. But then she looked, and recognized Trinket. ‘Just what do you think you’re up to now?’ ‘Be quiet!’ whispered Trinket. ‘Very quiet!’ ‘What the hell is going on?’

The Princess looked from the real Trinket to the one slumped ‘drunk’ on the table. Trinket pulled her well inside the room, and closed the inner door. ‘Things are very bad indeed!’ he whispered. ‘In fact they couldn’t be ‘worse. For a start, the Emperor wants me dead-‘ ‘He’s already had my husband killed!’ Princess Ning put in. ‘What does he want to go killing you for’ If he tries that-I’ll fight him myself!’ She was nothing if not plucky! Trinket put both arms around the Princess and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Plan B had sort of fallen through; but Plan C was already forming in his mind. So he said’ ‘Let’s both get out of the Palace as quickly as we possibly can! The Emperor knows all about us! He wants to chop my head off!’ He was hugging the Princess so tight, and kissing her so passionately, she was aching all over and almost incapable of replying. ‘But…’ When she finally did manage to speak, her voice sounded husky and strangely sexy. ‘But, now that he’s killed that horrible husband of mine, I was thinking I could go ahead and marry you! And he wants to kill you! How did he find out about us! How?’

‘I don’t think it was very hard,’ replied Trinket. ‘You gave the game away all the time.’ She blushed. ‘I didn’t! I just asked him once or twice when you were coming back, that’s all.’ ‘That’s what I mean! Anyway, it doesn’t make any difference. It looks as if we’re going to end up married after all. But we’ve got to get out of here fast!’ She seemed hesitant. ‘I’ll talk to my brother tomorrow. I’m sure he’ll understand. I’m sure he won’t really kill you. He said he wanted to find me another husband. He’s always been so good to you.’

It was at this moment that she noticed the nasty, sickly smell that permeated the room. And in the next moment, realizing that it was the smell of blood, she let out a cry, grabbed hold of the table, and began vomiting all over the floor. Trinket tried patting her on the back and comforting her. She merely turned on him and started boxing him ferociously on the ears. ‘You’re bad! You’re a wicked wicked boy!’ Now she was pummelling his chest. ‘Yes, I know, I’m wicked and bad. I know I am.’ The one thing Trinket knew for certain at that moment was that unless he left the Palace at once, his friends were as good as dead. The time set for the bombardment was minutes away. And here was the Princess having one of her tantrums. She twisted his ears. ‘You don’t know how wicked and bad you are! Look at what you’ve done to me for a start! Poor little baby Laurel!’ She stood up, stuck out her tummy, and started sobbing.

Trinket looked at her stunned. ‘You don’t mean-‘ ‘Yes, I do! And if we don’t get married very soon, my life won’t be worth living. I could never pretend this was little Wu’s doing. Everyone knows what I did to him!’ All the colour drained from Trinket’s face. What a moment to have to confront paternity! And with the hysterical Princess of all people. If he was hard with her, she was liable, no, she was certain to make a huge scene, here and now, and spoil his entire escape plan (whether it was the aborted Plan B he went ahead with, or the new Plan C). On the other hand, if he was too nice to her, she would want to go to bed with him there and then. What was he to do’ His night of dilemmas was by no means over yet.

At that very moment there came a series of three knocks at the window. Then a pause. Then two more knocks. ‘That must be Auntie Tao!’ whispered Trinket excitedly. And sure enough, the next second, a figure vaulted up onto the window’ledge and into the room-Auntie Tao. There was hope after all! She and the Princess eyed one another. ‘Good evening, Your Highness!’ said Auntie Tao. ‘And who might you be?’ replied the Princess somewhat haughtily. Whatever was this middle’aged, unattractive woman doing in Trinket’s room at this hour of the night’ The very fact that she was neither young nor pretty made the Princess’ pangs of jealousy all the stronger. Her lover was clearly undiscriminating in his desires. Insatiable in fact. She was just about to call for one of the guards, when Trinket clapped a hand over her mouth. She fought back and began boxing him on the ears again. Trinket put his right hand round her neck and began squeezing it tightly. ‘I’ll strangle you, you little whore!’ For a moment, she could not breathe and she flailed her hands in the air and kicked her feet around wildly. Trinket brought his left hand round and thumped her hard twice on the crown of the head.

