The Deer And The Cauldron 47


The Deer And The Cauldron 47
第四十七回 云点旌旗秋出塞 风传鼓角夜临关

Trinket in Favour Again

The ship docked at Tanggu after a few days at sea and Trinket, Songgotu, and the rest proceeded via Tianjin to Peking by land. Passing through the city gate was for Trinket like re’entering paradise after a long spell away. He set off to see the Emperor without delay. As of old, he was summoned to a private audience in the Upper Library where Kang Xi was seated on his chair of state waiting for his arrival. Trinket advanced, knelt down, and kowtowed. There, while he was kneeling down with his face on the floor, his pent up emotions got the better of him and he burst into tears.

Whether it was from joy at being back or sorrow for everything that had happened he probably couldn’t have said. Kang Xi for his part had had equally mixed feelings on seeing him enter. Two-thirds of him was delighted to see his boyhood friend once more, but the remaining, Imperial, third was extremely angry. The little bastard thinks he can get away with anything,’ he told himself. ‘This time I really must do something about it, otherwise it’ll be the same this time as it was before’ he’ll take things into his own hands again and do exactly as he likes.’ But as Trinket knelt there in front of him, crying like a baby, his heart melted and he forgot his resolution. ‘Tamardy, kid!’ he said. ‘What do you want to cry for when you see me again?’

‘I thought I never would,’ said Trinket between sobs. ‘Oh, for goodness sake get up!’ said Kang Xi. Trinket scrambled to his feet. His cheeks and chin were wet with tears and the snivel from his nose, but there was a little smile at the corners of his mouth. Tamardy, how you’ve grown!’ said Kang Xi, momentarily transformed, as he jumped down from his throne, into the cocky boy whom Trinket used once to wrestle with. ‘Come on,’ he said. ‘Let’s see which of us is the taller!’ He made Trinket stand back to back with him and felt above their heads with the flattened palm of his hand. Trinket had already noticed that he was now a little taller than Kang Xi and deliberately flexed his knees so that he would appear to be an inch shorter than he really was. ‘We’re exactly the same height!’ said Kang Xi triumphantly. ‘How many children have you got now, Laurie?’ he asked when they were face to face once more. ‘Only three, Your Majesty,’ said Trinket. Two boys and a girl.’ Kang Xi laughed’ ‘Ah, there I can beat you! I’ve already got four sons and three daughters.’ That’s only natural,’ said Trinket. ‘It’s because of Your Majesty’s great- what’d’you’call?’em-talents!’ ‘You haven’t got very far with your education since last time I saw you,’ said Kang Xi, laughing. ‘Whatever have talents got to do with it?’

They always say he had great talents.’ The past year or two had been a worrying time for Kang Xi and he had missed having a young scapegrace like Laurie who could sometimes talk freely with him and make him laugh. Instead of correcting him, he asked him about life on Potluck Island and what he had thought of Taiwan and its people. Trinket concluded a glowing account of the latter by telling Kang Xi how grateful the people were that the Emperor had decided to let them stay. The advice my counsellors gave to evacuate the island was bad,’ said Kang Xi. ‘Government is to protect the welfare of the people, not make trouble for them. You and Shi Lang did right to protest. I shall count that to your credit.’

Trinket knelt and kowtowed. ‘I acted against orders, Your Majesty,’ he said. ‘I expect I deserve to be executed seventeen or eighteen times over. Forget about the credit. Just pardon me. Let me live, so that I can go on being with you and serving you.’ ‘I’m glad you realize you deserve to be executed seventeen or eighteen times over,’ said Kang Xi with a wry smile. ‘It’s a pity you haven’t got eighteen heads. I should cut off seventeen of them if you had.’ ‘I’d be happy with just one,’ said Trinket, still on his knees. ‘Just a mouth to talk and eat with.’ ‘We’ll have to see how you behave in future’ said Kang Xi. ‘If you’re loyal to me and carry out my orders faithfully, you can keep your head.’ ‘I’ve always been loyal to you,’ Trinket said earnestly. ‘Do you know what the word means?’ ‘Well, honest and true?’ said Trinket tentatively. ‘Honest?’ said Kang Xi, laughing. ‘If you are honest, there isn’t a single slippery little crook living in the whole wide world.’ ‘I’ve always been loyal to you,’ said Trinket. ‘In my heart, I have.’ ‘Get up, get up!’ said Kang Xi.

Trinket got to his feet again. ‘With you it’s special,’ he said. ‘I might be a bit crooked with other people. I might even be a bit crooked sometimes with my friends; but I’d never betray them.’ ‘If it’s the Triads you’re thinking of, you needn’t worry,’ said I Ht L>ttK AND I Ht CAULDRON Kang Xi. ‘I’m not asking you any more to betray them. You don’t, in any case, need to apologize for being unwilling to betray your friends. When you refuse to betray the Triads, I know that you’d never be willing to betray me. As a matter of fact, it’s one of my reasons for pardoning you now.’ A wave of affection swept over Trinket. ‘I don’t understand all that,’ he said. ‘All I know is-is-‘ (he was becoming tearful) ‘if someone’s been good to me, I can’t bring myself to let them down.’ Kang Xi nodded. ‘What about the Russian Princess?’ he said. ‘She was quite good to you, wasn’t she’ What if I told you I wanted you to go and fight her?’

Trinket laughed. ‘I helped her out when her life was in danger and thanks to me she ended up ruling the whole country. I owe her nothing. If she’s sent soldiers to steal land that belongs to Your Majesty, she must be stopped. I’d go myself to take her prisoner and bring her here for you to have a look at if it weren’t so far away.’


‘Yes, that’s the whole point,’ said Kang Xi. ‘It’s an enormous country. The Western priest Nan Huairen tells me that Russia is bigger even than our Empire. If we have to fight them on the Amur River, the hugeness of their country is in one way an advantage to us, because all their supplies-men, horses, guns, food. everything in fact-have to be transported eastwards hundreds and hundreds of miles, whereas our lines of transport are much shorter. I’ve already had two settlements, Aigun and Khumarsk, fortified to serve as bases and stocked them with arms and provisions, with a chain of staging-posts along the routes leading up to them along which we can send more supplies. The disadvantage is that if we lost a war with them, in no time at all they could be through the passes, and then it would be all up with our Empire.’

‘If we are going to fight them’ Kang Xi continued, ‘we have to win. We can’t afford to lose. At the same time, we don’t want to defeat them utterly. The country is just too big to conquer. They would simply rally their forces and eventually the same trouble would start all over again. And so it would go on endlessly. That’s why I’m choosing you to command the expedition I’m planning. It’s not because you can fight battles. I have plenty of good soldiers who can do that. Some of them will be going with you. I want the Russians to be shown that we are a force to be reckoned with. I want them to be afraid of us, yet at the same time made to feel that we are a highly civilized people and willing to have friendly relations with them if they will behave. If you can do this without fighting, so much the better. Best of all would be if you could use your relationship with this princess to negotiate a peace. Something that will last, so that we can stop having this trouble on our frontier. I am putting you in command of a very large force-a very large force indeed. If you do have to fight, you’d better not be defeated. If you are, I shall come in person with another army and the first thing I shall do will be to cut off your head. Do you get the idea?’

