The Deer And The Cauldron 44


The Deer And The Cauldron 44
第四十四回 人来绝域原拚命 事到伤心每怕真

Chapter 26-In which Trinket escapes from Peking, and visits Snake Island for the last time; the Leader makes a Last Stand; a Great Hero dies; and Life on Potluck Island is Described

Out of the Wok, and into the Fire-Mystic Dragon Dissension-To the Death!-Return to Potluck Island-New Arrivals on the Shore-Death of a Hero-Negotiations for Sir Zheng’s Release-The Informer Revealed-An Unusual IOU-Potluck Island Idyll-Rules for Trinket’s Harem- Modus Vivendi-The Seasons of Potluck Island-Two Tamardy Edicts-Domestic Details-Earl of Potluck Island


Out of the Wok, and into the Fire

‘Oh dear!’ thought Trinket. ‘I can see it’s going to be harder to escape from her than from any number of troopers!’ He spotted a field of tall millet, and made a dash towards it. The stalks were more than a man’s height. It seemed his only hope of getting away from both the Princess and the troopers at the same time. He was just doing his best to hide himself between two of the serried rows of millet, when he felt a yank on the back of his jacket. ‘And where do you think you’re off to?’ It was her again. He laughed nervously. ‘Quick! You hide over there’ ‘No thank you! I’m staying here, right next to you!’ And so they made their way together deeper into the millet field. As they did so, they could hear Zeng Rou’s voice behind them and before long both she and the Little Countess had joined them in their hiding’place. They heard the sound of horsemen coming closer, shouting orders as they continued their search. They must have seen us!’ whispered the startled Princess. ‘No they haven’t! Not yet! Be quiet!’

As they crouched there in the field, Trinket was remembering another occasion, when he and his Shifu the White Nun, with Green Girl and Sir Zheng, had been obliged to hide in a field of sorghum. He was daydreaming about Green, and comparing her (very favourably) with the strident and panicking Princess currently beside him! But it turned out that the Princess was right. The soldiers were closing in on them. The millet field was not particularly large (three or four acres at most). And whereas in the fertile soil of the northeast millet quickly grows into a huge impenetrable forest stretching for miles, here in the countryside not far from Peking it did not do nearly so well. They would surely be found before long. Trinket had meanwhile spotted a couple of peasants’ huts over on the far edge of the field, and thither he now dragged his three women companions.

They had to crash through a fence and push open a rough plank door to get inside one of the huts. But once there, it seemed they were in luck. The place looked empty, apart from a few farm implements piled in one corner. Trinket found some capes made of woven straw lying on the ground, and handed them out to the girls. He threw one on himself, stuffed a conical straw hat on his head, and squatted in a corner. The Princess giggled. ‘Look at us! A family of peasants in their hovel! What an adventure this is!’ ‘Sh!’ hissed the Little Countess. They’re coming!’ The next minute the door was pushed open and in came seven or eight soldiers. Trinket turned his face away.

After a second’s silence, he heard one of the men say: ‘None of them are in here! The local peasants must have all gone out to work in the fields.’There was something very familiar about that voice! Trinket had a little peep from under his ‘coolie’ hat, and was delighted beyond measure to recognize his deputy in the Valiants, Colonel Zhao Liangdong. ‘But Colonel’ one of the soldiers was in the process of saying, ‘what about those four peasants over there?’ That’s all!’ ordered Zhao brusquely. ‘Out of here now, all of you! An officer can hardly breathe in this little hut, with all you soldiers cramming the place full! Out you go. Leave this to me. I want to question these men on my own.’ The soldiers hurried out, and from the field they could hear their commander loudly cross’questioning the peasants. ‘Have you seen any strangers come this way recently?’

As he said these words, Zhao went over to Trinket and silently deposited a couple of gold ingots and several lumps of silver in front of him. ‘Oh, I see, so they headed off in a northerly direction, did they’ They must have learned how very angry His Majesty is!’ (silent gesticulation) ‘He’s absolutely furious! He wants heads to roll! They’d better get a move on if they don’t want to be caught!’ Zhao gave Trinket the briefest of manly hugs and went back out to the field, shouting’ The fugitives have obviously headed north! After them!’

Trinket could not believe his luck. Zhao had risked his own life, for the sake of their friendship. He was deeply touched. He and the girls hurried through the door in the other side of the hut, and emerged into a ramshackle yard. Trinket saw at once that they were not alone. There were eight or nine others sitting in the roughly built shelter that ran down one side of the yard. It did not take Trinket long to recognize them. And once he had, it took him even less time to try to take to his heels and flee. But to no avail. He had not gone more than two steps, when a strong hand caught him by the scruff of the neck and lifted him up into the air’ ‘And where do you think you’re off to?’ The last time he’d heard those words, it had been Princess Ning’s voice. This time, it was a different voice, but a familiar one all the same-a voice he’d have known anywhere. It was Great Leader Hong. And with the Leader were’ his utterly gorgeous wife, Madame Hong; the cadaverous Fat Dhuta; the lean’faced Doctor Lu; and the Blue, Red, Black, and Yellow Dragon Marshals- Xu Xueting, Rootless the Taoist, Zhang Danyue, and Duan Jin. In other words, the entire inner cabal of the Mystic Dragon Sect- including (now) the (very) roaming (and extremely renegade) ex’White Dragon Marshal’at’large, Trinket himself! And with them was the adorably beautiful girl Fang Yi, long the object of Trinket’s romantic affections.

The Princess didn’t take kindly to the rough way this man was handling Trinket. ‘Get your hands off him!’ she cried, aiming a feisty kick in the direction of the Leader, who replied by sending her spinning off into the corner of the yard with the tiniest flick of the middle finger of his left hand. Trinket was still dangling in mid’air. He cried out feebly. ‘Long Life to Our Leader and His Wife! Blessings be on Them! Your humble disciple Trinket Wei at your service!’ ‘Spare us the rigmarole!’ sneered the Leader coldly. ‘I’m surprised you even remember the words!’ ‘On the contrary!’ protested the still dangling and breathless Trinket. ‘I say them morning and evening, day and night, at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, when I go to bed, when I sit on the-‘

Ever since the destruction by Admiral Shi Lang and his heavily armed flotilla of the Mystic Dragon base on Snake Island, and the consequent death or dispersal of most of the Sect’s members, the Great Leader had been reduced to the life of a hunted exile, tramping around in a desolate fashion with his last few trusty Comrades. They had been on the run for a couple of years. His brief excursion to Fort Albazin after the debacle on Snake Island had been a desperate (and unsuccessful, thanks yet again to Trinket) attempt to use the Russians to shore up his crumbling power. It had been a long while now since this dishevelled band had been able to chant any of the old mantras with any conviction. Hearing a couple of them on Trinket’s lips almost kindled a glow of nostalgic pleasure. The Leader put Trinket down on the ground. There was the faintest trace of a smile on his icy face.

‘It’s been so long since we last saw each other,’ said the irrepressibly hopeful Trinket. ‘I am amazed to see you both looking so well, and so much younger! Especially Madame Hong! Why she looks like a girl of seventeen. She could be my little sister!’ It always worked. Madame Hong gave a coy laugh, and pinched him on the cheek. ‘Shameless little monkey! You’re the world’s greatest Master of the Sucking Up School of kungfu!’ The Princess, needless to say, was infuriated by this piece of obvious flirtation. ‘You watch your step!’ Madame Hong smiled. ‘Step’ I wasn’t aware of having taken one. But I think I will.’ Whereupon she walked up to Princess Ning and kicked her hard up the backside. The Princess yelped with pain.

At that moment there was the sound of more cavalry surrounding the yard. Presently a dozen or so soldiers came in, among whom Trinket recognized to his delight his old friends Colonels Wang Jinbao and Sun Sike. ‘No one in here but a bunch of old peasants!’ cried Wang promptly (and very loudly). That’s right!’ called back Sun, immediately getting the idea. He and Wang exchanged glances, and waved their soldiers back out of the yard. ‘Seen any men on the run?’ Sun continued to shout out, as his men left the building. ‘No’ Well, we’d better be on our way then.’ Minutes later, Wang and Sun were indeed on their way, having replenished Trinket’s supplies of money and left him with enough horses for everyone (they assumed that he was with friends). Trinket had tried to persuade them to take him with them. Anything, he thought to himself, even facing a furious Emperor, would be better than dying at the hands of the demented Leader and his rabid crew. But Wang and Sun were too aware of the hunt under way for Trinket, and believed sincerely that they were doing him a favour.

