The Deer And The Cauldron 46


The Deer And The Cauldron 46
第四十六回 千里帆樯来域外 九霄风雨过城头

Chapter 27-In which Trinket travels to Taiwan; and is sent as 434 Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Russians, with Instructions to capture fort Albazin and negotiate the Treaty of Nerchinsk

The Fall of Taiwan-Trinket in Taiwan-Boots Aloft- Trinket in Favour Again- Arrangements for Revenge-The Supreme Commander-Heads You Lose!-Human Shashlik- Winter sets In-Piss Attack-Wobbleski and Chillingoff-A Loyal Servant-More Russian Blarney- Nerchinsk-Conspiracy in the Tent-Not by Halves-An Object for a Cult


The Fall of Taiwan

The boom that woke Trinket from his noonday dream of underwater gambling was the firing of a cannon out at sea. It appeared to have come from a small squadron of ships, which were making at some speed towards the island, with the wind full in their sails. As he hurried towards the cabins to tell his wives, he was met by the commandant of the island’s garrison, who came running towards him excitedly to tell him that the ships, which he had been observing through his telescope, were flying the sun and moon flag of Taiwan. It looked very much as if Zheng Keshuang was coming back for his revenge. Trinket told the commandant to put the garrison on the alert and continued on his way to the cabins.

The womenfolk had already come outside to look and had seen the flags. Princess Ning rather acidly asked Green Girl if she would be taking her Tiger boy with her to Taiwan. But in spite of some banter, everyone was nervous and apprehensive until Su Quan cleverly pointed out that the cannon’fire, which was continuing at regular intervals, was producing no visible effect but smoke. ‘Of course!’ said Trinket, laughing. ‘They’re not bombarding. It’s a salute.’ ‘Salute first, bombardment to follow,’ said the Princess, who was sure that this must be Sir Zheng making a comeback. But the commandant now came back to report that this appeared after all to be a Manchu squadron’ a few minutes earlier, as if those on board had suddenly become aware of an oversight, the sun and moon flags had been struck and the Qing colours run up in their stead.

Su Quan suggested that they must be captured Taiwanese vessels recently taken by the Manchu forces in a naval engagement. This seemed the likeliest explanation of their strange behaviour; but Trinket was still a little suspicious and told the commandant that, until the identity and purpose of the squadron had been established, he should allow only a small party from one of the ships to land. The ships had now dropped anchor and a small boat manned by six or seven sailors rowed out from one of them towards the shore. A man stood up in their midst and shouted through a megaphone that Admiral Shi Lang was coming ashore to deliver an Imperial Edict to Lord Wei of Potluck Island. Trinket hurried down to the shore, and by the time Shi Lang had landed and was standing there to deliver it, he was already on his knees to hear it read.

It seemed that the Manchu fleet under Shi Lang’s command had defeated the Taiwanese fleet near the Pescadores. Shi Lang had gone on to invade the island and Zheng Keshuang, the last ruler of Taiwan, had surrendered without a fight. Taiwan and the Pescadores were now part of the Chinese Empire. In recognition of the contribution Trinket had made towards this great victory by first recommending Shi Lang to his notice, the Emperor was advancing his ennoblement by one degree. He would now, instead of Earl, be Marquis of Potluck Island Second Class and an Honorary Grand Guardian to the Heir Apparent, and his baby son, Baronet Tiger, was to become a Baron.

When Trinket had kowtowed his thanks and was on his feet again, Shi Lang told him that when he had gone back to Peking to report on his victory to the Emperor and hand over Zheng and the other state prisoners whose immunity had been guaranteed in the surrender terms, Kang Xi had reminded him of the debt he owed to Trinket. It was Trinket’s recommendation, when he was still living in obscurity, that had led to his attaining the position in which so great an achievement had become possible. And it was Kang Xi’s own idea that Shi Lang should be the one to deliver the Edict to Trinket on his island, before returning to Taiwan to supervise the take-over. Trinket listened to Shi Lang without enthusiasm. His feelings at this moment were, in fact, very mixed. These repeated promotions that the Emperor kept awarding him were meaningless. The island’s garrison were supposed to be there for his protection, but he knew full well they were really there to stop him running away. Even if he was made Prince of Potluck Island he would still be a prisoner.

