The Deer And The Cauldron 45


The Deer And The Cauldron 45
第四十五回 尚余截竹为竿手 可有临渊结网心

For some time he had been wondering who had betrayed him to Kang Xi. That day in the Library, the Emperor had suddenly seemed to know everything about his Triad identity and his Triad activities, and had even learned by heart all those secret Triad verses. But on the other hand, he seemed to be quite unaware of Trinket’s connection with the Mystic Dragons, and of his having laid hands on all eight of the Sutras. This all pointed to the traitor being a Triad. A Triad close to Trinket. But Trinket had until now been reluctant to believe that any one of his Triad friends could be capable of such base treachery. Of course it had been Feng! That evening of the bombardment, he had been absent. He clearly had inside information, and knew it was going to happen. And yet of all the Triads, he had been the least likely suspect. He had always been so silent and straightforward, a good fighter, a man who seemed a simple’hearted peasant.

Almost any of the others would have been a more likely candidate’ the talkative, tradesman’like Butcher Qian; the subtle, crafty Apothecary Xu; the competent, professional operator Gao Yanchao; the impulsive, wine’loving Father Obscurus; the courageous man’of’the’world Su Gang; even Li Lishi, who was starting to show his age; or the sharp’tongued Tertius Qi Qingbiao- almost any one of them had seemed a possibility. But he had never suspected Feng Jizhong. And then he remembered that on the same occasion Doublet had also been absent. Should he be suspecting her too’ Surely not. That would be a terrible blow. He thought a little more about it, and came to the conclusion that Feng had taken her with him precisely because he knew about the imminent bombardment, and he’knew how much Trinket cared for her. He was afraid of one day being held responsible for her death.

All of this flashed through Trinket’s mind in a matter of seconds. He decided to test Feng out’ ‘By the way, Brother Feng, I’ve always wanted to thank you for saving Doublet’s life that night they bombarded my house.’ Feng’s face fell. ‘How . . . did . . . you . . .’ Trinket gave a little laugh. ‘We don’t need to have any secrets from each other. The Emperor told me everything.’ Feng knew that Trinket was very close to the Emperor. It seemed plausible enough that he should know. ‘But why didn’t you obey the Emperor’s orders’ Why were you so obstinate?’ he asked. Every word he said proved to Trinket that his hypothesis was correct. Feng had been the Emperor’s informant.

‘Now you have a perfect opportunity to set everything to rights with His Majesty,’ Feng continued. (He was even beginning to talk like a Manchu creep, Trinket thought to himself.) ‘I said there were three men the Emperor wanted to be rid of. The third is this man Zheng Keshuang’s father, the man who rules Taiwan and calls himself Prince Zheng. Take his son to Peking, and the Emperor may be able to use him to put pressure on the father to abandon Taiwan.’ So Feng had everything nicely worked out, thought Trinket. The slimy traitor! And what had he received from the Emperor for his pains’ Trinket could not resist asking him outright. Feng had no hesitation in informing him’ ‘As a matter of fact, His Majesty made me a Captain in the Chinese Regiment of Guards,’ he replied, obviously thrilled at the appointment. ‘My heartfelt congratulations!’ replied Trinket, thinking to himself that a piddling little rank like that was more or less the measure of this rat. ‘His Majesty was always talking about you, Colonel,’ said Feng. (Now that they were in each other’s confidence, he need no longer keep up the charade of calling him Lodge Master, he thought.)



‘He would so very much like to see you back in Peking. I’m sure you’d be forgiven straight away, and probably promoted again!’ ‘And no doubt you’d be made a Major!’ ‘I should just be pleased to see His Majesty happy!’ ‘And to lick His Imperial Arse!’ thought Trinket to himself, growing angrier by the second. ‘And to think I always took you for an honest soul! You little Emperor’s’cock’sucking creep of a turtle traitor!’ Feng continued’ ‘As I see it, the best plan by far is as follows. Now that Chen Jinnan is dead,’ (no Helmsman now, no need to mess about) ‘you’re the obvious person to be his successor. Once you’re Helmsman, you can call a grand meeting of all the Lodge Masters from North, South, East, and West, and all the most important Triad Brothers. Then, when you’ve got everyone together in one place, we can strike! It’ll be perfect!’ Feng’s plan was exactly what Kang Xi had wanted Trinket to do in the first place. However much he liked the idea of seeing his old friend Misty again, he knew now that it would always be on the same terms’ he would always be expected to help him wipe out the Triads. And on that score, he was totally incapable of taking Feng Jizhong’s road. No, there was only one solution for the Feng problem. And that lay within the little metal casket containing his remaining poisoned darts. ‘Interesting idea,’ said Trinket, knowing that he had to keep talking so as not to arouse Feng’s suspicions. For the time being, Feng still saw him as an accomplice in treason. ‘But I’m not absolutely sure that it will work. Incidentally, where has Sir Zheng got to’ What’s he up to now?’


Feng fell for it. Even as he turned to look towards the sea, Trinket swivelled his chest round, took aim, and was about to release the trigger when Doublet walked towards him and stepped right between himself and Feng. At that very moment, Feng saw Sir Zheng and his companions standing over by the cliff. They were not ‘up to’ anything. He immediately suspected that Trinket’s question was a decoy, swung round, and grabbed hold of Doublet. ‘Lord Wei!’ he cried. ‘Raise your hands!’ Doublet was his human shield. He had already seen Trinket use the deadly darts on Sir Zheng and Feng Xifan’ he was taking no chances. Su Quan, Fang Yi, Green, and the others came running over. Holding Doublet with one hand, Feng thrust his sword at Trinket’s throat. ‘None of you move!’ The womenfolk had no idea of what had passed between Brother Feng and Trinket. They imagined that the disagreement had something to do with Brother Feng wanting to kill Sir Zheng, and thereby avenge the Helmsman. Feng now moved behind Trinket and pulled the dagger out of his boot, pressing it into the small of his back. Trinket knew that the blade would cut clean through his magic waistcoat. ‘All of you turn around and drop your weapons!’ The women all obeyed.