They ordered their soldiers to set fire to the little compound, and they all galloped away. Presently the Leader’s party, with Trinket and his three women companions, mounted the fresh horses so kindly provided for them by His Majesty’s troopers, and set off in an easterly direction towards the sea. Trinket and the women were made to ride in the middle, for fear that they would try to break loose and escape. Trinket was still hoping against hope that the troopers would somehow catch up with them and save him from the Leader’s clutches. But it did not happen. At first the Princess kept up a constant stream of princess’like complaints. But after a while Duan Jin, the Yellow Dragon Marshal, decided he had heard enough and closed certain of her points, rendering her conveniently mute for the rest of that day’s voyage. The Leader charted a south’easterly direction, and that night they camped out in the open.

A few days later they finally reached the coast. Doctor Lu helped himself to one of Trinket’s pieces of silver, and went off to hire a boat and the services of a boatman. Soon they were setting out to sea. ‘Here we go again!’ thought Trinket bitterly to himself. ‘Back to jolly old Snake Island! Now watch them feed old Trink to the snakes.’ He imagined himself in a deep pit on the island, surrounded by nasty, writhing (and highly venomous) serpents. He began to tremble with uncontrollable fear.

This was his third trip by sea to Snake Island, he reflected miserably to himself. The first had been in the first flush of his infatuation with Fang Yi, and he still had one or two romantic memories of evenings together on deck (even if she had only done it to lure him into a trap). The second trip had been when he was Supreme Commander of the great fleet sent by the Emperor to destroy the Mystic Dragons-that too had had its redeeming moments of glory. The present occasion was truly wretched by comparison. His captors refused to leave him alone for one moment, and were constantly kicking him and hitting him. And the lovely Fang Yi had not so much as looked at him once since they’d run into each other in the peasants’ compound. She probably had no choice, and was obliged to obey the dark whims of her Leader. But Trinket could not help feeling bitter towards her. She always did this to him, she always threw him into utter confusion. She was so pretty, damn it, so seductive, so clever at leading him on. And he fell for it every time! Curse her! She was the cleverest little whore on the face of the earth!

After several days at sea, they finally reached Snake Island. Doctor Lu and Fat Dhuta led the captives ashore. It was a desolate sight that greeted their eyes. Scorched trees, and piles of rubble, the result of the protracted and devastating bombardment to which the island had been subjected by Admiral Shi Lang’s fleet a couple of years earlier. The stench of decomposing snake’flesh assailed their nostrils as they wended their way along one of the island trails. When they finally came to the great bamboo assembly hall, they found it in ruins, while the smaller bamboo structures around it had been entirely razed to the ground. The Great Leader stood there in shocked silence, gazing morosely at the scene. His four Dragon Marshals reacted with sheer horror, and several angry glances were cast in Trinket’s direction.

The Black Dragon Marshal, Zhang Danyue, drew himself up to his full height and bellowed’ ‘Your Great Leader has returned to the island! Let all Comrades show themselves and do homage!’ His powerful voice carried right across the island. But the only response was the occasional echo reverberating from one of the distant hills. ‘. . . Leader . . . Comrades . . . homage . . .’ Then total silence. Neither sight nor sound of a single member of the Sect. The island seemed utterly deserted. The Great Leader turned towards Trinket. ‘Well’ You and your cannon have done a thorough job of it.’ His voice was icy. There’s nothing left. I hope you are suitably pleased with your work.’

Trinket made a feeble attempt to reply, but the Leader merely walked towards him and kicked him with ferocious force high into the air. Trinket landed with such a mighty thump, he felt as if he had broken every bone in his body and would never be able to walk again. Zeng Rou, though she was greatly intimidated by the Leader’s violent behaviour, walked over and put her arms gently round Trinket, helping him into a sitting position on the ground. Duan Jin, the ever smarmy Yellow Dragon Marshal, promptly offered to slice Trinket up into little pieces, but the Leader had other ideas. ‘Not yet. Not yet. We need to keep him alive for a bit. He may have useful information!’ The Leader sat down on a large boulder, and was lost in thought for a moment. Then’ There is much work to be done here. The Manchu cannon have destroyed much of the island, and many of our Comrades have died. But we must begin the work of reconstruction without delay. First of all, I appoint you, Doctor Lu, to be the new White Dragon Marshal, in place of this degenerate viper in our midst!’

Doctor Lu fell to his knees and expressed his profound gratitude to the Leader for this honour. ‘Each of you Five Dragon Marshals must now proceed on a tour of the island. You must reassemble your old Branches, wherever possible recruiting new members of appropriate calibre.’ So far as the Leader was concerned, the message was clear’ it was to be business as usual. Three of the Dragon Marshals expressed their assent’ Duan Jin, Zhang, and the newly appointed White Dragon Marshal, Doctor Lu. But the recalcitrant Red Dragon Marshal, Rootless the Taoist, and Xu Xueting (Blue Dragon) remained ominously silent. The Leader glanced at them. ‘Is there something you wish to say?’ It was old Blue who spoke first’ ‘Great Leader, I have always been a loyal and devoted follower. But I feel that over the years you have not trusted us as much as we deserve to be trusted. Things have got to change if we are to regain our morale. And the very first thing we need is the Antidote for the Leopard Embryo Pill. Things can’t go on like this. Give us the Antidote, and you will find that we will serve you with renewed and increased zeal.’

‘And if I don’t?’ sneered the Leader. Then I suppose you will serve me with ‘ess zeal, or without any zeal at all’ Is that it?’ ‘Leader!’ protested old Xu. ‘Surely you know me better than that! After all these years! Which brings me to my second point. We need older, more reliable people in our Sect. Those youngsters are all talk and hot air. The minute there’s any real trouble or danger, they run for cover. Who stood by you and Madame Hong, through thick and thin’ It was us elders. We need fewer of those young hoodlums. When all’s said and done, they’re no better than this little urchin here!’ He pointed at Trinket, the disgraced ex’White Dragon Marshal. As Xu spoke, the Leader’s expression had grown darker and darker, and Xu had grown more and more nervous. But having embarked on his speech, he was determined to say it out to the end.

‘And you?’ The Leader stared at Rootless. Rootless took a couple of steps away from him. ‘I agree with Blue Dragon Marshal. We must learn new ways. These young people are not what our Sect needs. They do it harm. Take this young creature here!’ (He pointed, not to Trinket, but to the Little Countess.) ‘She’s simply not trustworthy. She betrayed us to the enemy. We must rid ourselves of such elements.’ The Leader looked around him. ‘And you others’ Is this what you all think?’

There was a long silence. At last Fat Dhuta spoke’ ‘Leader, we have not discussed this matter amongst ourselves. But I feel that Red Dragon Marshal and Blue Dragon Marshal are basically right.’ The Black Dragon Marshal and Doctor Lu also indicated their agreement with Xu Xueting. The only one to stand apart from his revolting Comrades was the ever shifting Yellow Dragon Marshal, Duan Jin, who in unctuous tones expressed his belief that the Great Leader’s infallible wisdom was to be placed higher than all other considerations. ‘This destruction of our island can serve to purge our Sect of any refractory elements, Leader’ he ventured. ‘We are counting on you to lead us ever forwards, as you always have done in the past!’

Xu Xueting finally lost his temper. ‘It’s arse’lickers like you that got us into this mess in the first place!’ he cried angrily. ‘Your sycophantic, snivelling nonsense is of no use to anyone!’ ‘Me, a sycophant?’ protested Duan Jin. ‘Why, you’re the one who tried to start a mutiny and failed. Remember’ You’re the one who almost succeeded in dividing us among ourselves. Remember’ And here you go again!’ He and Xu Xueting had their hands on their sword’hilts. All the others who had lined up with Xu stared silently at the Leader. The Leader turned slowly towards Duan Jin and fixed him with an icy, cruel gaze. It sent a chill to the very core of Duan Jin’s being. He retreated a step. ‘Leader, these men must be disciplined. They must be put to death.’ ‘What were you saying just now?’

The Leader’s voice was muffled and sinister. Duan Jin trembled. ‘I was only doing my best to-‘ ‘You were talking about things that happened in the past. Bad things. Things I thought we had all agreed to forget. Let me remind you, we took an oath!’ The Leader’s voice was intense, threatening. ‘We agreed to let bygones be bygones. Remember’ To forgive and forget. Remember’ And what was to be the punishment for anyone who didn’t forgive and forget’ For anyone who tried dredging up old disagreements, old grudges, old mutinies’ Remember’ We agreed that any such person was be thrown into the Dragon Pool, to be consumed by ten thousand snakes! Remember?’ Duan Jin’s face was by now utterly bloodless with terror. He collapsed to his knees. ‘Leader! I’ll never do it again!’