He had always hated Sir Zheng, but if Taiwan was taken, it meant that the whole Ming cause that his beloved Helmsman had fought all his life to uphold had been finally defeated. The difference between Chinese and Manchu had originally meant nothing to him, but long association with Chinese patriots like his friends in the Triads had kindled an awareness in him that he belonged to a nation which had been taken over by a foreign race. And when he thought of Shi Lang, free and active and covering himself with glory in a big campaign, while he was stuck on this wretched island and bored out of his mind, he felt a pang of jealousy. Still, he had to say something and made a slight effort to be polite. ‘Surely you must have had an award for this great achievement?’ Shi Lang tried hard to suppress a smirk of satisfaction. ‘His Majesty has graciously awarded me a Marquisate Third Class.’ ‘Congratulations!’ said Trinket.

His own promotion was to a Marquisate Second Class. It occurred to him that the Emperor must have deliberately made him a grade higher than Shi Lang. Decent of Misty to have been so considerate he thought, and felt rather pleased. But then he (缺) for the Helmsman’s tragic death. The Helmsman had been weakened by fighting and was pleading with Shi Lang to return to his old loyalty at the very moment when he was treacherously struck down. Shi Lang would never have taken Taiwan so easily if the Helmsman had still been alive. And Shi Lang was so confident and so pleased with himself. Trinket was almost beginning to hate him. He decided to take him down a peg or two.

‘Those sun and moon flags you were flying gave me quite a turn, Admiral’ he said. ‘I thought at first we were being invaded by the Taiwanese navy. Now I see you were just showing off your prizes.’ Shi Lang was a brave and honest man, but it was true that he had been showing off a bit. Now he felt humbled and ashamed and hastened to excuse his conduct. ‘I wouldn’t presume to do that, Lord Wei,’ he said. ‘It’s just that I was in such a hurry to get here and the Taiwanese ships are so much faster than the Qing ones.’ ‘Oh, that explains it,’ said Trinket. ‘I wondered at first if you had been thinking of taking over from the Zhengs and setting up as an independent ruler of Taiwan yourself.’ Shi Lang was appalled and also a little shaken. Because of his former loyalty to the Ming, there would always be a slight shadow of suspicion over him (there is always the thought that those who have changed sides once are capable of doing so again). A mere word in the Emperor’s ear from this odious little favourite (who knew all there was to be known about changing sides) would be enough to spell his ruin. His cheerful self’confidence deserted him and he at once became abject. ‘No, no. It was a stupid oversight-unforgivably careless of me. You were quite right to point it out.’

To change the subject, he proceeded to introduce the officers who had sailed with him. One of these was a former Taiwanese officer called Lin Xingzhu whom Trinket remembered having met once on a boat in the river at Liuzhou when he was travelling through Guangxi Province on the journey back from Kunming. It was night’time, they were all a little drunk, and the Beggar General Wu Liuqi, although he couldn’t swim, had insisted on going out in this boat in a storm into the middle of the river. Apart from the boatmen, just two of them had gone with him’ Trinket, then acting in his capacity as Triad Lodge Master-he couldn’t swim either- and a local Lodge Master from Guangxi called Ma. The Helmsman had boarded the boat to join them when he’d heard Wu singing, and had introduced this man Lin as a former disciple of Coxinga’s trained in the Ditang School of kungfu who had been able to use Ditang methods against the musket fire of the Dutch. Trinket’s surprise at seeing him here amongst Shi Lang’s officers was as nothing compared with Lin Xingzhu’s astonishment at finding that Trinket, who on that earlier occasion had been introduced to him as a young disciple of the Helmsman, was a great Manchu nobleman to whom even Shi Lang deferred.