Feng now called over the six other Triad Brothers, who were equally unaware of the recent turn of events. With his right elbow, he dug into the small of Trinket’s back, immobilizing his Great Mallet Point; and with his left hand he swung his sword and, a few well timed and devastating slices later, the six fellow Triads all lay dead on the beach. His swordsmanship was both precise and ferocious. The women watched helplessly as he ran amok. They stared in disbelief at the butchered bodies, and at the blood draining into the sand, and cried out in terror and alarm.

Brother Feng was now left with the seven women and Trinket to deal with. If he could get Trinket and Sir Zheng onto a boat and take them with him to Peking to present to the Emperor, then his own future career would be assured. The seven women he could leave behind on the island. It was impossible to know how things would turn out in the end between the Emperor and Trinket, and he thought it prudent not to alienate Trinket too much by killing them all. He had reckoned without the Princess. She was not used to being ordered around. She reached down to the ground for her sword, and raised it to swing at Brother Feng’s head. Three times she swung. Three times he parried. To any other woman, he would have shown no mercy. But he found it hard to be ruthless with the sister of the Emperor, the sister of the very man to whom he had so recently shifted his allegiance. He tried to dart out of her way. ‘Stand still where you are, you putrid turtle!’ shouted the fearless Princess. ‘Let me split your nasty head in two! If I can’t do it today, I’ll ask my brother to do it for me when he next sees you!’

As she spoke she kept on swinging her sword from side to side, hacking at Feng wildly, and he kept dancing to one side and then to the other, in order to avoid her. One of her fiercest blows was particularly ill’aimed, and Feng could see that she was about to slice heavily into Trinket’s shoulder. He himself was in mid’leap at the time, and he lunged out with his left foot and managed to kick Trinket to the ground. At this point Doublet dashed forward, grabbed her master, and ran. Brother Feng went after them both. Doublet was greatly slowed down by the weight of Trinket, and he soon caught up with them. Trinket himself was still unable to move. ‘Put me down!’ he whispered. ‘I must try to use my darts!’ But there was no time. Doublet, in desperation, tried throwing Trinket beyond Brother Feng’s reach. Feng ran forward and was about to pounce on him when he heard an explosion behind, and was himself thrown headfirst forwards. His body twitched once or twice, then he lay motionless on the sand.

Trinket managed to heave himself up slowly from the ground. He was unscathed. He saw Doublet standing in the midst of a cloud of smoke. In her hand she held a gun-the Russian pistol Beggar Wu had given her months before, when they had sworn their everlasting oath, and had become brother and sister. It was one of a pair that the Satrap had originally given to Trinket. Brother Feng’s kungfu skills were of no avail against it. Doublet was herself in a state of shock, and trembling from the explosion. She let the gun fall to the ground. Trinket staggered over and stood above Brother Feng, releasing another shower of the poisoned darts. But as they entered Feng’s body, there was not the slightest motion or response. Brother Feng was already well and truly dead. A cheer went up from the ladies, and they came crowding round. There was a lot of explaining to be done, and Trinket did his best to tell them the whole story. Doublet had never for a moment suspected Brother Feng. For her, he was just a trusty Triad like all the others. Little had she guessed what dark plans he was hatching. And now he was dead. Looking at the gun lying on the ground, Doublet found herself thinking of the man who had given it to her in the first place’ Beggar Wu, himself now dead. As she thought, it dawned on her that the real reason why he had wanted to form such a special bond with her was so that she would acquire a higher status in the eyes of the world. She would no longer be a maid, but the sworn sister of a General, and therefore eligible one day to marry Trinket-something Wu himself wanted to happen. What a big’hearted man he had been! An eccentric, an idealist. She wept at the thought of his kindness, and of his untimely end.

An Unusual IOU

Doublet promptly set about releasing Trinket’s points. Trinket noticed that Sir Zheng and his companions were still at the water’s edge, about to embark on their little skiff. That man killed my Shifu! I can’t just let him go scot’free, as if nothing had ever happened!’ he thought indignantly to himself. Pulling out his dagger, he went running towards them. ‘Wait there a minute!’ he cried. Sir Zheng blanched with terror. ‘Lodge Master Wei!’ he stammered. ‘You promised to let me go!’ ‘I promised not to kill you,’ replied Trinket, gloating over Sir Zheng’s discomfiture. ‘I never promised not to hack off one of your legs!’ Feng Xifan would have leapt to Sir Zheng’s defence, but he was still suffering from the effects of the poisoned darts, and could barely move. Sir Zheng fell to his knees, trembling like a helpless child. ‘Lodge Master Wei! If you do that, I’m sure I’ll die! And then-‘ Trinket shook his head. ‘You’ll survive, don’t you worry! You owe me a lot of money, don’t forget. A hundred times ten thousand taels’ a million! I always make sure to keep my creditors alive! And as for offering me my own wife, pregnant with my own child, as security for your loan- I’m afraid I don’t think very much of that idea!’ By now Su Quan and the others were standing behind him and providing orchestrated moral suport.