But even as he said the words Duan Jin himself knew it was hopeless. He turned and fled. The Leader let him run for a couple of seconds. Then he stooped to pick a stone from the ground and threw it. The stone whistled through the air, and struck Duan Jin on the back of his head. He uttered a ghastly cry, lurched forward, and fell heavily to the ground. His limbs twitched once or twice, and he was dead. The Leader had made a very quick calculation. He could probably have taken on all five rebels, and won. His kungfu skills were second to none. But then what’ Who would he have left’ He knew Duan Jin for a fawning, shifty knave. He always had been. This was a time of deep crisis for the Sect. Its very backbone had been seriously damaged. If there was to be any hope of repairing that damage, he would need every man he could get. The decision had taken him only a couple of seconds. And now Duan Jin was dead.

The five survivors expressed their gratitude, and praised their Leader for his wisdom and judgement. Mystic Dragon Dissension The Leader now proceeded to deal with the causes of their dissatisfaction.

But first he pointed to Trinket. ‘I want you all to know’ he said, ‘that I spared this little viper’s life not out of any sentimental sense of mercy, but because he knows the secret whereabouts of a great treasure, buried somewhere in the north’east. He can lead us to this treasure, and with it we will rebuild our great movement.’ He continued’ ‘As for your suggestion that we place less confidence in younger members, I have thought about it and have come to the conclusion that you are right after all. From now on we must be more discerning when recruiting new members.’ They all looked pleased to hear this, and bowed to express their appreciation of their Leader’s change of heart.

Next the Leader produced two porcelain bottles from one of his inside pockets, and from each bottle he took five pills’ five yellow and five white. Then he put the bottles back in his pocket. These,’ he said, pointing to the pills, all of which were now in his left hand, ‘are the Antidote for the Leopard Embryo Pill. You must each take two, one of each colour.’ Xu Xueting was the first to express his thanks and take his two pills. The others followed suit. ‘Swallow them straight away,’ said the Leader. The five men duly swallowed their pills. ‘Good.’ There was the faintest trace of a smile on the Leader’s face. Then suddenly he shouted’ ‘And what about you, Doctor Lu’ What’s that in your left hand?’

Doctor Lu stepped forward. ‘Me’ Nothing!’ But his left hand was still tightly clenched. ‘Open it!’ cried the Leader. His thundering voice set their ears ringing. Doctor Lu swayed unsteadily. He opened his fist slowly, and a white pill fell to the ground. The others were appalled. Doctor Lu was the Sect’s expert in all matters pharmacological. If he had not wanted to swallow the white pill, it was certainly for a good reason. And the four of them had already swallowed theirs. ‘That white pill is a highly efficacious tonic’ said the Leader, speaking forcefully. ‘It is known as Snow Ginseng. Why do you not trust me?’ ‘Of course I trust you, Leader!’ protested Doctor Lu. ‘It’s just that I’ve been feeling a little out of sorts lately. Weak. Out of joint. I thought I’d take my pill this evening after I’ve done my yoga-‘

‘What’s the problem’ Come over here and I’ll see what I can do for you.’ Doctor Lu understandably did not seem to relish the idea of receiving healing from the Leader-not at that precise moment. He recoiled still further. ‘Still not trust me?’ CHANhKltt ‘Oh no, Leader! It’s not that!’ ‘Then take your pill! Novel’ Doctor Lu stooped to retrieve the pill. And then suddenly he gave a flick of his finger and the little white pill went whizzing through the air, far, far away to some distant valley. There, Leader! I’ve taken it!’ ‘You’ve got a nerve!’ The Leader gave one of his sinister approximations to a laugh.

‘Leader, it was kind of you to give us the Leopard Embryo Antidote. The yellow one. But I really don’t think I deserved the second pill, the white one, the Serpent Bane.’ The others hurried over to Doctor Lu’s side, more terrified than ever. They stared at the Leader. ‘And what makes you so sure the white pill contains Serpent Bane’ You are just trying to make trouble.’ Doctor Lu pointed to Fang Yi. ‘One day I found her out in the long grass collecting snails. She said you needed them for some drug you were making. And then by chance I came across the formula for this Serpent Bane. I know it’s supposed to be three years before it takes effect. But in the first place, you’ve never tried to make it before, and so you might have made it up wrong. And in the second place, I’m not sure I want to die, even in three years’ time.’ The Leader’s face was darker than ever.

‘And tell me pray, how was it you, as you put it, “came across the formula” I was using?’ Doctor Lu glanced at Madame Hong. ‘It was your Lady. She wanted me to fetch her some drugs from the medicine chest. I found it there.’ ‘Rubbish! Why would my wife need to go to you for drugs’ She would have come to me. And besides, I keep that chest locked at all times. How did you manage to break into it without my knowing?’ ‘I didn’t.’ ‘You’re not going to tell me that I opened it for you!’ The Leader was getting louder and louder, more and more hysterical. He turned to Madame Hong. ‘Or did you open it for him?’ Her beautiful face was deathly pale. She nodded her head slowly. ‘Wny didn’t you come to me for it?’ She flushed deeply, and then the next minute all the colour drained out of her face again. She staggered a little, and clutched at her stomach. She made a retching sound, and began vomiting. The Leader frowned. He spoke softly to her’ ‘What’s the matter, my dear’ Sit down and rest a little.’

‘know what the matter is!’ It was the Princess who blurted this out. Somehow she always managed to put her foot in it ‘She’s pregnant! She’s having a baby! Why, you silly old man, your own wife’s having a baby and you didn’t even know!’ The Leader looked totally stunned. He lurched forward and took hold of Madame Hong’s wrist. ‘Is what she says true?’ Madame Hong was still bent double, vomiting, shaking violently. Suddenly the Leader’s tone changed. Now he was his icy self again. ‘You were trying to have an abortion, weren’t you’ That’s it! You were trying to get rid of the child!’ Apart from Doctor Lu, the others were following this with utter disbelief. If Madame Hong really was pregnant, surely this should be a source of joy. It would be the Leader’s first child. Why should she want to be rid of it’ Surely he must be wrong in this assumption. But then she nodded, very slowly and deliberately. ‘Yes. You’re right. I wanted to get rid of the baby. Go on, kill me!’

The Leader raised his right hand. The edge of his all’crushing palm was poised above her head. ‘Whose is the child?’ They all knew that if that palm ever came down, she would be a dead woman. To their ever increasing astonishment, she merely raised her head and said proudly’ ‘I said kill me! Go on! Do it!’ The Leader’s eyes blazed. ‘I’m not going to kill you,’ he muttered thickly. ‘Just tell me who the father is!’ She held her lips fiercely closed. He looked at the men around him one after another. They all trembled at his gaze. ‘It’s none of them!’ said Madame Hong. ‘Go on, kill me. You’re wasting your time.’ ‘She’s your wife,’ said the Princess. ‘It’s your baby, you silly old man! ‘Will you shut up’ roared the Leader. ‘Another word from you and I’ll wring your neck!’

The Princess decided to try keeping her mouth closed for a bit. What she did not know was that for several years now the Leader had been practising an advanced form of yoga, and as part of this practice he had been abstaining from sexual intercourse of any kind. He and Madame Hong were a devoted couple, in their own strange way, but their love had for some time found no physical expression. Ironically, that was one reason why the Leader treated her with such unusual tenderness and consideration. The knowledge that she was now pregnant (and had tried to procure an abortion) had completely overwhelmed him. He was filled with a thousand and one conflicting emotions’ anger, shame, regret, remorse, wounded pride, hatred, love, fear. All at the same time. And then there was the terrible loss of face that he would suffer if all of this became public knowledge. How could he ever hope to carry on as Leader’ How could he ever command respect’ He looked around him. No, these men must all die. Every one of them. That was the only way out of this! And then the secret would die with them. He let go of Madame Hong, and marched on Doctor Lu. This is all your fault, you meddling, treacherous fool!’