Auntie Tao could tell from the way Trinket was carrying on with the Princess that this must be an emergency. She quickly pressed three places on the Princess1 back and chest, and closed the Vital Points controlling her upper body. Trinket let go of her. ‘Auntie!’ he whispered. Things are very bad! The Emperor wants to kill me! I’ve got to get out of the Palace!’ ‘It’s crawling with guards out there,’ replied Tao. That’s why it took me so long to get through. Look!’ She pushed the window slightly open.

Trinket looked through the crack and could see seven or eight guards patrolling with lanterns. It looked bad. But maybe Plan C could work after all. Maybe he could get out the same way Thin Dhuta and the Old Whore had tried’ in a palanquin-the Princess’ palanquin. Hopefully he would not run into a Gui’style ambush. The first thing was to talk the Princess round. ‘Listen, my sweet, darling Princess,’ he said, ‘you really mustn’t be jealous, or think there’s anything going on between this woman and myself. She’s my Auntie, for goodness’ sake! And since you and me are about to get married, I think you should call her Auntie too.’ Princess Ning smiled. She was only too pleased to believe that the woman was not Trinket’s lover, and only too happy to call her Auntie. Auntie Tao herself could not make out this couple at all. One minute they were fighting like cat and dog, the next they were all lovey-‘dovey.

‘Now then,’ said Trinket, ‘what we’re going to do is this. We’re both going to leave here in your palanquin, and get out of the Palace. As soon as possible after that we’ll get married. We’ll need somebody a bit older to act as a witness, so I suggest we take Auntie Tao along with us.’ The Princess had her points duly reactivated, and called for her chair to be brought into the room. Her eunuch chair’bearers thought this a strange order, but no stranger than many other orders they’d had from her in the past, so they did their best to oblige. The trouble was, the chair was rather a grand one, and it was much too wide for the door. The most they could get through the doorway was the two front carrying’poles. The chair itself could go no further. The two front eunuchs had to backwards and vacate the passageway connecting the inner room to the antechamber, as the Princess had given specific orders that she wanted to be left alone when she climbed into her palanquin. Then she and Trinket sneaked into the passageway, climbed inside, and closed the curtains. They persuaded Auntie Tao to accompany them on foot. Since she was posing as a maid (and had been for some considerable time), her presence would arouse no suspicion. ‘We’re ready!’ The two eunuchs wriggled their way back into their chair’carrying positions, and all the bearers lifted their load and set off. ‘Funny!’ they thought to themselves. ‘It seems a lot heavier than when we came!’

Plan C in Action

Following Trinket’s instructions, the Princess ordered her bearers to carry them out of the Palace through the Gate of the Divine Warrior. It was late at night, and the guards on duty at the gate asked the bearers to halt. The Princess poked her head out through the curtains. ‘I want to go home!’ she cried. ‘Out of my way!’

The captain in command of this particular watch was Trinket’s old friend Zhao Qixian. He hastily bowed to the Princess, and laughed nervously. ‘Your Highness, there’s been a serious disturbance in the Palace this evening, and all sorts of undesirable people managed to break in. It’s really not very safe. I strongly urge you to wait to go home until morning.’ ‘I’m in a hurry!’ cried the Princess angrily. ‘What do I care about any of that?’ Zhao was still not prepared to give the order to open the gate. After all, the Princess’ late husband had been the son of the Satrap, and in the present situation, it was possible to be suspicious of anything and anyone. He insisted on seeking the authorization of his superior, Colonel Dolong. Trinket was following all of this from inside the palanquin, and when he learned that Zhao was about to go in search of Dolong, he reckoned the time had come to intervene. ‘Zhao,’ he said from inside, ‘do you know who I am?’ irmxet poked his head out and gestured to Zhao to come closer. He spoke in a barely audible whisper. ‘Zhao, I’m on a top secret mission for the Emperor. If I Jet anyone see me, the whole thing will be spoiled. That’s why the Emperor told me to ride in the Princess’ palanquin.’ Zhao knew how close Trinket was to the Emperor. And he’d certainly seen him in even stranger circumstances in the past. ‘Very well, sir. I’ll open the gate straight away.’