Even Sir Zheng, in his confused state, could see that it didn’t make sense to offer Trinket his own wife. ‘Well, what do you suggest instead?’ ‘What I suggest is this’ I hack off one of your arms, and one of your legs, and then when you’ve paid up the one million, you can CHAPTER 26 415 have them back! How about that’!’ He was enjoying himself. Sir Zheng was desperate. ‘But just now you said that if I let you have Green, outright, that would make us quits!’ Trinket shook his head impressively. ‘Sorry, things have changed since then. I was being stupid. I almost fell for your trick. I’m a lot smarter now. No, I think we may have a very interesting new business proposition here, a little bit along the lines of your original one, only changing one or two details. What I suggest first of all is that ‘ sell you your mother- we’ll call that one million; and then your father-that’ll cost you another million; and then your father’s mother-another million; and your mother’s mother-‘ ‘She’s dead!’ muttered Sir Zheng. ‘So’ I’ll sell you her corpse, then. And since she’s already dead, we’ll knock off twenty per cent. We’ll just call it eight hundred thousand for the old lady, and I’ll throw in the coffin free!’ Sir Zheng could see this very interesting, not to say highly ingenious, new business proposition of Trinket’s going on for ever, and eventually including every one of his paternal and maternal ancestors. Even at thirty and forty per cent discounts, he would never be able to afford Trinket’s asking price. ‘I can’t afford it!’ he wailed.

Trinket was feeling generous. ‘Very well then, I’ll let you off that last one. We’ll just stick to the first three items. That comes to three million taels exactly. Now, how would you like to pay?’ ‘Yes!’ chipped in the Princess with a broad grin on her face. ‘What about payment’ Now! In cash!’ ‘I haven’t a penny on me!’ wailed Sir Zheng. ‘In that case, I’ll have to have the goods back!’ declared the merciless Trinket. That’ll be, let’s see’ your father, your mother, your grandmother-and your mother’s mother’s corpse, plus the coffin. I’ve changed my mind about dropping that last item.’ Sir Zheng looked desperately at Green. But she was standing at a distance, with her back to him, as if she totally disowned him. Sir Zheng frantically kowtowed to Trinket. ‘Lodge Master Wei, I know I did wrong to kill Marshal Chen, and that I deserve to die! But I beg you to spare my life! Whatever I owe you, I swear I’ll find a way of paying it!’ Trinket had already vented a considerable (缺) on the abject creature. He relented slightly. ‘I’ll need some sort of IOU.’

‘Of course!’ Sir Zheng was ecstatic. Turning to one of his guards’ ‘Bring me some paper and a writing’brush!’ Such things were not to be found on that desolate beach. But the guard had an idea, and tore off a strip of his own shirt. ‘There are a lot of dead bodies over there’ he said. ‘We can soak this in blood and you can use it to write with.’ He went off to drag over the nearest corpse, which happened to be that of Brother Feng Jizhong. But in that very instant, Trinket reached out and seized hold of Sir Zheng’s right wrist. There was a flash of steel as his dagger sliced off the top joint of the index finger. Sir Zheng howled with pain. ‘Write with that!’ ordered Trinket. Sir Zheng was shuddering with pain, and could hardly coordinate his movements at all.

‘Take your time!’ said Trinket reassuringly. ‘But whatever you do don’t let the blood dry or I’ll have to chop off another joint. Or another whole finger.’ Sir Zheng gritted his teeth, ripped off a piece of his own shirt’tail, and with the bleeding stump of his finger wrote on it’ T owe Trinket the sum of three million, eight hundred thousand taels exactly. Zheng Keshuang.’ He was almost fainting from the pain. He cowered kneeling and trembling on the ground. ‘Tut tut!’ mocked Trinket. ‘For such a well’bred young man, your handwriting leaves a lot to be desired!’ He took the IOU and handed it to Doublet for safe’keeping. Then he laughed out loud, and gave Sir Zheng a good kick in the face, which sent him reeling across the sand. ‘Now get the <****> out of here!’ Sir Zheng’s guards hurried over to help him up from the ground and bandage his wound. Then they carried him and Feng Xifan onto the skiff, and rowed forlornly out into the open sea. They had no choice’ Shi Lang and the few surviving members of his company had by now sailed away in the large junk, and the only other seaworthy boat available belonged to Trinket, and anyway had had its rudder and sails removed. Trinket watched them, gloating over their humiliation.

The Potluck Island Idyll

When he had ceased weeping, he lay down, exhausted, on the beach. So much had happened in such a short space of time. Although he had never suspected Feng Jizhong of being a traitor, he felt a huge sense of relief now that the man was dead. He must have had an intuition that someone meant him harm. Of his other enemies, none were left on the island. They had all either died, or fled. It had been a very eventful day. There was a strange feeling of peace. Su Quan gently massaged his back, especially the points that Feng Jizhong had closed. The ever rippling waves reflected the light of the setting sun. It was a spectacle of extraordinary beauty, like the glistening coils of a thousand snakes, constantly writhing on the water’s surface. His womenfolk all sat down near him on the sand. In a matter of minutes he was snoring his head off. And not long after, they too were all fast asleep.

Rules for Trinket’s Harem

Fang Yi was the first to awake, about an hour later. She set off down to the other end of the beach to the tent that had once served as Trinket’s headquarters, during the earlier campaign to destroy the Mystic Dragons on nearby Snake Island. There she prepared an evening meal. The inside of the tent was illuminated by two pine torches. They all sat down in a circle and ate their food, and afterwards Fang Yi and Doublet cleared it all away. Trinket surveyed the seven of them’ Su Quan, Fang Yi, the Princess, Zeng Rou, the Little Countess, Doublet, and Green. Each of them had her charms, her individual qualities’ more beautiful to look at, or more tender, or more vivacious, or more graceful. He felt a sense of joy and contentment, of peace and fulfilment. It was a feeling quite different from the one he had experienced that hectic and memorable night in the big bed in the Yangzhou whore’house. This was such a tranquil, almost bucolic scene. Potluck Island’ the place seemed destined to be his earthly paradise! ‘Here we all are, together at last!’ he declared euphorically. ‘Long Life and Blessings to all of us!’