That evening Trinket gave a dinner for Shi Lang to which five of his officers were also invited’ four of them, two naval and two military, were the most senior Manchu officers on his staff; the other one was Lin Xingzhu. Before the dinner Shi Lang presented his gifts. Taiwan is a fertile and productive island. Under Coxinga and his heirs it had developed commercial relations with Japan, the Philippines, Siam, and Annam and had grown rich and prosperous from foreign trade. Trinket assumed that Shi Lang would have exploited his victory over Taiwan to enrich himself, just as, in a like situation, he and his Manchu friends would have done. But Shi Lang, whatever his faults, was a scrupulously honest man and hated corruption, and his gifts on this occasion were not the gold and silver treasures that Trinket was expecting but samples of typical Taiwanese products-more in the nature of souvenirs, in fact. Trinket was disgusted by what he thought was Shi Lang’s stinginess and felt that he had been insulted. More and more he was beginning to look on him as an enemy.

When the wine had gone round a few times and conversation had begun to liven up a bit, Trinket asked Lin Xingzhu, who was sitting next to him, to explain something in the Edict that had been puzzling him. Tell me, Captain Lin’ he said, ‘why was Zheng Keshuang named as the person who surrendered Taiwan’ I always thought Zheng Jing-the one they used to call Prince of Yanping-was running Taiwan. How did a rotten little fart like Keshuang come to be the ruler’ He was the younger of the two sons anyway, wasn’t he?’

The Prince of Yanping-Zheng Jing, that is-died early this year, my lord,’ said Lin Xingzhu. ‘He had two sons, Kezang and Keshuang. Kezang was a very intelligent, dependable young man. Everyone loved him and looked forward to his taking over when his father died. By rights he should have done, but his grandmother, the Lady Dong, hated him and got Feng Xifan, the Bloodless Sword, to assassinate him, so that her favourite, Keshuang, could inherit. Feng Xifan is Keshuang’s father’in’law, you see, and when Keshuang became ruler he made Feng Xifan his Prime Minister. The two of them did some terrible things between them, killing off all the friends and supporters of Chen Jinnan.’ (Lin Xingzhu couldn’t very well say ‘the Helmsman’ in present company.) ‘Chen Jinnan’s daughter had been married to Kezang. She went to Lady Dong to protest when her husband was murdered, but Lady Dong just threw her out, and the poor girl, after she’d wept over her husband’s corpse, went off and hanged herself. Still, Lady Dong didn’t come to a very good end herself. They say she was haunted by the young couple’s ghosts and died of fright.’

Shi Lang interposed at this point to say that the story of the hauntings was based on a popular rumour and not necessarily true. ‘We can’t be sure that ghosts really exist’ he said. ‘Lady Dong was a very wicked old woman and she had all those deaths on her conscience. It was probably hallucinations made by her own guilty imagination that brought on her death.’ There you’re wrong, Admiral,’ said Trinket. The ghosts of people who die violently, especially if they have a grievance, definitely do come back for revenge. Think of all those Taiwanese ghosts you must have made in the naval battle. You want to be careful.’





















Shi Lang looked rather unhappy, but forced a laugh. ‘You can’t fight a battle without killing people’ he said. ‘If all those killed in battle came back as ghosts to get revenge, no general who fought a battle would ever come to a good end.’ That’s as may be’ said Trinket, ‘but in your case it’s different. You were once on Coxinga’s staff before you changed sides. A lot of those killed in the naval battle were once Coxinga’s men and your fellow officers.’ Shi Lang was angered by this quite gratuitous attack but managed to keep silent. Trinket continued to needle Shi Lang throughout the rest of the evening. He encouraged Lin Xingzhu to reminisce about the heroic campaign in which Coxinga had taken Taiwan from the Dutch, interrupting him from time to time with unflattering references to Shi Lang; and when one of the Manchu officers, sensing that his commander was in danger of exploding under these repeated provocations, tried to put in a word about Shi Lang’s own by no means negligible achievements, Trinket snubbed Shi Lang yet again by saying that he found stories of Chinese triumphs against the foreigners interesting but had no stomach for stories about the victories of Chinese over fellow-Chinese. This was a bit rich coming from a young Chinese who had grown rich and powerful by working for the Manchus, and Shi Lang, feeling that he had taken about as much as he could bear, excused himself on the grounds that he was feeling tired and went off to bed.