‘If you’re going to-‘ Even as Doctor Lu cried out, before he could get out the words ‘kill us all’, the Leader’s palm came down on the crown of his head with devastating force. The Doctor’s eyes started out of their sockets, and he fell dead to the ground. The others saw the wild desperation in the Leader’s eyes, and prepared themselves for a fight to the death. Fat Dhuta unsheathed his heavy ringed sword, the one known as Whirlwind. It weighed over thirty pounds. He lunged into the attack, and the Leader dodged to one side, at the same time bringing his right palm chopping down on to the Black Dragon Marshal’s head. The Blue Dragon Marshal launched a double attack on the Leader’s back with his twin clubs, and the Red Dragon Marshal swung his Goose Feather sword at the Leader’s midriff. The Leader gave a mighty cry and leapt into the air. As he came back down again, he directed himself at Black Dragon.

Black Dragon was wielding his twin double short’swords. He employed a fast move (for which he was well known) called Seven Stars Clustered Around the Moon, aiming several short sharp jabs at the Leader, who replied with a light palm’chop with his right hand, bringing it down on Black Dragon’s left shoulder and leaping out of his way. Black Dragon cried out with pain, and did a somersault, but when he stood up again he could feel a numbing pain running down the entire left-hand side of his body. And so the battle raged. The fiercest of the Leader’s adversaries was without doubt the indomitable Fat Dhuta. Whirlwind’s nine rings clanged loudly as he swung it through the air. Black Dragon’s clubs were by comparison delicate weapons, dancing nimbly through the air as they sought out the Leader’s Vital Points. And the movement of Red Dragon’s Goose Feather sword created a whirling pattern of light. All of them had swallowed the poison, and none of them felt that they had anything to lose.

To the Death!

Seeing the five men locked in mortal combat, Trinket tugged Zeng Rou and the Little Countess by the sleeve, and gestured to the Princess to be silent. The four of them tiptoed down the hill. They had started to put some ground between themselves and the ongoing fight, and Trinket was urging them to get a move on, when they heard footsteps behind them. Madame Hong and Fang Yi were running after them. They too feared the worst, and having no weapons left (all their weapons had been taken, even Trinket’s poisoned darts), had decided that their only course was to run away. Then the Princess tripped on a stone, and Trinket, knowing that she was pregnant, stopped to help her. The next minute, there was Madame Hong, standing in front of him. ‘Running away, are you?’ Trinket laughed. ‘No no! We just thought we’d pop over here to admire the view!’

‘You might have asked me if I wanted to enjoy it with you!’ replied Madame Hong sarcastically. As they were talking, Fang Yi came level with them. Zeng Rou and the Little Countess, seeing that Trinket had been waylaid by Madame Hong, came back to be by his side. The Little Countess spoke to Fang Yi. ‘Why don’t you come along with us’ He’s always been so good to you, and you did once promise to be his-‘ ‘I take my orders from Madame Hong!’ ‘You mean, you get your drugs from Madame Hong!’ cried the Little Countess. ‘I know all about that. I did too once!’

Trinket was listening to this little exchange and it suddenly dawned on him that both the girls (Fang Yi and the Little Countess) had been at different times under the control of Madame Hong. That was why they had treated him so badly, tricking him and leading him into one trap after another. It all became clear. Now that he understood that they had been acting under coercion, he felt much better inclined towards Fang Yi. ‘Dear sister Fang,’ he said, ‘why don’t you come with us?’ Fang Yi flushed. His words immediately made her think of the happy days they had spent together on their cruise to Snake Island. True, she had been acting under orders even then. But there was more to it than that. Suddenly the voice of the Great Leader could be heard up above them on the hillside, shouting’ ‘Su Quan! Su Quan! Where are you?’

His voice was full of fear. Fear that Madame Hong had left him. But she seemed not to have heard. He cried out again. Still she did not respond. The others were puzzled by her behaviour. All she did was shake her head. Again and again. Her face was flushed. ‘Let’s go!’ she whispered. ‘Let’s find the boat and get away from here while we still can!’ Trinket stared at her in delighted disbelief. ‘You mean you want to come with us!’ ‘There’s only one boat on the island. We all have to leave together. He’s going to kill me! Didn’t you see!’ She flushed, and hurried on ahead. The Leader could be heard shouting again: ‘Su Quan! Come back!’

And then they heard a chilling scream from higher up on the hill. It was the last cry of a dying man. But whose cry it was, they could not tell. IHtUtbKAINU IHt LAULUKUN ‘So much for you, Black Dragon!’ cried the Leader. That serves you right for turning against me! Su Quan! Su Quan! Come back! I’ll forgive you! I’ll forgive you everything!’ Then another death cry. ‘Well fought, Dhuta! But I won’t be hearing from you again in a hurry!’ Madame Hong stopped in her tracks for a moment. ‘You hear that’ He’s gone completely berserk! He’s already killed two of them!’ ‘Hurry up!’ cried Trinket. ‘We’ve no time to lose!’ ‘I’ll come back for you two later!’ As the Leader shouted out these words, they saw him hurtling down the hill towards them, still crying’ ‘Su Quan! Su Quan! Come back!’

He was getting closer and closer. Trinket looked back, and saw him coming, his long hair streaming in the wind, racing down the hill. He was a terrifying sight. ‘Stop him!’ cried the Blue Dragon Marshal, Xu Xueting, trailing him in hot pursuit. ‘He’s already wounded! We must finish him off today!’ To which the Red Dragon (Rootless) added’ ‘He’ll never get away now!’ The two of them came rushing down the hill after the Leader. By now Trinket and his women companions were almost at the water’s edge. But the three men were not far behind them, running like madmen, their faces spattered with blood. ‘Why won’t you say anything?’ cried the Leader. ‘Where are you going?’ ‘Your lady’s found a younger man,’ Xu Xueting taunted him. ‘She doesn’t want you any more!’ ‘Nonsense!’

The Leader lurched angrily towards Xu Xueting, and brought his right palm down sharply on his head. Xu replied with a left’hand swing of his clubs, and Rootless joined in the fray, swinging his mighty Goose Feather sword at the Leader’s exposed midriff. The Leader had these two formidable adversaries to deal with. And he was already wounded in his left leg and limping badly. ‘Su Quan!’ he called out desperately. Til fix these two. You kill the four girls-but spare the boy! He’ll lead us to the treasure.’ Even as he spoke he was thrashing out with both palms. Xu Xueting and Rootless could still not get quite close enough to harm him. There was a strange smile on Madame Hong’s face, as she studied the four girls one by one.

‘Madame!’ cried Trinket. ‘Harm a single one of them, and I’ll kill myself and then I’ll come back as a ghost and haunt you!’ There was a sudden thump, and Xu Xueting went staggering down to the ground, struck in the midriff by the Leader’s palm. The Leader gave a savage laugh, and followed up with a flying kick that caught Xu in the chest, smashing a number of his ribs. But the Leader was unable to withdraw his foot. It was stuck fast in Xu’s ribcage. Struggle as he might, he could not get it free. He was caught. Rootless hurled himself with renewed vigour into the attack, swinging his great blade. The Leader dodged to one side, and countered with a reverse punch. In one and the same moment, his fist drove itself into Rootless’ belly, and Rootless’ sword hacked its way deep into the Leader’s shoulder’blade. Rootless, blood spurting from his mouth onto the back of the Leader’s neck, tried to raise his sword for another hack, but found it so deeply embedded in the shoulder’blade that he was unable to pull it out. ‘Help me!’ cried the Leader. ‘Won’t anybody help me?’

Madame Hong just stood there. Whether she was too frightened to move, or simply unwilling to help, it was impossible to tell. Motionless, she watched the three men enmeshed in their death struggle, literally jointed into one another. Xu Xueting grabbed hold of one of his clubs from the floor, and managed to ram it into the Leader’s side. The Leader, screaming with pain and thrashing his legs around wildly, succeeded in kicking Xu free of him, and then landed a powerful reverse elbow jab in Rootless’ groin, sending him crumpling to the ground. ‘See! They’re … no match for me!’ The Leader half laughed, half gasped. ‘They thought they could mutiny against me-and they’re all dead!’ He turned to Madame Hong. ‘Why didn’t you help me?’ She shook her head. ‘You’re the best fighter in the world. You don’t need to be helped. And anyway,’ (here she allowed herself a sarcastic smile), ‘what would have been the point of helping you’ You’d only have killed me in the end!’ ‘So you’re against me as well! Then I will kill you, I’ll throttle you, you treacherous bitch!’ cried the Leader, throwing himself at her.