‘If I’m going to lose my head, it’ll be in the fighting,’ said Trinket resolutely. ‘The Russians may cut it off, but I’ll see to it that Your Majesty doesn’t get the chance.’ ‘That’s all right, then,’ said Kang Xi. ‘As long as we understand each other. Now then. As you’re going to be at the head of this whole undertaking, I’m making you a Duke, Third Class. I thought “Duke of Luding” would be a good title. “Luding” means “deer and cauldron” and “Mount Luding” is the name of a mountain near Albazin, the fortress that the Russians have built on our frontier which has been causing so much trouble.’ Trinket kowtowed his thanks. He remembered seeing the funny symbols on the map that Doublet had pieced together for him, and already guessed that Albazin, the fort where he had first met Princess Sophia, was in fact the Deer and Cauldron Mountain.



Kang Xi went on to tell him about the other arrangements he had made’ the officers he had appointed who would be on Trinket’s staff, the strengths of the various contingents making up the expedition, the number of pieces of ordnance in the artillery, and so forth. Finally he asked him if he could think of anything else he might need. Trinket said there was a former Taiwanese officer called Lin Xingzhu who commanded a group of men specially trained to withstand small’arms fire with their wicker shields. After sailing with him from Taiwan, Lin and his group were now stationed in Peking. He asked if he might take them too. Kang Xi thought this was an excellent idea and agreed enthusiastically. Then Trinket mentioned that he had a concubine who had been with him in Moscow and could speak the language. Could he take her with him’ (Officers were normally forbidden to take womenfolk with them on an expedition.) This, too, Kang Xi readily agreed to. He concluded the interview by wishing Trinket success.

Trinket kowtowed and was already on his way out, when Kang Xi thought of something else. ‘By the way’ he said, ‘it was Zheng Keshuang who killed your Shifu, Chen Jinnan, wasn’t it?’ ‘Yes’ said Trinket, surprised to find that he knew. ‘Zheng Keshuang offered surrender on conditions which I accepted’ said Kang Xi. ‘The terms of surrender guarantee his safety and that of all Coxinga’s descendants. I don’t want you making any trouble for him.’ Trinket had to give his word.

Arrangements for Revenge

He was walking along slowly from the Upper Library with his eyes on the ground, disgruntled that he was now obliged to abandon any thought he might have had of avenging the Helmsman’s death, when a familiar voice caused him to look up. The figure that met his eyes, that of a big, broad’shouldered man with a friendly smile, so exactly resembled that of the Intendant of the Palace Guards, Colonel Dolong, whom, with much regret- sacrificing this one friend to save many others-he had fatally stabbed some years before, that he took it for a vengeful ghost and was for some moments undecided whether to run in terror or kneel and beg its forgiveness. But whatever it was, it grasped his hand warmly and began addressing him in a very un’ghostlike manner. The shadow cast by the bulky figure as the sunlight shone into the covered passageway finally convinced Trinket that it was a living Dolong who was talking to him.


‘Haven’t seen you for ages, brother’ he said. ‘At first you just seemed to have disappeared; then we were told that you’d taken up fishing and gone to live on Potluck Island. I felt very happy for you when I heard that you’d been promoted- more than once, I believe.’ What Dolong went on to say increased Trinket’s sense of guilt. It appeared that he was actually grateful to him for saving his lifel Because of an unusual abnormality, the carefully aimed dagger had punctured one of his lungs instead of entering his heart. He had escaped dying, but had remained unconscious for several days after the stabbing. What he had been told after he regained consciousness Trinket could only guess, but he appeared to believe that when he passed out Trinket had driven off an unknown assassin who had been trying to kill him. It was all supposed to be connected in some way with Princess Ning, about whose highly irregular behaviour it was always best not to inquire. Trinket calculated that it must have been Kang Xi who put this idea into his head and was duly grateful. ‘Decent of old Misty to have done that for me!’ he thought.

They talked about the Taiwanese campaign and Dolong told him that Sir Zheng was now a duke. The hateful Feng Xifan, the Bloodless Sword, had also been given a tide and a fine house in the city. Trinket felt more indignant than ever at the injustice of the Helmsman’s killers being honoured and rewarded; but he had given his word to Kang Xi that he would not meddle with them and dared not pursue them for his revenge. Then it suddenly occurred to him that there was a way in which he could ease his guilty feelings towards Dolong by doing him a good turn and at the same time make a lot of trouble for Zheng by getting someone else to do the mischief. ‘Do you remember that time when you were collecting evidence about the Rat Trap Congress in Hejianfu?’ he asked. ‘You and some of the Imperial Guards did me a favour by leaning on this Zheng fellow, who’d been giving me trouble. A few of the boys were roughing him up a bit and then I pretended to have a fight with you and you dropped off the wall and pretended you were dead.’ Dolong laughed at the recollection. ‘Yes’ he said. ‘It was about a girl you fancied, wasn’t it’ She was a very pretty girl too. What became of her?’ ‘I married her’ said Trinket. ‘She’s already had a son.’



‘Congratulations!’ said Dolong. That fellow’s an out and out crook’ said Trinket. ‘Over the years I’ve lent him thousands, but though he’s had the whole of Taiwan for pickings, he’s never paid me back a penny. I don’t see why even a duke shouldn’t pay his debts.’ ‘You lent him ten thousand that time in Hejianfu’ said Dolong. ‘We all saw you.’ ‘Ten thousand!’ said Trinket. ‘You’d never guess what he owes me now. Three million, eight hundred thousand.’ Dolong made a face. ‘It doesn’t sound possible.’ ‘I’ve got an IOU to prove it’ said Trinket. ‘Written in blood.’ The scheme he now outlined was that he should farm out this huge debt by dividing it into shares of one or two thousand taels which would be taken up by Dolong’s guards and collected by them individually as and when they saw fit. That way he calculated would cause Zheng the maximum amount of anxiety and inconvenience. Dolong at first resisted the idea that he and his colleagues should keep the money they collected, but Trinket insisted, and after promising to send someone to deliver the IOU into Dolong’s keeping, he continued on his way out of the Palace.