‘Trinket!’ protested Su Quan. ‘That’s not in very good taste! I never want to hear that slogan again, as long as I live!’ ‘I’m sorry!’ said Trinket abjectly. His euphoria was short’lived. He soon found himself reflecting, not for the first time, that perhaps, apart from the seven beautiful women with whom it was now peopled, the island had rather little to recommend it. It was not really such a paradise after all. It lacked most of the pleasures and amenities that had made him happy in the past’ gambling dens, theatricals, storytellers, good food, yummy cakes, and so on. The list was endless. And none of the things on it were to be had here. This was obviously going to be a major drawback. Potluck might not prove to be such a lucky place after all. The trouble was, only big bustling cities like Peking and Yangzhou could provide the sort of entertainment that he craved. And in the present circumstances, such places were extremely dangerous for a wanted criminal like himself. Thinking of Yangzhou inevitably made him think of his mother. ‘There’s one person missing here tonight!’ he declared. ‘My mum!’ ‘Where is she?’ asked one of the girls, innocently. He duly replied with a sad sigh’ ‘A long, long way from here. At Vernal Delights, in Yangzhou.’

The mention of that den of sin brought a maidenly flush to a number of faces. The only one among them who had not been there with Trinket on that celebrated (and productive) occasion was the Princess. That place?’ she piped up. ‘You’ve talked about it so often, and you always said you wanted to take me there with you one day!’ Fang Yi laughed. ‘He was having you on. It’s a very bad place.’ ‘Why?’ asked the Princess. ‘What’s bad about it’ Have you been there’ Why are you all looking at each other like that’ Have I missed out on something?’ Fang Yi masked a smile. The Princess put her arm round the Little Countess. ‘Sister dear, be nice’ you tell me!’ The Little Countess blushed. ‘It’s … a whore’house.’ ‘A whore’house’! Why would he and I want to go there’ What the tamardy hell would we do in a whore’house?’ exclaimed the perplexed Princess. ‘I thought that was where men went on their own to have a good time.’ Fang Yi laughed. ‘Don’t take any notice of him. He’s always saying stupid things like that!’




Trinket was listening to all of this with a bemused expression on his face. That night in Yangzhou, when he’d snuggled up under that big quilt with seven women, the one difference had been that in the place of the Princess, he’d had her vicious mother the Old Whore. True, the Princess was every bit as troublesome a person as her mother, but at least she was a lot younger, and a lot prettier and sexier, and nothing like as devious and sinister. Trinket found himself breathing a sigh of relief. Life was so unpredictable, he reflected. One should try to be content with what one had.

Night fell as Trinket continued to philosophize silently to himself, surrounded by his seven wives. There remained the all’important and pressing question of which of his beauties was to spend the night with him. Fang Yi deferred to the Little Countess on the grounds of her princely blood. The Little Countess deferred to Doublet, on the grounds that she had fought with Trinket though thick and thin for so long. Doublet blushed and threatened to leave altogether, but Fang Yi held her back and hugged her. It was a touching scene. Finally, Su Quan, the Elder Sister of the harem, suggested that Trinket should decide. But by now his thoughts were elsewhere. Tomorrow we must give the Helmsman a proper burial,’ he said. They were all deeply impressed (and enormously surprised) by this evidence of devotion on his part. They were equally taken aback by his next remark’ ‘And as for choosing which one of you is to sleep with me, that’s easy! We’ll roll the dice!’ He took out his dice and threw them on the table. The lucky winner spends the night with me!’

‘Big head!’ Needless to say, it was the Princess who said this. ‘What makes you think it’s such a big deal spending the night with you! [Mucky, I’d call it!’ Trinket laughed. ‘Maybe you’re right! Anyway, who’s rolling first?’ But our history does not narrate the outcome of that first wild night on the island. It simply records that from that day onwards, this method was indeed the method formally adopted by Trinket and his seven wives to resolve this important question.

Modus Vivendi

The following morning the eight of them buried the Helmsman’s body, and there was a renewed outpouring of grief. The only exception to this was the Princess, who still in her heart considered him a rebel. But even she forced herself to kneel by his grave and go through the motions. After all, she thought to herself, I may once have been a Manchu Princess. But what am I now’ Just plain Mrs Wei, of Potluck Island. Just one among this man’s seven wives. Doublet is more devoted than I am; Green is prettier; Su Quan is a better fighter; Fang Yi is smarter; the Little Countess is purer and a better person; Zeng Rou is so sweet and childlike. I’d better watch my step, or I’ll end up losing favour in the eyes of my new Lord and Master! And then he’ll fix it so that I lose at dice every night! As they returned from burying the Helmsman, they noticed to their horror that their boat, which they had moored in the bay, their one and only means of leaving the island, had disappeared. They searched the horizon, but saw nothing, nothing but gulls dipping and circling between the blue of the sea and the blue of the sky. Su Quan ran up to the top of the cliff, from where she had a view all round the island. Not a sign of a boat in any direction. Fang Yi ran back to the cave, and sure enough everything had been taken’ sails, oars, rudder, everything. They were stranded.


It must have been the boatman, they decided, who had made off with the boat under cover of darkness. They sat down to discuss what best to do, how they could plan for the future. Shi Lang might return with reinforcements, to capture Trinket and take him away. Sir Zheng might return to try and take back Green. At this suggestion, Green blushed fiercely, and swore that if he ever tried to take her back, she would kill herself. Trinket was more pleased to hear her say this than he would have been to learn of the arrival of ten ships! It seemed that she was finally his. After all this time. He threw his arms around her. ‘Darling Green!’ he cried. ‘Don’t be afraid. He’ll never come back. He wouldn’t dare! Don’t forget, he owes me three million, eight hundred thousand taels of silver!’

It was Su Quan who finally took the lead, and made one or two sensible decisions. They found a large cave in a thickly forested part of the island, which they thoroughly cleaned out and transformed into a reasonable sort of a dwelling. They decided to abandon the old bivouac on the shore again. That way, if anyone did come looking for them by sea, they would assume that they had already left the island. At first they lived in daily apprehension of some new danger. But as the weeks and months went by, and they saw not a single stranger arrive on the island, not even a stray fisherman, they began to relax a little. No doubt Sir Zheng had been drowned at sea. And probably Shi Lang had decided to stay out of trouble. They caught fish. They trapped wild game. They shot birds with bows and arrows, and gathered the wild fruit that grew in abundance on the island. Their days were busy, and undisturbed.