She darted to one side with a short cry. Despite his wounds and his recent exertions, the Leader was still capable of extraordinary speed and agility. With one hand he seized her arm, with the other he gripped her by the throat. ‘Go on, say it!’ he screamed. ‘Are you for me or against me’ Just say you’re for me, and I’ll forgive you everything!’ She spoke slowly’ ‘For a very long time now I’ve been against you. Ever since the day you forced me to marry you. Ever since that day, I’ve hated you to the very marrow of my bones! Go on, kill me!’ The Leader’s blood was running all over her. Her head and her face were dripping with his blood. She stared at him, wide-eyed. ‘You’re all against me!’ he cried. ‘Every one of you! But I’m not done yet! I shall find new people, I shall build a new Mystic Dragon Sect!’ He squeezed his hand tighter and tighter round her throat. She found it harder and harder to breathe. Her tongue protruded from her mouth.

Trinket was standing there on the beach watching all of this in terror. He could see that any minute now she was going to die. He picked up a stone and threw it at the Leader, striking him in the small of the back. For a moment the Leader almost lost consciousness. He loosened his grip on Madame Hong’s throat, and turned towards Trinket. ‘As for you . . . bane of my life! To hell with the treasure! I’ll kill you anyway!’ And he swung a palm wildly at Trinket. Trinket stepped nimbly aside. The Leader stumbled after him, leaving a trail of blood on the beach. Trinket ran for all he was worth. He knew that once the Leader had him in his grasp, he was as good as dead. The next minute he felt the Leader’s hand catch hold of a corner of his shirt. The fabric tore away, and Trinket ran faster still. He tried the Hundred Flights taught him by the White Nun, dashing here and there on the beach, and every time he just succeeded in eluding the Leader. He had never in his life mastered any of the serious forms of kungfu, but when it came to the Art of Escape, Trinket was a Grand Master.

The Leader roared like a lion, and struck out again and again with his palms. Finally he struck home, and sent Trinket tumbling head over heels across the sand. But the Leader’s strength was waning, and the blow had not seriously wounded Trinket. He scrambled to his feet, but no sooner had he done so than he felt the Leader’s hands close in on his shoulders. That was when he had the inspiration’ he would use one of the special moves that the Leader himself had taught him on his very first visit to the island-one of the Three Heroes. Normally he would not have stood a chance against such a man. But by now the Leader was both physically and emotionally drained. Trinket was able to remember enough of the move to twirl himself around, and swing himself between the Leader’s legs. Then he executed a smart somersault and sprang up onto the Leader’s head and shoulders, pressing his index fingers on the Leader’s brow, and his middle fingers on his eyeballs. The Leader sank helpless to the ground. ‘Su Quan . . .’ he groaned. ‘Come here!’

Madame Hong started moving towards him, but stopped when she was about a yard from where he was lying. ‘Whose … whose child is it that you are carrying?’ he gasped. She shook her head. ‘Why do you want to know so badly?’ Even as she said this, she could not prevent herself from glancing coyly at Trinket, and blushing. ‘No!’ cried the Leader. ‘Not him! It can’t be true!’ Not only had Trinket used on him the very kungfu tricks he had taught him, he had had the effrontery to make his lady, the beautiful Madame Hong, pregnant. Madame Hong bit her lip and was silent. Her silence was eloquent. ‘I’ll kill the little fiend!’

The Leader threw himself at Trinket. It was a terrifying sight. His face smeared with clotted gore, his broken yellow teeth staring from his gaping mouth, his hands dripping with fresh blood. In sheer terror Trinket darted for cover between Madame Hong’s legs. She held out both her arms, and looked straight into the Leader’s face. ‘It is over!’ she said calmly. ‘You’ve ruled the roost for long enough!’ ‘I’m the Leader!’ he snarled. ‘My orders must be obeyed! Why are you all against me’ You’re wrong! I’m right! I’ll kill you all! Then I’ll be the only one to survive and enjoy a Long Life and-‘ But before he could get the word ‘Blessings’ out, he was dead. His mouth hung open. His eyes stared lifelessly in front of him.

Return to Potluck Island

Trinket scrambled to his feet and did a backwards somersault. Then he ran another few yards before finally plucking up the courage to turn around and look. The Leader was still lying motionless on the sand. He stole forwards a step or two, and then adopted his ‘I’m ready to escape at any moment!’ position. ‘Is he dead?’ Madame Hong sighed. ‘He’s dead.’ She spoke very quietly. Trinket took another couple of steps forward. ‘How come his eyes aren’t closed?’

Before this question could be answered, Trinket found himself being subjected to a violent assault-his ears boxed, his bottom kicked-from the Princess. ‘You filthy turtle! You know perfectly well why he can’t close his eyes in peace, the poor bastard! Because you messed around with his wife! You just couldn’t keep your dirty little hands off her, could you!’

Madame Hong uttered an irritable ‘humph!’ and seized the Princess by the scruff of the neck. Then she boxed her ears, and sent her flying with a sweep of her hand. The Princess tumbled backwards, but never for a second let go of Trinket. ‘Any more of your insolence’ cried Madame Hong, ‘and I’ll kill you!’ The Princess was not one to be intimidated. She leapt up, and threw herself at Madame Hong, who tripped her with her left foot. Three times the Princess came back for more, and three times she was sent sprawling. She eventually got the message and sat down and started bawling. ‘Filthy turtle! Foul eunuch! Smelly Laurel!’ She noticeably refrained from abusing Madame Hong.

Trinket was still tending a pair of sore ears. He saw blood on his hands, and realized that the Princess had actually ripped a piece out of one of his ears. He heard Madame Hong speaking. ‘He and I were husband and wife. I should like to bury him properly, if you will allow it.’ Her voice was strangely quiet and full of tenderness. For Trinket the strangest thing of all was that she was asking him for his permission. It gave him a thrill of delight. ‘Of course you must,’ he replied. Together they used the various discarded weapons lying on the beach to dig a hole in the sand. The Little Countess and Fang Yi helped them lower the Leader’s body into the hole.

Madame Hong now knelt by the side of the grave, and kowtowed several times. ‘It’s true you forced me to marry you against my will,’ she began, in that soft voice of hers, thrilling even in grief. ‘But over the years, you showed your devotion. In your way. You never did me any harm. And what did I ever give you in return’ Not my love. I never loved you! There-now I have told you the truth! And it’s too late!’ When she got to her feet, there were tears on her cheeks. She stood there a while, lost in thought. Then she wiped away her tears, and turned to Trinket’ ‘Well, are we going to stay here’ Or return to the mainland?’ Trinket shook his head. ‘We can’t possibly stay here. Just think of all the ghosts that’ll be after us. But if we go back, the Emperor will want my head. We need to find somewhere safe and quiet.’

A thought occurred to him. ‘Why not Potluck Island’ There aren’t any ghosts. And the Emperor will never think of looking for us there.’ He pointed to the island on the western horizon. ‘It’s over there.’ ‘Then that’s where we should go.’ Madame Hong seemed to want to go along with his every thought. ‘Excellent!’ cried Trinket. ‘Let’s go then, all of us!’ He went over to the Princess and pulled her up from the ground. ‘Let’s all get into the boat and go!’ She swung at him and he ducked. ‘You can go if you like! I’m not going anywhere! I’m staying here!’

‘Are you sure?’ replied Trinket. This island’s crawling with ghosts, you know. All kinds of them. Headless ghosts. Legless ghosts. Ghosts whose guts have been blown out and are trailing behind them. Ghosts with lots of hands who feel up ladies-‘ The Princess was trembling with fear despite herself. She stamped her foot. ‘And horrible, dirty little ghosts like you who lie and fib and never stop making a thorough nuisance of themselves!’ Out went her left foot, and landed a nasty kick on Trinket’s long’suffering backside. He gave a cry and leapt into the air. It turned into a showdown between the Princess and Madame Hong, who came running to the defence of her new Lord and Master, threatening to give the Princess ten times over everything that she gave Trinket. ‘And who exactly do you think you are!’ sneered the Princess. ‘Just because your old man’s dead and gone, does that mean to say you can come stealing other people’s husbands?’ To which Fang Yi replied: ‘And what about you? Isn’t your husband dead too?’

In the end the Princess (who had been used to having her way all her life) had to swallow her pride. She did not want to be left alone on the island. And in Madame Hong she knew she had met her match. Trinket was delighted to observe this new development. He had never been able to cope with this princess’shrew on his own-his ears were still hurting to prove it. Madame Hong spoke to Fang Yi. ‘Sister dear, will you tell the boatman to get ready. We must set sail.’ ‘Certainly, Madame. But tell me, why are you being so polite to me all of a sudden?’ Su Quan (for so we must now always call her, since her husband Leader Hong was dead and her new allegiance was to Trinket) smiled. ‘From this day forth, we must all be sisters. No more “Madame” this, or “Princess” that. And as for you, Fang Yi, once we’re on the boat, I shall give you the Antidote.’ Fang Yi was happy beyond belief at the thought of being liberated from her Mystic Dragon drug’induced oppression and servile dependence.

