Wei Yingwu: Seventh Day of the Seventh Month


Seventh Day of the Seventh Month

七 夕
人 世 拘 形 迹
别 去 间 山 川。
岂 意 灵 仙 偶
相 望 亦 弥 年。
夕 衣 清 露 湿
晨 驾 秋 风 前。
临 欢 定 不 住
当 为 何 所 牵。


Qi Xi

Ren shi ju xing ji
Bie qu jian shan chuan.
Qi yi ling xian ou
Xiang wang yi mi nian.

Xi yi qing lu shi
Chen jia qiu feng qian.
Lin huan ding bu zhu
Dang wei he suo qian ?


Seventh Day of the Seventh Month

Human world restrained by etiquette
Mountains and rivers separated by distances.
Can we not imagine the images of immortal deities
Over the years they also can see and visit each other over great distances.

From sunset my clothing moist from a clear dew
After morning comes, I will ride with the autumn wind.
Not certain being close to happiness will continue
Yet what things made the immortals separate?



Seventh day of the seventh month:  Also known as the Qixi Festival, is very close to the western Valentines Day. It celebrates the two celestial and mythological lovers Oxherd and Weaver Girl. They meet only once a year in the Milky Way after traveling along a bridge of magpies.

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