Outside the Palace Prince Kang, Songgotu, and eight or nine other high’ranking Manchu and Chinese officials were waiting to congratulate him. They had come, they said, to conduct him to his Residence in Bronze Hat Lane-Trinket found this puzzling for a moment since the bombardment by cannon had reduced his palace there to a heap of charred beams and blackened rubble. But then he remembered the Emperor telling him some time before in an Edict that there was a new Residence waiting for him in Peking, bigger and more splendid than the last. Prince Kang had personally supervised the building of it. It had, said the Prince, for some time now been ready for his return. It was complete in every respect except that the board over the main entrance which served as a name’plate was still blank, waiting for a title to be given him by the Emperor. This Trinket could now tell them, and LUDING GONGFV, or DEER & CAULDRON PALACE, was written for him by an Academician in characters a foot high and traced out by a gilder onto the blank board.

When all these grand guests had gone, Trinket and his seven wives had a small family celebration in the new Residence at which they drank to the success of the Russian expedition. When he told them that he would be taking Doublet with him, there was a certain amount of grumbling about favouritism; but they were mollified when he told them, not entirely truthfully, that it was on the Emperor’s orders, because she could speak Russian. In any case, Doublet was always so gentle and unassuming that the others could not bring themselves to feel jealous-except, perhaps, Princess Ning, who was still very conscious of her Imperial connections and greatly resented that not she but a servant’girl should have been chosen. But these days the Princess’ arrogance was very much in abeyance. When she did indulge it, the other six wives presented a solid front against her, and Trinket would very seldom take her side. It was Doublet’s task to deliver the IUU mac ou i’m’n5 ^^ written in his own blood to Dolong’s place next day. She brought back Dolong’s assurance that this written evidence would, as he put it, enable him and his fellow’guardsmen to ‘squeeze a certain person dry’.

During the next few days Trinket was summoned almost daily to the Palace. Kang Xi had a huge map which he said Trinket would be taking with him on the expedition. He had annotated it in his own hand and, as they pored over it, he showed Trinket how he had planned each step of the campaign. Trinket had the wit to see that the Emperor would like to have been doing all these things himself, but could not because of his position, and would, in a sense, be doing them vicariously, through him. He tried in a clumsy way to express this, and Kang Xi’s little smile told him that he had understood.

The Supreme Commander

On a day chosen for its auspiciousness by the Board of Astronomy, the great army left for the North, seen off with ceremonial pomp by the Emperor and his Court. The ceremony took place in the vast paved area inside the Noon Gate, the southernmost gate of the Forbidden City, which is the main entrance to it and which is nowadays generally referred to as Tiananmen’ or The Gate of Heavenly Peace’.

This great paved area is divided into two equal halves by the Brook of Golden Water, which runs through it from west to east in a marble channel and is crossed by five marble bridges with ornately carved balustrades. Trinket and his general staff and the other officers, all in full battledress, waited in the area north of the Brook where a farewell banquet had been prepared, while the Court- princes, dukes, beikhs, and ministers of state, all in full Court rig, were assembled facing them on the terrace of the Great Harmony Gate, which is the entrance from the north end of the paved area to the series of palaces beyond. A pavilion of Imperial yellow silk had been erected on this terrace, in the centre of which a throne had been placed for the Emperor. When Kang Xi had entered and taken his seat on this throne, Lord Wei, Duke of Luding, Commander’in’Chief of the Northern Expeditionary Force, advanced at the head of his staff and knelt before him. An official from the Inner Secretariat stepped forward and ceremoniously presented the Letters Patent setting out the purpose of the campaign in Manchu, Mongol, and Chinese and then, in succession, the Supreme Commander’s seal of office and symbolic gifts of a surcoat, a horse, a bow, and a sword.

After Trinket and the rest had kowtowed and joined the other officers below, Imperial bandsmen struck up some music and the banquet began, while troupes of artistes appeared and entertained the banqueters with their various skills. Trinket was summoned to drink with the Emperor, who stood up to present the Wine-cup; and Trinket knelt to receive it and drank from it while still on his knees. His staff officers were offered their drinks by less exalted hands; but everyone, even the rank and file on the other side of the Brook, was offered drinks by someone, and everyone received a gift of money and some cloth. When everyone had drunk and all the gifts had been distributed, the signal was given to rise and kowtow their thanks. Then the Emperor was borne to the Noon Gate to see them off. The Commander’in’Chief and his officers kowtowed once more and went through the ritual of begging the Son of Heaven to return to his Palace. Then the army could at last begin its march. They made an imposing sight, and Trinket, riding at their head, felt very proud.

The senior men at Court, however, saw this grinning youth, got up to look like a general but utterly lacking the appropriate martial air, as an illiterate guttersnipe with no military skill or experience, whose appointment would most likely result in defeat and national humiliation; but knowing he enjoyed the Emperor’s particular favour, those princes and dukes and great ones merely smiled, and kept their thoughts to themselves.


丞相鱼鱼工拥笏 将军跃跃俨登坛

Heads You Lose!

After some days the army marched through the pass at Shanhaiguan where the Great Wall reaches the sea. They were now in Liaodong, the homeland of the Manchus, which a few years previously Trinket and Doublet had traversed like hunted animals. Then it had been winter time and the whole land had been under a covering of snow. Now it was autumn’ crisp and bright and clear; but as the army continued to march northwards, a cold wind began to blow and the temperature dropped appreciably. They were some thirty miles from Albazin when He You, commander of the Vanguard Battalion which had been advancing ahead of the main army, came to report the information that had been brought in by his scouts. Raiding parties had been going out from Albazin every ten days or so and terrorizing the countryside round about, pillaging, raping, burning down homesteads, and perpetrating every kind of atrocity. He You estimated that they would probably make another sortie within the next few days.

Trinket had been instructed by Kang Xi what to do in almost any contingency. He ordered the main army to halt where they were and encamp. Then he ordered He You to set up a series of ambushes, stationing ten detachments of a hundred men each at different points along a circle of ten miles radius from the fort. They were not to engage with any large force of the enemy, but only when the numbers were such that they could be sure of overwhelming them. In any group they attacked, every Russian soldier must be either killed or captured. None must get back to the fort. He You went off suitably impressed.

A few days later a dispatch from He You arrived at headquarters reporting a success. A party of Russians raiders had been eliminated’ twenty’five killed and twelve made prisoner. When the prisoners were brought to camp that evening, Trinket said he would handle them himself. Sitting at a long table as if for a military tribunal, he had them brought up one by one to interrogate. They were surprised to hear him speak Russian, but were arrogant and uncooperative. All of them said the same thing’ it was only by trickery and superior numbers that they had been overcome. They made it quite clear that they looked on the Chinese with contempt. Trinket got very angry. He asked the soldiers guarding them to bring two of them up to the table again and untie their arms, then, taking a pair of dice out of an inner pocket and putting them on the table, he asked if they knew what these were. They did, of course. ‘Each of you take one and throw!’