They boarded the boat, and set sail in a westerly direction. Trinket gazed happily out to sea. Madame Hong gave Fang Yi her Antidote. Then she opened the metal chest on the boat, and gave Trinket back his dagger, his poisoned darts, and his money-all CHAP I tK 16 the things that had been taken from him when he had fallen into the Leader’s hands. Zeng Rou and the others also had their weapons returned. Now that they were to be sisters, it was important to establish seniority. They all gave their dates of birth, including Trinket. Su Quan was the oldest; then came Fang Yi followed by Princess Ning. Trinket, Zeng Rou, and the Little Countess were all born in the same year. Zeng Rou was three months older than Trinket, the Little Countess a few days younger.


The Princess was the only one not to enter into the new sisterhood idea with any enthusiasm. She felt left out and neglected, and ended up bursting into tears. Trinket did his best to comfort her. He suggested a game of dice to cheer everyone up. Zeng Rou somewhat bashfully produced the dice he had given her many months earlier, and Trinket was touched that she should have kept them with her all this time. He gave her a hug and thanked her, much to her embarrassment. They tried throwing the dice, but after a few rounds Trinket stopped the game. Playing with girls was not much fun, he reflected to himself. And then he started thinking ahead, to the place they were heading for, and to what his new life was going to be like on Potluck Island. Being an exile on a remote island did not promise to be great fun. There was going to be no money to gamble with for a start, and nothing to spend his winnings on anyway. And then he started thinking of the two other women who were so important in his life’ Doublet and Green. What had become of them’ It was not as if he could just forget about them. ‘Let’s not go to Potluck Island!’ he said to Madame Hong.

‘Where do you suggest then?’ ‘Why don’t we go up to the North’East and dig up that treasure?’ ‘I thought we agreed that we wanted a quiet time for a while,’ was her reply. The Emperor will have men looking for you everywhere,’ said Fang Yi. ‘Let’s lie low for a year or two. Wait for things to quieten down a bit.’ Zeng Rou and the Little Countess were of the same opinion. In the end, Trinket gave in. As if to reward him, Fang Yi offered to cook him a meal’ ‘I’d like to make up for all the horrible things I’ve done to you in the past.’ Fang Yi turned out to be a marvellous cook, and performed miracles with the limited ingredients on board the little boat. They all enjoyed their meal, and then Trinket taught them how to play the drinking’game known as Guess Fingers. Even the Princess joined in, and after a few cups of wine she began to stop sulking and cheer up a bit.

At noon the next day they reached Potluck Island. Madame Hong supervised the disembarking, giving the boatman orders to carry all the provisions ashore, and to store the sails, oars, cables, and rudder in a cave (thus ensuring that he did not try to get away without them). New Arrivals on the Shore Just as they were finishing the unloading of their things, they heard a great explosion out at sea. There were two junks out in the bay, which continued to fire their guns. ‘It must be the Emperor’s men come after me!’ cried Trinket. ‘Let’s try to get away in our boat!’ suggested Zeng Rou, But Madame Hong pointed out that they had only just finished dismantling the equipment, and it would take far too long to bring it all back from the cave. The only course open to them was to hide somewhere on the island itself.

They decided to hide in another cave high up in the cliff. Madame Hong cut down some branches to camouflage the entrance. Through the screen of branches they looked out to sea, and saw the two junks still heading straight for the shore. The junk further away continued to fire its guns, and the cannon’balls fell around the boat nearest to them, sending great plumes of water into the air. It soon became clear that the further boat was in fact pursuing the nearer one, and that they were not after Trinket at all. ‘Why isn’t the front one firing back?’ said Trinket. Then they’d both end up at the bottom of the sea-all the better for us!’

The front junk was the smaller of the two, but it had the wind in its sails, and was moving faster, until it took a direct hit on its mast, and its sails all went up in flames. It started to capsize. A small skiff was launched, and from the cave they could see a dozen men jumping into it and rowing for all they were worth. They reached shallow water and the big junk pursuing them was unable to come any closer to the shore. It too launched five small TOW’ boats. In a matter of minutes the skiff from the first junk was on the beach and the dozen men inside it were ashore, scouting up and down the beach, spying out the land. One of them spotted the cave in the cliff. ‘Let’s take cover up there!’ he shouted. Trinket could have sworn he knew that voice. Surely it was his Shifu, the Helmsman, Chen Jinnan! The little band of men scrambled up the cliffside. The man in front held a long sword, and directed the others up the cliff path. As he drew closer, there was no longer any doubt. It was Chen Jinnan. Trinket leapt excitedly out of the cave. ‘Helmsman! Shifu!’

Chen spun around, and was both surprised and delighted to see Trinket. ‘What on earth are you doing here?’ Trinket hurried forward. And then it was his turn to have the shock of his life. Standing there before him, in the Helmsman’s band of followers, was the bright’eyed, the snowy’skinned, the ravishingly beautiful Ah Kor’ Green Girl herself! ‘Green!’ he cried, and threw himself forward. And then he saw who was standing behind her’ the Insufferable, the abominable, the despicable bounder and cad, Sir Zheng, Zheng Keshuang himself! Trinket’s expression of ecstasy froze on his face, and was replaced by a gloomy, silent stare. Even as he was standing there speechless, caught between feelings of joy and utter dismay, he felt a little hand wrap itself around his own, and when he turned, there was another sweet, smiling face that he knew so well. It was Doublet’s, and tears were streaming down her cheeks. Trinket threw his arms around her in delight and hugged her. ‘Dearest Doublet! How I’ve missed you!’ He was so happy, he was ready to explode with joy. He had forgotten Green already.

‘We must secure this path!’ ordered the Helmsman. Feng Xifan (the Bloodless Sword-Insufferable’s sinister mentor), and the Triad Brother Feng Jizhong, took up positions on either side of the path leading up the cliff to the cave, swords drawn at the ready. Doublet explained to Trinket that Brother Feng had taken them everywhere looking for him. ‘We heard you’d set out to sea. And finally we’ve found you!’ She was about to burst into tears again. The five row’boats in pursuit had now reached the shore, and seventy or eighty Imperial troops could be seen making their way along the beach towards them. There was a tall commanding officer, who ordered them to line up and string arrows to their bows. Trinket recognized him at Shi Lang. Take cover!’ shouted the Helmsman. Trinket was already hiding behind a large rock. ‘Fire!’ The Manchu officer gave the order, and a shower of arrows was released, but the cliff was too high and they fell well short of the mark, or at the most fell feebly to the ground in front of the cave. Feng Xifan with his long sword, and Brother Feng Jizhong with his cutlass, stood there knocking away the arrows with their blades as they fell from the sky.

‘Come up here, Shi Lang!’ cried Feng Xifan the Bloodless Sword. ‘Come and fight me, if you have the guts, you spineless traitor!’ ‘You come down here!’ returned Shi Lang. ‘Come down and fight me in single combat!’ The Helmsman held Feng back. ‘And you, Chen Jinnan!’ called out Shi Lang, deliberately refusing him any title, almost as an act of provocation. ‘Do the sensible thing! If you and Lieutenant Feng surrender now, I am sure the Emperor will appoint you both to posts of distinction.’ He still called Feng Xifan ‘lieutenant’, which was the rank he had held when he, Shi Lang, as one of Coxinga’s Five Great Generals, had defected from Coxinga’s army to join the Manchus. Both Helmsman Chen and Feng Xifan had fought under him in the past, during many a campaign. But they both made it immediately clear to Shi Lang (and to Sir Zheng, who in his usual pusillanimous manner had showed signs of wavering for a moment), that they had not the slightest intention of switching sides. They would rather fight it out to the death.