Next day Trinket invited Lin Xingzhu to a private lunch, hoping to hear more about recent events in Taiwan. He learned that the former ruler of Taiwan and his chief minister-that is, Sir Zheng and Feng the Bloodless Sword-had been given grandiose titles as a reward for their prompt surrender and were now living comfortably in Peking. Lin also told him a few things about Shi Lang’s behaviour in Taiwan. Apparently one of the first things he had done after the surrender was to make an offering at the tomb of his old chief Coxinga, for whom, in spite of everything, he still felt a very great respect. This had been a highly emotional occasion at which Shi Lang had read out a memorial address composed for him by a well’known writer. Lin could remember a few phrases from it which he recited for Trinket’s benefit’ Even though enmity grew up between us, The memory of happier times remains. Not for me, then, to exact the vengeance Of him who hid in the rushes by the river. ‘What in heaven’s name does that mean?’ said Trinket, for whom this might as well have been in a foreign language.

The man “who hid in the rushes” was Wu Zixu,’ said Lin Xingzhu. ‘It’s an old story. It happened thousands of years ago. He was running away from the King of Chu who’d already killed his father and brother, and when the fisherman who’d just ferried him over the river went off to fetch him some food, he hid himself in the rushes because he was afraid the man was going to give him away and set the soldiers on him. Afterwards, when he’d escaped to the neighbouring state of Wu, he became one of the King of Wu’s chief advisers, and when the Wu army invaded Chu, Wu Zixu went with them, hoping to get his revenge. By that time, however, the king who’d killed his father and brother was dead, so Wu Zixu had his corpse dug up and gave it three hundred lashes with a whip. What Admiral Shi was saying in those lines I just recited was that though he’d gone over to the other side when Coxinga had all his family put to death and, just like Wu Zixu, was now coming back with a victorious army when the man who’d had them killed was in his grave, he wasn’t going to behave like Wu Zixu and take it out on the corpse.’ ‘He wouldn’t dare-he’d be too scared of what Coxinga’s ghost might do to him,’ said Trinket, who was convinced that everyone else shared his unshakeable belief in the malignant powers of the dead. ‘I remember that story now. I once saw a play about Wu Zixu escaping through the pass. By the time it was morning, his hair had gone completely white.’

Lin Xingzhu nodded. The conversation turned to the dinner party of the previous evening. Lin was worried that Shi Lang seemed to hold him partly responsible for the unpleasantness caused by Trinket’s needling and, as a captured officer and very vulnerable, he feared the consequences. Could Trinket do anything to help him, he asked. ‘Leave it to me,’ said Trinket; and when Lin Xingzhu had gone, he began to concoct a plan. When it was fully formed in his mind, he proceeded to put it into practice straight away by inviting Shi Lang to dinner again that very evening. This time Lin Xingzhu was the only other guest.Trinket began by asking Shi Lang how long his stay on Potluck Island would be. ‘I assume you’ll be staying a month or two,’ he said. ‘I’d like to very much, my lord,’ said Shi Lang. I’d like to have stayed at least a few more days, so that I could profit from your conversation, but with Taiwan only just taken over, there’s so much to do there, I really ought to be getting back. I’m afraid I shall have to take my leave of you tomorrow.’ ‘Do you really want to profit from my conversation?’ said Trinket. ‘I think you’re just saying that to be polite.’ ‘No, no, I mean it,’ said Shi Lang. ‘I look back on those evenings we spent together on this island, when I was your second in command in the campaign against the Mystic Dragon people, drinking and gambling and having laughs, as a very happy time.’