‘Just a moment.’ Trinket had had another of his brainwaves. It seemed that so far as his ever fertile mind was concerned, the more desperate the situation, the more inventive he became. ‘You may be wondering what the mission is. Since we’re old friends, I think I can let you in on the secret. His Majesty has come up with a very clever plan. He’s fixed things so that a whole group of the Satrap’s men are all gathering together tonight, in my house in Bronze Hat Lane. He’s put me in charge of a Vanguard regiment, and I’m supposed to go and arrest the lot of them. Now, you know as well as I do that the Vanguards don’t get on with the Valiants, and I’m a Colonel in the Valiants. So you’re probably wondering why I’m commanding Vanguard troops for this particular mission.’ ‘Well, yes sir, it does seem rather odd.’ ‘I’ll tell you.’ At this point Trinket’s whisper became positively ghost’like. ‘It’s all because we’ve found out that the Vanguard commander, Colonel Ajige, is himself in league with the Satrap. The man’s a traitor. His Majesty wants to make a clean sweep of them all. And the brilliant part of it is that because Her Highness the Princess used to be married to the Satrap’s son, they’ll never suspect anything when they see her palanquin arrive. Absolutely brilliant, isn’t it?’

Zhao was out of his depth. ‘Wow! I’d certainly never have suspected Colonel Ajige of being a traitor! I’ll bet it was you that found out, sir?’ ‘Be that as it may, what I want you to do now is follow us with forty of your men.’ orders at once. He was delighted to have been invited to take part in this secret mission, which would no doubt greatly further his own career in the Palace Guards. It was not far from the Forbidden City to Bronze Hat Lane. Soon their little procession had reached the entrance to the lane. Trinket’s heart was pounding all the way. He kept expecting the bombardment to begin. Colonel Ajige came forward to greet the Princess’ palanquin. All the way there the Princess had been briefed by Trinket on exactly what to say and do (the latest version of Plan C). She had also found time to give him a massage, to help him unwind a bit. ‘Colonel Ajige,’ she said, in her most princessly voice, looking out through the curtain. ‘My brother the Emperor has asked me to remind you of how important your mission is tonight. Is everything ready?’ Ajige bowed. ‘Everything is ready, Highness.’ ‘What about the big cannon?’ ‘Yes, Your Highness. Eather Nan,’ (the Belgian Jesuit Verbiest), ‘is in charge of them personally.’ Trinket heard this all too clearly. He knew the Belgian foreign devil was an excellent shot. ‘His Majesty wants me to go into Lord Wei’s Residence personally. There’s something he wants me to do. You may accompany me if you wish.’ ‘Excuse me, Your Highness, but we are very close to the appointed time. I really cannot allow you to go in now.’ ‘What do you mean?’ The Princess sounded angry. She was good at sounding angry. ‘Are you disobeying His Majesty’s orders?’ ‘Of course not, Your Highness. But … it is much too dangerous.’

Trinket gave a little cough. It was the prearranged signal for Auntie Tao to spring into action. She darted forward and poked her fingers into three of Ajige’s Vital Points, two in the small of his back, one beneath his ribs. Ajige let out a barely audible groan, and froze. He felt a cold sensation and a sharp little jab as a blade was pressed into his back. He was frightened out of his wits. ‘Either you obey His Majesty’s orders, or I shall be obliged to kill you,’ said the Princess calmly. ‘And all of vour fa^;?’?’ ‘Yes, Your Highness.’Ajige’s voice trembled. ‘ t, At this point Trinket had yet another of his last’minute brainwaves. Why should he sacrifice perfectly good Palace Guards (men with whom he had mostly excellent relations), when he could use Vanguard troops instead. He whispered to the Princess’ ‘Tell him to select fifty of his own men to escort you inside.’ The Princess did exactly this, and the trembling Ajige gave the necessary orders. Trinket told Zhao to wait outside with his Valiants. The palanquin was carried as far as the entrance hall of the second courtyard of Trinket’s compound. There the Princess and Trinket climbed out and told the fifty Vanguard troops to form up in the courtyard. Auntie Tao led Ajige, and the four of them (the Princess, Trinket, Ajige, and Auntie Tao) walked on into the main hall of the palace.

They opened the doors, and saw’ the Helmsman, the Little Countess, Apothecary Xu, and all the others, gathered there in the hall. They were taken aback to see Trinket with his present companions, all of whom were total strangers. Trinket greeted them all. ‘The Emperor knows all about this meeting. The streets outside are crawling with soldiers. And a dozen cannon have been set up, ready to fire straight into my house! Any minute now this place will be flattened! We have no time to lose!’ General panic ensued. Iron Dragon Liu was one of the first to speak’ ‘Let’s make a dash for it! The worst that can happen is that we get killed!’ Trinket shook his head. ‘No. I have a much better plan. I want you to change clothes with the soldiers waiting outside in the courtyard. Then we can all get out safely.’ They all praised Trinket’s plan as a brilliant one. Ajige gave the orders for his men to troop in. He had no alternative. There was a knife at his throat. The Triads and the Mu Family waited until the first twenty’odd soldiers filed into the hall, and then set on them. After much punching and kicking, they were soon laid low. There were two more batches, fifteen at a time, who suffered a similar fate. Then the Triads and Mu Family stripped the soldiers and dressed themselves up, all of them, even the Princess, as Vanguard troops.