The Seasons of Potluck Island

Autumn came and went, and soon it was winter. It grew colder every day. And the three expectant mothers grew bigger. Fang Yi and Doublet were busy making warm winter clothes out of the hides of wild animals, for the eight of them, and for the three babies that would be arriving soon. One day, there was a sudden, heavy fall of snow. In a matter of hours, the whole island became glisteningly white. They had made preparations, and their cave was well’stocked with provisions and firewood. One evening the snow stopped falling and a strong wind got up. It came whistling through the cracks in their cave door. Doublet put some more wood on the fire, and Trinket suggested the usual evening game of dice. It was the Little Countess who lost, and who was therefore selected. Just at that moment, they thought they heard a voice carried faintly on the wind. Su Quan had already fallen asleep, but even she started up. They all exchanged startled glances, and the blood drained from their faces. The Little Countess snuggled close to Fang Yi by the fire. Minutes later, they heard it again. But this time it was loud and clear-a huge voice, bellowing’ ‘Laurie! Laurie! Where are you? Misty misses you!’

Trinket stood up. That’s Misty!’ he cried, and his voice trembled. ‘He’s come to find me!’ ‘And who is Misty?’ asked the Princess. Trinket was trembling from head to foot. The only person in the world (apart from Trinket) who knew of Kang Xi’s secret name was Kang Xi himself. Something very weird was going on. Most probably Kang Xi was dead, and this was his ghost, come all the way to Potluck Island to find him. Tears started to his eyes, and he rushed to the entrance of the cave. ‘Misty!’ he yelled out into the night. ‘It’s me, Laurie! I’m here! I’m coming!’ The same words echoed back’ ‘Laurie! Laurie! Where are you’ Misty misses you!’ It sounded like a giant’s voice, or, to be more precise, like the voices of a thousand men all shouting the same thing but shouting it with one huge voice. It must surely be a ghost, thought Trinket, the ghost of Kang Xi. All his life Trinket had been frightened of ghosts. But if this was his old friend, he must go and see him, come what may! He ran out into the cold night, in the direction of the great voice. ‘Misty! Don’t go! I’m on my way!’

The snow had frozen hard, and he slipped with every step he took. But he pulled himself up again every time and stumbled on. He finally rounded a corner in the path and came into view of the shore. There were fires lit down the whole length of the beach. They were like stars in the sky. There were literally hundreds upon hundreds of men down there, standing in serried ranks, with lanterns in their hands. Trinket let out a cry of fear, and turned back. But it was too late. He had been seen and heard. A man came running towards him out of the throng. ‘Colonel Wei! We’ve found you at last!’ Trinket knew it was hopeless to flee. So many men, on such a tiny island. They were bound to find him sooner or later. Besides, the man’s voice seemed familiar. He took a deep breath and turned to face him. ‘Colonel Wei!’ the voice continued. ‘We’ve all missed you greatly. Thank heavens we’ve finally found you!’

The man seemed to speak with genuine joy. He lifted high his torch and came hurrying towards Trinket, who finally recognized him as his old subordinate, Wang Jinbao. Wang had helped him once before in a tight spot. Trinket was glad to see him. ‘Friend Wang, what a clever ruse! It must have been the Emperor’s idea!’ By now the womenfolk had arrived. Trinket turned to the Princess. ‘It seems that your brother the Emperor has finally found us!’ Wang Jinbao knelt when he realized it was the Princess. ‘I suppose His Majesty wants us all to go back?’ she said. ‘As a matter of fact, Your Highness, no. His Majesty did not even know that you were here,’ replied Wang. The Princess looked down at her (by now) very large stomach and flushed. Wang turned to Trinket. ‘I have been at sea for four months, and called in at over eighty islands looking for you. It is such a joy to have found you, Colonel!’ Trinket protested that he was no longer in anyone’s service, whether military or civil, and that such titles were quite out of order. Wang replied that before he said anything further, Trinket should hear the Emperor’s Edict. He called forward one of his aides, and as the man approached, Trinket recognized him as Wen Youfang, his old gambling friend, the eunuch from Kang Xi’s Upper Library. Wen proceeded to read out the Edict.

Two Tamardy Edicts

‘This Edict is marked Highly Confidential,’ announced Wen. ‘All others must absent themselves, save the recipient, Lord Wei.’ Trinket fell to his knees, and kowtowed before the bearer of the Imperial Communication, and Wang Jinbao and his men immediately withdrew to a discreet distance. The womenfolk all did likewise, except for the Princess, who registered a protest as the Emperor’s sister. But when Eunuch Wen informed her that he was under the strictest orders to communicate the Edict to Lord Wei, and to Lord Wei only, on pain of death, and the probable execution of his own entire family, she relented and went with the others. ‘His Majesty commands me to communicate these two Edicts to you personally. You are to receive them standing.’

Trinket rose to his feet, and received in both hands the first Imperial’yellow envelope handed to him by the eunuch. He opened it, and unfolded the sheet of yellow paper it contained. On it was a series of six pictures. The first showed two boys wrestling on the floor’ this was clearly supposed to be Misty and Laurel, the boyhood sparring partners. The second showed Oboi, in the midst of a crowd of young eunuchs, lurching towards Kang Xi, with Trinket in the act of stabbing him. The third showed a young monk carrying an older monk, running, hotly pursued by a group of Lamas, armed with swords’ this was clearly supposed to be a depiction of the time he had saved the Old Emperor, alias Brother Wayward, in the Wutai Mountains. The fourth showed a Nun dressed in white, descending from the ceiling to attack Kang Xi, and Trinket defending him and receiving a sword wound.