Doublet explained to Trinket (who understandably wondered how they had all arrived together on Potluck Island) that she and the Helmsman and Brother Feng had been on their way to the island, when they passed a boat carrying Sir Zheng, Green Girl, and Feng Xifan. The boat had been hit by a cannon’ball from a pursuing Imperial junk, and they had been able to save Sir Zheng and his people and bring them along with them. The Helmsman decided that it would be to their advantage to do battle now, before any further Imperial reinforcements came ashore. There were over a dozen of them’ the Helmsman, Feng Xifan, Sir Zheng, Brother Feng Jizhong, Green, Doublet, together with eight other miscellaneous Triads, and three of Sir Zheng’s personal guards. The Helmsman ordered Sir Zheng, Green, Trinket, and Doublet to mount guard on the cave, while the others went into the attack. He led the charge down the cliffside, brandishing his sword in the air. The others followed him shouting warlike cries. The Imperial troops fired another volley of arrows, which were all deflected by the expert swordsmanship of the Helmsman, Feng Xifan, and Brother Feng Jizhong.

They made short work of the soldiers, who were only average fighters and soon fled in every direction. The Helmsman himself took on Shi Lang in single combat, while Feng Xifan and Brother Feng Jizhong polished off the remaining soldiers one by one, littering the beach with fifty or sixty corpses. Such Imperial troops as managed to survive swam back to their ships. Two Triad Brothers were killed, and one wounded. The remaining Triads now encircled Shi Lang. Shi Lang, though hard pressed by Chen Jinnan, and surrounded by so many men, showed no signs of losing heart. ‘Surrender, Admiral Shi!’ cried Trinket, who had now rushed down with Doublet and Green to join in what was left of the fray. (Sir Zheng had decided to stay behind in the cave, so as not to ‘endanger his person’, which was so ‘precious to the cause’, and so on.) ‘If you don’t surrender,’ continued Trinket, ‘you’ll be made into minced meat and fed to the dogs!’


Shi Lang paid him no heed, but fought on for some considerable time against the Helmsman. In the end, however, he was no match for Chen’s superb swordsmanship, and he found himself pinned to the ground, with the Helmsman’s sword’tip at his throat. ‘And do you think the Grand Marshal was right to treat me the way he did?’ he cried (the Grand Marshal being the great Resistance hero Coxinga). Shi Lang’s desperate cry threw the Helmsman into utter disarray. There was no doubt in his mind that Shi Lang had in fact been greatly wronged by Coxinga, who in his later years developed noticeable maniacal tendencies and became intensely jealous of Shi’s popularity. He had caused Shi Lang’s entire family to be put to death. Shi Lang had fought bravely and brilliantly for Coxinga’s father, Zheng Zhilong, and his desire for revenge was, in a sense, understandable. And yet his betrayal of the cause was surely unforgivable’ The Helmsman hesitated. He had always been a man of honour, and even now he was reluctant to take Shi Lang’s life. ‘Come back to our side, and I will spare you!’ he replied. ‘Swear to devote your remaining days to fighting the Manchus and I will spare your life. You are a fine soldier. We all know that. There is so much you could still contribute to our cause.’ ‘Himl Contribute to our cause!’

The Helmsman heard a sneering voice behind him. It was Sir Zheng, who had meanwhile (once the danger was over) made his way down from the cave. ‘All he wants to do is take revenge on my family, and wipe us all out! Let him come back to Taiwan, and it will be the end of our cause more like!’ At these words, Shi Lang made a desperate attempt to escape. ‘I will vouch for him myself,’ said Chen Jinnan. ‘And who do you think you are, to do such a thing?’ Sir Zheng’s voice sounded positively twisted. ‘Do you rule Taiwan’ I thought it was my family, not yours, that had charge of the island.’ And as the Insufferable spoke these words, the Helmsman felt something cold and metallic enter his body from behind, and come out in front through his chest.

Sir Zheng had taken advantage of the confusion of the moment to stab him from behind. This cowardly act was certainly in character. But it must also be seen in the context of the complex intrigue that was unravelling in the ‘court’ of the Zheng family on Taiwan. The Helmsman was and always had been unswerving in his loyalty to Coxinga’s eldest son, Zheng Jing, who was still alive and held the title of Prince of Yanping. First in line to succeed the Prince was his elder son, Zheng Kezang, born to the family wet’nurse. The Insufferable Sir Zheng was the Prince’s second son, but he had ambitions. He was supported in these ambitions, and in particular in his claim to the succession, by his own mother (the Lady Dong), who was Prince Zheng’s official wife, and by the sinister Feng Xifan, to whose daughter he was officially betrothed. One of the last remaining obstacles to their plans to put Insufferable on the princely throne was the Helmsman, who continued to support (and was father’in’ law to) the elder brother. By striking this cowardly blow, Sir Zheng was clearing the way for his own rise to power.

Death of a Hero

Trinket immediately pulled out his dagger and lunged at Sir Zheng. Feng Xifan (who had himself gone in pursuit of the escaping Shi Lang) returned to close in on Trinket, and in the next second the dagger fell from Trinket’s hand and he felt himself being kicked through the air. Doublet and the Triads joined in the fray. Trinket scrambled to his feet and retrieved his dagger. ‘That evil creature has killed the Helmsman!’ he cried. ‘He mustn’t get away with it!’ Sir Zheng, for his part, had succeeded in bringing his own sword to within inches of Trinket’s skull, when his thrust was blocked-by Green! ‘Don’t you dare harm my brother’in’arms!’ she cried. Two Triads came to her aid. Feng Xifan, meanwhile, was taken on by Doublet, Brother Feng Jizhong, and two other Triads. He succeeded in killing one of the Triads. Then in answer to a pathetic plea for help from Sir Zheng, he rushed over to his side and disposed of another Triad who was making trouble there. The Helmsman was dead. Now he must deal with Trinket. This was Feng’s thinking. He swung his palm down towards Trinket’s head.

‘Watch out, Master!’ cried Doublet, throwing herself at Feng’s back. ‘You watch out too!’ yelled Trinket, taking to his heels. Feng Xifan now grabbed Sir Zheng under his left arm (he did not wish to leave him unprotected), and went in pursuit of Trinket. Even weighed down in this way, he was still too fast for Trinket, who headed for the cliff. Feng was delighted. There was only the one narrow path leading upwards, with the sheer cliff’face on one side, and a precipitous drop on the other. He would be able to comer him there. As Trinket began to stagger up the path towards the cave, struggling to evade Feng Xifan’s grasp, he yelled out frantically’ ‘Wives! To the rescue! Or you’ll all be widows!’ Su Quan had been watching with the others from the mouth of the cave. She could see that Feng was a more than formidable fighter but, nothing daunted, she now emerged from the cave ana swung her sword at him. He was taken aback by this, and almost lost his balance. He paused for a moment before kicking at her and sending her sword flying into the air. In that split second, Trinket was able to turn and take aim, releasing a shower of his poisoned darts. The deadly little projectiles embedded themselves in the bodies of both Feng and Sir Zheng. Feng let out a great cry and dropped Sir Zheng to the ground. They both began tumbling down the cliffside. Doublet and Brother Feng Jizhong, who had raced after them and were already halfway up the narrow path, jumped aside as the two of them went crashing down.

By the time the two men finally came to rest at the foot of the cliff, the poison was starting to work. They were both screaming like stuck pigs and writhing violently on the ground. Lady Iron Hand, when she became a disciple of the Mount Hua School, had renounced the use of the virulent poisons that she had once specialized in as Leader of the Five Poisons Sect. The poison with which the tips of Trinket’s darts had been anointed was merely a knockout formula; it did not kill. If it had been one of her lethal potions, the two men would have died long before they reached the foot of the cliff. This did not prevent it from being extremely painful. Feng and Sir Zheng felt as if their bodies were crawling with hundreds of biting scorpions and other highly poisonous creepy’erawlies. Even that hardened warrior Feng Xifan was screaming like a child. Trinket hastened to the scene, followed by Doublet, Brother Feng Jizhong, Su Quan, Fang Yi, the Little Countess, the Princess, Zeng Rou, and Green Girl. They were aghast at the sight of the two men writhing in agony on the ground.

Trinket took a few deep breaths and tried to compose himself. Then he hurried over to where the Helmsman still lay, transfixed by Sir Zheng’s sword. His Shifu was still breathing. Trinket took him in his arms and let out a great howl of grief. Chen Jinnan, victor of many battles, master of many levels of kungfu, had still a small reservoir of Inner Force untapped. Trinket,’ he said, in a still quiet voice. ‘We must all of us die. My whole life has been dedicated to my country. I have no regrets. Do not take it too hard.’ ‘Shifu! Shifu!’ cried the distraught Trinket. It was true that, in all these years, he had never actually spent much time with the had been not to betray his own (缺)?’ his own inadequacy as a disciple. But nonetheless, in his own self’effacing way, the Helmsman had always been like a father to him. Like the father he had never known. He felt his heart bursting within him. He felt an uncontrollable impulse to die in the Helmsman’s place. ‘Shifu!’ he sobbed. ‘I’m so sorry! I never learned any of the kungfu you tried to teach me!’