The men looked at each other, surprised, wondering what sort of Chinese trickery this was going to be. They threw, nevertheless’ one a Seven and one a Five. ‘You’ve lost,’ he said in Russian to the one who’d thrown the Five. That means smerty (death).’ He turned to the Chinese guards. Take his head off. Outside.’ IHtUttKANL> I Ht CAULDRON The guards hustled the man out of the tent. A surprisingly short time later they came in again with his head, which they placed on the table. The eleven surviving prisoners gasped and looked rather ill. ‘Another two!’ said Trinket, and the guards pushed another pair of prisoners to the table and released their hands. But this pair refused to comply. ‘Smertyl’ said Trinket, and nodded to the guards, who had already grasped the meaning and dragged the struggling men outside. Soon their two heads had joined the one on the table. The next pair reacted differently from one another. One of them was trembling and picked up one of the dice resignedly, the other, a more aggressive character, snatched it from him and challenged Trinket to play with him himself.

Trinket let him have both the dice and took out another pair from his pocket. They were, of course, weighted. The Russian threw Seven and Trinket threw Ten. ‘Well?’ he asked the man. ‘What is there to say?’ said the Russian. ‘I’ve been unlucky, that’s all.’ ‘How many Chinese have you killed since you’ve been in our country?’ Trinket asked him. ‘Can’t remember’ said the man. ‘Seventeen or eighteen, I suppose.’ ‘Now it’s your turn’ said Trinket. Soon there were four heads on the table. Trinket pointed to one of the eight surviving prisoners. ‘You come and play with me!’ The man was trembling violently, but he took up the two dice in his shaking hands and threw. It turned out to be a very good throw. The pips added up to Eleven, which meant that Trinket needed a total of Twelve to win.

Normally it would have been a certainty, but since he’d been given this very important commission and threatened with beheading if he didn’t succeed in it, he hadn’t once dared to gamble and was out of practice. To his intense chagrin his score was only Deuce. But Trinket was not to be beaten. ‘Ha ha! I’ve won!’ he said. ‘What do you mean, you’ve won,’ said the Russian indignantly. ‘Eleven beats Two, doesn’t it?’ ‘Not in this case’ said Trinket. ‘Not by Chinese rules.’ ‘But that’s ridiculous’ said the man. ‘In Russia the higher score always wins.’ ‘When I’m in Russia, I’ll play by the Russian rules’ said Trinket. ‘Here you must play by mine. Smerty.’ Five heads on the table.

The next man Trinket proposed to play with was craftier. According to Chinese rules, would the higher or the lower score win this time, he asked. ‘According to the Chinese rules, if you’re a Chinese you win and if you’re a foreigner you lose.’ ‘That’s totally unreasonable’ said the man. ‘Only a barbarian would talk like that.’ ‘You come into our territory, raping and robbing and murdering the people who live here’ who’s the barbarian?’ said Trinket in somewhat fractured Russian. Then, to the guards (in Chinese)’ ‘Cut his head off!’ The row of heads on the table became six.

The next prisoner to be called out and unbound was a great strapping fellow with an enormous bushy beard. He stepped forward quite fearlessly and spoke in a loud, contemptuous voice’ ‘None of your fancy tricks for me, Chinese boy! If you’re going to kill me, kill me and get it over with! You only got the better of us because you came at us unawares and because there were so many of you. In a fair fight you wouldn’t have stood a chance.’ ‘Is that so?’ said Trinket. ‘I’ll have a bet with you’ said the big fellow. Tick five of your best men to fight me. If I lose, you can cut my head off. If I win, you set me free.’

Doublet, who had sat silently watching all this, suddenly piped up’ ‘Losha man no good. Chinese woman beat Losha man easy.’ (Her Russian was not nearly as good as Trinket’s.) The big Russian for the first time saw the pretty Chinese girl. ‘You speak Russian, eh’ That’s very good.’ Doublet didn’t feel that her Russian was good enough for a conversation. She stood and faced the big man, who towered a head and shoulders above her, and put up her fists. He laughed. ‘You want to fight me, then?’ Teach him a lesson, Doublet!’ said Trinket.

双儿的罗刹话比之韦小宝差得远,说起来辞不达意,不愿跟他多讲,左手挥出,向他脸上虚晃一掌。那兵急忙仰头,伸手来格。双儿右腿飞出,拍的一声,踢中了他小腹。那兵吃痛,大吼一声,双拳连发。他是罗刹国的拳击好手,出拳迅速,沉重有力。双儿看出厉害,闪身跃到他背后,一招 “左右逢源”,啪啪两声,在他左右腰眼里各踢一脚。那兵痛得蹲下来,叫道:“你用脚,犯规,犯规!”原来罗刹人比拳,规定不得出脚。韦小宝笑道:“这是中国地方,打架也讲中国规矩。”双儿叫道:“罗刹的,我也赢。”闪身转到那兵身前,右拳往他小腹击去。那兵伸手挡格。双儿这一拳乃是虚招,不等他挡到,右拳缩回,左拳已向他胸口。那兵又伸臂来格。双儿左一拳、右一拳,连发十二拳,拳拳皆是虚招,这在中国武术中有个名目,叫作“海市蜃楼”,意谓尽皆虚幻。只因每一招既不打实,又不用老,自比平常拳法快了数倍。那兵连挡数下,都挡了个空,哈哈大笑,说道:“女孩子的玩意,不中用……”一言未毕,啪啪两声,左右双颊已连吃了两掌。那兵大声叫喊,双臂直上直下的猛攻过来。双儿侧身避过,右手食指倏出,已点中那兵右边太阳穴。那兵一阵晕眩,晃了两晃。双儿跃身起来,手掌斩出,已中那兵后脑的“玉枕穴”,这是人身大穴,那兵虽然粗壮,却也支持不住,扑地倒下,再也爬不起来。韦小宝大喜,携住双儿的手,在那兵脑门上踢了一脚,问道:“你服不服了?”那兵迷迷糊糊的道:“中国女人……使妖法……是女巫……”韦小宝骂道:“臭猪,甚么妖法?拉出去砍了!你们这些罗刹兵,哪一个不服的,再出来比武?”
Doublet aimed a painful blow at his solar plexus. The man hit back then, boxing like a prizefighter; but Doublet dodged the blows and after a few quick feints, shot out a foot and kicked him hard in the belly. He doubled up. ‘Hey, that’s against the rules!’ he said. ‘We don’t fight like that in Russia.’ This is China,’ said Trinket. ‘Can beat by Russian rules’ said Doublet, and when he had straightened up again and taken several swipes at her, she feinted a few times and then, with lightning rapidity, jabbed him on two or three points with her outstretched fingers, totally disabling him so that he lay helpless on the ground, unable to stir. Trinket got up, walked over, and aimed a kick at him. ‘Admit you’re beaten,’ he said. ‘Witchcraft!’ said the man. The girl’s a witch.’ ‘Nonsense!’ said Trinket. Take him outside and cut his head off!’