‘You could have that happy time again if you wanted to’ said Trinket. ‘Ah, but how?’ ‘Easy’ said Trinket. ‘Take me with you when you leave for Taiwan tomorrow!’ Shi Lang jumped to his feet, aghast. ‘B’b’but, Lord Wei’ he said in a shaking voice, ‘I couldn’t possibly take you without authorization from His Majesty. It would be more than my life is worth.’ ‘I wouldn’t want to do anything there’ said Trinket. ‘After hearing so much about the place, I just wanted to see what it was like. And I wouldn’t want to stay very long. Just a month or so, then I could slip back here again. Just a little holiday. The Emperor needn’t know if you don’t tell him. ‘ never told him lots of things.’ ‘You are fortunate in enjoying the Emperor’s favour, my lord’ said Shi Lang. ‘I don’t enjoy that privilege. I am deeply sorry not to oblige you, but I really don’t dare do what you ask.’ ‘Sit down, sit down, Admiral!1 said Trinket. ‘It was only an idea. Think no more about it!’



Shi Lang bowed and sat down again, greatly relieved. ‘Funny though’ said Trinket musingly, ‘you say you wouldn’t dare, but it was quite daring of you to pay your respects at Coxinga’s grave when you were in Taiwan. I’d like to have been there to hear it’ they say you made a very fine speech. Can you still remember what you said?’ ‘I can remember a few bits’ said Shi Lang, who had actually learned to recite the whole address by heart. He now proceeded to recite some choice lines from it, including the ones comparing himself to Wu Zixu. ‘Excellent!’ said Trinket. ‘I couldn’t do that to save my life. What does that stuff about the man hiding in the rushes mean?’ Shi Lang explained it to him. ‘Hm, I see’ said Trinket. ‘I hope the Emperor doesn’t get to hear about it.’ ‘Oh?’ said Shi Lang, clearly rather worried. ‘Why do you say that?’ ‘Didn’t Wu Zixu later on get overconfident with his success and offend the King of Wu?’ said Trinket.



‘From what I can remember of the story, the King of Wu had him executed, but before he was executed Wu Zixu asked them to take his eyes out after he was dead and stick them on top of the city gate looking outwards so that he could see the King of Wu’s enemies when they marched into the city and overthrew his kingdom. If Wu Zixu stands for you, the Emperor might begin to wonder if he’s meant to be the King of Wu and grow suspicious. Especially if he got to hear about your flying the sun and moon flags on your ships. Besides, you know what they say about victorious generals when they’re no longer useful’ “When the birds are something or other . . .”” ‘You mean, “When the birds are all shot, the bow is forgot”” said Shi Lang. ‘Yes. When the Emperor hears you’ve been saying “When the birds are all shot, the bow is forgot”, he’s bound to get very suspicious.’ ‘But I’ve never said that’ said Shi Lang. ‘You said it just now’ said Trinket. ‘Captain Lin heard you.’




‘You little rat!’ thought Shi Lang. ‘I expect you’d be quite capable of putting Lin up to telling the Emperor too, if it suited you.’ He was beginning to feel trapped, and a murderous look flashed for a moment from his eyes-which Trinket was quick to observe. ‘I think you’ve got two choices’ said Trinket. ‘What two choices?’ said Shi Lang. The first is to kill me and Captain Lin and the others on this island, fly the sun and moon flags, sail back to Taiwan, and set up as an independent king.’ That’s ridiculous’ said Shi Lang. ‘I’m the Emperor’s loyal servant. What’s the other choice?’ Take me with you to Taiwan’ said Trinket, ‘and leave me to take care of Captain Lin.’ Shi Lang caved in completely. He had no friends at the Imperial Court and knew he was completely at the mercy of this horrible youth who seemed able to do anything he liked with the Emperor. Trinket sensed that he had the upper hand. He pointed out that if he went to Taiwan as an observer, he would be in a position to assure the Emperor of Shi Lang’s irreproachable behaviour as the Emperor’s representative on the newly conquered island. Instead of making difficulties, Shi Lang was now begging him to go, so that Trinket was even able to make conditions. He’d need to take his wives and children with him, he said, for his peace of mind. Shi Lang agreed to everything. He set aside the largest vessel in the squadron for the use of Trinket and his dependents, and the very next day, after a night’time of frantic preparations, they all set sail for Taiwan.