Chen Jinnan smiled wanly. ‘I just want you to be a good man. Then I will be happy. It really doesn’t matter how good your kungfu is.’ Til do as you say, Shifu! I promise I will! I’ll be good! I won’t do anything bad! I promise!’ Chen smiled again. ‘You’re a good boy! You always were a good boy!’ ‘As for that vile murderer Zheng Keshuang…’ Trinket clenched his teeth in bitter rage and sobbed violently. ‘He’s at my mercy now! I’ll cut him into little pieces. I’ll avenge you, Shifu!’ Tears were pouring down his cheeks. Chen Jinnan trembled as he hastened to reply. ‘No! You must not do that! Never forget that I owe allegiance to his father Prince Zheng. Prince Zheng’s father, the Grand Marshal Coxinga, was my great friend and protector all his life. We must never hurt his flesh and blood. However wicked he may be, I must never betray the trust placed in me by his grandfather! It is a matter of honour! Trinket, I am a dying man. You must promise me this one thing-not to stain my honour! You must promise!’ His gentle smile had given way to an expression of intense anxiety and concern. ‘Promise me, Trinket, that you will set him free, and let him return to Taiwan. Or my spirit will not be able to rest in peace.’


Trinket had no choice. ‘Since it is your will, Shifu, I promise to let the wretch live!’ Chen seemed greatly comforted by Trinket’s words. He gave a long sigh. ‘Trinket. . .’ He was speaking very slowly now. ‘You must take good care of everything, when I’m gone. The Triads, and the great cause of the Resistance. The Manchus must be overthrown! The Ming must be restored! I know that if the Chinese people unite against their enemy, they will prevail one day! But alas! I will not be here to see that day. . . .’ His voice was already fading away. His breathing faltered. The life was gone from him. Trinket held him in his arms and howled’ ‘ ; ,,; ” ;. . ‘Shifu! Shifu!’ But the Helmsman was silent. Su Quan and the others were all deeply moved by this touching scene. She stroked Trinket gently on the shoulder, and comforted him’ , Trinket, your Shifu has passed away.’

‘He’s dead!’ sobbed Trinket. It was as if he was mourning the loss of his own father. The Helmsman’s death brought it home with a devastating intensity. Trinket was now doubly fatherless. He was more alone in the world than ever. Negotiations for Sir Zheng’s Release Su Quan made an effort to turn Trinket’s mind to other things. ‘How are we going to deal with this criminal who killed your Shifu?’ she asked. Trinket suddenly pulled himself together, and began abusing Zheng Keshuang where he lay on the sand. ‘You filthy, putrid turtle! You disgusting, murdering traitor! My Shifu may have owed things to your family, but I don’t owe you anything! Out of respect for him, I’ll spare your miserable worthless life! But don’t expect that to be the end of everything. You still owe me ten thousand taels-remember’ From when I let you go in Yangzhou. You obviously aren’t planning on repaying me. So I’ll help myself. I’ll give you a cut for every tael.’ He had his dagger out and was holding it close to Zheng’s body, and all the time he was speaking he was kicking him.

I’l pay you everything I owe you when we get back to Taiwan!’ pleaded Sir Zheng. ‘I’ll pay you ten times over-‘ Trinket kicked him in the head. ‘You filthy pig! You shameless turtle! Your promises are not worth a fart! No, I think I’d rather have those cuts.’ He ran the tip of his dagger across the Insufferable’s face. Sir Zheng nearly fainted out of sheer terror. He looked at Green Girl pleadingly to come to his aid. But then he thought better of it. ‘If she sticks up for me, it’ll only maKe HIOLL^IO v.^,.^. – little shit’s crazy about her!’ ‘Lodge Master Wei,’ he stammered, trying another tack. ‘I’ll pay you a hundred times over! I promise to pay you a million taels. Can’t you trust me?’ ‘Trust you’ Of course I can’t trust you! My Shifu trusted you, and look where it got him’ He was just itching to start carving up Sir Zheng’s face. ‘Perhaps I should give you some sort of guarantee?’ suggested Sir Zheng. ‘Yes!’ Trinket quipped back. ‘Like your head! Then when you’ve paid me what you owe me, you can have it back.’ ‘I was thinking of Green.’

Trinket had not anticipated this. For a moment he was thrown into a complete spin, and in his confusion dropped the dagger, which drove itself into the sand an inch or so from Sir Zheng’s head. He gave a cry of terror and pulled his head in. ‘You can have Green as a security, if that’ll help you trust me,’ Sir Zheng went on. ‘You can have her for now. Then when I pay you the money, you can give her back to me.’ ‘Let me think about that for a moment’ said Trinket. ‘Definitely not!’ cried Green, glowering angrily at Sir Zheng. ‘I don’t belong to you! You can’t pawn me!’ She was clearly outraged. Then she began wailing loudly. This was too much for Sir Zheng. ‘Just listen to her! Obviously she doesn’t care for me in the least if she won’t help me in my hour of need! I tell you what, Lodge Master Wei, I’ll make you an offer. I’ll sell her to you outright! That way we’ll be quits.’ ‘What’s the point?’ protested Trinket. ‘She’d still be pining for you all the time-‘ ‘That’s what you think,’ returned Sir Zheng. He had decided to throw caution to the winds. ‘Not now she won’t, now that she’s carrying your child!’

At this Green let out a great cry, buried her face in her hands, and ran down towards the sea. Doublet followed her and held her hand. ‘You promised me you’d never tell anyone!’ cried Green. ‘I’m sick to death of her!’ said Sir Zheng. ‘I’ve had enough of her. Ever since she spent the night with you in Yangzhou, and got herself pregnant, she does nothing but think about you, talk about you, dream about you. . . . Honestly, I’ve had enough of it! That’s the truth!’ Green’s face went from bright red to deathly pale. ‘Now you’re telling them everything}.’ she wailed. Trinket was in seventh heaven.

‘Right then! Oh well, in that case, you’d better just bugger off hadn’t you, you stinking little tamardy dog’turd!’ Thanks! Thank you, thank you!’ Sir Zheng hastened to reply. ‘I wish the two of you many years of happiness together. I’ll bring you my wedding present some other time.’ He picked himself slowly up off the ground. Trinket spat a great noisy gob of phlegm on the sand right beside the Insufferable. ‘And don’t forget’ I want my money, but I never want to set eyes on your ugly mug ever again, as long as I live!’ Secretly he was thinking to himself’ ‘I promised my Shifu today to let him go, alive. But that won’t stop me from sending someone else later to kill him and avenge my Shifu’s death. I just won’t send a Triad. That way no one will be able to accuse my Shifu of having been disloyal to his precious Zheng Family!’ Meanwhile Sir Zheng had roused Feng Xifan (who had also been recovering from the darts), and with his three surviving retainers staggered down to the sea to find a boat.


‘Lodge Master!’ Trinket heard a voice whisper in his ear. He turned to see the Triad Brother Feng Jizhong. ‘Lodge Master! Just because you promised the Helmsman not to kill this man, that does not mean other people can’t kill him. Me, for example. The Helmsman wasn’t speaking to me!’ Trinket held his hand up to his ear. ‘I’m afraid I really can’t hear what you’re saying! Must be all those cannon’balls falling all over the place! All those guns going off! I must be going deaf! Anyway, whatever it is you’re planning to do, you’d better just go ahead and do it!’ The message was clear enough. ‘And another thing, Lodge Master,’ said Feng Jizhong. ‘Once I’ve killed him, once he’s out of the way, you can take the credit for killing the Helmsman!’ This time Trinket abandoned any pretence of being deaf. Take the credit for it’ What on earth do you mean?’

‘I mean with the Emperor. You know that there are three men the Emperor wants to get rid of. The first, of course, is Satrap Wu. The second is the Helmsman. Well, we all know that you didn’t do it. And I’m going to do what’s necessary to avenge the Helmsman’s death. But the Emperor doesn’t know all of that. If he can be made to think that you’re the one who killed the Helmsman, you’ll have done exactly what he wanted you to do in the first place! You’ll be back in his favour!’ Trinket stared at Feng in utter astonishment. Something had suddenly dawned on him.

The Informer Revealed

‘So it was you!’ Trinket thought to himself.

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