The guards had to lift the man and carry him out. Soon there were seven heads on the table facing the five ashen’faced survivors, who were all visibly shaking with fear. ‘What about you lot?’ said Trinket. ‘Mercy!’ said one of them ‘I’ll do whatever you want.’ ‘And so will I.’ ‘And so will I’ said the others. ‘Good!’ said Trinket. ‘Now, give these men something to eat’ he said to the guards. ‘And drink. And treat them well. Look after them. We’re going to need them.’

During the days that followed, the Vanguard Battalion brought in several lots of prisoners, sometimes only one or two, sometimes as many as sixteen or seventeen at a time. These Russian soldiers were mostly from the dregs of society’ brutal men-criminals, convicts, penniless adventurers, and the like-bold enough when the despised Chinese settlers were their prey, but little inclined to heroics when they were caught. When the prisoners whom Trinket had tamed told these new arrivals how all those who diced with the Chinese leader had been beheaded, whereas those like themselves who did as they were told were given good meals and had plenty to drink and were treated better than back in barracks, they offered no further resistance to their captors but quickly learned to be docile and obedient.

Human Shashlik

The Governor of Albazin at this time was a man called Tolbusin, the previous Governor Golitsyn, who was the Regent Sophia’s lover, having been recalled to take up an important post in Moscow where he could be near her. When several of Tolbusin’s raiding parties (‘foraging parties’ he called them) failed to come back, and the scouts sent out to look for them reported that no trace of them could be found, he knew that some enemy, assisted no doubt by the local people, must be at large in the area, and decided to investigate in person. It would be necessary both to locate the enemy and to teach the natives a lesson. A large force would be needed. Half the entire strength of the garrison rode out with him that day. For some time there was no sign of any enemy, only one or two Chinese hamlets which they torched, massacring the inhabitants before proceeding on their way. Then, at a distance of seven or eight miles from the fort, a company of Chinese cavalry came galloping towards them and discharged a flight of arrows. Tolbusin laughed. ‘I don’t think these people are going to give us much trouble’ he said to the officers riding beside him. They don’t seem to have heard of the gun.’ He ordered his men to return fire with their muskets and ten or more Chinese riders dropped from their saddles.

A gong was sounded and the Chinese troop wheeled round and galloped off to the south. Tolbusin ordered his men to pursue; but the Chinese were mounted on specially chosen horses, too fast for the Russian cavalry to catch up with them. The Russians pursued them for several miles and had already lost sight of them when they saw, on the outskirts of a little wood ahead, a flagstaff from which fluttered a yellow silken banner. Drawing nearer, they saw that it was in the midst of a Chinese encampment consisting of seven or eight large tents. They halted when they were within range and, aiming at the tents, fired a couple of volleys with their muskets. A few mounted Chinese soldiers, who must have been guarding the camp, appeared from the trees and rode off to the south, after first turning to shoot at the Russians with their bows.

Tolbusin dismounted and looked inside the tents. In all of them there were signs that they had been recently abandoned. Clothes, armour, and weapons were lying about everywhere, as if snatched up and then dropped in the hurry to get away. In the largest tent, which had the flagstaff in front of it, there was even an unfinished meal on the table and some money and valuables amongst the litter on the floor. To horse, everybody!’ cried Tolbusin. The Chink commander is sure to be somewhere ahead. A reward to anyone who can catch him! He’s probably got gold on him, too.’ The troops stopped their looting, jumped on their horses, got back into some kind of formation, and continued the chase. After several miles more they began to approach mountainous country. As they rode on, they once or twice passed recently dead cavalry horses at the side of the road. ‘Look!’ said a Russian officer. They’ve been ridden to death. The Chinks must be in a bad way.’

They had reached the mountains now, from which faint shouts and cries could be heard like the sounds of a distant battle. Ahead of them the track they had been following entered a narrow pass between steep rocky sides’ a classic setting for an ambush. Tolbusin halted suspiciously at the entrance to the pass. But just at that moment they distinctly heard Russian voices’ ‘Look, the Chinks are surrendering!’ They’ve surrendered!’ ‘Ha ha, they’ve surrendered!’ Tolbusin assumed that some of the missing ‘foragers’, acting without orders and beyond the call of duty, had taken on a larger force of Chinese and beaten them. ‘What unit are you?’ he shouted. They appeared to have heard his voice but not heard what he was saying, for they did not answer his question. Instead, a number of Russian voices shouted back in unison’ ‘We’re in here. The Chinese have surrendered.’ ‘Wait!’ Tolbusin shouted back. ‘We’re coming in to join you.’ And he and his whole force entered the narrow defile.

When the last man had entered, fire flashed out at dozens of points from the trees high up on the steep sides of the valley, closely followed by the deafening roar of cannon. At the same time hundreds upon hundreds of Chinese soldiers seemed to materialize out of nowhere and rained down crossbow and small’arms fire on the Russian troops below. Turn the horses about!’ shouted Tolbusin. ‘Get out of the pass!’ But even as he gave the order, an avalanche of rocks and tree’trunks was rolling down the slopes on either side of the entrance, blocking it completely. ‘No, change that order! Charge ahead!’ said Tolbusin. ‘We must try to get out at the other end.’ But those who attempted to do this were blasted from either side by cannon, until the piled’up bodies of men and horses formed another barrier. The scene in the pass was now indescribable as those trapped inside attempted to control their horses, jostling and trampling each other, unable either to go forwards or to turn back. The shouts and screams of men and the whinnying of horses could be heard intermittently above the roar of the cannon. Tolbusin gave the order to dismount.

They would abandon their horses and scramble out on foot, relying on the superior power of their small’arms to shoot their way out. Those nearer the entrance to the pass tried to climb over the great pile of rocks and timber that now blocked it. A large number lost their lives when a huge bomb exploded, blowing many of them high into the air. Those farther back who tried scrambling up the sides of the valley presented an easy target to the Chinese soldiers above and were shot down in droves. Many escaped being shot but lost their footing and were killed or injured on the rocks below. There was clearly no hope of escape. Reluctantly Tolbusin gave the order to stop firing. The cry of ‘Cease fire!’ was taken up by the soldiers. The Chinese, too, stopped firing and the boom of the cannon ceased, creating an eerie silence. A voice was heard from the Chinese side speaking Russian through a loud’hailer’ ‘Russian soldiers, Russian soldiers! Throw down your muskets! Throw down your swords! Take all your clothes off!’

Tolbusin shouted back indignantly’ ‘We shall lay our arms down but not undress.’ The voice repeated the order and added, ‘If you do as we say, you will be treated well. If you do not take off your clothes, you will be killed.’ The cannon resumed firing to reinforce this message. Several of the Russians who had already thrown down their weapons began to undo their buttons. Tolbusin was furious. He took out a pistol and shot the man nearest him who had started to undress. ‘It is an offence to take off your uniform,’ he said. ‘I shall shoot any man who does so.’