Trinket in Taiwan

After a voyage of several days, they arrived at Anping, the port for the main city of Taiwan (the Dutch had called the place Fort Zeelandia). They disembarked and completed their journey by land. At Trinket’s special request, Lin Xingzhu went with him to act as a guide and entertained him as they rode together with vivid accounts of Coxinga’s campaign against the Dutch. Trinket’s needling of Shi Lang had ceased, now that he had got his own way, and relations between them were cordial. As soon as they were settled at his headquarters in the city, Shi Lang gave a splendid dinner to which everyone was invited. The party had reached a high level of joviality when the arrival of an Imperial Edict was announced and Shi Lang excused himself and went out to receive it. When he came back some time later, he had a worried expression on his face. ‘Bad news,’ he said. ‘Taiwan is to be evacuated.’ ‘What does that mean?’ Trinket asked him. ‘It means, my lord, that the entire population will be deported to the mainland, the garrison will be withdrawn, and my command here will terminate.’ ‘But why?’ said Trinket.

‘I asked the emissary who brought the Edict’ said Shi Lang. ‘He said there’s a party at Court who’ve persuaded the Emperor that Taiwan is too costly to defend. They say there’s always a danger of it falling into the wrong hands and proving a drain on our resources.’ ‘But if we move out, the red’haired foreign devils will move in again,’ said Trinket. (He was referring to the Dutch, who had ruled Taiwan, or Formosa, the ‘Beautiful’ island, for nearly forty years, before being ejected by Coxinga.) ‘Exactly,’ said Shi Lang. ‘Do you think the people at Court suspect me, because of-you know, the “man in the reeds” and so on?’ ‘It’s possible’ said Trinket. ‘These things have a way of getting out. Listen, I’ll tell you what you ought to do. Go to Peking straight away and see the Emperor yourself. Tell him the people of Taiwan are happy here and what a terrible thing it would be for them to have to move. His Majesty is a kind person, I know he cares about the good of the people and all that stuff. If you send a reply back from here appealing against this what’d’you’call’it, he might suspect you; but if you’re in Peking telling him this yourself, he’ll know you’re not plotting against him.’

Shi Lang at once saw the point of this and thanked Trinket warmly for his counsel. ‘I’ll take your advice, Lord Wei’ he said. ‘But someone will have to be in charge here while I’m away. As you’re the most senior in rank here, I must ask you if you would be willing to do it.’ Trinket was immensely pleased with the idea, but wondered what Kang Xi would think about it. After all, he wasn’t supposed to be in Taiwan at all, let alone in charge of it. ‘I’d be glad to help, Admiral’ he said, ‘but His Majesty won’t be too happy if you hand over to someone else without first waiting for an Edict.’ It was Shi Lang’s turn to feel apprehensive. ‘This man is a disciple of Chen Jinnan and a friend of the Triads,’ he thought. ‘He’s still in great favour with the Emperor, but he’s not employed by him any more, and he’s supposed to be living in exile on Potluck Island. If I do hand over power to him, and he and his Triad friends treat it as a golden opportunity to make a rising, I’ll be guilty of a capital offence.’