The one person Trinket could not see was Doublet. It was Zeng Rou who told him’ ‘She was so worried. In the end she set off with Brodier Feng to find out what had happened to you.’ They left at noon,’ confirmed the Little Countess. ‘It’s strange that they’re not back yet.’ Trinket was very concerned. Neither of them knew what was happening, and they might arrive back just in time to be blown to pieces. It was very important to leave them a message of some sort. It was Butcher Qian who volunteered to do this. There was no time for anything fancy. He took his sword and slashed the legs of a couple of the Vanguard soldiers. Then he ripped off some lengths of their undergarments, and soaked them in their own blood. With these makeshift writing’brushes he went around the house smearing the words ESCAPE QUICKLY! on every door. They now untied all the horses in the stables, and led them out. Four Triad Brothers pretended to be eunuchs, and carried out the Princess’ palanquin, with the Princess and Trinket still inside it. Everyone else just walked out in Vanguard uniform, with the unfortunate Colonel Ajige in their midst. The real Vanguards were left inside, immobilized, or bound, or both-to await their fate.

Trinket’s one regret was for his own household staff-the stable’boys, cooks, guards, maids, and so on-but there was nothing he could do. If he had alerted them all to the impending danger, and tried to get away with his entire household in tow, he would undoubtedly have given the whole game away. As they emerged from the lane, they saw huge numbers of Imperial troops everywhere. But where the cannon were hidden, they still had no idea. Trinket was hugely relieved to have extricated himself and his friends from the immediate danger. He gave orders for Zhao (who was still waiting outside) to take Ajige away and lock him up. His treason was so serious, Trinket explained, he was not on any account to be released except on the Emperor’s personal orders. They all waited down a quiet side’alley, about half a mile from Trinket’s house. Suddenly it began. One explosion after another, and clouds of black smoke rising up into the night sky, together with fragments of brick and tile and timber. The ground trembled beneath their feet. The bombardment was quite protracted. Soon flames rose from the building. Most of them had never seen or heard a cannon before, and were deeply impressed. They had escaped with only minutes to spare. Trinket, who had by now climbed down from the Princess’ palanquin and was riding a horse, hurried to the Helmsman’s side. ‘Shifu, we must leave the city as soon as we possibly can. When v’ord gets around of what’s happened, the city gates will be closed and we’ll never be able to get away.’

‘You are right.’ Trinket then turned to the Princess, who had just climbed out of her palanquin. ‘You’d better hurry back to the Palace. I’ll come back for you when everything has quietened down.’ ‘You’ll what’ The Princess was fuming. ‘I help you escape from the Palace; I talk Ajige into saving your friends-and you think you can just dump me’ And that marriage you talked to me about’ What about that’ And what about this?’ She held her hand to her stomach, and was clearly about to give the assembled (and already somewhat shocked) Triads a detailed report on her pregnancy. Trinket thought better of his previous idea. ‘All right! All right! Come with me then! Climb up behind.’ A big smile lit up the Princess’ face, and she vaulted into the saddle.





They all made their way to the Zhao Yang Gate in the east of the city, where it was easy enough to persuade the guards on duty to let them through. The guards had seen the smoke and heard the explosions. Something big was obviously happening. What could be more normal than for a squad of the Emperor’s Vanguards to go in pursuit of some wanted criminal’ Their first priority when they had travelled a dozen miles or so was to change into civilian clothes. This they achieved by raiding a retired mandarin’s home, and stripping every single member of his household. Their horses soon collapsed under them (Trinket suspected foul play), and they were obliged to continue on foot. Presently, they heard the sound of hooves in the distance behind them. As the horses approached they could tell that there must be getting on for two thousand mounted troops after them. Seeing that they were hopelessly outnumbered, the Helmsman gave the order to split up and lie low for the time being, rather than put up a futile fight and all die in the process. They should each go their separate ways, and hide in the countryside, in the relative safety of some small village or other. ‘I’m off!’ It was Trinket. ‘Where do you think you’re going?’ cried the Princess, hurrying after him. ‘Somewhere. And you’re going somewhere else. Back to the Palace. It’s not safe for you with me.’ ‘Little rat! Think you can get away from me’ Well, I can tell you, it’s going to be a lot harder than you think!’

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