But the soldiers feared the cannon more than they feared their commander and already several of them had thrown off their clothes and were clambering, stark naked, up the sides of the pass to laughter and applause from the Chinese troops above. The cannon’fire ceased. Nine out of ten of the soldiers were now kicking off their boots and unbuttoning their jackets. Tolbusin, having lost control, held the pistol to his head and would have killed himself had not one of his officers wrested it from him and persuaded him that his country might yet have need of his services. The unseen Russian speaker on the Chinese side was now heard again’ ‘Russian soldiers! Tolbusin also must be undressed. If not, firing will recommence.’ Several of those round Tolbusin were looking at him with calculating eyes. Suddenly one grabbed at the sword that was hanging at his side, while a naked man jumped on him from behind and wrapped a throttling arm round his neck. Five or six more wrestled him to the ground and began tearing off his clothes. When he was completely naked, they carried him between them, struggling convulsively, to deliver him into the hands of the waiting Chinese.

As each naked Russian emerged from the narrow valley, a pair of Chinese soldiers laid hands on him and bound his arms behind his back, before passing him on to join the other prisoners. The prisoners were marched in a long column for a mile or two to a stretch of level moorland, where they were made to form up in lines as if for a parade. Shivering in the chilly wind of autumn, broken and defeated, they presented a sorry spectacle-until Governor Tolbusin appeared, frogmarched between two guards, and was placed in front of them. The sight of this much-feared martinet standing bare’arsed on parade was too much for some of them. They began to titter.

‘No laughter!’ barked Tolbusin. ‘And stand to attention!’ This set them off. A little wave of laughter started in the ranks which grew and grew until every soldier was laughing hysterically. The laughter ended as quickly as it had begun when the young Chinese commander, accompanied by a flag’bearer and a large body of scimitar’bearing guards, rode slowly up and halted at a little distance from the parade of naked men. Holding a feather fan (rather superfluous at this time of year) and striking a theatrical gesture, he threw back his head and laughed three times, in a descending cadence, just as he had seen an actor do playing the part of the great general Cao Cao on the stage. ‘Ha!!’?’Ha!!”Ha!’

Then he spoke, surprising them by addressing them in their own language. ‘You have surrendered to the army of the Great Qing,’ he said. ‘If you are willing to submit yourselves to the mercy of the Great Qing Emperor in Peking, you will be given food and clothes and treated well.’ ‘Never!’ said Tolbusin. ‘I would rather be hacked to pieces. I regard you as a contemptible trickster, and I protest most strongly at being humiliated in this way.’ ‘How have I humiliated you?’ Trinket asked him. ‘Look at the state I am in.’ ‘Oh’ said Trinket, ‘who took off your breeches?’ Tolbusin was silent. ‘And what about you?’ said Trinket, turning to the ranks of shivering Russian prisoners. ‘There’s a white flag over there. Anyone willing to submit should walk over to that flag.’

It was fairly plain that many would have liked to, but although they had laughed at the sight of their naked Governor, they were still somewhat afraid of him and none of them ventured to move. They hung their heads and each man eyed his neighbours. Trinket, using dubious but highly effective methods, set about persuading them to change their minds. There was a delicacy he had learned to appreciate during a visit to their country called shashlik, he told them. He rather fancied trying some shashlik now, using pieces of their flesh. Ten men were led from the ranks by men in butcher’s aprons and taken into what appeared to be a canteen tent. Although they were out of sight, the howling of these men, from terror rather than pain, when a few superficial cuts were made on their bodies, convinced the horrified men outside that the slivers of grilled meat later served up on skewers ‘were not pieces of good prime beef but human flesh a la brochette. In ones and twos at first, but then in one great body, they left their ranks and drifted towards the flag. Tolbusin was left standing alone. ‘Well,’ said Trinket. Will you submit?’ ‘Never!’ said Tolbusin. ‘I have told you’ I would prefer to die.’





‘Very well’ said Trinket. ‘I’ll send you back to Albazin.’ This was so unexpected that Tolbusin was at first lost for words. ‘If you are allowing me to go back to Albazin’ he said, ‘at least give me back my clothes.’ ‘I’m afraid that won’t be possible’ said Trinket, and ordered a colonel on his staff to take Tolbusin with an escort of Chinese troops to the gates of Albazin and deliver him up there after first parading him naked three times round the walls of the fort. Tolbusin had to endure the taunts and jeers of the Chinese troops on the march there and the scrutiny of the Russians who crowded the walls for an unusual glimpse of their Governor when they got to Albazin. As for the Russian prisoners, except for twenty with good strong voices who were retained for future use, they were dressed in Qing uniforms and sent under escort, with news of the victory, to Peking.

Winter sets In

Trinket ordered a victory celebration for the army with a generous distribution of food and drink. Early next morning they struck camp and moved to positions nearer to Albazin. The campaign to take the fort now began in earnest. Cannon were placed on all sides of it and opened a bombardment. Unfortunately the Russians’ answering fire was more effective, killing many Chinese soldiers, whereas the Chinese cannon-fire, though wrecking a number of dwelling’houses inside the fort, seemed to make little impression on its walls, which were enormously thick. An attack on the walls using scaling ladders led by one of the Manchu officers was very nearly successful, until the officer himself was severely wounded and many of his unit lost their lives. The Russians were emboldened to make a sortie and did much damage with their small-arms. They were only halted when Lin Xingzhu and his specially trained troops with their wicker shields performed their curious rolling act, putting many of the Russians and their horses out of action and causing the rest to retreat back into the fort. For a long time after that no further sallies were attempted. So far little progress had been made. Trinket summoned the commanders of the different units to a council of war in his headquarters tent to discuss the future conduct of the campaign.

Both the Manchu and Chinese officers were trained soldiers who had done many years of service, and much of their discussion was way above his head. As far as he could make out, three completely different strategies were being proposed: (1) tunnelling into the fort, or, alternatively, tunnelling in order to mine the wall and make a breach in it; (2) throwing up an encircling rampart of earth and starving the defenders into surrender; (3) provoking the defenders into making sorties so as to further exploit the successful tactics of Lin Xingzhu’s special force.

Trinket was quite incapable of judging the relative merits of these different proposals. His solution was to approve them all, merely insisting that the tunnellers should confine themselves to undermining the wall and not attempt any tunnelling inside. He was a little worried that tunnelling inside the fort might interfere with the Dragon Line on which his friend Kang Xi’s fate depended, and which might one day lead him to the Treasure. None of these strategies, which from next day onwards began to be put into effect, was entirely successful. Hong Chao, the officer who had been the loudest advocate of the plan to provoke the Russians into attacking outside the fort, got his soldiers to learn a choice range of Russian insults from the prisoners. These they assiduously shouted at the Russians on the walls; but the Russians were unwilling to expose their horses again to Lin Xingzhu’s vicious tactics and declined to be drawn outside.