But then he had an idea. I’ll take the fleet with me’ he thought. ‘He can’t do anything without ships. If he and his friends did try any funny business, it would be easy to sail back and deal with them.’ Having made up his mind, he told Trinket that he would take the risk. Bringing the banquet to a rather hasty conclusion, he convened an emergency meeting of the Taiwanese administration and told the officials that he was temporarily handing over full powers to Lord Wei. Then he got an experienced secretary to compose a memorial to the Emperor in Trinket’s name. Trinket was made to say that he had, with great temerity-for which he craved the Emperor’s forgiveness- and acting purely out of concern for His Majesty’s peace of mind, assumed temporary control of the island after travelling there to make a survey and satisfying himself that the people, most of whom had lived on Taiwan for generations, were peaceable and obedient and could more suitably be left to go on living there undisturbed as His Majesty’s loyal subjects than moving with much distress and inconvenience to another place.

After spending a great part of the night in preparation, Shi Lang was ready to leave first thing next morning; but Trinket feared that, being an honest, simple soul (far too honest, in fact), he was ill’prepared to face the officials at the Imperial Court who, on meeting a colleague who had just completed the conquest of a notably rich island, would be looking for a share of the spoils. When Trinket, in his inimitable way, tried to explain this, Shi Lang did not at first understand what he was getting at; but when he did, and begged Trinket to help him do whatever was necessary, Trinket summoned another meeting of the Taiwanese officials and told them that the Admiral was going to Peking to plead with the Emperor on behalf of the people of Taiwan. This was, of course, going to cost money; and as they stood to lose everything if he didn’t succeed, he was sure they would help out in this emergency and come up with something pretty quickly. There were a lot of very rich people in Taiwan and the rumour of deportation had seriously frightened them. In just a few hours the officials collected well over three hundred thousand taels. Trinket found that there was over six hundred thousand in the treasury and, adding the two amounts together, was able to hand over one million taels for Shi Lang to take with him when he sailed at about seven o’clock that evening.

The day after Shi Lang’s departure Trinket called the Taiwanese officials together again. In speaking to them the day before, he had referred to the amount collected as the ‘Save Taiwan Fund’. ‘I’m afraid the “Save Taiwan Fund” we collected for Admiral Shi yesterday was short of what was needed by a million taels,’ he told them. ‘I managed to make it up with what I’d saved of my own money over the years and what I could raise on the jewellery of my seven wives. I was glad to do it for the people’s sake, but it’s left me and my family completely broke.’ The chief official bowed low in gratitude. ‘Your Lordship is like a father and mother to us. Be assured’ apart from making good the six hundred thousand taken from the treasury, the people of Taiwan will see to it that Your Lordship’s million taels are reimbursed to the last penny.’ Trinket went on to suggest a way of assessing contributions that spread the burden fairly and, having made a cool million for himself after his first day governing Taiwan, was hailed by one and all as a benefactor.

Boots Aloft

A few days after this Trinket thought that, having heard so much about the famous Coxinga, he would like to see what he looked like and ordered the gear to be got ready for making an offering at his shrine; but when they got to the little temple, he was rather disappointed with what he saw. The statue, seated in between two smaller standing figures, was that of a mild, smooth’faced man with a little wispy beard and moustaches, quite unlike the fierce, heroic’looking warrior he had been expecting. ‘Was he really like that?’ he asked. ‘Actually, it’s a very good likeness’ said Lin Xingzhu, who was standing beside him. ‘You have to remember, the Marshal started life as a scholar; it was only later on that he became a great soldier.’ ‘Who are those two, the ones standing on either side of him?’ ‘That one is his son, Zheng Jing, who was Prince of Yanping after him,’ said Lin Xingzhu. ‘What about the other one?’ said Trinket. ‘Is that supposed to be my Shifu?’ ‘That’s the Marshal’s wife, the Lady Dong’ said Lin. ‘That old whore?’ said Trinket indignantly. ‘She shouldn’t be here. Take her out and get a statue of the Helmsman to put in her place!’