The fifth showed Trinket in the Palace of Maternal Tranquillity, trampling the Old Whore on the ground, and propping up the True Empress Dowager in bed. The sixth and last picture showed Trinket with a Russian Princess, a Mongol Prince, and an old Tibetan Lama, dragging a big whiskered gentleman (clearly Satrap Wu) along by the pigtail’ a reference to Trinket’s ‘great diplomatic coup’ in breaking up the Russian’Mongolian’Tibetan axis which Satrap Wu had been trying to create against the Manchus.

On the whole, Kang Xi had done a good job of the pictures. He personally had never set eyes on Satrap Wu, Galdan, Sangge, or Sophia, so it was not surprising if they hardly resembled the originals at all. But the others were very lifelike. Especially Trinket, whose lazy, mischievous personality had been captured to perfection by the Imperial brush. There was not a single word on the sheet of paper, but Trinket understood the meaning exactly. These were his Six Great Achievements. The youthful sparring hardly counted as an ‘achievement’, but Kang Xi clearly had fond memories of it. And several of his ‘minor achievements’, such as the destruction of Snake Island, and the capture of the Old Whore after her escape, had not been included. Trinket stared at the pictures a long while, deep in thought. Tears started to his eyes. ‘If he was prepared to go to all this trouble, it must mean he has forgiven me!’ Eunuch Wen waited patiently before enquiring’

‘My Lord, have you “perused” the Edict sufficiently?’ ‘I have.’ Wen now opened the second yellow envelope, and took out another sheet of yellow paper. ‘I will now read the text of the Confidential Edict itself,’ he announced. He unfolded the second sheet of paper, cleared his throat, and began’ ‘Laurie! Tamardy! Where the popping hell have you got to’ I’ve missed you like anything, damn it! You really are the most filthy, stinking, putrid turtle, to go and forget your old chum!’* ‘I never forgot you’ mumbled Trinket. ‘Never.’

Eunuch Wen paused for effect before continuing’ ‘You’ve disobeyed me; you refused to follow my orders and take your Shifu’s life. You ran away with my sister! Tamardy! But I’ll still forgive you everything, if you just jolly well surrender and come back to Peking. I’ve already built you a new palace, and it’s much grander than your old one. And another thing’ I’m getting married! I really want you to be here for the party.’ At the word ‘party’, Trinket’s eyes lit up. There were not many parties on Potluck Island. ‘That’s it!’ he cried. ‘I’m on my way out of here!’ Wen continued to read’ ‘But I must insist that from now on you obey me. Otherwise I’ll chop your head off. I really will. Now that your Shifu’s dead, there’s nothing to stop you from dealing with those Triads. I want the lot of them wiped out. I mean it! The lot of them! Then I’ll send you off to fight Satrap Wu. And you can marry my sister. I’ll make you a proper Prince, I’ll make you richer and more powerful than you’ve ever dreamed of being. I’m your friend, Laurie. And I’m your Shifu- remember’ Holy Sage and Onion! A man’s word is his wand-remember’ So just bugger on back up here, will you!’

* Our author notes that this is certainly the one and only verifiable occasion in the entire recorded annals of Chinese history that an occupant of the Dragon Throne has been known to use the vulgar expressions ‘tamardy!’ and ‘old chum!’ in a formal Edict.

Wen had finished declaiming the Imperial document. ‘Did you understand it all, Lord Wei?’ ‘Every word’ replied Trinket. Wen held the sheet of paper in the flame of his lantern, and set the sacred document on fire. Trinket watched as Misty’s Imperial excursion into the vernacular turned to ash. He was deep in thought. ‘How can I possibly do what he asks’ Turn on my own friends’ Why, then I’d be a traitor, no better than the Satrap, or Feng Jizhong. But if I refuse to go back, who knows what the Emperor will do!’ He put the question to Wen’ ‘And if I won’t come back with you, what are your orders’ To take me by force’ To kill me?’ Wen lookly deeply shocked. ‘I cannot believe that Lord Wei is even contemplating the possibility of disobeying the Edict!’ ‘Just answer my question, will you?’ said Trinket. Wen scratched his head. ‘I really don’t know.’

Trinket walked over to where Wang Jinbao was standing. ‘Wang, old friend, His Majesty orders me to return to Peking. But I really can’t. I mean, look at Her Highness the Princess, she’s going to have her baby any day now. I can’t possibly leave her!’ Wang replied’ ‘My orders were simply to find you. And Wen Goong’goong’s orders are to deliver the Edict. That is all.’ ‘My friend’ said Trinket, in a somewhat uncharacteristic fit of honesty. ‘I want to tell you the truth. His Majesty wants me to go back to Peking to help him wipe out the Triads. But the trouble is, I’m a Triad Lodge Master myself. I can’t possibly turn against my own friends and kill them. I’d rather kill myself.’ As a matter of fact, Wang already knew all of this. And he had nothing but respect for Trinket’s decision. He nodded his head gravely. To sell one’s friends for the sake of one’s own advancement was beneath contempt. ‘Do nothing rash, Colonel’ he said. ‘Remember your friends. We all think of you.’

Trinket shook him warmly by the hand. Then I can count on you to take a message to the Emperor, that I am desperately sorry, but I can’t obey his command?’ ‘You can count on me.’ ‘Excellent!’ cried Trinket. ‘So much for business. Now let’s have a game of dice. Tamardy, it’s been an age since I had a decent game! There’s no one I can play with properly on this wretched island!’ Wang was almost as much of a compulsive gambler as Trinket, and agreed willingly. He ordered some of his men to drag a flat stone over beside one of the bigger fires, then he sat down to play with Trinket. Six soldiers stood around them with lanterns raised aloft, to illuminate the proceedings. It was not long before Wen Goong’goong and one or two of the junior officers joined in the game, which lasted well into the early hours. By that time Trinket had won heavily, and was feeling very happy with himself. He looked up to see that three of his women-the Princess, Green, and the Little Countess-had fallen asleep by the fire, while the four others were struggling to stay awake. He felt a little guilty at having kept them up all night. There was still thick snow on the ground, and they must have been freezing. ‘Here, friend Wang.’ He pushed his big pile of winnings across the stone ‘table’. ‘Distribute this among your men.’