The Chinese sappers made a good start at undermining the wall. They had tunnelled halfway through, inserting as they went the wooden props they would afterwards burn to make part of it collapse, when one of the wells inside the fortress suddenly dried up, and Tolbusin, guessing that the cause was probably an enemy mine and skilfully calculating where the mine was likely to be, had a bomb dropped from the wall near the surface above it that caused it to collapse and bury the soldiers inside. The rampart of earth was rather more successful. Chinese peasants from the villages round about, who had suffered from the depredations of Russian raiders based in the hated fortress, were willing to help the soldiers with their digging, and Tolbusin watched anxiously from the walls as the circle of earthwork began gradually to close. He had some hopes that a relieving force might arrive soon from the Russian setdement at Nerchinsk, unaware that Kang Xi had already sent a Chinese force to the Nerchinsk area who would prevent any relief from getting through. But Albazin was plentifully stocked with supplies of every kind and capable if necessary of sustaining a very long siege, and winter was not far off now, when it would be impossible for a besieging force to camp outside.

It was, indeed, beginning to get much colder. Already the ground was getting too hard to dig, and after the first day or two of snow, the peasants left, promising to come and help next year after the thaw and strongly advising the soldiers to move further south. Those of the senior officers who had been in the North before knew that frostbite was the least of the dangers they would be facing if they stayed on. In winter the night’time temperature in these parts sometimes dropped to levels that could kill a man. Already one or two cases had been reported of men who had died in their sleep.

Trinket was unable to make up his mind. He knew it would be unsafe to stay much longer, and yet it seemed feeble to leave when hardly any of the tasks that Kang Xi had set him had been achieved. While he was still hesitating, an envoy arrived from the Court with an Imperial Edict. In it Kang Xi congratulated his Supreme Commander, Lord Wei, on the late victory. He had sent one of the captured officers with a letter to the court in Moscow urging a cessation of hostilities and the holding of talks with a view to making a pact of lasting peace. If next year the Russians on the Amur proved still intransigent, the offensive against them should be renewed and brought to a successful conclusion. Meanwhile the Emperor, concerned for the welfare of his troops in the inclement northern climate, ordered the Supreme Commander to withdraw them to winter quarters in Aigun and Khumarsk, where they could rest and recuperate. Gifts of money, food, wine, and clothing were to be distributed to all officers and men according to their rank. When Trinket and the senior officers had offered formal thanks for this Edict, it was taken and read to the troops of every unit, who showed their appreciation with noisy cheering.

Piss Attack

Preparations now began for the withdrawal. With gleeful triumph the Russians saw signs that the Chinese army was planning to depart and crowded the wall’top, hooting derisively, to watch them breaking camp. As a farewell message, they undid the flaps of their breeches and pissed in the direction of the Chinese troops below. Trinket was furious. He ordered all available Chinese soldiers to line up facing the fort and piss back at them. Several hundred Chinese soldiers standing shoulder to shoulder and pissing with all their might was undoubtedly a brave sight; but apart from an impressive band of yellow snow parallel to the wall, it had very little effect. In this unequal contest the Russians had the advantage of height. But Trinket refused to be beaten. Pointing a menacing finger at the Russians on the wall, he threatened them with obscenely dreadful reprisals. The Imperial Envoy was shocked. The Supreme Commander should not demean himself by competing with these disgusting Russian barbarians. It would be better for his dignity to ignore them. ‘I can’t do that’ said Trinket. ‘We don’t want to lose face.’ He asked the Quartermaster General if the army had any firefighting equipment.

In answer to his question a mobile pump- a pump mounted on a sort of handcart- was produced. Trinket ordered it to be pushed up on top of the earthen rampart. As all water everywhere was frozen solid by now, Trinket asked one of the army chefs to heat thawed’out ice in the cookhouse and had the boiling but rapidly cooling water poured into the pump; then, to the Imperial Envoy’s visible distaste, he pulled his clothes up and his trouser’top down and pissed into the water. Two or three soldiers volunteered enthusiastically to pump, and a stream of the greatly’diluted urine was directed at the wall, catching by turns two of the Russian soldiers in the face. The Chinese troops sent up a cheer. ‘Idiocy!’ said the Imperial Envoy to himself. But Trinket appeared to have lost interest. He was having an idea. ‘How many of these things have we got?’ he asked the Quartermaster General. ‘Eighteen.’ ‘I need hundreds. A thousand.’


They thought he had taken leave of his senses. Even a hundred would be impossible to get hold of. And how would they produce enough piss’ It wasn’t a piss’attack he had in mind now, he said. They could do a great deal of damage to the Russians if they could shoot a lot of water into the fort-more damage, perhaps, than cannon’ fire had so far been able to achieve. Water would instantly freeze’ on the ground, on clothing, on everything in fact. But there ‘would have to be a lot of it. The idea was not without its attractions, but how on earth would they get the pumps’ A fairly junior officer asked permission to speak. ‘In my part of Fujian people can’t afford proper fire’fighting pumps when there is a fire’ he said. ‘We use lengths of very large bamboo pipe with a coin’sized hole at one end and a wooden plunger at the other. Then we siphon the water up and squirt it through the hole by working the plunger.’ Ingenious, they thought. But there wasn’t any bamboo in these parts. And anyway, it sounded too small’scale’ even if they made hundreds of them, they would be quite inadequate for blanketing a large fortress with ice. However, a master’carpenter among the army tradesmen had been giving the matter some thought.

There is plenty of fir and spruce everywhere round here,’ he said. ‘You could cut the trees into six’ or seven’foot lengths and hollow out the middles-‘ ‘How would you do that?’ Trinket asked him. ‘Well, I take it it’s only a rough job you want’ something that only has to last for a day or two. You could saw them in half lengthways and chisel out the middle. Then you could fasten the two halves together again with metal hoops. Or, for a quick job, you could use large nails. I think I could work out the other parts. You’d need to mount them on something. And I don’t think you’d be able to siphon the water up into them’ they’d be too big for that. We’d have to find some other way of filling them. The water’s another problem, but that’s for someone else to work out. If you give me a bit of time, I think I could knock up something for you to try out.’

Trinket encouraged him to go ahead. By the next day the master-carpenter and his team of workmen had produced something that looked rather peculiar and was very laborious to operate, but which projected a very satisfactory jet of water, powerful enough to carry a hundred yards. It emptied quickly and needed constant refilling, but Trinket thought that if they could make enough copies of this crude water’squirting tree’cannon in a hurry, his plan could go ahead. The troops were divided into squads, each with a different task. Some were put to felling and lopping trees, some to sawing up and chiselling the timber, some to assembling the various parts that made up the ‘cannon’, some to stacking fuel for the fires, and some to piling up huge mounds of snow and collecting all available iron vessels for heating it and buckets for carrying the water in.