Lin Xingzhu climbed over the altar rail and heaved the statue off its plinth, while Trinket dropped to his knees and kowtowed to the seated figure of Coxinga. ‘Lord Marshal,’ he said, ‘this wicked old woman caused so much trouble for you when you were alive, I’m sure it must make you angry to have her beside you now. I’m having her taken away for you and putting the Helmsman in her place. I’m sure both of you will be glad to be together again.’ He was remembering the Helmsman’s cruel death as he said this, and the thought of it made him cry. When he got up again his face was wet with tears. The people of Taiwan had hated Lady Dong, but cherished the memory of Chen the Helmsman who had done so much for them-land reforms, education, a host of other things. And yet during the brief reign of Zheng Keshuang (Trinket’s Sir Insufferable), no one was allowed to speak ill of Lady Dong or any good of Chen. The ‘Dong out, Chen in’ story circulated rapidly and was much appreciated; and when they heard that Trinket had shed real tears while kneeling before the image of their national hero, the Taiwanese people were touched and grateful. It’s true, they admitted, the new young ruler was a bit demanding when it came to money, but they preferred him to the honest, incorruptible Shi Lang and rather hoped that Shi Lang would be unable to return and the young one stay on permanently as Governor.

But it was not to be. Little more than a month later the Taiwanese fleet was at anchorage again in the harbour, the flagship was docked, and Shi Lang was stepping from it to the shore. Behind him followed a high’ranking civilian official who began smiling and waving at Trinket when he was only halfway down the gangway. ‘Trinket, my dear boy! How I’ve missed you!’ It was Songgotu. Trinket ran up the gangway to meet him and the two clasped hands and laughed excitedly. ‘Good news!’ said Songgotu. The Emperor’s summoning you to Peking.’ Shi Lang had good news, too, for the people of Taiwan, which he announced as he stepped ashore. No deportation. The Emperor had relented. The crowd, who had gathered as soon as the first ships were sighted and had been waiting anxiously to hear their fate, suddenly erupted in wave after wave of cheering. The good news spread like wildfire and soon there was a sound of exploding firecrackers in every street and an air of festivity everywhere that would have made you think it was New Year.





Meanwhile Songgotu was quietly reassuring a pleased but worried Trinket that the Emperor would not, as formerly, be expecting him to betray his Triad friends. The situation had changed. He wanted him back again for a special mission’ a Russian campaign. Now that Satrap Wu and the Mystic Dragon Sect and the heirs of Coxinga on Taiwan had all been (缺) his attention to the problems of the north’eastern frontier. Russian colonists had been pressing eastwards through Siberia for half a century and, particularly since the building of the forts of Nerchinsk and Albazin, clashes were continually occurring between the Russians and Chinese along the Amur River. ‘You seem to be the only one of us ‘who has been there and can speak the language,’ said Songgotu. ‘And besides, the Emperor has heard that you were a great favourite of the Russian Regent, who is, I believe, a princess. He has hopes that you can use this to our advantage.’ ‘Give her the Eighteen Touches?’ Trinket suggested. ‘She is said to be very beautiful,’ said Songgotu. ‘Apart from being covered with little gold hairs, I suppose she is quite pretty’ said Trinket. He didn’t sound very enthusiastic.



But he was very excited by the idea of being in the thick of things once more, and soon, with his wives and children and the rest of his large household, he was embarking with Songgotu for the voyage north. At Trinket’s request and with Shi Lang’s readily granted permission, Captain Lin and his special force of wicker’shield’carrying troops were to accompany them. As Trinket was about to embark, two aged Taiwanese approached him and removed his boots, which they then held aloft and displayed to the cheering crowd. This quaint little ceremony was normally reserved for the departure of an exceptionally benevolent and incorruptible governor and symbolized their wish that he could remain. This must have been the one and only time the ceremony was ever performed for one who, in a stay of little more than a month, had extorted from the people under his charge a sum of nearly two million taels.

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