Trinket had taken the money off them in the first place, and they were beginning to feel the pinch. This impulsive generosity on his part (for which Trinket had always been famous) cheered them up no end. Wang gave orders for some of the men to row back to the ship and bring supplies ashore for Lord Wei and his lady’friends’ grain, meat, wine, and all manner of crockery, chopsticks, tables and chairs, and sundry items of cooking equipment. He also sent off a sizeable detail to erect a few cabins in the forest. In a few days, Potluck Island had been transformed into a considerably more comfortable living environment, and Wang felt he could safely leave. Domestic Details A fortnight or so later, Green gave birth to a son, and the very next day Su Quan also had a baby boy. It was another month before the Princess gave birth, to a daughter. She was very upset to be the mother of a girl, when the other two had both had boys, and she cried about it for several days. Trinket reassured her, and constantly reminded her that all his life he had preferred girls, and really had little time for boys. In the end she dried her tears, and began to be a little more cheerful.

They were sturdy, lively babies, and their seven ‘mothers’ certainly had plenty of fun learning how to look after them. Trinket was asked to think of names for them. Predictably, he suggested throwing dice. Mumbling a little improvised prayer, along the lines of ‘Dear God of Gambling, we pray you to give us three fine’sounding names for our children’, Trinket threw the first dice. A Five and a Six, the combination known as the Tiger. ‘My first’bom son certainly has a fine name!’ exclaimed Trinket with a merry laugh. Tiger Wei!’ The second throw produced a One and a Six, the combination known as the Mallet. So the second boy was duly called Mallet Wei. The third throw produced two Twos’ commonly known as the Bench. Trinket was somewhat taken aback. Then he laughed. ‘Strange name for our girl! Miss Bench Wei!’ The women were appalled. ‘That’s horrible!’ said the Princess angrily. ‘We can’t possibly call our daughter Bench! Throw again!’ ‘You can’t just change the Gambling God’s chosen names!’ Trinket picked the baby girl up and gave her a little kiss on the cheek. There’s a nice kiss for Miss Bench! See, it’s a lovely name really!’

‘No it’s noiV protested the Princess shrilly. ‘She’s my daughter, and I absolutely refuse to call her Bench! I refuse!’ She took the dice from Trinket and insisted on throwing them again herself. She rolled them around in the palm of her hand, mumbling as she did so’ ‘Dear God of Gambling, give me a pretty name for my little girl, or I’ll crush these dice of yours into little pieces!’ This time, you must promise to accept the decision of the God!’ declared Trinket. ‘I promise.’ She rolled the dice. To her great dismay, she came up with another double Two. The God definitely seemed to have Bench in mind. The Princess howled with disappointment. Su Quan comforted her’ ‘Don’t be sad, sister. We can give her a nice nickname. Since she had a double number, why don’t we call her Little Double! That’s a bit like Doublet, too.’ The Princess was slightly mollified by this proposal.

With the three babies, life on Potluck Island became positively jolly. Thanks to Wang Jinbao’s provisions, they were now able to live in much greater comfort than before. And as the months went by, and there was no sign of a return visit by the Imperial troops, bearing further Edicts from the Emperor, they all began to feel less threatened. The summer of the following year, Wang Jinbao did return, this time with a long, formally worded Edict, and a detachment of five hundred soldiers whose mission was to protect the Princess. No mention was made of his previous expedition. But the soldiers brought with them all sorts of stores, and an additional retinue of maids and servants. Trinket had mixed feelings about this new contingent of Imperial ‘minders’. It was beginning to seem as if he was destined to live out his days on Potluck Island. And that was not a prospect that greatly excited him. He sometimes yearned for the rough’and’tumble of life as he had lived it in Yangzhou. He yearned to be spanked and scolded. To have a bit of fun.

Earl of Potluck Island

The next expedition arrived in the twelfth month of the same year, under the command this time of Brigadier Zhao Liangdong. They brought the news that Kang Xi had designated his infant son, Yin Reng, the Heir Apparent, and in honour of the occasion had declared a General Amnesty. Trinket had been given a new honorary rank, Earl of Potluck Island, Second Class. Over dinner, Brigadier Zhao reported on the war against Satrap Wu, which was not proceeding too smoothly. Trinket asked him to take a message back to the Emperor, saying that he, Trinket, was still eager to join in the ‘war, and help punish the traitor Wu. ‘His Majesty is aware of your devotion to the Throne, Lord Wei, and is himself anxious to enlist your service in this war. But he continues to insist that you must first wipe out the Triad organization. If you still refuse to do so, he asks me to tell you that you’d better get used to the idea of spending the rest of your days here on Potluck Island, fishing and catching turtles!’

Trinket was almost in tears. The five hundred soldiers that had been there ever since the summer were in reality his prison waraers. even nis new title seemed like a cruel joke. It was more of a life sentence than a life peerage. He could see no way out of his confinement. The dinner was called to a premature close. Even Trinket was in no mood for gambling that night. He went back to his room, and sat there moping and staring into space, the occasional tear stealing down his face. His seven wives tried to cheer him up. He begged Su Quan to think of some means of getting back to the mainland. ‘I can think of nothing at the moment’ she said. ‘We must just be patient, and wait for something to turn up.’ ‘I’m fed up!’ cried Trinket petulantly, picking up a teacup and hurling it at the floor. ‘I think I’ll just run away on my own! I don’t want to be some tamardy Potluck Earl cooped up for the rest of my life on this boring dump of an island! I’d rather be a turtle of a waiter working in a whore’house! It’d be a whole lot more fun!’