The Russians watching from the walls were mystified. Now, instead of leaving, the Chinese were running about like an army of busy ants, all seemingly occupied with incomprehensible tasks. Even when the water’cannon, hundreds of them, with the tree’bark left on them for speed of manufacture, were pushed and heaved to the top of the earthen rampart, the Russians remained mystified. Governor Tolbusin, informed of this puzzling development, went onto the wall to inspect these things in person. A day or two previously he had seen the fires, dozens of which the Chinese had kindled near the foot of the earthwork for heating water. He assumed that they had changed their minds about breaking camp and decided to stick out the winter, relying on the fires to keep them warm. He put this down to their inexperience. ‘Wait and see, my friends!’ he had said to himself. ‘You don’t know the Russian winter. Just stay there, my Chinese friends, and freeze to death!’

But these strange tree’like objects were another matter. They puzzled him as much as they had the troops. What devilry were the Chinese up to now’ He was answered sooner than he could have wished. At that very moment the ‘objects’ opened fire and a hundred jets of hot water shot towards the Russian soldiers on the wall. One of them caught Tolbusin full in the chest, knocking him off his feet so that he fell down flat on his back and had to be helped up by two of his officers.

‘Damned Chinese witchcraft!’ he said; but to the soldiers on the wall he shouted’ ‘Come on, men, use your muskets! Fire on them, you fools!’ But the men scarcely heeded him. His authority was much diminished since they had seen him paraded naked round the fort. The jets kept coming. As steam from the water rose like a cloud around them, they began to panic, and with cries of ‘Witchcraft!’ they fought each other to get to the steps that led down from the wall. Each water-cannon needed a team of six to operate it’ two on each side of the horizontal bar that worked the plunger and two to fetch water and fill the cylinder. The barrage was kept up, despite the delay for refilling, by dividing the line into groups of three or four cannon and discharging them in sequence. The water cooled rapidly and quickly froze. Much of it was falling inside the wall and, as the barrage continued, it spread farther and farther into the fort. Where there was any snow, it first melted it and then froze, making an even thicker covering of ice. There was ice everywhere, and more and more people were slipping and falling on it. Clothing became soaked and had to be quickly removed. Wet clothing could freeze to the body in this climate, and when you took it off, your skin came away with the clothes.

For some time now morale in the fort had been very low. The Russians were hugely outnumbered by this army of Orientals, who, in addition to their numerical superiority, seemed to possess supernatural powers. Supplies in the fort were plentiful and as yet there were no shortages; but no end of the siege was in sight, and they were likely to be stuck in this remote and unattractive outpost indefinitely. Tolbusin’s harshness and cruelty made matters worse. He had, from the first, been an unpopular Governor, but since his humiliation by the Chinese he no longer even had the authority which had previously enabled him to maintain discipline and conduct an efficient defence. Some of the inhabitants, particularly among the small civilian population of government clerks, Orthodox priests, small traders, and prostitutes who catered to the needs of the soldiers, had already begun discussing the relative advantages of a surrender. This new calamity was the last straw’ this steaming water that poured on them from the air and turned into ice, the mysterious invention of a seemingly all’powerful enemy. A small deputation approached Tolbusin as he was crossing the central square accompanied by several of his officers. He grew angry. He called them traitors and threatened to have them shot.


Suddenly a snowball from somewhere in the square was aimed in his direction. It missed him, but then it was followed by another one which didn’t. Tolbusin grew furious, pulled out his pistol, and fired in what was intended to be the direction of the assailant, but the man who fell dying was a member of the deputation. There were angry cries. More people were gathering and many were throwing snowballs- snowballs with stones or lumps of ice in them. Tolbusin shouted to an officer to order out the cavalry and clear the square, but the officer merely looked away and did nothing. At this Tolbusin seemed to go berserk. He struck out wildly at the officer, and when the man dodged and attempted to slip away, chased after him in a most undignified manner with hand upraised to strike, pursued all the while by catcalls and a rain of snowballs. In his rage Tolbusin forgot about the ice. A particularly hard snowball caught him on the neck and he slipped up, sailing through the air spectacularly and landing on his back. He landed in what, in summertime, would have been seen as an open drain; but the evil’smelling water, carrying in it all kinds of ordure, had frozen and been covered over with snow, now temporarily thawed by water from the Chinese cannon. He lay in this channel, with only his head and shoulders above the surface, shouting for someone to come and pull him out.

Several ran over and stood around him watching, but no one made the slightest effort to help him-indeed, someone poked him with his foot in a furtive attempt to push him in even further. Whether he had been seriously injured by his fall or because his body was paralysed by the cold, he appeared to have lost the ability to struggle and lay there immobile. His shouts turned into gasps; then the gasps, too, ceased, and, as they watched in fascinated silence, his face turned blue and his staring eyes became glassy. They continued to stand there watching for several minutes, until it occurred to them that he was dead. Only then did they try to pull him out’ but Governor Tolbusin had frozen into the ice. Meanwhile the barrage of jets was gradually easing off as more and more of the crude water’cannon were jamming or splitting or beginning to fall apart and the supplies of fuel and water were running out. Trinket’s brilliant plan appeared to have ended in failure, and the huge efforts all had put into it now seemed wasted. As he stood gazing, in deepest dejection, towards the fort, he saw the gates suddenly open and a great crowd of Russians stream out, waving their arms above them and calling out ‘Surrender!’ The change from gloom to joy made him incoherent’ he began rushing about deliriously, uttering incomprehensible orders.

It was fortunate that the seasoned officers, Chinese and Manchus, under his command, knew what to do. In the hours that followed, the prisoners were marshalled, numbered, and taken care of, the occupation of the city was carried out professionally, inventories made of armouries and stores, and the Governor’s residence made ready for Trinket and his staff to enter. Tolbusin’s corpse was hacked out of the ice and put inside a coffin. Songgotu and the Imperial Envoy were both fulsome in their praise. The Emperor had specified that victory over the Russians was to be obtained with the minimum of bloodshed. The taking of Albazin with the loss of hardly a single life was surely unprecedented. His Imperial Majesty could congratulate himself on the wisdom and ingenuity of his Supreme Commander. Trinket could not resist a little boasting. ‘We could have taken the fort before’ he told the Envoy, ‘but I thought I’d like to wait till Your Excellency had arrived so that you could see how it was done with your own eyes.’ Trinket had seen enough of Court officials to know the right things to say, and so he added’ ‘Of course, I couldn’t have done it without the advice of you two gentlemen.’

Although Songgotu and the Envoy were both civilians and had not contributed one iota to the campaign, Trinket knew that a little praise cost nothing and would guarantee a report in which anything unfavourable had been suppressed.

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