Days, months, years went by. And for Trinket and his seven wives, life continued uneventfully on the island. Every winter, in the twelfth month, Kang Xi sent a regular expedition with presents for everyone. On one occasion, Trinket received a set of crystal dice, and gambling accessories made from precious stones. At least with his full’time ‘prison’ guard of five hundred, Trinket did not lack for people to gamble with. Then one year, the usual twelfth month expedition was led by Colonel Sun Sike. Trinket noticed that his old friend was wearing a ruby button on his official cap, and the uniform of a military mandarin of the first rank, second division. He had clearly been promoted, and Trinket congratulated him heartily. Sun hastened to read him an Edict containing the good news that the Satrap and his fellow rebels in Guangdong and Fujian (Shang Zhixin and Geng Jingzhong)-the Three Feudatories as they were known-had finally been defeated. The war was over! Sun Sike, as one of the generals active in the war, had been promoted. And Trinket had been promoted too! From Earl Second Class to Earl First Class. And his first son, Tiger, had been made a Baronet. Among the presents sent by Kang Xi was the exquisite screen of Dali marble that had once belonged to the Satrap (and that Trinket had once seen in Wu’s study in Kunming). It had been one of the Satrap’s Three Treasures. And now it belonged to Trinket.

During that evening’s banquet, Colonel Sun related the course of the war. Trinket’s four deputies-Sun himself, Wang Jinbao, Zhang Yong, and Zhao Liangdong-had all distinguished themselves in some way, especially Zhang Yong, who had been in command of the north’western provinces of Gansu and Ningxia, and had successfully routed Wu Sangui’s armies as he marched south. He had been promoted to an even higher eminence than Trinket, and was now a Marquis First Class, with the honorary title of Grand Guardian of the Heir Apparent. Sun explained that ever since he had been wounded by old Gui that night, Zhang had been unable to use his leg properly, and could not even ride a horse. He had been obliged to direct military operations from a sedan chair. All this talk of military exploits was beginning to make Trinket feel very left out of things. But he was happy that his friends had done so well. ‘And what about Satrap Wu’ I hope you managed to give that ugly old turtle a good tamardy kick up the pants!’

Sun shook his head. ‘He just started to lose one battle after another. With each defeat he had to retreat, and he ended up controlling less and less territory. But even though things were going so badly for him, he insisted on making himself an emperor, so he dressed himself up as one, and sat on a throne, and called himself the First Emperor of the Shun Dynasty! So we laid into him some more, and finally he couldn’t hold out any longer. After he was dead, they made his grandson the new Emperor in Kunming. Old Zhao Liangdong marched his men down to Kunming, and inflicted a major defeat on what was left of the Wu forces. Two of the old Satrap’s generals, Xia Guoxiang and Ma Bao, were captured in the fighting and executed. In the end, the new Emperor took his own life. And then it was all over.’



Trinket asked what had happened to Chen Yuanyuan, the Peerless Consort, but Sun was unable to give him any news. There was no sign of her. Nobody knew if she had been killed during the fighting, or if she had succeeded in escaping. After Sun Sike’s departure, Trinket felt more cooped up and bored than ever. He seemed to be forever sitting on a rock and fishing. And his ten dependants (seven wives and three children) began to seem like millstones round his neck. More and more he dreamed of escaping on his own. Of leaving Potluck Island for ever. It was almost the Mid’Autumn Festival, and the weather was still quite hot. Trinket went fishing, and ended up as usual fretting about his confinement on the island. He lay down on the rocks with his head on a stone, his line idly in one hand, and was dozing off, when suddenly he heard a voice’ ‘Your Excellency Lord Wei, the Dragon King requests the pleasure of your company!’

Trinket was astonished to hear this and gazed out to sea, where the voice seemed to be coming from. There, floating on the water, he saw a huge turtle, rearing its great head. It spoke again’ ‘The Dragon King of the Eastern Sea finds life lonely and boring in his Crystal Palace under the waves. He has sent me to request the presence of His Excellency Lord Wei at an underwater banquet, to be followed by a watery game of dice. His Majesty will be placing bets with precious stones-coral, crystal, and such like- but ordinary silver taels will be accepted too.’ ‘Excellent! What fun!’ cried Trinket. The turtle messenger went on to describe the various actors and storytellers who would be providing entertainment that night in the Dragon King’s palace beneath the sea. There would be singsong’girls galore singing The Eighteen Touches’, and others of Trinket’s favourite ditties, such as The Five Watches of the Night’, or The Four Seasons of Love’. The Dragon King had no fewer than seven princesses, each more beautiful than the last, and they had all been yearning for a chance to meet the dashing Lord Wei!

‘Wonderful!’ cried Trinket impatiently. ‘Let’s go! What are we waiting for!’ ‘Just climb aboard,’ announced the turtle, ‘and we’ll be off.’ In one movement, Trinket was astride the turtle, which parted the waves and plunged down deeper and deeper into the murky depths of the ocean. They were greeted by the Dragon King in person, who led them on into his palace. His royal cousin the Dragon King of the South Sea was also there. The party began, and a host of guests arrived. There was Pigsy, the fat porcine personification of Greed that Trinket knew from countless plays; there was the Bull Demon King; there were all sorts of great generals and kings of legend; and there was host of grotesque submarine extras. When they had finished eating, the gambling began. Trinket was banker. And he just kept winning and winning. There was one particular player who could not bear to lose, and started hitting him, boxing him on the ears. Trinket’s head started buzzing.

Trinket let out a great cry, and as he did so he pulled his line flying in. The hook caught on his neck, and he leapt to his feet in pain. His dream faded away. But even as the dream and its wonderful revelry melted into thin air, an alarming reality took its place, in the form of a loud explosion coming from the sea right in front of him.

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